Orgonite Gets Dumped Into Giant Marsh
Big Muskego Lake is in Waukesha county just west of Milwaukee. It's
a 2300 acre marsh loaded with cattails, lily pads, Bass, Pike, and
many species of birds. It's awesome! You feel like you're in the
wild out there. Muskego in Native American means 'haunted'. After
fishing there for 7 years, I agree. Willow wisps, underwater green
orbs, black choppers, and a giant Slyph stays there all the time. It
never leaves!
The lake has Monsanto farms near, and of course there' round up'
death washes into the watershed. This creates 'death blooms' Green
slimy goopy sludge. Thanks Monsanto! I hate you. During the spring
of 2009 I gifted the entire lake with over 100 tb's. in a 16 ft
Lund. Did it all in a few hours. The water became a cool blue color
with NO SLIME! Amazing transformation, I asked many fisherman what's
going on with water quality. A lot of them said it's the first time
in forever the lake did not have slime and scum. They were
dumbfounded. Ice fishing always shut down in late Jan due to plant
death and oxygen depletion. Not this year, plants are still green,
fish still moving! Orgone seems to grow plants in the dark. Hmmm? I
feel bad to confuse all these fisherman, they have no clue. I told
them to call the DNR and ask what they did?
Life is good.

Re: Orgonite Gets Dumped Into Giant Marsh
Great post and information Bear Claw.
I'm still trying to suss out the right number of TB's needed to
reclaim volumes of water and this is a starting point.

Re: Orgonite Gets Dumped Into Giant Marsh
Awesome empirical evidence Bear claw! Orgonite seems to open up the
area and restore the nature balance that once was. We are currently
getting more snow in approximately 50% of our state (Alabama) and
people who have lived here many years agree it's the most snow they
have ever seen.

Re: Orgonite Gets Dumped Into Giant Marsh
Big Muskego lake had zero winter kill for the time anyone can
remember. Being a marsh it's shallow and suffers winter kills
annually. Preorgonite that is.

Plants lived much longer and were able to produce oxygen further
into the winter/spring. Also SE WI is full of life energy now.
Trees, birds and flowers are all 3 weeks early. Lake Michigan is now
looking 'deep blue'. People are commenting on lake, flowers, trees
and birds. I even caught salamanders for the first time in 30 years.
What a difference from 1 year ago. I'm happy it's done, but there's
more work to do... lets go!

Re: Orgonite Gets Dumped Into Giant Marsh