Excellent background info, John, thanks! Carol, DB
and I used to make a game of identifying which
agency certain moles on previous orgonite forums
were working for in the years we were still
participating on poisoned orgonite forums. The FBI
moles are generally the most heavy handed and
brutish; the CIA moles are deranged and frantic,
always hunting for our personal weaknesses and the
NSA moles are slick as hell and usually have a lot
of science, metaphysical and academic background.
The NSA ones even have a pretty good sense of humor,
sometimes. MI6 moles are somewhere between CIA and
NSA--lots of sleepers in the case of MI6, good at
blindsiding you after they get your trust.
When DeMento initially tried to harm Georg and crew
with his media slander, last week, I was alarmed
but I'm not going to worry about him any more
because I think he stuck his neck out far enough,
this time, to ruin his credibility. Drunvalo
Melchizedek did that, years ago, when he said in
front of witnesses that his merkaba meditations were
designed to put 'higher' initiates under his direct
control. Sai Baba's publicized pedophilia knocked
him off his perch. The professional liars are
falling like tenpins, now. I didn't worry about
DeMeo, before, because his constant direct attacks
on our technology and persons were free advertising,
increasing our numbers, as Jeff Rense unwittingly
did when he attacked us on several of his radio
programs, seven years ago. If we never have to
contend with another Horrible Herbie (harmful media
slander) situation, though, I'll be grateful.
Look at how fast this situation in Mozambique is
turning in our favor!
I had asked Manfred, today, to start a thread about
the serious slander trouble on the German forum but
he'd already done so, yesterday. Another proof
that I'm not an agent: all of the fakers on the
higher profile orgonite forums (EW is
still relatively obscure, in spite of being the
only viable one in English) read every single post
on every single forum and jump in those threads to
spew poison, immediately but I don't have time to
read most of the posts on my own little forum

. They can't do that, here, because I won't invite
them to post. It's kind of like dealing with
vampires--just don't invite them in and you won't
get bitten! If you invited them in and you get
bitten, tough luck! No medals are available for
being nice, in that case
Manfred's doing exactly what I used to do when the
moles dogpiled me in previous forums: stick to
discussing their tactics but avoid mentioning them,
personally. By doing this, we help other people
identify how the poisonmongers operate and, grid
willing, we convince them to stop wasting time on
poisoned internet forums. If Georg and Honigblume
determine to weed out the troublesome nad very
troubled contributors to the German forum I think
that effort will survive and eventually flourish. If
not, somebody else (Manfred?) will take up some of
the slack.
The reason there are only a handful of agent-free
forums on the web is because only nice people
initiate good-faith forum efforts and the
arschwartze are really, really good at sending in
clever, patient moles who can manipulate their fear
of losing their niceness. Those few of us nice
folks who feel like we've got nothing to lose (and
nobody to impress

) aren't afraid of dealing decisively with these
socipaths and that's what it takes to have a
thriving, inspiring forum effort, unfortunately. I
think Manfred's got the sand to make that happen for
We spent over an hour dealing with the 'octopus'
that had wrapped itself around that forum effort and
Manfred. It was one of the really fun sessions
because the psychics were rapidly calling out some
very intriguing intel. I hope one of them will post
in this thread beause my second hand accounts of
what they were all seeing are less than second best

. I can say that they saw a lot of agencies
involved and that the Chinese Triads were at the top
of that heap.
I'm pretty sure that the sciience forum will be able
to move ahead, now. Evidently, the registration URL
is also being hacked, which is another good
You don't need to have an academic pedigree to
contribute to his forum, by the way. Mark Bennett
is the prime example of how one does science
research with orgonite and you can see that his
presentation is plenty scientific, empowering and
substantive but without any of the harumphing and
techobabble of the corporate/academic white
coats. Manfred's a wonderfully kind and generous
person, too, so don't worry about getting your
wrists slapped if you stray a bit. He's nicer than
I am and you can see that I don't browbeat people,
here, when they post material that seems
inappropriate to me.
Since the backbiters in Europe are trying to paint
Manfred as a cult follower of Don Croft I'm going to
continue to support his forum effort from a distance
for now and I'll continue to encourage people in
email and in posts to contribute their good
science stuff to his forum.
Backbiting in email trashed the online orgonite
networks in UK and Australia, six years ago. I
started EW right after that but the backbiters were
using their nominal afffiliation with me in order to
have some credibility. They were telling a lot of
lies, like these fellows in Europe are now
doing. Manfred jumped out of the German forum after
it became obvious that his affiliation with those
folks on that forum was counterproductive in the
moment. I'm hoping that his decision, along with
our moral, etheric and voiced support for him, will
help us avoid another debacle like the one, six
years ago, that damaged this unorganized network. I
don't envy Georg's challenge to either clean up that
board or perhaps bury it, though. Georg is also a
very nice person, concerned about fairness for
The Persians say, 'Kindness to the wolf is cruelty
to the sheep.' Okay, now we know that wolves are
very wonderful and not scoundrels but they do eat
sheep when there are enough wolves about

and the internet is jam packed with programmed and
paid soiopaths at the moment, so ignoring that fact
is not prudent for those of us who commit to
creating and maintaining safe forum environments.
I haven't booted anyone in a very long time, by the
way, and I invite new folks all the time. Diligence
really does pay off.