The Man Who Mainstreamed Perversion
Susan Brinkmann has written a small gem of a
book, encapsulating the life and influence of one of the most
negative characters in American history: Alfred
Kinsey. Based largely on the work of
Judith Reisman, The Kinsey Corruption initially was
serialized in the Philadelphia archdiocesan newspaper, the
Catholic Standard and Times. As a solid journalistic series,
it is written clearly and to the point, with only occasional
Brinkmann suggests that without the support of the Rockefeller
Foundation and the credibility of his position at Indiana
University, Kinsey痴 "scientific work" likely would never have
been published.
I agree. It is unthinkable that 1950s America would have looked
kindly on data collected by a bisexual pedophile recounting the
sexual experience of convicted sex offenders, prostitutes,
serial rapists, and other prison inmates. It certainly would not
have accepted such data as representative of the normal
population, let alone as the basis for rewriting American sexual
But so it happened. Brinkmann works the story chronologically,
following Kinsey from his "repressive" Christian upbringing
through his coming of age as a homosexual and his apparently
respectable marriage to a female sexual adventurer with whom he
had four children.
Brinkmann, following Reisman痴 lead, places great stress on the
sordid elements of Kinsey痴 story. For example, two of his
"co-investigators" were serial rapists: Rex King, convicted of
800 counts of child rape involving both sexes, and Fritz von
Balluseck, an ex-Nazi convicted of the rape-murder of a
ten-year-old girl in Berlin. For years, both men submitted
written accounts of their various boy and girl rapes to Kinsey
for inclusion in his database.
Brinkmann mentions, without comment, the fact that a 1998 BBC
documentary linking Kinsey to von Balluseck has yet to air in
the United States; one wonders why not.
Brinkmann cites Susan Brownmiller痴 quote of Kinsey on rape:
"The only difference between rape and a good time depends on
whether the girl痴 parents were awake when she finally came
Such views were hardly mainstream in the 1950s, nor were they
part of Kinsey痴 public image, which was that of the impeccably
neutral scientist.
Sordidness defined Kinsey痴 personal and professional life. His
sexual history questionnaires were extremely intrusive, and they
provided Kinsey with fodder for blackmail. So did his filming of
Kinsey Institute orgies, which apparently included wife
swapping, group sex, sadomasochism, and other sexual
permutations; participation was mandatory for Kinsey Institute
staff and spouses.
Brinkmann suggests that judicious use of blackmail helped Kinsey
defend himself against those who might have impeded his agenda,
which was nothing less than destroying Judeo-Christian sexual
ethics. Kinsey was a fanatical religious bigot, inflamed with
hatred for Christians, Jews, and traditional morality. He was
also a fervent racist, which put him on the same page as his
friend and close associate Margaret Sanger. Together, they
imposed their morality on American society.
Ever wonder why rape is seldom prosecuted or why pornography,
sodomy, fornication and adultery are no longer illegal? Perhaps
you are curious why cutting-edge legal philosophers contemplate
the legalization of pedophilia and incest? Or why the right of
"privacy" and the "right" to abortion have become the law of the
land? Or why pornographic sex ed is now the norm, even in
Catholic schools?
Brinkmann very concisely links it all to Kinsey, making a
convincing case that Kinsey was the father of both the sexual
revolution and abortion on demand.
Kinsey "proved" through his "scientific studies" that most men
have raped women or children, committed adultery, or frequented
prostitutes, and that women were almost equally depraved and
highly prone to illegal abortion. Those being the alleged norms,
Kinsey and his colleagues composed a Model Penal Code for
dealing with sexual issues, which decriminalized practically
every known behavior. After all, if everyone is doing it, why
make it a crime?
Why indeed.
The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University eventually lost its
Rockefeller Foundation funding due to severe criticism from
English medical authorities who questioned the idea that norms
could be based on the behavior of sexual criminals. But
Playboy, Penthouse, and Planned Parenthood came to
Kinsey痴 aid.
Together, they established the school sex-education industry
through their subsidiaries, the Sexuality Information and
Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) and the
Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality (IASHS), which
together write most of the curricula used for elementary and
secondary school sex education and certify most sex-ed teachers.
Whoever said one man can稚 make a difference?
Brinkmann痴 book is small, but it痴 well worth reading. It very
efficiently gives the reader all he needs to know to understand
the roots of modern America痴 moral crisis.
Who knows? Perhaps in debunking Kinsey, Brinkmann and Reisman
may have begun pushing the pendulum back toward decency and a
truly human vision of sex. So we pray.
由obin Bernhoft
The Kinsey Corruption: An Expose on the Most Influential
"Scientist" of Our Time
By Susan Brinkmann
4 stars
80 pages
ISBN: 1932645712