FANUARY 2. 1996




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Become Key

Depopulation Of A Planet


To Imposing NWO Agenda


Part V: U.N. Rings The Alarm

Editor's note: Part I of Rick's well-researched series on the depopulation of our planet by the crooks in power appeared in the 11/28/9S Issue o/CONTACT in the Front Page. Part II was on the Front Page of the 12/5/95 issue; Part 111 was on page 10 of the 12/12/95 issue o/CONTACT. Part IV was on the Front Page of the 12/26/95 issue. We continue with this shocking discussion here.

12/20/95    RICK MARTIN

In their book The Healing Planet—Strategies For Resolving The Environmental Crisis, Paul and Anne Ehriich write:

"In this century, humanity has become a truly planetary ecological force, its effects going far beyond the transformation of the landscape to include altering the composition of the atmosphere globally, interfering with planetary nutrient cycles, modifying climate, and exterminating other life forms. In historical perspec­tive, the switch—from a modest to an overwhelming scale of impact, and from a positive to a negative impact on carrying capacity—was almost instantaneous and monumental: human activities now appear to be lowering the long-term carrying capacity and incurring risks on a scale unimaginable less than a lifetime ago." And, also, later in the book: "Controlling popula­tion growth is critical. We cannot emphasize too strongly that significant resources must be directed into programs that limit population growth both in the United States and abroad. Because of the built-in time lags, unless the surge in human numbers is halted soon and a gradual population shrinkage begun, there is no hope of solving the problems discussed in this volume." From the environmental impact side of the discus­sion, the Ehrlichs write, [quoting:]

Measured by commercial energy use, each Ameri­can, on average, causes some 70 times as much environ­mental damage as a Ugandan or Laotian, 20 times that of an Indian, 10 times that of a Chinese, and roughly twice that of citizens of Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, or Australia. Americans use about 50 percent more commercial energy than Soviet citizens, (who nonetheless have caused even more havoc by using it with minimum efficiency and virtually no effort to prevent environmental damage). In terms of per-capita energy use, only Canada, Luxembourg, and a few oil producers are really in our league.


Viewed in this light, the United States is the world's most overpopulated nation. It is the world's fourth largest nation in population, now numbering more than a quarter-billion people, and the average American consumes more of Earth's riches than an average citi­zen of any of the other "big ten" nations...Because of this combination of a huge population, great affluence, and damaging technologies, the United States has the largest impact of any nation on Earth's fragile environ­ment and limited resources. [End quoting.]



In September 1991, as a preliminary to the United Nations "Earth Summit" Conference held in Brazil in 1992, the United Nations Associations of the United States, Canada, and Iowa sponsored a Midwest Public Hearing in Des Moines, Iowa. At the Iowa Hearing, held in co-operation with the Secretariat of the U.N. Conference in Brazil, a rather startling document was circulated privately to some of the officials. It reveals U.N. thinking on world population. [Quoting:]

A.        The time is pressing. The Club of Rome was
founded in 1968, Limited To Growth was written in
1979, but insufficient progress has been made in popu­
lation reduction.

B.         Given global instabilities, including those in
the former Soviet bloc, the need for firm control of
world technology, weaponry, and natural resources is
now absolutely mandatory. The immediate reduction
of world population, according to the mid-1970s rec­
ommendations of the Draper Fund, must be immedi­
ately effected.

C.        The present vast overpopulation, now far be­
yond the world-carrying capacity, cannot be answered
by future reductions in the'birth rate due to contracep­
tion, sterilization, abortion, but must be met in the
present by the reduction in the numbers presently exist­
ing.  This oust be dove by whatever means neces-



D.        The issue is falsely debated between a political
and a cultural approach to population and resources,
when in fact, faced with st ibborn obstruction and day-
to-day political expediency which make most of the
leaders of the most populous poor countries unreliable,
the issue is compulsory cooperation.

E.         Compulsory cooperation is not debatable with
166 nations, most of whose leaders are irresolute,
conditioned by localist cultures, and lacking appropri­
ate notions of the New World Order.   Debate means
delay and forfeiture of our goals and purpose.

