Although the region in which I live is very well gifted, there are a few places where the qi keeps turning back to negative, even aggressive at times. Improvement only comes to these places when one buries an earth-pipe.
Only today was I able to buy some more copper pipes to make new earth-pipes. However I had a few smaller pipes (18mm in diameter) left over from the construction of an undersized CB, made for charging water and orgonite. I had 6 pipes each about 300mm long. [18mm is just under 3/4" and 300mm is about 1']
To make use of these pipes I made an experiment in an area which always kept turning back to negative. (In this region even today one finds many Nazis, and the qi underground is negative.)
I drove into this area, letting myself be guided by the orgonite in my car. When its qi-emanation became strongest, I parked the car, and walked aways into the forest. There I dug up some dirt, and placed over it a standard CB-stabilizer, in which the six holes had been bored just big enough so that I could easily pound the pipes through them, the pipes forming the vertices of a regular hexagon.

Then I removed the stabilizer and hammered the pipes straight down, all the way into the ground, so that they seemed as if they were the pipes of a CB pointed down.Then I placed an ordinary TB on top of each pipe end, so that the six TBs formed a ring.

As soon as I had finished, I felt a strong queasiness, since the apparatus had immediately begun to attract DOR and transform it. I have had similar nauseous feelings before, in places filled with pain or DOR, at the time they were gifted with orgonite. I interpret such symptomatic of the first stage of clearing the place.
It takes a certain amount of time for the pain or queasiness to leave, and the atmosphere to clear itself.
Therefor I went out of the forest somewhere else for awhile. About 15 minutes later I returned and found the feeling of the place to be already better. The air was now free of mist and the atmosphere both clear and pleasant.
This positive change could be felt up to a distance of 15 kilometers away.
I will go back to the place tomorrow to see how it has changed.
If my wife doesn't need the camera, I will photography the place and send you a picture.
I am astounded how stark an effect this improvised apparatus of copper pipes and TBs seems to have. If the effect persists, I will try it out in other places.
I wrote him back saying that the abbreviated 6-pipe, as he calls it, looked quite strong, and asked him to keep me posted.
On the tenth he wrote back, saying that when he returned, he could feel the positive qi from 5 kilometers away. He said the atmosphere clearly felt good, even though there were high tension electric lines just behind the forest, which also carried microwave-transmitters. When he approached the abbreviated 6-pipe, he was met by a joyful feeling, which he suspected was from the entities of the place greeting him.
Then he told me that he had found some 15mm pipe [between 1/2 and 5/8 inches] which he cut into 300mm pieces which he used to make some other abbreviated 6-pipes in other locations. I will defer to Manfred for comments on these.
I decided to make an abbreviated 6-pipe myself, and for the purpose used six pieces of half-inch pipe, each 14 inches long. I tried using TBs with quarz crystals, and TBs with only rosequarz (which is what Manfred used in his first one). I found that both were good, but that the quarz crystals gave more power.
Last edited by laozu on 29 Dec 2007 05:26; edited 2 times in total