[back] Spiritual exercises

Exercises by Dooney

How to ground yourself 
More grounding - the rose technique
Boosting Basics
Removing energy cords
The Triangle Exercise

How to ground yourself 

Imagine a cord going from your tailbone to the center of the Earth. Send all energy that doesn't belong to you down the cord and into the Earth. Then, imagine a small sun above your head pouring golden energy into your body as if you are a glass, filling you up from your feet to the top of your head.

To clear even more of your space, imagine there is a sphere around your body, big enough to accommodate your arms stretched out from your body at shoulder height. Imagine there is a drain plug at the bottom of the sphere. Pull the plug and let all energy that is not yours drain out of the sphere, go down your grounding cord and into the Earth. Put the plug back in, then let that golden sun energy spill out the top of your head and run down the outside of your body to pool at your feet.

Keep filling your body with the golden energy, and as it keeps spilling out of your head and running down to your feet, it slowly fills the sphere. Keep doing this until the sphere is completely filled. Do not remove energy from your space without replacing it with your own energy. If you don't fill your space with your own energy, someone else will fill it with theirs.

More grounding - the rose technique

Stevo taught me the following technique, which he learned at the Berkeley Psychic Institute:

Visualize a rose, any color you like, and imagine it swirling around your body in a spiral from the feet up. Imagine the rose is like a vacuum, and it's removing all foreign energy (energy that is not yours) from your space. As the rose moves up your body, see it getting darker and darker as it pulls the foreign energy from your space. When you get to the top of your head, the rose will be completely dark.

Now, move the rose about 20 feet away from you so it's out of your space and imagine it exploding, sending all that energy back to the universe. Make sure to fill up your space with your own highest creative energy, seeing a golden sun above your head pouring energy into your body.

You can use this rose technique in many different ways. For example, if you are worried about something, put an image of it inside a rose, move it out of your space and explode the rose. You are basically taking the energy of the thing you are worrying about and getting rid of it. If you are scared, angry, depressed, etc. you can use the same technique.

Always remember to fill your space with your own energy.
This is vitally important to keep your space clear.


Boosting Basics

Clear your personal space - Imagine a grounding cord from your tailbone to the center of the Earth. Send all energy that is not yours down the cord into the Earth. Then fill your space with your own golden energy.

Focus on your heart - Get familiar with the chakra system if you aren't already. Your heart, or 4th, chakra is located on your breastbone a little above nipple level in the center of your chest. This is where you will send energy from.

Focus on someone you love - Get a feeling of love going in your heart by focusing on a loved one, whether it's a family member, child, friend or pet.

Send the energy - Once you feel that feeling of love in your heart area, visualize it as an energy stream and imagine it flowing from your heart chakra to your intended target. Heart chakra energy is green, orgone energy is blue. Either color is appropriate.

Be neutral - Send unconditional love energy. This means you are not vengeful, angry, intending hurt, intending pain, etc. Righteous anger is acceptable because it's of a higher spiritual order. You are allowed to defend yourself.

Hint: If you are having trouble visualizing the energy flowing out of your heart chakra, imagine there is a fire hydrant there and one of the caps has been opened. The water in a hydrant sprays out without effort since it is under pressure. Imagine the energy in your heart spraying out in that manner, with no effort.

Removing energy cords

I usually find that energy cords are located on the chakras, although they can be attached anywhere on the body. If you are not sure you have an energy cord, ask your higher self. This may take a while if you are not practiced in communicating with your higher self. I perceive energy cords on myself by feeling them, but you may have a different experience.

Once you have located an energy cord, imagine you are cutting through it with a knife, sword, scissors, etc. Use whatever cutting tool feels right for you. Once the cord is cut, light a match and touch it to the loose end of the cord, lighting it like a fuse. Imagine that fuse burning back to the source of the cord and exploding. I got that technique from Carol Croft and it works wonderfully. Smile

If you want to, before you cut the cord, send energy through it to see who it goes to. You can blast through the cord for a while, and then cut the cord. This will make them leery of cording you again.

Once you have cut the cord, send energy to the place on your body where the cord was attached. Also, send energy to your aura at the place the cord was attached since there will be a hole in your aura where the cord was located.


The Triangle Exercise

This exercise was taught to me by Ryan McGinty, and Carol has told me that it originated with DB. So thanks to all three of them!

Imagine a ball of energy a hands length above your head. Pick up that ball of energy (literally use your hand if that makes it easier - a good way to get used to moving the energy) and move it out in front of your 7th chakra, about a foot in front of you. Pause, then move that energy into the middle of your 7th chakra. Pause again, then move the energy back up above your head. Do this for each chakra, including your knees, your ankles, near the balls of your feet and then a hands length below your feet.

After you have moved the energy through all those chakras, imagine a golden "shower" of energy cascading from above in a clockwise motion and swirling down through your body, sending all negative energy into the earth. You can again use your hand to start the clockwise energy spinning. This exercise should not be done more than once or twice a day.