Joined: July 2007
Posts: 1317
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Ike Bounces Off a Texas Gifter's Sylphish Area
I stopped in Dallas to meet some of the gifters in
March, 2003, after they'd gifted every tower and
array in the Dallas metro area. Nothing much had
been done in Ft Worth at the time, though I think I
heard from one fellow, there, not long after who at
least put up a cloudbuster. Some other folks, north
and east of Dallas, had set up a half dozen or so
cloudbusters but didn't express any interest in
gifting. Tyler is some distance northwest of Ft
Worth, so is probably outside the Dallas gifters'
purview. That low-flying poison spewing US Air
Force C-130 was a rude way to inspire this guy to
start waging war back on the freaks but I'm happy to
know that his family survived that attack and were
able to heal themselves. Imagine what any of us
would be doing, by now, if not for zappers--lots and
lots of us have been regularly poisoned with stuff
that apparently should have killed us.
In August, 2003, I quietly exited Stuart Jackson's
forum after an attempted, orchestrated gangbang on
me by the 'professionals' and their MKid Greek
Chorus. None of them laid a glove on me and it was
kind of fun, thanks to the able support of John
Kilroy, but these Texans mostly seemed to feel like
I'd jumped ship--they were kind of mad at me and
stopped corresponding, especially the retired-cop
gifter, whom I particularly enjoyed visiting with.
If any of those guys are reading this, I hope they
were able to follow the decline adn eventual
disappearance of Stuart's forum on April Fool's Day,
2004--cancelled for lack of interest and
support. Apparently, the forum's raison d'etre was
to slowly roast me on a spit in an effort to get me
to lash out at the freaks who were trying to ruin
this network from the inside. Most of the dart
throwers retreated to the original Yahoo cloudbuster
forum and it's quite a show. The $#!+slingers yhou
see on other English language forums, other than
donebydooney and donebydonny, are a newer crew with
a much slicker m.o.
I'm sorry to admit that it took one more (slicker,
of course, to get my confidence) open-membership
forum for me to finally recognize that the only way
a genuine activist can participate in a forum is if
all of the agency pros and their weak-charactered
peanut gallery are diligently prevented from
participating. I think that in a few years this
won't be a problem any more because the world
order's demise will have progressed far enough that
the agencies who field these freaks will have lost
their cohesion,. mainly through exposure.
Note the lack of flakes and shifty folks on EW. That's
not an accident.
The Texan's report (above) is a real prize for the
public record becuase it shows what one person has
accomplished with just the information he or she
acquired on the internet. Nobody held his hand or
ran interference for him, though we're happy to
continue do both in order to help people get
started, of course.
Kingman, Arizona is one of the other places we've
seen chemtrail jets at an airport. In late 1998 I
saw a dozen or so of them at the Miami airport and
anyhone can see them, any time, easily seen near to
the west from I-15 at Evergrreen (CIA) Airfield
(private) north of Tucson. If you'll go to Mojave
Airfield you'll proabably still see the massive
chemtrail jet assembly line, which is outside and
shows American and British passenger jets being
turned into unmarked, white chemtrail
jets. Apparently, after the painting is done
they're taken into that huge hangar and fitted with
spray equipment and tanks. I think they started
painting some of the tails red because too many
people were starting to notice chemtrails, several
years ago.