This same document directs that the following policy must be implemented:

A.        The Security Council of the United Nations, led
by the Anglo-Saxon Major Nation powers, will decree
that hence forth the Security Council will inform all
nations that its sufferance on population has ended,
that all nations have quotas for reduction on a yearly
basis, which will be enforced by the Security Council by
selective or total embargo of credit, items of trade
including food and medicine, or bv military force, when

B.         The Security Council of the U.N. will inform all
nations that outmoded notions of all national sover­
eignty will be discarded and that the Security Council
has complete legal, military, and economic jurisdiction
in any region in the world and that this will be enforced
by the Major Nations of the Security Council.

C.        The Security Council of the U.N. will take
possession of all natural resources, including the wa­
tersheds and great forests, to be used and preserved for
the good of the Major Nations of the Security Council.

D.        The Security Council of the U.N. will explain
that not all races and peoples are equal, nor should they
be.   [Sounds remarkably simitar to George Orwell's
Animal Farm.] Those races proven superior by superior
achievements ought to rule the lesser races, caring for
them on sufferance that they cooperate with the Secu­
rity Council,   Decision making, including banking,
trade, currency rates, and economic development plans,
will be made in stewardship by the Major Nations.

E.         All of the above constitute the New World
Order, in which Order, all nations, regions and races
will cooperate with the decisions of the Major Nations
of the Security Council.


The purpose of this document is to demonstrate that ction delayed could well be fatal. All could be lost if nere opposition by minor races is tolerated and the infortunate vacillations of our closest comrades is ause for our hesitations. Open declaration of intent bllowed by decisive force is the final solution. This oust be done before any shock hits our financial mar-Lets, tarnishing our credibility and perhaps diminish-ng our force. [End quoting.]


On December 22, 1989, Resolution 44/228 titled United Nations Conference On Environment and De­velopment, was adopted without a vote. This resolu­tion called for the Earth Summit which was held in Brazil in 1992, and called for Earth Day on June 5, 1992.

Let's look at the contents of this tremendously important, yet little known, U.N. resolution. [Note to our readers—I realize that most "resolutions" are pretty dry reading. Not so in this case—well, maybe «little. Read along and be surprised at the broad, sweeping impact this has on everyone. Doe to the importance and scope of the resolution, I've decided to include most of the document here.] [Quoting:]

Recalling its resolution 43/196 of 20 Dec. 1988 on a United Nations conference on environment and de­velopment,

Taking note of decision 15/3 of 25 May 1989 of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Program 16_i/[A/44/25] on a United Nations confer­ence on environment and development,

Taking note also of Economic and Social Council resolution 1989/87 of 26 July 1989 on the convening of a United Nations conference on environment and de­velopment,

Taking note of Economic and Social Council reso­lution 1989/101 July 1989 entitled "Strengthening in­ternational co-operation on environment: provision of additional financial resources to developing countries'', Recalling also General Assembly resolution 421 186 of 11 Dec. 1987 on the Environmental Perspective of the Year 2000 and Beyond, and resolution 42/187 of 11 Dec. 1987 on the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, 162/[ A/42/427].

Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the question of the convening of a United Nations conference on environment and development, 163/fA/ 44/256/1989/66],

Mindful of the views expressed by Governments in the plenary debate held at its forty-fourth session ob the convening of a United Nations conference on environ­ment and development,

Recalling the Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, 164/.

Deeply concerned by the continuing deterioration of the state of the environment and the serious degrada­tion of the global life-support systems, as well as by trends that, if allowed to continue, could disrupt the global ecological balance, jeopardize the life-sustain­ing qualities of the Earth and lead to an ecological catastrophe, and recognizing that decisive, urgent and global action is vital to protecting the ecological bal­ance of the Earth,

Recognizing the importance for all countries of the protection and enhancement of the environment,

Recognizing also that the global character of envi­ronmental problems, including climate change, deple­tion of the ozone layer, transboundary air and water pollution, the contamination of the oceans and seas and degradation of land resources, including drought and desertification requires actions at all levels, including the global, regional and national levels and involving the commitment and participation of all countries,

Gravely concerned that the major cause of the continuing deterioration of the global environment is the unsustainable pattern of production and consumption, particularly in industrialized countries,


Stressing that poverty and environmental degrada­tion are closely interrelated and that environmental protection in developing countries must, in this con­text, be viewed as an integral part of the development process and cannot be considered in isolation from it,


Recognizing that measures to be undertaken at the international level for the protection and enhancement of thv environment must take fully into account the current imbalances in global patterns of production and consumption,


Affirming that the responsibility for containing, reducing and eliminating global environmental dam­age must be borne by the countries causing such dam­age, must be in relation to the damage caused and must be in accordance with their respective capabilities and responsibilities, [based on Ehrlich's statement above, this sounds a lot like America will pay for it]


