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INTERVIEW WITH JORDAN MAXWELL 'Godfather of Secret Societies'by Doug Yurchey http://www.world-mysteries.com/doug_jmaxwell.htm Copyright 2004 by Doug Yurchey and Jordan Maxwell.
Jordan's areas of interests include:
[Even with his busy schedule of radio shows and lectures, Jordan
was nice enough to agree to an interview. We met with a few friends at a
restaurant on Ventura, Blvd; (LA). Virtually the entire conversation was
recorded...and will be destroyed! The following is an edited transcript.
Jordan drops atom bombs with his words. He can spell-bind an audience
and has on many occasions. While setting up the meeting; he said: 'I
don't want to talk about government conspiracies.' I was stunned on the
other line of the phone. My thought was: What the hell are we going to
talk about then? Instead of an evening that I thought might be a bust;
it turned out to be a marvelous talk. He graciously answered all of my
questions. So, pretend you were at the table and listen in on our
conversation...you may encounter many surprises!] I don't mind answering your questions. WHAT YOU SAID ON THE TAPE, WAS THAT THEY (FBI phone call) SAID THEY DIDN'T MIND YOU TALKING ABOUT CONSPIRACIES...THAT WHAT THEY DIDN'T WANT YOU TALKING ABOUT WAS KNOCKING RELIGION; THE CHURCH? Not at all. That's not what I said at all. I said, they said to me that right now the government doesn't consider you a threat as long as you're just talking. I'm just talking. Not causing violence. And they told me...you don't have much of a following. [laugh] If you start getting a LARGE following...like Martin Luther King and you start talking too much, then they are going to deal with you. HOW DID YOU START WITH ALL THIS? I have no idea. Quite simply, I don't. WAS IT SOMETHING THAT YOU WERE DISATISFIED WITH THE CHURCH? WHAT STARTED YOU DOING THIS? No. No. A man named Bob Ferney. Bob Ferney. I have always, even as a child, been fascinated with the world of the Occult. When I use the word 'Occult' I'm using it in its 'classical' meaning. Occult is a Latin word meaning...HIDDEN. HIDDEN. Doesn't mean evil or bad or corrupt. It just means hidden. Secrets. In the medical field, there are terms that doctors use; certain organs are occult...it means hidden or not in view. WAS THIS FERNEY GUY AN INSPIRATION TO YOU? Oh Lord, yes! He got me started, but I was always fascinated with what was hidden in the world. Hidden knowledge; hidden symbols; hidden terms; hidden catch phrases. I always gravitated to that to start with. Then, when I met him...it gave me a focus. He said: I'm giving you a book to read. The book was Charles Fort. He gave me the book and said: 'This will begin your...' JOURNEY. Journey. The book's called The Complete Works of Charles Fort. Consequently, that got me looking into the Occult or hidden significance of the UFO; the paranormal; the other world, stuff. I had already been having paranormal experiences with the other world ever since I was 7 or 8 years old. I never associated those spiritual things that happened to me...to a career; of researching this kind of thing. WHAT WERE YOU GOING TO BE? I have no idea. I came to California with 9 dollars in my pocket. I had no idea what I was going to do. I came to California; no idea. I WANTED TO ASK YOU ABOUT, LONG AGO, THE POPE TAKING OWNERSHIP OF THE EARTH FOR GOD...WHAT WAS THE DATE? CAN YOU EXPLAIN THAT? No. I'm not an expert on that. But, I have the book. The book would explain that...written by the expert. Got the whole story. I just heard it. I think the date was 1213. The man who has done all the homework on that, Dr. Brian Lucas, is the expert; I was just relating what experts say. DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION ON THE ROSWELL ALIENS? DO YOU BELIEVE WILLIAM COOPER'S BOOK WHERE HE STATES THERE IS A