Healing with Music
Alternative Medicine  Spiritual    Sound

Tomatis Method
Tom Kenyon
Sharry Edwards

[2015 March] 6 Ways Drumming Heals Body, Mind and Soul

Solfeggio Tones: Sound Healing and Frequency Freedom

[2000] Decloaking Pathogens With Low-Frequency Sound by Sharry Edwards, MEd

[Video] How to make music sound like Heaven!!! and a very inconvenient truth revealed !!!

music notes to chakras and the colors related


Darren Austin Hall is an amazing sound healer. Pleasure your senses... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tL5keipA2mc

See: Music Mafia

Go here to look at the sacred circle of sound as it gives a different perspective on this...



UPDATE 11-14-6:419 Hertz ("standard 420 hertz").

In my research on this project I am finding interesting things about each one of my frequencies. In this update I wish to share some thought on 419. Here are some thoughts form the perspective of a person that plays violin for now, and I will post more later on this wave here on this uupdate.

What people are doing is tuning old violins to new musical fashion. A more passionate view might be that musical treasures are being dangerously souped up to keep pace with unreasonable demands [for a stronger, more brilliant orchestral sound].

The problem begins at A. In fact, that's pretty much the whole problem. When the first Cremonese masters were making their violins, violas and cellos, everybody agreed that the pitch of A above middle C was around 420 cycles per second, or 420 hertz. Since A is the tuning note on which other notes--up and down-- are based, first A is tuned in, then all strings are tightened accordingly. With A at 420 hertz, these instruments, which many say are unequaled for their tone quality, sounded warm and rich among the few other strings in a small chamber orchestra.

But as orchestras and concert halls got bigger, musicians started to tune their instruments sharper, raising the pitch of A and thus all the other notes. The more brilliant, more piercing sound could be heard above other players and delight listeners even at the top of the third balcony.

The more that violinists tightened their strings, the more pressure they put on their violin bodies. Singers had to reach for higher notes, putting more pressure on their bodies, too. By the time Giuseppe Verdi was writing his operas in the mid-19th century, A had sharpened to 435 hertz. That, Verdi thought, was enough for both man and machine. He got an international meeting in Vienna in 1885 to fix A at that level.

It didn't last. In 1939 another international meeting set A at 440 hertz....Many orchestras tune today to 443, 445, or even 450 heretz, stretching strings ever tighter.

Sound and music consist of vibrations, the more vibrations per second, the higher the pitch. The unit for this is the Hertz, abbreviated Hz.

432 Hz is the natural "keynote" in the universe, as opposed to 440 Hz, which is the standard in the music nowadays.

In 1939, they say, the Nazis determined 440 Hz as the keynote in the music, until then 432 Hz was the standard often worldwide. Many protests of prominent musicians didn't help unfortunately. This theory is rather controversial.

According to other sources, in 1885 already has been decided that 440 Hz had to be the standard, and around 1940 the United States then introduced 440 Hz worldwide, and finally in 1955 became the ISO 16-standard.

Most musical instruments are also adjusted at 440 Hz nowadays, that wasn't earlier always the fact. If you find musical instruments from much earlier times, and nowadays in still distant areas on Earth, these instruments are adjusted at 432 Hz.

What are the advantages of 432 Hz above 440 Hz? 432 Hz is, in according to many music lovers, nicer for hearing, is softer, brighter and more beautiful than 440 Hz.

At 432 Hz there's just hearing damage at a much louder volume than at 440 Hz, there are indications for this. That should be scientifically investigated further.

432 Hz is likely more favourable for the chakras too. 440 Hz seems to work at the third eye chakra, "the thinking", while 432 Hz seems to work at the heart chakra, "the feeling". Listening to music in 432 Hz therefore could have a good influence at the spiritual development of the music lover.

The committee 'Back to 432 Hz' wants, because of these reasons, a worldwide reintroduction of 432 Hz as the keynote in the music, like it seems most in days gone by too.

The committee thinks it's important that at first so many people as possible get acquainted with the difference of 8 Hz. If many people know this and also believe the qualities of 432 Hz, it's to be hoped that the music-industry changes the standard finally.

All musical instruments can be adjusted at 432 Hz too, although it's not so easy for every instrument.

The Dutch journalist and music lover Richard Huisken is the initiator of this committee.

You are hearing now the song "Aan De Kust" of the Dutch band Bløf, of course in 432 Hz.

source: http://terugnaar432hz.org/
(scroll down for the english version)