Recognizing the environmental impact of material remnants of war and the need for further international co-operation for their removal,


Stressing the importance for all countries to take effective measures for the protection, restoration and enhancement of the environment in accordance, inter aJia, with their respective capabilities, while at the same time acknowledging the efforts being made in all countries in this regard, including international co­operation between developed and developing coun­tries,


Stressing the need for effective international co­operation in the area of research, development and application of environmentally sound technologies,


Conscious of the crucial role of science and tech­nology in the field of environmental protection and of the need of developing countries, in particular, con­cerning favorable access to environmentally sound tech­nologies, processes, equipment and related research and expertise through international co-operation de­signed to further global efforts for environmental pro­tection, including the use of innovative and effective means,


Recognizing that new and additional financial re­sources will have to be channelled to developing coun­tries in order to ensure their full participation in global efforts for environmental protection, [still quoting:]


Decides to convene a United National Confer­
ence on Environment and Development of two weeks'
duration and at the highest possible level of participa­
tion to coincide with World Environment Day, 5 June

Accepts with deep appreciation the generous
offer of the Government of Brazil to host the Confer­

Affirms that the Conference should elaborate
strategies and measures to halt and reverse the effects
of environmental degradation in the context of strength­
ened national and international efforts to promote sus­
tainable and environmentally sound development in all

Affirms that the protection and enhancement of
the environment are major issues that affect the well-
being of peoples and economic development through­
out the world;


Also affirms that the promotion of economic
growth in developing countries is essential to address
problems of environmental degradation;


Further affirms the importance of a supportive
international economic environment that would result
in sustained economic growth and development in all
countries for protection and sound management of the

Reaffirms that States have, in accordance with
the Charter of the United Nations and the applicable
principles of international law, the sovereign right to
exploit their own resources pursuant to their environ­
mental policies, and also reaffirms their responsibility


to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction and the need for States to play their due role in preserving and protecting the global and re­gional environment in accordance with their capacities and specific responsibilities;

8.         Affirms the responsibility of States for the
damage to the environment and natural resources caused
by activities within their jurisdiction or control through
transboundary interference, in accordance with na­
tional legislation and applicable international law;

9.         Notes that the largest part of the current emis­
sion of pollutants into the environment, including toxic
and hazardous wastes, originates in developed coun­
tries, and therefore recognizes that those countries
have the main responsibility for combating such pollu­

Stresses that large industrial enterprises, in­
cluding transnational corporations, are frequently the
repositories of scarce technical skills for the preserva­
tion aad enhancement of the environment, conduct
activities in sectors that have an impact on the environ­
ment and, to that extent, have specific responsibilities
and that, in this context, efforts need to be encouraged
and mobilized to protect and enhance the environment
in all countries;

Reaffirms that the serious external indebted­
ness of developing countries, and other countries with
serious debt-servicing problems, has to be addressed
efficiently and urgently in order to enable those coun­
tries to contribute fully and in accordance with their
capacities and responsibilities to global efforts to pro­
tect and enhance the environment;

12.       Affirms that in the light of the above, the
following environmental issues, which are not listed in
any particular order of priority, are among those of
major concern in maintaining the quality of the Earth's
environment and especially in achieving environmen­
tally sound and sustainable development in all coun­

(a)        Protection of the atmosphere by combating
climate change, depletion of the ozone layer and
transboundary air pollution;

Protection of the quality and supply of freshwa­
ter resources;

Protection of the oceans and all kinds of seas,
including enclosed and semi-enclosed seas, and of
coastal areas and the protection, rational use and devel­
opment of their living resources;

Protection and management of land resources
by, inter alia, combating deforestation, desertification
and drought;

Conservation of biological diversity;

(0 Environmentally sound management of biotech­nology;

(g) Environmentally sound management of wastes, particularly hazardous wastes, and of toxic chemicals, as well as prevention of illegal international traffic in toxic and dangerous products and wastes;

(h) Improvement of the living and working envi­ronment of the poor in urban slums and rural areas, through eradicating poverty, inter alia, by implement­ing integrated rural and urban development programs, as well as taking other appropriate measures at all levels necessary to stem the degradation of the environ­ment;

(i) Protection of human health conditions and im­provement of the quality of life;

