This seemed like a good idea to me, which is one of the reasons I went with “Merlina” through eastern Germany and Poland in April: to bring the canopy as close as we could from the Baltic down south toward the Balkans. We brought it down and across the southern border of Poland, but I did not know how far it extended into Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
On June 2 Cesco arrived in England from Iceland, myself from America, and the next day, with Rich, we flew from Stansted to Ljubljana, Slovenia. At the suggestion of Rich and Don, I had written to Meta Kumer several weeks earlier asking if she would like to get together with us when we came. She has done much to publicize orgonite in Slovenia, and has made and distributed many good orgonite devices in that area. She met us at the airport and graciously opened her house to us during our stay in Ljubljana. She lives in a wonderful place up in mountains in the outskirts of the city, with a stupendous view, a garden, and an orchard, in which latter she gave us free access to pick cherries, strawberries, and raspberries. We could not have asked for a better hostess.

[raspberries from Meta's garden]
So it seemed an auspicious start. On the 4th Meta drove us gifting to the Slovenian coast on the Adriatic Sea (though she said that in Slovenia it should be called the Jadranskaya Sea). Besides the one mentioned, we gifted three other vortices: one in the forest, one on a hill over the Adriatic (in a heavy cloudburst), and one on a mountain ridge with an imposing monastery on one end and a statue of Saint Francis on the other.

[View of the valley below the forest vortex in Slovenia]

[Statue of Saint Francis]

[View from mountain ridge between the monestery and the statue]
Next day we took our leave from Meta and drove north into Austria, gifting vortices as we went north, intending to continue until we reached the boundary of the existing European canopy. We reached Vienna by dinner time, and although that city was not beneath the canopy, the latter was visible both to the north and to the east. So after our meal, we turned east and reached Hungary by nightfall, sleeping in the car (in the rain) close to a rest stop over the border.
We were now under the canopy, but gifted a vortex some way into Hungary, just avoiding getting stuck in the mud after going a little off-road. Shortly before Budapest we turned south again, entering the northern boundary of Serbia. I was surprised and pleased to see a freeway in that country, through we found the tolls rather high. We of course had to leave the freeway to reach vortices, and due to the unexpected appearance of rivers with no bridges, were not always successful in reaching them.
I recall that in one small town there was a pole with a stork nesting on a platform on the top, and on the base of the pole was written “KLINTON” in Cyrillic letters.
Early in the evening, about an hour before dark, we were overdue for finding an accessible vortex, when one on a hill on the side of the freeway became apparent. Cesco and Rich stayed with the car on the side of the road while I took off up the hill. Part way up were a number of orchards and vegetable gardens. Not wanting to seem an arrogant trespasser, I walked up to an elderly man hoeing one of the gardens. He was extremely glad to see me. He shook my hand and placed his hands on my shoulders. Even though we could neither of us understand a word the other spoke, he smiled, showed me his garden, and led me over to a small bench under a tree and offered me a drink out of a bottle of liquor he had there. I had to refuse, so then he brought me some water. I think he would have been glad to have me till dark, but I had to excuse myself and he showed me to a trail up the hill… When I came down after gifting the vortex, I was looking forward to greeting him again, but he had gone home
for the night. Afterwards I heard that Serbian hospitality is famous throughout the region.
Next day we headed on south, and eventually entered Macedonia. We got the most for our money there of anywhere on the trip. The car we rented could not be driven into Greece, but we wanted to bring the canopy as far south as possible, so we drove right down to the Greek border and gifted a vortex not far by. Driving north again, and finding that we were once more in need of finding a vortex, not long from dusk, we stopped near one on a mountain next to the freeway. As I began climbing up, I happened to turn around and noticed that a police car had stopped next to our rental car, and that the officer was speaking with Rich and Cesco. I hoped that they would still be there when I got back, but there was not a lot of light left, and so I kept going. Fortunately I soon found a marked path and reached the vortex much more easily than I would have guessed. When I got back to the car, they had eaten dinner, and while I eating my share, they told me that the officers had just been friendly
and were checking to see if they were in trouble.
We had no good place to stay, and as it was raining off and on, so we decided to drive into the night. Rich did most of the driving, and I thank him for all the stressful work he cheerfully did in this regard. We were under the positive canopy now, and could drive without stopping to gift, so he drove all the way back to the Macedonian-Serbian border, over into Serbia, and up onto a road which our map said would take us to Montenegro. This road was a challenge, especially in the dark: part gravel and dirt, and what pavement there was being filled with potholes. We kept moving slowly up into the mountain and, somewhere about midnight, were stopped at a checkpoint by Serb police.
The Serbian police looked at our passports, assured us that it was simply a checkpoint, and let us go on. Just over the hill was another group of police, who stopped us again. Turns out were at the de facto Serbian/Kosovo border, and the Serbians don’t officially recognize Kosovo yet, so they did not mention that they were actually on border patrol. The Kosovo police were quite friendly, freely gave us plenty of information and advice, but…. charged us €50 for additional auto insurance. We had to either pay it, or go back and around de facto Kosovo (which would have cost much more). So we paid it, and drove on into the night. Eventually we stopped at the side of the road and picked up a few hours sleep in the car.
Next morning (Thursday the 7th) we woke up just after daybreak and drove (sleepily) through Kosovo, back into Serbia, and then over the border into Montenegro. We drove south, on mountain roads.

[Montenegro panorama]

[Moraca Monestery]
It is generally easier to find and reach vortices near the coast. To find, partly because vortices seem to occur on higher ground in a given area, and the beach is higher than the water. But it is more than this -- I cannot ever recall sensing a vortex under water close to the coast. I do not know the reason for this – just that it is so.
We spent the night in the town of Kotor, and had a good cheap meal at a restaurant in the old town (within the old city walls). This is a vacation port, with plenty of tourists, but we luckily found a room to spend the night for €30 (though some of us had to sleep on the floor).

