This sunday just past I made a long overdue trip into London.
With the whale visitors in mind I had decided to again concentrate on gifting the Thames, especially near Battersea where the whale which passed on hung around and was beached for the longest time. So I headed in with around 130TB's and 15HHg's.
All the HHg's were tossed in from Walton-On-Thames in the south-west of London, at fairly regular intervals right up to chelsea, the area I had already gifted 15HHgs previously up to tower bridge. Also quite alot of TB's were also thrown in, with the rest of the TB's being used wherever I came across large rooftop arrays etc within a reachable distance, I think around 15 arrays were gifted, plus some batches here and there when I found myself with a walk to find the river from a suitable parking location.
The violet dots are HHgs, the black dots are TB's (though the TB dot are just representational rather than an accurate ammount/area, likewise the HHg's are roughly where they were, not exact by any means). The black line in central london and dots above denote previous work, the line if for 15 HHgs.
The most interesting part, was the first HHg and few TB's I tossed in at Walton, where there was a dramatic clearing of the skies almost instantly, with a quite intense fight back with spew planes immediately, it felt like a clog in the life force veins of the area was cleared and they knew it :)
This little mission took me 13hours, including 4 driving in and back. Low tide prooved to be a drawback on my time, as it was something I hadn't contemplated, and, meant that parking up and finding somewhere I could walk out on the bank far enough to throw right in was an obstacle. Though, in hindsight this was a good thing as nearly all the pieces are far enough in that they will not emerge in warmer weather ;)
This is a massive project, several people have been in touch with regards to helping out, but many more will need to help or this will take years to complete. Again I make the plea, please help out.
It seems with the recent hacking, that my site was removed from the Vendors list on here, no surprise really :) Which might have cost me some trade, however thanks to a generous purchase and donation from Dan this run and the next is already covered, thank you good sir :)
Best Wishes