PACT BETWEEN US AND THE ALIENS? WE WILL TAKE TECHNOLOGY FROM THE ALIENS AND THE GOVERNMENT WILL COVER UP THEIR EXISTENCE? I'm just giving you an opinion; a subjective opinion based on my feelings on the subject..and talking to people for 40 years on the subject, I am totally convinced that something very legitimate did happen in Roswell. And I shouldn't be a bit surprised if there were alien bodies there. I'm convinced for other reasons than you would think. I've talked to people who should know. I can't prove anything. But, there are plenty of people out there who are giving great, documentary proof. But, it doesn't matter how much proof you offer. If people don't want to believe, they're not going to believe...even if you saw an alien sitting here... MIGHT BE. Yeah. The point being...I believe, without any doubt, that there is, in point of fact, extraterrestrial, alien life here on the Earth. I am not sure where they've come from. They may even be indigenous to this planet for billions of years and we're just the newcomers who are now spotting them for the first time....There are many dimensions; they could be with us right here and we don't see them. I'M CONVINCED THAT THERE ARE SECRET BASES, RIGHT NOW, ON THE MOON AND MARS. I THINK THEY SENT 'SPIRIT' TO THE GUSTAV CRATER BECAUSE THEY KNEW NOTHING WAS IN GUSTAV CRATER. WHY AREN'T THEY CHECKING CYDONIA WITH A FACE AND AN ALIGNED PYRAMID TO THE MARTIAN DIRECTIONS? WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE IDEA OF A SECRET SPACE PROGRAM COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THAN WHAT NASA SHOWS US? I sat for 3 days and 3 nights with Richard Hoagland up in Oakland at a private conclave; with 6 other people; there were 8 of us. For 3 days and 3 nights we sat in a hotel; we rented a table in the restaurant. The idea was 8 people were sitting around a table; and at that conclace we discussed everything we were doing. Richard Hoagland gave us some really startling information; being a spokesman for NASA. It blew my mind what he was talking about. He did not mention, at all, Mars. He had extensive comments about what NASA knows is going on on the Moon...and that, most likely, according to NASA's best figuring...the Moon is, most likely, hollow. It has a metal superstructure. It's been hollow and was probably BROUGHT here. I WROTE AN ARTICLE ABOUT THE 'GRAVITY LOCK' SITUATION ON THE MOON. IT'S A PERFECT SYNCHRONIC RELATIONSHIP WITH THE EARTH. IT'S REVOLUTION AND ROTATION IS IN PERFECT SYNC...THAT SHOULD CHANGE OVER TIME...NEVER HAS CHANGED. IT WAS SET THERE. AROUND THE ONE PLANET WE KNOW HAS LIFE...A PERFECT PLATFORM TO STUDY US AND NOT GET DETECTED FROM THE FARSIDE. WHAT I'VE READ WAS THE MOON WAS BROUGHT IN...AFTER THE COLLAPSE OF ATLANTIS. That's possible, too. BECAUSE THINGS WERE GOING WRONG. THEY NEEDED TO STUDY THE PROBLEM. You know why I think it's possible? Because I wasn't here. [laugh] WE MAY HAVE ALL BEEN THERE? I'm totally sure of how much I don't know. ARE YOU A BELIEVER IN REINCARNATION? Yes. I'm totally convinced of that for myself. I have reasons for saying that. I have heard all the other arguments; which are saying that the phenomena that we call Reincarnation is explanable in another way. I've thought about it...and I still don't buy it. I've heard a very brilliant man, whom I have the highest respect for, give another interpretation on how the phenomena could happen...and he is saying that it is, at least, possible that there are aliens or angels or extraterrestrial life forms here who have lived through thousands and thousands of years and are somehow or another putting those words into your mouth when you talk about what you saw in the past lives...it wasn't you, they're putting it into your mind. THAT WAS THE EXPLANATION? Yeah. That was his explanation. I'm not say that is totally B.S. There may well be, for lack of a better term, alien life forms here; angels; sons of God; the Elohim; I don't know. It is possible that there are entities; spiritual entites that have been here for hundreds of thousands of years and do also have the knowledge and the ability to interface with our psyche and put thoughts into your head. If you go back to the Bible, there are Sons of God; which are not angels. Angels are angels. We have disembodied spirits...there are things called Sons of God; they look like men, but they are not men. