A generous gifter from Norway has contributed enough money to make these 800+ TBs we will deploy in Santiago before travelling to La Serena. We still need more money for buying resin (got plenty of xtals and metal) and for diesel money for the trip to the dessert. Diesel prices have skyrocketed this year, and now I pay twice as much for the liter. It will cost 400+ dolars on diesel costs alone. The more money we get the more can be acomplished.
About once every 10 or 15 years, "freak" rainstorms enter the edges of the Atacama dessert and produce a phenomenon known as "Desierto Florido" or Flowering Dessert. The desolate, dead lanscape becomes alive with millions of beautiful flowers, the brown hills and valleys become purple, yellow, orange, red and blue. It is truly a spectacle.
This year we are on the threshold of having the flowering dessert phenomenon. We just need a little more rain. We are confident that with this gifting trip, not only will this be achieved, but we will have the most beautiful desierto florido in many many years. It really is amazing how a dead place like the Atacama can come alive with a little rain. The seeds remain latent for years and years until the right time comes. Our Earth is very capable of healing itself, it just needs a little help right now to get the parasites of its back. With a couple of years of consitent rain, the Atacama will transform into a jungle, how it used to be only 1000 years ago.
Juan Antonio told me that this winter, the rats' chemtrail spraying has been incesant, almost non-stop. However he has become quite skilled at clearing the skies with a small scale Reich style cloudbuster (with no orgonite). This type of cloudbusting is much more difficult and requires alot of skill. He aims his makeshift CB directly at the planes, and the trails fail to form at all, he also directs the CBs to atract rain fronts from Argentina or from the Pacific with good results. I'll ask him to post something about his cloudbusting in more detail. Inspite of the non-stop chemtrails, and HAARP assaults, rain has still managed to fall on this arid region.
Donations are very welcome, we need your support to pull this one off!