[Town of Kotor]
Fortified with a good night’s sleep on Friday, we drove north into Croatia.

[Hungry Croation donkeys near a vortex]
We had covered a considerable distance in four days, and it seems appropriate to mention a certain change. When Cesco and I began gifting in Germany two years ago, we had to to find a new vortex every 40 kilometers or so, in order to create a new positive canopy, and to keep it advancing behind us. On the trip to Thailand in February, and the trip to eastern Germany and Poland in April, I found that that minimum distance had increased to about 100 kilometers. In this Balkan trip we were gifting at about 100 kilometers, and find that in the morning the positive canopy would have passed us up and moved some distance ahead of us. It may be that the intensity of the positive qi in the canopy as increased to the point that it increases with smaller additions: or it may be that there is more positive qi now in the sky even where the canopy has not yet spread, and so makes increase faster. I simply do not know the reason – but the fact is certain that is is easier to extend the canopy now
than formerly.
On our entire journey north through Croatia we were under the Canopy. It had moved down from Austria through that part of Slovenia near the sea coast (which we had gifted Monday with Meta), and west from Serbia, to cover all of Croatia. On Saturday we traveled north to the Slovenian border, thence to the Italian border, past Trieste, and turned south again.
We passed Venice, Padua, Florence, and spent the night sleeping outside in a farmer’s yard (with his permission) in a area somewhat north of Rome. The weather ever since Kotor continued to be sunny, and I found it a much better sleep out on the soft ground and in a car seat,
Next day was slow, due to traffic congestion and road repair. In the evening we tried an experiment when gifting vortex on a hill just before dark. But explaining the experiment requires a little background.
Manfred, who writes in the German forum, wrote me about the beginning of May concerning a discovery he made. He made some TBs, placing them above a CB for the resin to cure. He found that these TBs had a special effect: positive qi swirls up above them similar to the way it comes up from a CB. He said he would send me some photographs when he could. A week or so later I received the photographs, and from them it seemed that indeed he was correct. I repeated his experiment in my shop and found and obtained similar results. I made 12 TBs in a muffin tin and cured them by resting the muffin tin on top of the pipes of a CB (my first one, made 4 years ago). The five which were above the space encircled by the pipes were all special: the others were not.
It then occurred to me that perhaps these special TBs could be used to charge water. I placed one of them several inches under a wooden plate, poured two glasses of water, placing one to the side, and one on top of the wooden plate. After some hours I found that the water in the class over the TB was charged, as if it had been charged over a CB. The other on the side was not charged.
This all occurred shortly before the Balkan trip, and I did not have time to report on it before now. I also wanted to do a couple more experiments as well: one was to see if a single special TB could change a negative line in the ground to a positive one, the way a carefully placed circle of 6 TBs will do; the other was to see if gifting a vortex with a special TB would produce any unusual results. We did the first experiment on a negative line at Meta’s place, and found that the single special TB did not change it to positive.
We did the second experiment that night in southern Italy. I used three special TBs which I had brought with me from home on the vortex. We slept near the vortex that night, and next morning positive qi was swirling up into the sky strongly. But several days later, on our trip back up north, I had a chance to view the opened vortex once again, and though working properly, it did not seem perceptively better than vortices opened by ordinary charged TBs.
The morning after opening that vortex we headed on south. The positive canopy was not over southern Italy the day before, but had proceeded ahead of us to the south, even over Sicily. I felt that to bring the canopy as far south as possible during this trip, we should cross into Sicily and gift a vortex near its southernmost coast. This would stretch it far into the Mediterranean at that longitude, since the southern coast of Sicily is more north than is Tunis in Tunisia in northern Africa.
We crossed by ferry, and made it about 2/3rds of the way through the island before nightfall. Now by then, the positive canopy had likely been over Sicily for 12 hours or more. Consequently we could not check to see how the sky above the island had been before coming of the canopy. But we could feel the trees, and lesser plants, and without exception their elementals all expressed painful stress. We slept on the ground that night in a camp site. Next morning the trees felt somewhat better, but were still under palpable stress.
For a good part of the trip south through Sicily both Cesco and I could feel a strong vortex far to the south. Mount Etna, which is a volcano in the northern half of the island, felt quite negative driving past it, but I felt that it was not the right time for us to try to do anything about it. The dormant vortex far to the south also felt negative, and this I had a clear feeling we should attend to.
So next morning we proceeded south and eventually found the vortex. It was on the coast, and one of the southernmost points of the island. There was one strong point where it surfaced, and about this point we placed a circle of 6 TBs, in the manner one uses to change a negative line to a positive one. Almost immediately a very tall positive entity appeared on the spot. Before and after we had gifted the vortex Cesco had felt a huge and negative entity out in the sea not too far away from the shore, to whose presence I can attest.

[View from the Sicilian vortex toward the Mediterranean with negative entity in background]

[Celebration of sylphs after opening of Sicilian vortex]
Our trip back north up Italy to Slovenia was without special incident, although it took us more than two full days of steady driving. Our good weather finally deserted us when we crossed the mountains west of Ljubljana, and we drove through heavy thunder and lightning. Meta met us in the city, took us to her house for one more night of Slovenian hospitality (including an excellent soup made from her garden and some apricot knödel).

[Hole in storm clouds from Meta's cloud buster]
The positive canopy now covers all of western and central Europe, with the possible exception of parts of Spain and southern France.