SovereignSpirit |
Etheric Warrior
Joined: 09 Aug 2004
Posts: 20
Location: Sin City- Las Vegas

Mon Sep 20, 2004 10:07 pm
Post subject: Satanic place,
vortex(es) and UB busted |
Lately I was
thinking of Valley of Fire and for
some reason the “thinking” about
that place bothered me. So I decided
to dowse to see what’s coming up.
When dowsing, my pendulum fell from
my hand on a certain spot on the
I said: “Ohhhoo, there must be
something fishy there”.
I asked the pendulum if there is any
satanic place? Before I even asked
the question I got an immediate huge
pain below my heart, it was like
somebody stabbed me with a sword. I
screamed and hardly could breath.
Constantin came next to me, because
I got him kind of scared and he told
me: “They don’t want you to be nosy
when it comes down to their
I found out there is also one or
more vortexes and an underground
I prepared myself with Earth pipes,
HHg’s and TB’s.
Sunday, Constantin, a friend (which
I will call Buru) and myself got to
Valley of Fire.
First gifting stop at the State Park
at Valley of Fire.
Buru and I went gifting while
Constantin waited for us in the car,
looking for the next places on the
map. The energy was really bad, Buru
also told me he felt the DOR. I got
short breath and headache. When got
back in the car Constantin asked us,
because we were both having troubles
breathing: “What’s wrong with you
guys, you both look like a mess”. I
looked in the mirror, well... he was
I spotted a spook’s car (a couple)
waiting for us. The car followed us
almost everywhere we went.
Few other stops, bad headaches, the
same spook car, etc.
One of the places, the road there
was CLOSED. There is a notice
posted: ROAD CLOSED - vehicles found
on the road after sunset will be
towed away.
Ohooo… towed away after sunset???
Again Buru and I went gifting. A
huge rabbit with very long ears was
waiting for us. Then he run away
like I have never seen before. We
were amazed. We followed the rabbit
and placed the gifts there (hehe..
follow the rabbit hole - Matrix)
Anyway we did more stops, gifts,
etc, and we arrived at that “satanic
place” which I found on my map when
ROAD CLOSED of course. My pendulum I
guess didn’t lie.
Now, the three of us with a big
bucket full of EP’s and more gifts
went there and did our job.
Every time a pipe went into the
earth I got a headache.
That place it’s in the dessert and
it was kinda hot.
I got again trouble breathing. It
was very windy and at some point I
found myself making a U-turn and
going in the opposite direction (the
boys were in front of me watching of
course for me, so I didn't get
kidnapped ).
I said to myself “No, that’s no
right, they cannot mess with me and
pushed myself to think straight and
got back on the right direction.
Anyway after that I got my energy
back, felt really good and relieved.
Few more stops, gifts and we were
done for the day.
At the “Valley of Fire” it is posted
on the roads: DAY USE ONLY, SUNRISE
TO SUNSET. That leads us to the
conclusion that during the night
someone has business to attend over
We would like to know what would
that business be all about?
Lilly-Sovereign Spirit
Don Croft |
Site Admin
Joined: 07 Aug 2004
Posts: 95
Location: Idaho, USA
Tue Sep 21, 2004 4:29 pm
Post subject: |
victory for you guys in Las Vegas,
Lilly, congrats!
Knowing specifically what goes on on
and under the satanic sites is hard
to determine but our own bodies tell
us when we're on target, thankfully,
as you're demonstrating for us.
The DOR in deserts feels a lot
worse, of course, but I've seen that
in Las Vegas itself, where you guys
have been doing a LOT of good work,
the summer heat isn't as oppressive
as it was, not very long ago.
The severity of the backlash, too,
can tell us a lot about how
effective a particular gifting
mission has been. I think you guys
REALLY stopped their fun this time,
and in a big way. Maybe we'll get
the intel on that later on but, for
me, the sensory confirmations are
always sufficient.
"We shall no longer hang on to the
tails of public opinion or to a non-
existent authority on matters
utterly unknown and strange. We
shall gradually become experts
ourselves in the mastery of the
knowledge of the Future."
~Wilhelm Reich |