Matrix movie
[back Films, Movie makers

[The Matrix was about Energy robbing and the mind control to hide that fact by the Reptilians.  Blue pills are called Pyjama people, red pills Conspiracy theorists.  Stolen by Wachowski Brothers off Sophia Stewart.]

See: Matrix beliefs

Producers: Wachowski Brothers

[2013 Feb] Sophia Stewart, The Real Creator of ‘The Matrix,’ Wins Billion Dollar Copyright Case

Sophia Stewart interview

[2012 Sept] The Matrix Trilogy Decoded

[vid] Reptilians in The Matrix Movie by FrequencyFence  

[1999] The Columbine Matrix. Interview: Michael Hoffman

THE SYMBOLISM of 9-11 CONSIDERED  You want symbolism? Get your Matrix DVD or blu-ray, skip to the scene where Agent Smith first interrogates Thomas Anderson (aka NEO), freeze the image when Smith quickly reviews the folder, frame forward to the ID page, look at the scan of the passport…..I shit you not, the expiration date is September 11th, 2001. In a movie FILLED with encoded information. From 1999.

[vid] Reptilians in The Matrix Movie by FrequencyFence  

[2012 Sept] The Matrix Trilogy Decoded

Agent Cooper