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ZACHARIA SITCHIN? I have the highest regard for the man and his work. He's been a friend of mine for many years. We were going to do a 13 1-hour mini-series with Zacharia Sitchin and sell it to PBS and universities. We sent him to Egypt, Turkey, Mexico, Israel, etc. But, it didn't work out. 1776; THE COUNTRY IS FIRST STARTING. THE FOUNDING FATHERS WERE THESE FREEMASONS... Not all. But, yeah. WAS IT A GOOD THING, ORIGINALLY. I KNOW IT'S BEEN CORRUPTED BY THE ILLUMINATI. THIS WAY OF CONTROLLING PEOPLE...WAS IT A GOOD THING CORRUPTED OVER TIME? My honest answer is I don't know. I am aware that this country was founded as a corporation. The British East India Company; which was supposed to be the British East India Tea Company. The British East India Company is involved with the founding of the corporation called America; the United States. And when the first 13 colonies were founded, they were not called colonies. In point of fact, they were called 13 individual 'companies.' REALLY? That's what they were originally called...companies. Later on, they became known as the colonies. They were first called 'companies.' THAT FITS WITH THE CORPORATION IDEA. Anytime you're talking about this subject, you need to get the book 'The Rulers of Evil' by Tupper Saussy. This guy has done his homework. The point I'm making is this guy has done extraordinary work on the founding of this country...what really happened. He's the guy that, as far as I'm concerned, has nailed this history down. He went into the backgrounds of companies that the Queen set up. How she set up corporations; the East India Company and set up companies around the world...that, later on, became known as 'colonies.' Behind it...if you go through Tupper Saussy's work; it starts off, goes through and ends with the whole subject of the VATICAN. The Vatican is the brains behind the British Empire. It breaks off and becomes another company, but the money is still...you got General Motors and then you have a big fight; a big argument and they set up a new company called Pontiac. Pontiac is still General Motors. YOU TAUGHT ME ABOUT SCOTTISH RITE AND YORK RITE FREEMASONS. THE HEAD OF THE SCOTTISH RITE (Church) THE POPE AND THE HEAD OF THE YORK RITE (State) THE THRONE OF ENGLAND. When you get into Masonry, you're getting into what I would call...a briar patch...because there is so much we don't know; that we're not priviledged to know. One thing I am convinced of, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is that everything is connected. Nobody is an enemy. Nobody is a friend. It's all just business. You will find Scottish Rite masons who are at war with Scottish Rite masons. York Rite masons are at war with somebody else. The Vatican is in it. After awhile...you begin to see everybody is trading their money; trading their stocks. THESE ARE POWER-PLAYS? Yeah. That makes sense because one of the most powerful symbols in Freemasonry is Ordo Ab Chao; which is Order Out of Chaos. The idea is...if everything just sits quiet, nothing gets done. The more chaos and all the trouble going on...stuff gets done! You can set up police departments; you can set up governments. You can set up an army; have a bigger army. It's all business, don't worry about it. I SENT YOU THAT