MI-5 and MI-6 Wreak Havoc for the Illuminati
May 28, 2009

Blogs by people claiming to be former MI-5 and MI-6 agents paint a sordid picture of criminality: state terrorism, rape, torture, mind control, murder and pedophilia in the service of the Illuminati.
The main blog is called "Richard Tomlinson and the Russians" but there are a dozen more listed. Taken together with the Comments, they provide a hair-raising picture of crimes perpetrated by these deranged Illuminati agencies.
Here are some highlights:
+The world's Intelligence agencies are infiltrated and controlled by "Royal Arch" Freemasons who owe their loyalty not to the State but to Illuminati (Masonic) bankers, posing as the "Crown" or "Monarchy." Most agents are tortured, i.e. trauma brainwashed and mind controlled using trigger words from texts like "Alice in Wonderland."
MI-5 Chief Manningham-Buller told recruits they serve "the 'real' communism, ...the 'Guardianship' by those who were 'born to rule'. They were the self-elected custodians of British society who could decide what was in their people's best interests."
"This tarantula-like Masonic organization ...has been strangling the world since the last days of the British Empire. Those within British Intelligence who were not Royal Arch Freemasons, had no real idea of what was going on at all. If they did manage to catch a 'Russian spy' within their midst, it was because the Royal Arch Freemasons had deemed this person expendable and had then fed him or her to the fishes. Think Burgess, Maclean etc and you will get the picture. [Anthony] Blunt escaped such censorship and hounding. He was a 'master' of Royal Arch Freemasonry."
+Vladimir Putin has a long history as a Royal Arch Freemason. He is "a puppet - always has been. You only have to look into his vacuous eyes to see that..." He was a cross dresser & homosexual boy toy to current MI-6 Director John Scarlett.
+"Putin was chosen as a DNA sperm donor within this Royal 'zygote' project and had then been ordered by the Masonic body to copulate with various British female agents, whilst in Berlin. The zygotes were then 'collected' and the young woman involved, was subsequently murdered. Stephen Daldry [the film Director] had organized various victims to be sent to Berlin for exactly this purpose. He has also boasted of listening to them (bugged rooms) being murdered, during this period. Cameras were also placed in the TV sets for the Royal Arch Freemasons to view afterward - in essence, 'snuff movies'. By 1993, the Royal Arch Freemasons had no further use for Mr Putin in terms of information or DNA and therefore, he was expendable - Royal Arch Freemason or not."
+"Putin's mother was Jewish but converted to Russian Orthodoxy. In Poland, he decided to go back to his roots and because his mother was Jewish he didn't have to go through a full conversion.
There is some difference among the posters about whether Putin broke from the Illuminati and deprogrammed himself when he was betrayed by MI-6.
+MI-6 implantated a nuclear bomb (ESSO were employed to do the drilling) between the tectonic plates under the seabed - just off Aceh, Indonesia. MI5 were to send a military ship into the area after the explosion had occurred, in order to check radiation levels. They had miscalculated. The radiation levels are now affecting all of the surrounding islands, including the Arabian peninsular. The explosion occurred on the 26th December 2004.
"Indonesian Intelligence were duly warned and took action by taking out large insurance claims with British companies just before the event (mainly on the same day beforehand, in order to get the claims through without creating suspicion and UK firms backing out of the deal), in relation to the areas and buildings that the tsunami would hit."
+ On July 10, 2007 "Anonymous" posted the following: "The new date set for Royal Illuminati terrorist attacks is the 14th July 2007. They have planned a whole series of bombings all over the world. Too numerous to mention. One hopes this advance warning will put them off once again but as ever this is only an intermediary measure. British Intelligence have to sort themselves out, once and for all... The Crown has a stranglehold on BI [British Intelligence]and its not going to let go without a battle. The Royal Military will see to that." (No bombs went off on that date.)
+ "Little Madelaine's [McCann's] parents were part of the Illuminati ring - mind control slaves themselves. They know what happened to her - their subconscious minds know exactly what happened but they were powerless to stop it. J K Rowling is also an Illuminati Monarch slave - she is an actress who has hardly put pen to paper regarding the Harry Potter books. The original author of the first four books - hasn't seen a penny from it - stolen goods. Rowling was present at the rite in which Madeleine died - hence her offer of a reward in public, was all the more sickening.
"Rowling was chosen to front this series of books because she was so malleable. She wanted fame and fortune without cost. Her Ashkenazim parents had bought her out of British Illuminati slavery and had also bought her what is known in the trade as a 'Pen and Ink Stand'. A ghost-writer who works as an unpaid slave - one of British Intelligence's operatives."

Tomlinson supposedly broke with MI-6 but the posters says he is still working for them, running a pedophile ring in the south of France. For a "defector," his book "The Big Breach" was singularly unrevealing.
+ Stella Rimington, a director of MI-5 in the 1990's is a former secretary who did sexually entrapment work for MI-5 before becoming a S/M lesbian. She had her agents steal the MI-6 mind control codes and used them to break out of her own mind control and "attack the system from outside." When she started assassinating MI-6 agents who annoyed her, she was ungracefully retired. "She has been involved in child trafficking and prostitution ever since."
There is a list of the related blogs at the end of this article. Generally speaking, I find this material credible (while incredible.) It provides an unique glimpse of the seedy underside of Illuminati government, especially in England where the Illuminati is headquartered.
This pattern of criminality and depravity is allowed to thrive in order to bring down democratic institutions and usher in a satanic dictatorship led by the Illuminati bankers, i.e. "the Crown."
Related Blogs (some may no longer function)
www.andrewmarr.blogspot.com www.johnscarlett.blogspot.com www.elizamanninghambuller.blogspot.com www.stellarimington.blogspot.com www.seraphimraziel77.blogspot.com www.beautyandthebeastomega.blogspot.com www.fivehivealpha.blogspot.com www.rubberduckpsi.blogspot.com www.alphadeltaV.blogspot.com www.cuckoosnests.blogspot.com www.electricbluesky.blogspot.com www.alicescapesthemenagerie.blogspot.com www.royalarchcrumbles.blogspot.com