Denis Couture |
Etheric Warrior
Joined: 09 Aug 2004
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Denis Couture
Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:13 pm
Post subject: Ugly jesuits |
I have to
post this one.
Last week-end there was a Wendat
Native celebration. The Huron-Wendat
territory use to cover a great part
of southern Quebec and Ontario and
most of the states across the border
(north US). Their population was
genocided mostley by the Jesuits.
The Huron-Wendat are a peaceful
tribe, so it is not wars with other
tribes or with the Europeans that
killed them. They were assassinated
with deadly diseases brought over
sea by the European, but mostly the
The Jesuits in an effort to "Christianise"
these barbarian (sic) gave them
trading stuff such as blankets and
other necessities.
The blanket where all infected with
plague and cholera and other deadly
vicious stuff intendly put in there
by the Jesuits. The Wendat died by
tenth of thousands.
The Wendat reservation is right
besides Quebec city and is very
opened to tourists and public. And
they also travel a lot to share
their culture. So this past w-e
ceremony was held at… the first
jesuits manor in quebec city.
When I read the announcement of this
gathering it appealed to me to go
there since I am touched and moved
by all that is authentical and
grounded Native . So I decided to go
there. Then I saw where it was to be
held: WOW.
I said to myself that this must be
payback time, and if this is not a
coincidence, then my friends the
Wendats, are calling me to be there
and bust the place.
And so I did. I brought along many
munitions. Colored ones and standard
ones. All day I went around
participating in the different
chatted with peoples;
tourist and natives. It was a really
enjoyable day, clear blue skies,
sunshine. As I was hanging around I
gifted the area. The Jesuit manor
comes with a large piece of land and
the different ceremonies,
longhouse, sweat lodge, etc, was all
spreaded around the land. So the
land was thoroughly gifted.
Then The house…the manor itself.
Which has become a museum since
about 50 years. This is a house
builded by the Jesuits in the year
1700. Please know that I was waiting
for the visiting hour to arrive,
since the front and back door was
locked I had to wait for the visit
to get inside.
From the outside, it looks like any
other heritage preserved house. Very
So comes 4 o'clock and I get in with
a bunch of tourists.
So we all get in and the guide
brings everyone to the next room
where there is artifact and
historical facts. I stay in the
entrance hypocritally reading all I
could find to read on the wall. I
have my backsac full with whats left
for the house ; many tb's and small
hhg's. But I was not alone. A large
US citizen was standing there with
I don’t remember seing him come in,
but he clearly was tied to my shoes.
He finally left to join the group. I
did too and now it was me following
him. So I did stick to his shoes
long enough to watch him stare at me
Then I decided to skip the group and
visit the old house by myself. I was
able to hide a few tb's on the
ground floor and headed up to the
second level of the house. I was
alone up there and I could hear the
guided visit on the level floor. I
was able to place a few tb's and
then I arrived face to face with
him. The large US citizen.
He followed me up there. But as
before I am the one who went after
him and it worked, he left me alone
again, long enough so I could hide a
few more.
Then I went outside while the tour
was still going on inside. Guess who
came out right after me ? The large
US guy…
He was then accompanied by his
"wife" and his "boy". All three
stared at me, while I returned a
polite smile. Then I heard them
talked and found out they were not
english canadian but english US. The
funny thing is that they didn’t seem
much in love. For a family on
vacation I thought they were
standing quite far apart.
Anyway I was so glad to bust that
heinous place of true reptile. Even
if the house was converted to a
public museum long ago, I had the
birds gift me with a very beautifull
confirmation of a good deed.
Do I have to tell you that this
house was built on an old sacred
vortex of the Natives. On the
Many tb's there too.
There was some of the Jesuits fonder
drawing on the wall; the worst nazi
looks like choirboys besides those
hateful faces.
zappy |
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laozu |
Etheric Warrior
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Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:28 pm
Post subject: |
Good thorough
job Denis! |
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cesco |
Etheric Warrior
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Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:58 am
Post subject: |
ditto. sounds
like a small historic event. |
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Don Croft |
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Fri Aug 20, 2004 3:01 pm
Post subject: Tying yourself to the
'Large US Citizen's' shoes ;-) |
GRRRR. I just
wrote a long reply and some rat ate
Good work with that CIA freak,
Denis! I'd have done exactly the
same thing, by the way.