QUOTE FROM 1984 WITH JOHN HURT; THE QUOTE WAS LIKE THE WAR WITH EAST-ASIA OR EUR-ASIA DID NOT MATTER, THE WAR WAS MEANT TO BE CONTINUOUS. THE RULING GROUP MAKES WAR UPON ITS OWN SUBJECTS... So, they can keep control over you. AND TO KEEP THE STRUCTURE OF THEIR HIERARCHY INTACT........... WHAT ABOUT MICHAEL MOORE? ABOUT BUSH BEING OILMEN CONNECTED TO OSAMA BIN LADEN. ON TV, HE SAID THAT THE BIN LADENS CONTRIBUTED HUGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY TO ELECT GEORGE W. AFTER 9-11, WHEN NO AMERICAN WAS ALLOWED TO FLY, A SAUDI JET PICKED UP OSAMA'S FAMILY AND TOOK THEM TO SAFETY OVERSEAS. THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN INTERROGATED. BUSH AND BIN LADEN ARE NOT ENEMIES; THEY ARE IN LEAGUE. I like Michael Moore. I think he's very clever. He's very brave. I like him...I think he's wrong in a couple of things. For instance, in Bowling for Columbine, I don't think he was on substantial ground for jumping on Charlton Heston over the gun issue....But, I like almost everything about Michael Moore. I WROTE AN ARTICLE: WAS JFK KILLED BECAUSE OF ROSWELL? WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THAT? I think it is possible. Anything is possible when you don't know. My gut reaction is no. He could have been. But, I don't believe he was killed because of Roswell at all. WE WERE VERY NAIVE BACK THEN. THERE IS ALSO DOROTHY KILGALLEN WHO HAD EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO INTERVIEW JACK RUBY. SHE HAD SECRET INFORMATION AND SHE MYSTERIOUSLY WINDS UP DEAD IN A HOTEL ROOM. Jack Ruby wouldn't have anything to do with UFOs. I'M NOT SAYING THAT. I'M SAYING SHE WAS KILLED ALL TO PROTECT THE SECRET OF THE ALIENS AND ROSWELL. It's hard to say no. Because it's, at least, possible. BUT, YOU BELIEVE IN JAMES FORESTAL? I think Forestal was killed, that's what I feel. FOR WHAT REASON? I don't know for what reason. But, I think he was killed. I GOT SOME FLAK ABOUT SOMETHING I HEARD AT ONE OF YOUR LECTURES: THE KILLING OF THE KING. HOW THEY KILLED CEASAR; AND IN A DECK OF CARDS, THE ACE IS OVER THE ROYAL CARDS; SOMETHING CONTROLLING FIGUREHEAD LEADERS; CAN YOU TELL US ANYTHING ABOUT THIS RITUAL? Do I know anything about it? Yeah. I've studied that subject for 40 years. The whole concept of Jesus; King of Kings; Lord of Lords...he was killed. Huh? I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT. And when the King or Queen of England dies, the people say: 'The King is dead. The King is dead. Long live the King.' What are you talking about, you just said he was dead? It's part of a ritual. It's a Druidic ritual that's a whole story that's on another level; that you've never even heard. The concept was: You kill the King. Because the blood of the King is the resurrection into a newer and higher order...There is a ritual; there is a whole story that has never been told to the normal public in the street...about the killing of the King. WHERE DID YOU LEARN ABOUT IT? I read a lot. Look it. Put this in the interview. When you're talking to somebody who has spent 43 years looking at the Occult world, I get this continually from people; where did you get that stuff? When I was growing up, if I heard something that didn't make any sense to me, but I respected the source where it came from; but it made no sense...I wrote it down and am going to spend the next 6 weeks researching this; myself...There's all kinds of stuff going on; all kinds of levels of symbolism. Occult terms and emblems that are used around the world that most people even in the government today don't know why they got the symbols that they do. They'll sing the Star Spangled Banner. A 'Banner' is a word which is used in the corporate world to advertise a company. There is a world of difference between a banner and a flag. If you research this difference, then you're starting to