Friday, 14 March, 2003, 12:19 GMT
Parents are worried about the alleged effects of
phone masts
A workman was punched as he tried to put up a
mobile phone mast near a primary school.
A team of contractors were confronted by the man as they
arrived to start work on the equipment opposite St Wilfrid's
Primary School in Newton Heath, Manchester.
The proposals have sparked opposition among parents who are
worried about the alleged health risks.
They recently organised a picket outside the school with some
parents taking their children out of classes to join in.
The organisers of the protest have condemned the assault, but
said that they will fight to stop the plans.
Pamela Flynn, a shop owner and grandmother to four pupils at
the school, said: "We don't want acts of violence, but we will
take legal steps."

I am shocked at the violence and the experience
was obviously very frightening
The mobile phone company O2 hired the contractors
to start work on the mast at Newton Heath Cricket Club.
The firm was granted planning permission for the mast after
an appeal.
'Very frightening'
A spokeswoman for O2 said: "I have never come across anything
like this.
"I am shocked at the violence and the experience was
obviously very frightening."
A spokeswoman for Greater Manchester Police said the incident
was under investigation.
The government has said a recent study showed that emissions
from mobile masts in the UK are well within international