13.       Emphasizes the need for strengthening inter-
national co-operation for the management of the envi­
ronment to ensure its protection and enhancement and
the need to explore the issue of benefits derived from
activities, including research and development, related
to the protection and development of biological diver-

14.       Reaffirms the need to strengthen international
co-operation, particularly between developed aad de­
veloping countries, in research aad development and


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lie utilization of environmentally sound technologies; 15.   Decides that the Conference, in addressing nvironmcntal issues in the development context, should ave the following objectives:

To examine the state of the environment and
hanges that have occurred since the 1972 United
fations Conference on the Human Environment and
ince the adoption of such international agreements as
lie Plan of Action to Combat Desertification, 165/
1977—A/Conf.74/36] the Vienna Convention for the
rotcction of the Ozone Layer, adopted on 22 March
985, and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that
•eplete the Ozone Layer, adopted on 16 September
987, taking into account the actions taken by all
ountries and intergovernmental organizations to pro-
ect and enhance the environment;

To identify strategies to be coordinated region-
lly and globally, as appropriate, for concerted action
» deal with major environmental issues in the socio-
conomic development processes of all countries within

particular time-frame;

To recommend measures to be taken at the
ational and international levels to protect and en-
ance the environment, taking into account the specific
leeds of developing countries, through the develop­
ment and implementation of policies for sustainable
nd environmentally sound development with special
mphasis on incorporating environmental concerns in
lie economic and social development process, and of
•arious sectorial policies and through, inter alia, pre-
entive action at the sources of environmental degrada-
ion, clearly identifying the sources of such degrada-
ion and appropriate remedial measures, in all coun-

To promote the further development of interna-
ional environmental law, taking into account the Dec-
aration of the United Nations Conference on Human
Environment, JL66/(U.N. pub. sales no. E.73.II.A.14]
is well as the special needs and concerns of the (level-
ping countries, and to examine, in this context, the
easibility of elaborating general rights and obligations
if States, as appropriate, in the field of the environ­
ment, also taking into account relevant existing inter-
ational legal instruments;

To examine ways and means further to improve
o-operation in the field of protection and enhance­
ment of the environment between neighboring coun-
ries with a view to eliminating adverse environmental

(0 To examine strategies for national and intema-ional action with a view to arriving at specific agree­ments and commitments by Governments for defined ctivities to deal with major environmental issues, in rder to restore the global ecological balance and to revent further deterioration of the environment, tak-ng into account the fact that the largest part of the urrent emission of pollutants into the environment, deluding toxic and hazardous wastes, originates in leveloped countries, and therefore recognizing that hose countries have the main responsibility for com-ating such pollution;

(g) To accord high priority to drought and deseiti-ication control and to consider all means necessary, deluding financial, scientific and technological re-ources, to halt and reverse the process of desertifica-ion with a view to preserving the ecological balance of he planet;

(h) To examine the relationship between environ-lental degradation and the structure of the interna-ional economic environment, with a view to ensuring more integrated approach to environment-and-devel-pment problems in relevant international forums with­in introducing new forms of conditionality;

(i) To examine strategies for national and intema-ional action with a view to arriving at specific agree-nents and commitments by Governments and by inter-lovernmental organizations for defined activities to iromote a supportive international economic environ-nent that would result in sustained and environmen-


tally sound development in all countries, with a view to combating poverty and improving the quality of life, and bearing in mind that the incorporation of environ­mental concerns and considerations in development planning and policies should not be used to introduce new forms of conditionally in aid or in development financing and should not serve as a pretext for creating unjustified barriers to trade;

(j) To identify ways and means to provide new and additional financial resources, particularly to develop­ing countries, for environmentally sound development programs and projects in accordance with national de­velopment objectives, priorities and plans and to con­sider ways of establishing effective monitoring of the implementation of the provision of such new and addi­tional financial resources, particularly to developing countries, so as to enable the international community to take further appropriate action on the basis of accu­rate and reliable data;

(k) To identify ways and means to provide addi­tional financial resources for measures directed towards solving major environmental problems of global con­cern and especially to support those countries, in par­ticular developing countries, for whom the implementa­tion of such measures would entail a special or abnor­mal burden, in particular owing to their lack of finan­cial resources, expertise or technical capacity;

(1) To consider various funding mechanisms, in­cluding voluntary ones, and to examine the possibility of a special international fund and other innovative approaches, with a view to ensuring the carrying out, on a favorable basis, of the most effective and expeditious transfer of environmentally sound technologies to de­veloping countries;

