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Joined: 10 Mar 2005
Posts: 53
Location: El Cajon, California
Posted: Wed Aug 17,
2005 10:42 am Post subject:
Intentions |
After proper scientific
investigation I can now reveal some amazing results that I have
had with my Intentions and the Succor Punch. A little background
I work in a call center for a major auto insurance company. On
the average an adjuster will receive between 40-80 calls per 8
hour shift. When we are slammed with calls, meaning customers
waiting on hold, the stress rises. When we have no calls on hold
and many minutes between calls to complete work on previous
calls, the stress is held at bay. On top of the calls, we are
also monitored and graded on our customer service skills. Our
company uses something called the “A Call”. We are graded in
four categories for each call and can receive a score of 1
(being the worst) up to a 4 (being the best). If you get a 4 in
all four categories then your call is rated an “A”. The more “A
calls” you get the higher your raise at the end of the year.
When talking to my supervisor one day during a low call volume
period, he was looking at my SP and wondering what the heck it’s
supposed to do. Among many things, I told him that it is known
to disable electronic surveillance. He then asked me if it would
block monitoring on phone calls. Hmmm, good question. However, a
better question would be “Can it be programmed to only let me
get monitored if I’m going to get an A call?” I told him I would
program the SP for this task and let him know the results.
Normally an adjuster will be monitored 2-3 times a week. The
average adjuster may get about 60-75% A calls during a month. I
programmed the SP with the intention to only allow me to get
monitored if I’m getting an A call just to see what would
happen. The next day at the end of my shift my supervisor called
me over to his desk but didn’t let me know what it was about.
When I got there he let me know that I had been monitored that
day; not once, not twice, but three times…in the same day. And
all three calls were rated an A call. His face was kind of pale
with a confused look, and asked me how that was possible. I told
him that I had programmed the SP as I had stated and that it
must be working. As it turned out, I was the only adjuster in
this regional office’s history to get monitored 3 times in one
day, not to mention all A calls. Of course I was overjoyed, and
thinking how many of my associates would like to own their own
SP. I shared the results of my research with my closest
associates and they were very interested but no one asked how
they could get one. Oh well, their loss.
So I planned another phase of research. Next, I thought how
about doing something about the call volumes that had been
stressing everyone out? So I programmed the SP with my
intentions to lower the call volumes and placed the SP right
next to my phone. Then I thought, hmmm…how would that be
accomplished? Of course if the caller is a policyholder with our
company they can always log on to our website and get answers.
Possibly the SP could convince many of the callers to log on
instead of calling. And of course, maybe get them to just drive
safer. Many, many possibilities. I figured I would just leave it
up to universal law. Specifically I programmed the SP to balance
the calls instead of stopping them altogether. Otherwise, we
wouldn’t have jobs. Just prior to this new programming, the
calls had been non-stop with up to 20 calls on hold at a time.
After programming the SP with the new intent, the next 4 days
were heavenly to say the least. Everyone had time between calls
to finish up work, eat a snack, and even read a few pages in a
book. It got downright boring sometimes. But I wasn’t
complaining. Just loving it.
Then I thought, what would happen if I take the SP away from the
phone and disengage my intent? So I left it home for the next
two days, and we were slammed on the phones again. I told my
supervisor what I was doing and he demanded that I bring the SP
back to work again. But alas, he didn’t yet want to get one of
his own. He did however buy some of Christie’s personal enhanced
HHgs for his home. He’s very happy with them and his kids love
We went on vacation in June for 2 ½ weeks and when I got back to
the office, I brought the SP with me and placed it next to the
phone with the “balance the call volumes” intent and I had a
really mellow first day back. And I needed it because I had a
lot of work to catch up on. The next few days were just as
mellow. So I inquired of my desk partner about call volumes over
the past 2 ½ weeks and he told me just prior to my coming back
they had been constantly slammed on the phones, even at night,
right up to midnight. I just smiled and said, “You’re welcome”.
He just looked at me quizzically.
I keep experimenting and getting the same results. I’ve also
programmed the SP to help me to handle difficult callers and it
never fails. We all get some pretty irate callers sometimes, but
when I’m finished with the call the caller is amazed at how calm
they feel. They ask me, “What did you do to me?” for example,
and I just tell them to get a good sleep and heal from the
accident, thanks for the call.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the
point is to discover them." ~ Galileo Galilei |
Joined: 21 Mar 2005
Posts: 23
Location: Belfast, Ireland
Posted: Wed Aug 17,
2005 1:43 pm Post subject:
That is fantastic. I love stories like that. How much would you
say it
is due to your own belief? It sounds numerically that the good
are outside the probability of chance.
