Mind control Evil
[Democide. All paid for by our taxes. These are mostly individuals murdered, but includes larger groups in False flags. It is truly staggering the number of people murdered. Assassination is extreme mind control (e.g. 'Suicided': Kelly; 'Lone nuts': King, Kennedy, Lennon; Warnings: Webb, Schneider etc). Covert-Fascism/Authoritariaism kills its own people (who minds or actions they can't control) covertly, kills its own women and children for Gun Control, and attempted martial law (see: WACO 911 State Terrorism), and kills third worlders for their minerals (see: Rwanda Congo). Its psychology is Psychopathy (no conscience), and it is protected by Mind Control, preventing people from seeing the truth, which would destroy it overnight. Fear and anger, mostly, makes them believe Kissinger is a statesman, not a serial killer (see: Kissinger's wars). The psychopathic monopoly known as the medical mafia (the main pseudo-legit money making arm of the Junta) is the main cause of child injury and deaths on the planet, not forgetting it kills millions of adults with its monopoly medicine every year in the USA alone (whereas the suppressed Natural Healing methods would kill none)--it sure heads the list of the Serial Killers, along with War Inc or rather the wars of Big Oil. The main assassins are the 'Secret': CIA, MI5, MI6, NSA, Mossad, & Political, Police: FBI. Some of these are so obviously covert hits they fit the bill for Trauma programming.]
See: State Medicine, State Terrorism, State Genocide, State Terrorism, State Abuse
[Aug 2021] New Book Claims That Aaliyah Was Drugged and Forced to Board Plane Before Fatal Crash A new biography about Aaliyah alleges that the singer was given a sleeping pill and was then carried into the plane that led to her death after she refused to board it. Is this more proof that Aaliyah was an industry sacrifice?
[2010 Oct] Ledger was 'whacked' by criminals: Quaid
[2010 Oct EW] Steven J. Smith Murdered? He passed away in the most painful way possible. It was drawn out over a five day period, rapid pressizuration and depressurization which resulted in what can be described as the bends. The attack commenced on October 3rd and continued until his expiration on October 8th. They stopped microwaving him on October 2nd, then recommenced microwaves after starting the new remote torture (RT) on October 3rd. Symptoms included involuntary hiccuping, ear popping, nausea, inability of internal organs to adjust, and possibly air bubbles in the blood stream. As was his way to not ask for help, he did not until October 6th. I think the NSA psychic that was used in the targeting process was killed by the handlers, resulting in Steve's death.
[2010 July EW] My New Green Poison War Wound! ;-)
[2010 March] Reptilian Experiencer and Author 'Susan Reed' Found Dead in the Bahamas
[2009] Attempted Murder: The Suzanne Somers Story by HOWARD S. KATZ
[2010 Oct EW] 500 African Orgonite Devices to Mombasa David Ochieng was poisoned at least one other time, before that, and was evidently murdered with faster-acting poison last year, along with his Emma and Salva Kirr
[Video. Chip Tatum] The presidential hit squad
The Assassination Archives and Research Center
Dead Scientists
Dead Scientists In
Table Format
[May 2008] DC Madam "commits suicide" in Tarpon Springs
[Gupta Oct 2006]
The Machinations Of The New World Order - The Farmer
Roughly 100,000 farmers committed suicide over six years to
2003 in India
"Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence. Any man who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle." -----Solzhenitsyn
"When they kill people out there, and they do, " Hansen continued, "and there are instances I'm thoroughly familiar with where they've killed people while they've been in transit — what they will do then is to take everyone who has witnessed the killing and scatter them throughout the huge jail system they run around the country so they can't communicate with one another. They then give themselves enough time for a court hearing to substantiate that the death was accidental." DIESEL THERAPY. THE FATE OF HONEST POLITICIANS IN AMERICA (George Hansen)
[Book] Assassination Science
[2012 Oct]
CNBC Exec’s Children Murdered, 1 Day After CNBC Reports $43 Trillion Bankster
President Muammar Gaddafi, Libya, Oct 2011
President Malam Bacai, Guinea-Bissau, Jan 2012
President Bingu wa Mutharika, Malawi, April 2012
President John Atta Mills, Ghana, July 2012
President Meles Zenavi, Ethiopia, August 2012