get where I've been for years; looking at the darkside; the Occult world of words, terms, phrases... AND ALSO COLORS. YOU MENTIONED COLORS? Very interesting. Surrender means you have no color. You wave the white flag. If someone blows up at you and you say wow they're showing their true colors. That's what the gangs do, they wear blue...you got a problem with that? And the other gang comes in wearing their red... IN OKLAHOMA, IF IT WAS A FERTILIZER BOMB, RIGHT AFTER THE EXPLOSION, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A YELLOW CLOUD OF POISONOUS AMMONIA. CAMERAS WERE RIGHT THERE AS SOON AS IT HAPPENED; PEOPLE RAN IN...THERE WAS NO CLOUD OF AMMONIA THAT SUCH A FERTILIZER BOMB HAD TO HAVE FORMED. TO ME, IS WAS A SOPHISTICATED CIA BOMB AND NOT SOME HICK WITH FERTILIZER. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS? Anybody who can look at the Oklahoma thing and not see something wrong with it, I don't want to talk to them...because...It's like what Dick Gregory said: If you know, you know, and I don't have to tell you. And if by now, you're so damn stupid that you don't know, you don't deserve to be told. If you haven't figured it out by now. SO IT CERTAINLY WASN'T A FERTILIZER BOMB? What are you kidding? You're going to blow up a 25 story building with cow poopoo? [laughter] DO YOU THINK IS WAS NOT A COINCIDENCE THAT THE HIGH SCHOOL SHOOTING AT COLUMBINE IS SO CLOSE TO THE NAME 'COLUMBIA' ? (D.C., CBS, Columbia Shuttle disaster) Yeah, well. I wouldn't be surprised. Who know? I wasn't there. All I do know is that nothing happens in this world by chance. That's all I know for sure. If something happens, you can damn well figure, somebody planned it that way. YOU SAID CATHOLICISM AND JUDAISM ARE BASICALLY THE SAME; THE SAME ENTITY? IN THE SAME WAY, THE THRONE OF ENGLAND AND THE VATICAN? Yeah. That's right. It's all just business. It's like General Motors who is doing battle right now with Chevrolet. And Chevrolet is really at odds with Pontiac... Don't take any of this personal, it's just business. THAT ROUND BUILDING THAT YOU SAID WAS IN SWITZERLAND, DIVIDED IN THIRDS (masons, world bank & U.N.), IS THERE A NAME FOR THAT BUILDING? In 1980 I found that; in an encyclopedia; World Book Encyclopedia...I photocopied it. It was in Switzerland or Belgium or somewhere like that. But, I am totally sure it has been torn down by now. OH REALLY? AND THAT WAS WHERE THE HIPPIE PEACE SIGN CAME FROM? No. But, the building was shaped like the peace sign. THEY CONTROL THE PROBLEM AND THEY CONTROL THE SOLUTION. That we've known for years. Everbody knows that. NO. I WAS VERY MUCH A PART OF THAT HIPPIE MOVEMENT. TO HEAR THAT THE PEOPLE AT THE TOP WERE CONTROLLED BY THE OTHER SIDE... And that surprises you? HA. WINSTON CHURCHILL WITH HIS 'V' FOR VICTORY HAND SIGN. HE WAS A WARLOCK; IN LEAGUE WITH ALIESTOR CROWLEY? Aliestor Crowley came up with that victory sign; but it wasn't for Victory. It meant something to Aliestor Crowley. It had nothing to do with Victory, at all. DEVIL WORSHIP? Whatever it was...it was recommended by Aliestor Crowley...to Churchill. Aliestor Crowley also recommended to Adolph Hitler...the stretched out, right-hand salute. REALLY?! That was Crowley's recommendation to Hitler when he was first coming into power. Incidently, according to reference works that I've read, the thumbs up, that the American soldiers always gave was also from Crowley. He was an extremely respected Occultist, around the world. PEARL HARBOR. WAS PEARL HARBOR PLANNED? WAS FDR IN ON IT? (SEE, YOU COULD NEVER TELL MY FATHER THAT). IT WAS TO BRING AMERICA INTO THE WAR. THE TOP, MILITARY LEADERS WOULD KILL THEIR OWN PEOPLE TO BRING US INTO WAR? There is a book written by a man named Colonel Dall; Curtis Dall. He was Roosevelt's son-in-law. He was a high placed military man himself. The book is called 'My