Here's a URL where you can find a bunch of his lectures on film:
Here's an audio link interview with Al Bielek about his friendship with Phil and the circumstances around his death:
Some of this stuff is featured on disinfo sites, which is unfortunate, and there are some who will scream that Al Bielek is a liar. Since there's no way to validate or cross reference information from people who have broken secrecy oaths they can't be said to be speaking with authority but Carol adn I have used a lot of the information we got from our conversation with Al Bielek and we've never had cause to doubt his integrity.
I'm going to post some of the notes from Phil's Denver workshop, then will transcribe more and post again:
Phil Schneider
E.T.s, UFOs, and New World Order Technology; an Overview--1940 to the Present (1995)
Ex-government worker: 17 years in Black Projects (‘Skunkworks’) helping design and build extremely deep underground bases.
Structural engineer, aeronautical and military applications (US Air Force and Navy).
Graduate of Missouri University and University of Manchester (UK)
After recovering from wounds received in 1979, also worked for Aerospatial (French gov’t agency)
Main job, before being wounded, was building underground and submarine bases. Analyzed rock formations and grain structure suitable for blasting large chambers. Notes that much of the excavation was done by shaped charges and lasers.
References Richard Souter’s book on underground bases and nuclear-powered tunneling machines.
Father (Oskar Schneider) was a German U-Boat commander who was responsible for sinking 131 Allied ships. Was captured by the French in 1941 and turned over to 3d Army, who turned him over to Naval Intelligence in Pensacola, Florida. Was recruited for Navy black projects, ended up as ‘US Navy medical officer’ for Project Rainbow (Philadelphia Experiment) with rank of captain. Continued working for the navy until his death in 1993. Was one of the principle engineers for the first nuclear submarines.
His father urged Phil to get into black projects but he became a construction worker, spent some time doing that in Viet Nam during the war, where he said he made ten times what a construction worker got paid in the US at the time. Was injured in 1970 and recuperated by 75, then went to work for a contracting company that was building underground bases. The first underground bases and missile bases were gold mines. The missile silos were built around the old vertical air shafts.
Suggested that the squeamish in the audience leave at this point, then began talking about DUM (‘deep underground military’) bases in depth.
Each base averages about 4.25 cubic miles in volume at an average depth of 5,000 feet. At the time there were 131 of these in the US, 129 of which were fully operational.
Strategically located; first ones were built to protect the president and gov’t officials. Since there are only 11,000 politicians and bureaucrats considered worth saving, and that only one base would be needed for that many [parasites] and their families it’s obvious that there are other purposes for the bases. Some had already been used to house aliens.
Government doesn’t want the public to know about their alliance with predatory aliens because: 1) they say it will panic the masses; 2) it’s obvious that these aliens had been arriving in large numbers since 1946 and perhaps earlier.
Bikini Atoll [site of the first H-bomb test blast] was the location of an enormous, ’unauthorized’ alien underground/underwater base. This was known since March, 1940. Those islands were Japanese possessions from the end of WWI to the end of WWII, by the way. The Japanese had encounters with predatory aliens and, just like was happening in occupied Europe at the time, the aliens were stealing people off the streets [Al Bielek showed Carol and I a wartime newspaper from Holland telling about the abductions]. It apparently got so bad that some in the Japanese gov’t hoped the Americans would take back the alien-occupied territory and deal with the off world predators.
Alien agenda has been the takeover of the planet by various off world races and species. The US Gov’t has known about this perhaps as early as 1933. Patton and MacArthur had advised that the ‘next world war’ would be fought against ‘people from the stars.’ HG Wells and others wrote science fiction books about this much earlier.
US Cavalry, while chasing bandits, found paintings of aliens and their flying craft in caves near Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, in 1905.
Government’s own alien agenda [mostly a close alliance with off world predators?] has been concealed from the public by a structure of lies and innuendo. Quotes Georg Washington: A public that is uninformed is devoted to slavery.
Schneider suggests that we simply have to become better informed and that taking a little time, daily, to absorb credible information will generate a snowball effect, leading to more and more information.
