Lookout Mountain Laboratory
Mind Control
[The 60 and 70's Hollywood and the music industry looks like a government run operation centred at Lookout Mountain Laboratory, according to Dave McGowan, see Military connection.]
Nukes Don't Exist! forget the "Manhattan Project", the Atom Bomb came straight out of Lookout Mountain, a Hollywood style film studio built for the United States Air Force.
[vid] David McGowan, Military Industrial Entertainment in Laurel Canyon, Trans Resister Radio interview David McGowan talks about his article series Inside the LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation
Which brings us back to the most prominent member of the Laurel Canyon Club:
* Lookout Mountain Laboratory was originally envisioned as an air defense center.
Built in 1941 and nestled in two-and-a-half secluded acres off what is now
Wonderland Park Avenue, the installation was hidden from view and surrounded by
an electrified fence. By 1947, the facility featured a fully operational movie
studio. In fact, it is claimed that it was perhaps the world’s only completely
self-contained movie studio. With 100,000 square feet of floor space, the covert
studio included sound stages, screening rooms, film processing labs, editing
facilities, an animation department, and seventeen climate-controlled film
vaults. It also had underground parking, a helicopter pad and a bomb shelter.
* the studio produced some 19,000 classified motion pictures
* the facility was run by the U.S. Air Force
* process AEC footage of atomic and nuclear bomb tests.
* indications that Lookout Mountain Laboratory had an advanced research and
development department that was on the cutting edge of new film technologies
* 3-D effects were apparently first developed at the Laurel Canyon site
* Hollywood luminaries like John Ford, Jimmy Stewart, Howard Hawks, Ronald
Reagan, Bing Crosby, Walt Disney and Marilyn Monroe were given clearance to work
at the facility on undisclosed projects.
* The facility retained as many as 250 producers, directors, technicians,
editors, animators, etc., both civilian and military, all with top security
clearances – and all reporting to work in a secluded corner of Laurel Canyon.
* the secret bunker had been up and running for more than twenty years before
Laurel Canyon’s rebellious teen years, and it remained operational for the most
turbulent of those years
* The existence of the facility remained unknown to the general public until the
early 1990s (Ibid)
Svali, an Illuminati Defector,
stated that the Cult had a location in California which made all of the training
films for "Trauma-based mind control". No other place has been identified
besides this one. These training films were undoubtedly also a part of the
MK-Ultra program and would prove to be an extremely important key in exposing
the Illuminati fraud and global conspiracy. I would love to get my hands on one
for publication and exposure purposes.
Were James Dean, Natalie Wood, Nick
Adams and others some of the first victims of the MK-Ultra experiments? One of
the characteristics of Trauma-based mind control is that it breaks down in the
mid 20s to 30s. If a candidate cannot be reprogrammed, they are usually
dispatched in snuff films, or simply murdered in a staged suicide or accident.
A tragic end for an equally tragic
life. (Much Thanks to David
McGowan for his
research on Laurel Canyon)
Laurel Canyon, Houdini,
and MK Ultra by Paul A Drockton M.A.
Aerial view of Lookout Mountain Lab .... and the Wonderland School.