(m) To examine with the view to recommending effective modalities for favorable access to, and transfer of, environmentally sound technologies, in particular to the developing countries, including on concessional and preferential terms, and for supporting all countries in their efforts to create and develop their endogenous technological capacities in scientific research and de­velopment, as well as in the acquisition of relevant information, and, in this context, to explore the concept of assured access for developing countries to environ­mentally sound technologies in its relation to propri­etary rights with a view to developing effective re­sponses to the needs of developing countries in this area;

(n) To promote the development of human resources, particularly in developing countries, for the protection and enhancement of the environment;

(o) To recommend measures to Governments and the relevant bodies of the United Nations system, with a view to strengthening technical co-operation with the developing countries to enable them to develop and strengthen their capacity for identifying, analyzing, monitoring, managing or preventing environmental problems in accordance with their national develop­ment plans, objectives and priorities;

(p) To promote open and timely exchange of infor­mation on national environmental policies, situations and accidents;

(q) To review and examine the role of the United Nations system in dealing with the environment and possible ways of improving it;

(r) To promote the development or strengthening of appropriate institutions at the national, regional and global levels to address environmental matters in the context of the socioeconomic development processes of all countries;

(s) To promote environmental education, especially of the younger generation, as well as other measures to increase awareness of the value of the environment;

(t) To promote international co-operation within the United Nations system in monitoring, assessing and anticipating environmental threats and in rendering assistance in cases of environmental emergency;

(u) To specify the respective responsibilities of and support to be given by the organs, organizations and


programs of the United Nations system for the imple­mentation of the conclusion of the Conference;

(v) To quantify the financial requirements for the successful implementation of Conference decisions and recommendations and to identify possible sources, including innovative ones, of additional resources;

(w) To assess the capacity of the United Nations system to assist in the prevention and settlement of disputes in the environmental sphere and to recom­mend measures in this field, while respecting existing bilateral and international agreements that provide for the settlement of such disputes. [End quoting.)

Section II, the final section of the resolution, goes on to outline the specific logistics from Committees to participants and ways to co-ordinate the Conference and future actions.


In the book Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy To Save Our Planet, edited by Daniel Sitarz, we find [quoting:]

Agenda 21 is, first and foremost, a document of hope. Adopted at the Earth Summit in Brazil [1992] by nations representing over 98% of the Earth's popula­tion, it is the principal global plan to confront and overcome the economic and ecological problems of the late 20th century. It provides a comprehensive bine-print for humanity to use to forge its way into the next century by proceeding more gently upon the Earth. As its sweeping programs are implemented world-wide, it will eventually impact on every human activity on our planet. Deep and dramatic changes in human society are proposed by this monumental historic agreement. Understanding those changes is essential to guide us all into the future on our fragile planet.

Humanity is at a crossroads of enormous conse­quence. Never before has civilization faced an array of problems as critical as the ones now faced. As forbid­ding and portentous as it may sound, what is at stake is nothing less than the global survival of humanUnd.

The effects of human impact upon the Earth have been accelerating at a rate unforeseen even a handful of decades ago. Where once nature seemed forever the dominant force on Earth, evidence is rapidly accumu­lating that human influence over nature has reached a point where natural forces may soon be overwhelmed. Only very recently have the citizens of Earth begun to appreciate the depth of the potential danger of human impact on our planet. The equilibrium of the planet is in jeopardy, as judged by forces as profound as the global climate and the atmospheric protection from the Son's damaging rays. Major changes in the ecological balance of the world are occurring very rapidly, more rapidly in many cases than humanity's ability to assess the dangers.

Despite perceived feelings of superiority over na­ture, humanity remains fully and totally dependent upon the natural world. We need the bounty of nature to survive on this planet. We need the fresh air to breathe, the clean water to drink, the fertile soil to provide our sustenance. Human impact upon these vital substances has reached the point of causing po­tentially irreversible damage. Scientists around the world, in every country on Earth, are documenting the hazards of ignoring our dependence upon the natural world.