Exploited Father Inlaw.' In that book, he said that Roosevelt had the Act of War on his desk 6 months before it happened. BEFORE PEARL HARBOR? Of course. It had already been planned. JUST BEFORE 9-11, THEY CAME OUT WITH THE MOVIE 'PEARL HARBOR.' WHY COME OUT WITH A TERRIBLE MOVIE AT THAT TIME? ALSO, THERE WERE MANY WAR FILMS AT THAT TIME; BAND OF BROTHERS, ETC. HOLLYWOOD INFLUENCING YOU TO GO TO WAR. How about Wag the Dog? YES. THE 10% CONTROLLING THE 90%. That's telling you something. PEOPLE SEE IT AS ENTERTAINMENT, WHEN IT'S ACTUALLY BRAINWASHING. THE CELEBRITIES IN THE BOHEMIAN GROVE; CELEBRITIES; THEY'RE TOLD WHAT FILMS THEY'LL BE IN; WHO THEY HAVE TO MARRY; WHO THEY HAVE TO BREAK UP WITH; AGENTS RULING THEM AND IF YOU DON'T PLAY ALONG, THEY'LL BREAK YOU. When you're talking about the Bohemian Grove, go back and do some research on the word 'grove.' That's all I'm saying, it's a code word. Grove. That's very important. And people don't BEGIN to know how important that is. Look up the word Grove... OVER CHRISTMAS, THEY USED IT ON A TV AD... Look up the word Grove. Listen, I'm talking...look up the word Grove. And you will see it's connected to the Druids. You will understand the the Druids are connected to a royal bloodline; a holy bloodline coming out of France...and Europe in general. MEROVINGIAN? Now, you're starting to think too much. [laughs] It all goes back to the Druids; it can be traced to the Phoenicians...Druids who worship in the grove. The word 'grove' means something in the Occult world. To all witches, all warlocks and all magic-practicing priests around the world, when you use the word 'grove' in front of them, it means something. I SEE A SECRET SOCIETY; A GROUP OF ROBED FIGURES OUT IN A MEADOW... Now, you're getting it. WHAT ABOUT THE FILM 'EYES WIDE SHUT'? That's how most people go through the world; Eyes Wide Shut; being blind with open eyes. I MEANT HOW TOM CRUISE FOUND HIMSELF WHERE HE SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN; IN A PLACE OF SECRET RITUALS... Look what happened to Stanley Kubrick; died during the making of that film. YOU DON'T THINK THAT JUST HAPPENED? Look at the subject of the film. THE MOVIE DID GET MADE. But, who's to say what it would have looked like if Kubrick had been alive to finish it? MANY SYMBOLS WERE PROBABLY EDITED OUT........ [Weeks later, Mr. Maxwell was kind enough to continue the interview]: GOING BACK TO SPENDING ALL THAT TIME WITH RICHARD HOAGLAND...AND HE DIDN'T MENTION MARS? WASN'T THAT STRANGE SINCE THAT IS HIS SPECIALTY OF POINTING TO THE MONUMENTS OF MARS? He might have mentioned Mars. It was 1995. At that time, his interest was not so much Mars as on the MOON. We also spoke about Egypt and some on Cydonia, but not so much the Face. There was a bit on artificial structures. And, how pyramids were laid out...and the Sphinx. WAS WILLIAM COOPER, WHO WROTE 'BEHOLD A PALE HORSE,' MURDERED BECAUSE OF WHAT HE KNEW AGAINST OUR GOVERNMENT? I was not there, so I really don't know. I couldn't testify to anything. I knew Bill Cooper...he had a bad temper. I have a 'suspicion.' WAS MEL GIBSON'S FILM 'THE PASSION' DONE TO INFLAME A RELIGIOUS WAR BETWEEN CHRISTIANS AND JEWS? No. Not, really. WHY WAS IT MADE? I believe Mel Gibson made the film because he feels society; and leading nations are...speeding into technological advancement at the expense of spirituality. I don't think he was trying to get back at someone; but, that goodness is important; and honor. THERE ARE JEWS THAT BELIEVE THEY ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE. THERE ARE CHRISTIANS WHO BELIEVE HEAVEN IS ONLY THROUGH CHRIST WHICH MEANS HEAVEN CANNOT INCLUDE THE JEWS. IT SEEMS THESE OPPOSITE PHILOSOPHIES ARE ONLY TAKEN TO CREATE A RELIGIOUS WAR? Never has there been a government that was not religious. Never has there been a religion that was