I've known lots of Catholic priests
whom I'd entrust with my life but
none of them were Jesuits. I went to
a Catholic mission school in Guam,
and most of the priests and young
seminarians there were good, self
sacrificing folk.
It might be worthwhile to consider
that the incessant scandals about
Catholic priests buggering little
boys may be a misdirect, since
that's a lot more rampant in the
fundamentalist churches, all of
which are sired by the masons and,
later, by the CIA. I know a lot of
Catholic priests whom I trust but
have never met a fundamentalist
preacher whom I felt I could trust.
The genuine personal faith of the
mainstream Catholics has always been
a genuine threat to the
parasitic/corporate world order, who
have always managed to compromise
most in the upper echelons of the
Catholic hierarchies. That's
something that no thinking Catholic
will deny, of course.
On a similar note, some of our best
gifting compadres are church-going
Mormons who are disgusted with the
espionage shenanigans of their own
upper hierarchy. We're not here to
dictate theology, of course. I think
there are other sites for that.
To be fair, there's a Jesuit priest
whom I met ten years ago who was
personally visiting all the Indian
reservations in the area and
apologizing for what the Church did
to them in the last 150 years, so I
don't want to demonize anyone just
because he's in the Society of
Jesus. I think there may have even
been one or two decent men in the
old German Sicherheitzdienst
Schuetzl (sp? ..I know I'm gonna
hear from German Georg).
I don't have a clue whether the
fellow is dirty but the apologies
meant an awfuil lot to the Indians I
knew there, many of whom remembered
being molested in Jesuit boarding
schools and all of whose parents
directly experienced it.
The Jesuits in general are a
satanic/masonic order and they ought
to be rounded up and stood in front
of some lawful judges right now.
Oops--I guess we better arrange to
have some lawful judges first.
Oh, well, 'Ndaka, ndaka, moi japa
golor,' as they say in Gambia.*
It took more work to clean up the
Jesuit's energy messes we've
encountered than to clean up any
other sort of environmental hazard
and you were prudent to take a
trunkload to that old mission,
My current theory is that the
Jesuits purposefully extended the
then-small desert in southern
Arizona and N. Sonora by systematic
genocide and ritual slayings
throughout the American and Mexican
West, beginning in the 1500s. We're
going to find out if I'm right, I
think, but of course I'll need to
put my money where my mouth is, as
As Denis noted, biological warfare
is not new. One could argue that the
plagues in Europe were biological
attacks, though that was before the
Jesuits. LOts of interesting things
to consider in that vein, eh?
My good friend, Pablo, in Argentina
has just started the first Spanish
Language orgonite board and site, to
my knowledge! This may be the ticket
toward reversing what the Jesuits
did to that land, in fact, where
literally all of the Indians were
slaughtered. It would give Hitler
and Pol Pot wetdreams to have
witnessed it.
Though it's faux pas to honor the
Jesuits for anything, Denis has
pulled a thread which will be
unravelling a whole lot of the
sweater in days to come, Grid
willing. The environmental
violations of the Jesuits throughout
the New World provide yet another
road map for our gifting
opportunities! Not as blatant as the
new death towers, which mark the ley
lines and vortices on the planet,
but certainly at least as important
in the long run, we're now figuring
GOOD one, monsieur!
~B. Head
*'Slowly, slowly one catches the
monkey,' and if we are to have
continuity in our cultures, we need
to break down tyranny by degrees,
not just shoot all of the rat
bastards in their beds

"We shall no longer hang on to the
tails of public opinion or to a non-
existent authority on matters
utterly unknown and strange. We
shall gradually become experts
ourselves in the mastery of the
knowledge of the Future."
~Wilhelm Reich |
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Egoli.buster |
Etheric Warrior
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Fri Aug 20, 2004 4:41 pm
Post subject: Schuetzel? |
Spitzel (Spy)
is what you're looking for. the
other word doesn't exist.
Do you have a link to the spanish
I have a guy from Paraguay in the
German forum who might llike to
Paradise on earth - nothing less!
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