There is strong evidence from the world's scien­tific community that humanity is very, very close to crossing certain ecological thresholds for the support of life on Earth. The Earth's ozone layer, our only protection from the harmful rays of the Sun is being depleted. Massive erosion is causing a rapid loss in the fertile soil of our planet and with it a potentially drastic drop in the ability to produce food for the world's people. Vast destruction of the world's forests is contributing to the spread of the world's deserts, increasing the loss of biodiversity and hampering the ability of the Earth's atmosphere to cleanse itself. The


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planet's vast oceans are losing their animal life at a staggering rate and are fast reaching the limit of their ability to absorb humanity's waste. The land animals and plants of our planet are experiencing a rate of Extinction unseen on Earth since the time of the dino­saurs; extinctions brought on not by cataclysmic events of nature but by the impact of a single species: homo sapiens. The increasing pollution of air, water and land by hazardous and toxic waste is causing wide­spread health problems that are only now beginning to be understood. All of these problems are being inten­sified by the explosive growth in the sheer numbers of human beings in the last half of the 20th century.

For the first time in history, humanity must face the risk of unintentionally destroying the foundation of life on Earth. The global scientific consensus is that if the current levels of environmental deterioration continue, the delicate life-sustaining qualities of this planet will collapse, it is a stark and frightening potential. To prevent such a collapse is an awesome challenge for the global community. (Continuing to quote portions of Agenda 21:]

In December of 1989, the General Assembly of the United Nations confronted this daunting task. The urgency of the problems of development and environ­ment prompted the nations of the world to call for an unprecedented meeting—a meeting of all of the nations on Earth—an Earth summit. The United Nations Con­ference on Environment and Development was set for June of 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The scope of attendance at this historic meeting clearly defines the importance of its task. It was, very simply, the largest gathering of heads of state in the history of life on Earth. On June 13,1992, nearly 100 world leaders net around a single table in Rio de Janeiro in the largest face-to-face meeting of na­tional leaders in the history of international diplo­macy.

Agenda 21 is not a static document. It is a plan of action. It is meant to be a hands-on instrument to guide the development of the Earth in a sustainable manner. Recognizing the global nature of the environmental problems that face humanity, it is based on the premise that sustainable development of the Earth is not simply an option: it is a requirement—a requirement increas­ingly imposed by the limits of nature to absorb the punishment which humanity has inflicted upon it. Agenda 21 is also based on the premise that sustainable development of the Earth is entirely feasible. The transition to a global civilization in balance with na­ture will be an exceedingly difficult task, but Agenda 21 is the collective global alert that there is no alterna­tive. We must align human civilization with the natu­ral equilibrium of our planet and we must do so very rapidly if we are to prevent an irreversible decline in the quality of life on Earth.

The bold goal of Agenda 21 is to halt and reverse the environmental damage to our planet and to promote environmentally sound and sustainable development in all countries on Earth. It is a blueprint for action in all areas relating to the sustainable development of our planet into the 21st century. It calls for specific changes in the activities of all people. It includes concrete measures and incentives to reduce the envi­ronmental impact of the industrialized nations, revital­ize development in developing nations, eliminate pov­erty world-wide and stabilize the level of human popu­lation.

Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced—a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collec­tive decision-making at every level.

The successful implementation of the far-ranging actions proposed by Agenda 21 will require active


participation by people throughout the world, at the local, national and global levels. There are measures that are directed at all levels of society—from interna­tional bodies such as the United Nations and the World Bank to local groups and individuals. There are spe­cific actions which are intended to be undertaken by multinational corporations and entrepreneurs, by fi­nancial institutions and individual investors, by high-tech companies and indigenous people, by workers and labor unions, by farmers and consumers, by students and schools, by governments and legislators, by scien­tists, by women, by children—in short, by every person on Earth.

The overall levels and patterns of human consump­tion and production must be compatible with the finite capacities of the Earth. As the human population on Earth increases, there will be ever greater pressure for people throughout the world to attain a higher standard of living. If the model lifestyle for this increasing populace is based on the current excessive consumption levels and inefficient production methods of the indus­trialized countries, the thresholds of economic and environmental disaster will soon be reached. Sustain­able patterns of consumption and efficient methods of production must be developed and encouraged in all societies.

One of the most important root causes of the inten­sifying human impact on our planet is the unprec­edented growth in the sheer numbers of human beings in the last SO years. The world's population is now growing by nearly 100 million people every year. Popu­lation pressures are placing increasing stress on the ecological systems of the planet. All countries must improve their ability to assess the environmental im­pact of their population growth rates and develop and implement appropriate policies to stabilize popula­tions.