not political. All politics involve secular; Jewish, Christian agendas. There has always been a basic animosity between the two. I believe the New Testament, the Gospel, is a metaphor; a symbolic story. Yes, they can be encoded. But, in my opinion, they are important stories and not history. IN YOUR OPINION, WAS THE SHROUD OF TURIN THE BURIAL CLOTH OF JESUS? No. I don't believe it was the burial shroud of Jesus? BUT IT'S AN ANCIENT, PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE? There could be spiritual presences on Earth so advanced...that encompass the Earth. Islam; Judaism and Christianity and their spiritual dynamics to life on Earth. Entities could exist with great technology that we don't have; that seems like magic to us. Who is to say that these beings could imprint on a cloth...in order to mislead us; for whatever purpose. WHY WAS PRINCESS DIANA KILLED? I sure don't know. My OPINION is Princess Diana was probably far more the legitimate Royalty than who we call the Royalty today. The Royalty, or BRIT-ish, are saxon; they are German...not English. I think, I could care less and I'm just answering your question. The Germans wanted to legitimize their English Throne; they wanted Di to marry Charles to add a truly ENGLISH person to their German bloodline. But, Di was not impressed with the German Royalty that ran everything and she went against them. I don't doubt it. THE QUEEN MOTHER IS GERMAN? Yes, sure. WHEN DID THIS GERMAN TAKEOVER OF BRITAIN HAPPEN? During the Middle Ages; the coming of the saxon bloodlines into England. Their banking systems... WHAT DOES THAT DO TO WWII? WHAT ABOUT WWII? And, World War One? YES, ALSO GERMAN. ENGLAND WAS THE VANGARD OF WAR AGAINST GERMANY. WERE THEY FIGHTING THEMSELVES? That's a good question. Politics on a very high level. All I know is: ALL of the Royal Family are German...there's no English blood. DIANA FULFILLED HER PURPOSE BY PRODUCING THE CHILDREN? Sure. Her brother gave the eulogy at the Church, the day she was buried, and said: 'Diana's bloodline will protect her two sons.' THE GERMANS WANT THE ENGLISH CHILDREN IN THEIR BLOODLINE? Yes, sure. THANK YOU JORDAN, IT'S BEEN A PLEASURE. THANK YOU. [I greatly appreciated this opportunity to speak with Jordan Maxwell; to learn more and share his knowledge with readers on the Internet. (My friend IS going to burn the tape). We dropped Jordan off at an amazing, little bookstore at 19633 Ventura Blvd; called RE-EVOLUTION Bookstore. It is not very large and has such an exclusive and specific target-audience. New conspiracies can be found there as well as classic New Age, UFO, paranormal books; tapes and DVDs; many Tesla items on DVD. Our last words with Jordan concerned the future and the question of: Is there any hope for mankind here on Earth? According to Jordan, the answer is NO! It's far too late. Humans have lost the war a long time ago. People are far too blind. Ignorance is bliss; the general public doesn't have a clue and will refuse to see the light. The answers, the symbols with their secret meanings, are right in front of us. Fascism is rubbed into our face with symbols, TV brainwashing, corporate logos and federal emblems. There's nothing we can do; not even in the near future; the enemy is too great; the Evil Empire is too large of a monster. I can understand Jordan's utter discouragement and contempt for the walking blind. If you knew what he knows! Finally...Jordan did agree that possibly, in the FAR future, the meek shall inherit the Earth and there could be a completely different situation then than the stranglehold the mob bosses have over us today. Let's hope.]
Copyright 2004 by Doug Yurchey and Jordan Maxwell.
Mr. Maxwell is available for radio interviews,
lectures and seminars.
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Copyright 2004 www.world-mysteries.com