[back] Murder By Injection by Eustace Mullins

Chapter 3. The Profits of Cancer

In 400 B.C., Hippocrates assigned the name of Cancer or crab to a disease encountered during his time, because of its crab-like spread through the body.  Its Greek name was "karkinos." In 164 A.D., the physician Galen in Rome used the name of "tumour" to describe this disease, from the Greek "tymbos" meaning a sepulchral mound, and the Latin tumore, "to swell." The disease could not have been very prevalent it is not mentioned in the Bible, nor is it included in the ancient medical book of China, the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine.  Unknown in most traditional societies, it spread with the rise of the Industrial Revolution.  In the 1830s, cancer was responsible for two per cent of the deaths around Paris; cancer caused four per cent of deaths in the United States in 1900.

With the rise of cancer came "modern" methods of coping with it.  A leading critic of the medical establishment, Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, comments that "Modem cancer surgery someday will be regarded with the same kind of horror that we now regard the use of leeches in George Washington's time." The surgery of which he spoke is the widely accepted and imposed method of cancer treatment now in vogue throughout the United States.  It is called the "cut, slash and burn" technique.  This method of cancer treatment actually represents the highwater mark of the German allopathic school of medicine in the United States.  It relies almost exclusively on surgery, bleeding and heavy use of drugs, with the exotic addition of radium treatment.  The Temple of the modern method of cancer treatment in the United States is the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute in New York.  Its high priests are the surgeons and researchers at this center.

Originally known as Memorial Hospital, this cancer establishment was presided over during its early years by two physicians who were stereotypes of the Hollywood caricatures of "the mad doctor." If Hollywood planned to make a movie about this hospital, they would be stymied by the fact that only the late Béla Lugosi would be appropriate to play not one, but each of these two doctors.  The first of these "mad" doctors was Dr. J. Marion Sims.  Son of a South Carolina sheriff and tavern owner, Sims (1813-1883) was a nineteenth century "women's doctor." For years he dabbled in "experimental surgery" by performing experiments on slave women in the South.  According to his biographer, these operations were "little short of murderous." When plantation owners refused to allow him to conduct further experiments on their slaves, he was forced to purchase a seventeen year old slave girl for $500.  Within a few months he had performed some thirty operations on this unfortunate, a girl named Anarcha.  Because there was no anesthesia at that time, he had to ask friends to hold Anarcha down while he performed his surgery.  After one or two such experiences, they usually refused to have anything further to do with him.  He continued to experiment on Anarcha for four years, and in 1853, he decided to move to New York.  Whether his little negro hospital in South Carolina was surrounded by screaming villagers one night as they brandished torches, as in an old Frankenstein movie, is not known.  However, his decision to move seems to have come rather suddenly.  Dr. Sims bought a house on Madison Avenue, where he found a supporter in the heiress of the Phelps empire, Mrs. Melissa Phelps Dodge.  This family has continued to be prominent supporters of the present cancer center.  With her financial assistance, Sims founded Women's Hospital, a 30 bed, all charity hospital which opened on May 1, 1855.

Like a later quack, "Doc" Simmons, Sims advertised himself as a women's specialist, particularly in "vesico-vaginal fistula," an abnormal passage between the bladder and the vagina.  It is now known that this condition has always been "iatrogenic," that is, caused by the ministrations of doctors.  In the 1870s, Sims began to specialize in the treatment of cancer.  Rumors began to circulate in New York of barbarous operations being performed at Women's Hospital.  The "mad doctor" was at it again.  The trustees of the institution reported that "the lives of all the patients were being threatened by mysterious experiments." Dr. Sims was fired from Women's Hospital.  However, because of his powerful financial supporters, he was soon reinstated.  He was then contacted by members of the Astor family, whose fortune was founded on old John Jacob Astor's ties with the East India Company, the British Secret Intelligence Service, and the international opium trade.  One of the Astors had recently died of cancer, and the family wished to establish a cancer hospital in New York.  They first approached the trustees of Women's Hospital with an

at Berkely, he stated that his studies had proven conclusively that untreated cancer victims actually live up to four times longer than treated individuals.  "For a typical type of cancer, people who refused treatment live an average of twelve and a half years.  Those who accepted surgery and other kinds of treatment lived an average of only three years.  I attribute this to the traumatic effect of surgery on the body's natural defense mechanism.  The body has a natural type of defense against every type of cancer."

In February, 1988, the National Cancer Institute released its definitive report, summarizing the "war against cancer." It reported that over the past thirty-five years, both the overall incidence and death rates from cancer have increased, despite "advances" in detection and treatment." Washington Post, February 9, 1988.  The problem may be that, just as in other wars we have engaged in the twentieth century, too many of those "on our side" are actually working for the enemy.
