Illuminati Kings
Meanwhile his father was the chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and an informal adviser to Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt. I might add here, that if you look closely you will find the Illuminati Kings are the advisers to the Presidents. I have mentioned some of these already, like in the article on the Bundy Illuminati family. Another example may be found in the book The Old Boys- The American Elite & The Origins of the CIA by Burton Hersh. On page 41 of The Old Boys we learn that President Eisenhowerç—´ Special Assistant for Cold War Strategy was Nelson Rockefeller. The most dangerous situation this country has ever been in was the threat of the Russian military, and who was the primary advisor to our President Eisenhower during his term as a U.S. President during the Cold War? Illuminati King Nelson Rockefeller. Bloodlines of the Illuminati 6. Kennedy
Alan Greenspan is a Jew, probably a Freemason, because he
is the leader of the Temple called the 'Federal Reserve Bank' and they always
put Jews in the forefront-so that they can blame all of what they do on the
Jewish race in this country, to create an
anti-Semitism everywhere, just like Charles Coughlin, the radio Jesuit priest of
the '30s did.
Greenspan, Bloomenthal, Warburg,
and all those Jews need to be publicly rebuked, because they are creating the
mass genocide of the Jewish race in the United States. The Jews are being blamed
right now for the foreign policy in Bosnia. Madeline Albright-she's a
Jew-they're blaming her for what's going on in Serbia. I've got a good Serbian
friend who blames her. I said she's just a pawn of the Jesuit CFR. Don't blame
the Jewish people. It's these Jewish 'pawns' who are loyal to the Pope and the
Jesuits who are doing this.
The Zionists-the Jesuits are
the Great Zionists. They control all of the historical High Zionists-Theodor
Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir. Zionism is a Masonic term, coined by the
Jesuits. They are the rulers; they are the Protocols; they are the Elders
of Zion. So the Zionists are, indeed, evil and wicked; but they are
controlled by Rome. The Jews are not all Zionists.
I remember when I went to
Jerusalem and Israel in 1976, and a lady said to this particular man that I had
met: 'You're more of a Zionist than we are!' And I thought: 'What does that
mean? I don't understand that.'
I only later understood why
Yasser Arafat says he doesn't hate the Jews; he can't stand the Zionists. And
I'm thinking: 'What's the difference?' I, later, learned that there is a great
difference between those Zionists and the other Jews. The Orthodox Jews can't
stand the Zionists.
So what's the difference? The
Zionists are socialist communists, controlled by Rome. They are atheists, just
like the Jesuits, although they're being used to rebuild the nation of Israel.
They are the enemies of the Jewish people, per se.
There's no conflict going on in
the Middle East. There's no conflict going on with the Arab nations. All of the
Arab nations are under the command of Masonic kings or iotollas. Saddam Hussein
is no enemy of George Bush; they're both brothers, brothers of the lodge. That
whole thing was set up to kill off a whole bunch of Arabs for the protection of
the Zionist state of Israel.
Martin: Well, Bush and
Saddam were business partners. We've covered that in recent past issues of
our newspaper.
Phelps: Sure. That's why
they never killed Saddam. They could have easily killed him. The CIA can kill
anybody they want to. They could have easily killed Saddam and got out. They
could use their own Arab agents in there. Saddam was a very important tool.
They keep the Arab peoples and
nations at bay by controlling them through their leaders. Or, when they start to
get out of control in their Moslem fanaticism, they then foment a war and kill
off a whole bunch of them. Make sense?The
Black Pope: Interview of Eric Jon Phelps
The Illuminati is divided into the drug/porn section, the political/business management section, and the cult ritual section, global communications section, and mind-control section. The leadership within the various areas overlap. The drug/porn/political areas work together as a unit. The mind-control area seems to be somewhat technical and somewhat separate. Further, several groups have been identified as assigned the job of keeping the long range plans. The three groups that have been entrusted with long range plans are the Order of the Garter, Order of the Quest, & Keepers of the Dawn. The plans to bring in the New World Order are very detailed, and their management and safekeeping have not been haphazard. Aristotle worked within the drug/porn/political/business management area Aristotleç—´ power was so pervasive that some researchers of his activities concluded that he was absolutely the most powerful man on earth. This is because they were not aware of the shared power of the Illuminati "kings". Aristotle did have world-wide power, but that appearance of power was there because he was part of Moriah (the Satanic hierarchy which controls the world.) Bloodlines of the Illuminati 8. Onassis