[Still quoting from Agenda 21, under the heading Controlling Population Growth, we read:]

The spiraling growth of world population fuels the growth of global production and consumption. Rapidly increasing demands for natural resources, employment, education and social services make any attempts to protect natural resources and improve living standards very difficult. There is an immediate need to develop strategies aimed at controlling world population growth. There is an urgent demand to increase awareness among decision-makers of the critical role that population plays in environmental protection and development issues.

[Then, under National Population Policies, we find:]

Existing plans for sustainable development have generally recognized that population is a vital factor which influences consumption patterns, production, lifestyles and long-term sustainability. Far more atten­tion, however, must be given to the issue of population in general policy formulation and the design of global development plans. All nations of the world have to improve their capacities to assess the implications of their population patterns. The long term consequences of human population growth must be fully grasped by all nations. They must rapidly formulate and imple­ment appropriate programs to cope with the inevitable increase in population numbers. At the same time, measures must be incorporated to bring about the sta­bilization of human population. The full consequences of population growth must be understood and taken into account at ail levels of decision-making. [Agenda 21 ends with:]

In the next few years, the basic tenets of Agenda 21 will begin to influence decision-making at every level of society. A deep understanding of the rationale behind the drive for sustainable global development will enable every person to contribute to the success of Agenda 21 programs. For the far-ranging programs of Agenda 21 to be successful, a concern for the environ­ment must begin to be integrated into every human action and every personal decision. What we manufac-


ture, what we buy, what we wear, how we travel, what we eat, who we choose as leaders: these and a myriad of other daily questions must begin to be answered with a recognition that every single human action has an impact upon both the environment and w,jon all other people. Humanity has reached the point in its history when it must begin the difficult and demanding task of taking responsibility for each and every one of its actions. The sheer numbers of human beings are now causing our collective actions to have an unprecedented effect upon the planet

As humanity approaches the end of this century, it is poised at a crossroads of unmatched magnitude. The very existence of human life on Earth may well depend upon the direction which is taken in the next few years. Without question, the character and quality of human life on this planet is at stake. The potential for catas­trophe is huge. However, the possibilities for success are encouraging. Agenda 2 Us itself a monument to the ability of humanity to join together in a global effort to solve the major problems of civilization. We each now have tbe opportunity and responsibility to help shape the future of life on our fragile planet. The conse­quences of our collective decisions will be our heritage. [End quoting.]


In his book Vaccines: Art They Really Safe And Effective?, Neil Miller (National Vaccine Information Center) writes [quoting:]

A brief review of the data presented in this book indicates that:

Many of the vaccines were not the true cause of
a decline in the incidence of the disease.   Increased
nutritional and sanitary measures probably deserve
credit. Some diseases may also have their own evolu­
tionary cycles; the virulent nature of the virgin disease
is transformed into a tame illness as members of the
population are exposed to it and gain "herd" immunity.

None of the vaccines can confer genuine immu­
nity. Often the opposite is true; the vaccine increases
the chance of contracting the disease. (Published "vac­
cine efficacy rates" are misleading.   They are often
evaluated by measuring blood antibody levels—not by
comparing infection rates in vaccinated and
unvaccinated persons.)


All of the vaccines can produce side-effects.
Reactions range from soreness at the injection site to
brain damage and death.

The long-term effects of all vaccines are un­
known.  Particularly distressing are the implications
that vaccines can be devastating to the young child's
immature immune system.   Studies were presented
showing impaired health protection following injec­
tions. Lowered physical defenses may be responsible
for a new breed of autoimmune diseases. Other studies
showed damage to the brain and nervous system follow­
ing shots—post-vaccinal encephalitis. This, is turn,
causes large numbers of children to grow up with
physical, mental and emotional disabilities of varying
degrees. All of these conditions affect the individual,
his or her family, and society as well.

5)         Several of the vaccines can be especially danger­
ous.   Nevertheless, the Medical-Industrial Complex
continues to maintain its deceptive practice of disre­
garding vaccine reactions.  In fact, medical officials
recently suggested that they were justified in adminis­
tering new and unprovea vaccines by claiming it is
unethical to withhold them!?   Meanwhile, creative
propaganda on the merits of vaccinations remains a
lucrative ploy.   For example, the AMA admits that
"adult vaccines need a gimmick.''   CDC physicians
suggest a catchy slogan, like "Vaccines are not just kid
stuff." Our policy-makers have lobbied for laws against
freedom of choice.   Their patterns of coercion and
denial are notorious among the enlightened members of
the population (parents who question vaccines), though
sadly their awakenings may have cost them dearly—