Where did you get your Sp?
Tom |
red dolphin
Joined: 10 Feb 2005
Posts: 22
Location: Los Angeles
Wed Aug 17, 2005 9:19 pm Post
subject: Thanks for the data |
Hi Fred,
Thanks for the empirical evidence.
Wilhelm Reich would be proud.
How about programming, "No accidents today", then writing
it down and putting it in an envelope and only letting your
see it at the end of the day.
Thanks for sharing.
With respect,
"The ocean is my church, and I have never seen a dolphin pass
the hat" |
Joined: 27 Apr 2005
Posts: 60
Location: Pittsburgh
Posted: Thu Aug 18,
2005 1:27 am Post subject: SP
application |
A most interesting post.
having just retired recently from working 12 years in a tech
support call center, I can relate to your daily work regimen.
Your testing has reminded me of a variety of potential
applications I began to ponder last year after Don introduced
Omeron and his Fource.4th program. At that time, many people
were testing it on computer networks of various types, LAN,
WAN/Intranets, and Internet. I did in fact give it a go on a few
of my customer phone calls, with some mildly successful results,
but these were fairly conservative tests.
Now that you've completed some specific testing on a phone
network, once again I'm left to ponder the potential
ramifications and benefits from applying orgone, SPs,
Fource.4th, what have you, to any of the various long-reach
mediums that surround us, which of course all of the above are
different manifestations of, some wired, some wireless, some
hybrid, some perhaps IP/packet type mediums. Perhaps this can be
applied to any mediums on the physical plane both terrestial and
satellite-based, as well as the higher dimensions? Can you say
"taking life force transmitters global" ? Look out Carnivore!

Joined: 10 Mar 2005
Posts: 53
Location: El Cajon, California
Posted: Thu Aug 18,
2005 10:14 am Post subject:
Research has shown that
the Succor Punch, among many other things, is an Intention
Enhancer. Belief and Intention are very closely related IMO. So
in a way, I did believe that I could boost my A Call performance
with the SP. I intended that it would. Now, as to how it
happened, I don't know. It's like listening to a radio and not
knowing anything about electronics. You turn it on, music comes
out and you just enjoy the results, and you don't have to know
about resistors, capacitors, crystals, radio frequencies, etc.
So we just turn on the SP, focus our intentions, and they are
boosted tremendously and we enjoy the results. I particularly
enjoy using the SP to boost my Quantum Touch remote sessions.
I made this particular SP with my friend Robert. We bought the
components from Radio Shack and put together a frequency box.
Then I perused through his collection of crystals. He had some
really big ones, small ones, pretty clear ones, cloudy cracked
ones, and I just couldn't make up my mind. Robert said don't
worry, one of them will pick you. OK, yeah right! So I just kept
picking them up, handling and admiring them, and one of the
cloudy cracked ones just naturally fit into my hand with a
perfect indentation for my right thumb and when I grasped it
fully in my hand it moved my hand a little to the right and at
the same time "clicked". I felt the click go all the way up my
arm. I told Robert, hey dude, this crystal just clicked! He
said, "It picked you." And man, did it turn out to be a
powerhouse of a crystal. Then we got some wrapping wire and did
the mobius coil, powered it up with the hand made frequency box
and the rest is history.
I've actually done what you are suggesting Dave, and more to try
and prove what was going on in the office with A Calls and call
volumes, but no takers. This paradigm is just too unimaginable
for them, I guess.
Who knows what other applications the Succor Punch can be used
for unless we try? Today telephone networks, tomorrow satellite
communications and beyond.
"The Succor Punch...Not just for blasting predators anymore!"
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the
point is to discover them." ~ Galileo Galilei |

Joined: 10 Mar 2005
Posts: 53
Location: El Cajon, California
Posted: Mon Aug 29,
2005 4:58 am Post subject: UPDATE |
The Succor Punch is of
course a training tool that teaches us how to blast predators,
boost friends etc., and apparently even manipulate telephonic
communications devices now. We are to eventually wean ourselves
off the SP and in the process learn how to do these wonderful
things with our own abilities and intentions.
One thing I understand that we are not able to do ourselves is
blocking electronic surveillance while the SP is powered up with
a 15hz frequency box. Other than that though, we should all be
moving towards not having to use the SP once we've leared how to
do these things ourselves.
With that in mind, I have been leaving the SP in my truck and
using my intentions only in the office to continue the telephone
programming with encouraging results!
The Succor's OK to leave home without it.
"All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the
point is to discover them." ~ Galileo Galilei |