62 of the bases house the tall and short gray aliens and their craft. Gov’t engineers and scientists (mainly US Air Force and Navy) are breaking down their technology to apply to their own uses:
Airframes of the F117 and Stealth Bomber are made from alien metals. Skins are made from a rubber/graphite material combined with [alien derived] element 123, which is extremely stable.
He shared a board full of photos of the newer craft, including a lineup of 58 Stealth Bombers (half the total in the air force) in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm. When stored, the bombers need to be kept at around 60 degrees but the skin is stable even when white hot due to friction caused by high speed. Crystals form on the skin during those times and these crystal structures aren’t found on earth.
Some of this stuff came from the Russians, who also have an arrangement with aliens.
One of the pioneers of the stealth project was Paul Denowitz [name sounds like that--the sound quality of the video is pretty poor]. He tried to publicize the alien agenda but was warehoused in a mental institution, then, and was turned into a vegetable. His family spent a million dollars looking for him after he disappeared into the trunk of a car. US Air Force apparently is responsible. Denowitz developed the shape, also the bomb attachments
Jets were both turbine and nuclear (for extremely high flight). In the Gulf War, 58 stealth fighters flew 3,706 sorties; 100% of the bombs hit their targets and 100% of the missiles hit their targets, mainly Iraqi Air Force. Only one plane was damaged (a missile grazed the nose) but it was not disabled.
At the time of the lecture, the air force had 779 of these and had been building one every two months. Cost (1995) was $208 million, each.
Introduced 3D radar and carries Cray computer. Thought-directed controls and commands; tech received from Russians.
Aurora Project:
Capable of 40,000mph and can enter space. Mach 3 was a limiting barrier because at that speed the air ignites, which is why meteors leave a flame trail in the atmosphere. This plane flies at Mach 6.
Aliens made treaties with governments in 1954, exchanging technology for animal tissue harvests. Says that the first time he encountered a tall gray on the job he was terrified. Later he found out that aliens can be killed--during a battle he emptied his pistol clip into a couple of them and while he was putting another ammo clip in his pistol he was struck with a beam that vaporized several fingers and made a hole in his chest [more on that later in the film]. He was hospitalized for 57 days and spent a couple of years recuperating after that [in this film he didn‘t show the chest scars but in another film he removed his shirt and held his damaged hand over the chest scars to demonstrate the ‘match.’].
More on Bikini Atoll: A photo of the neutron flash shows a large spaceship at the outer edge of the ball of white light. He shares several other photos of nuclear blasts that show various sizes of space vehicles exiting the areas in the moment.
The black ops guys were lying to Congress about aliens and UFOs as early as 1946, a year before the Roswell incident.
Describes some of the ‘tophat’ type disc craft in some of the photos of nuke blasts.. These have nuclear-powered engines. Speeds of tophat craft were measured at 13,000mph, smaller (white dot) craft were moving at 40,000mph away from the blasts. A rare overview photo of a blast clearly shows several craft highlighted against the background of the initial blast. A lot of the early nuclear ‘tests’ were actually attacks against underground and underwater alien bases, in other words.
Initial nuke blasts warp time itself.
Typical of all nuke bomb explosions over populated areas is the image of a human face in the resulting cloud. Lots of the fleeing alien craft were photographed leaving the area when the US nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan was infested with aliens by then.
Large quantities of humans have disappeared since before WWII. They’re mostly taken by aliens. The Rand Corporation documents this and Dr John Mack effectively uncovered the agenda to the public. Most abductees are women.
Many aliens are biological hazards [like the Europeans were to the American Indians and Africans].
Strategic Defense Initiative is rather defense against alien attacks [Al Bielek goes into a lot more detail about this]
Mentions Ron Rummel, who tried to expose the true nature of SDI and had recently been abducted by three people, including an NSA officer, and murdered. The trigger man was an Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms agent [the lowest rung of the federal predator ladder]. At the time of the lecture, both of these were in custody. The third was facing extradition to Czechoslovakia.
Bikini atoll was found to be an alien junkyard for the past 10,000 years or so. A lot of the artifacts had a lot of old coral formed around them. Dulce, New Mexico, is where another ancient alien underground base is. Artifacts found on the floor of the old chambers had agate formed around them. It takes an extremely long time for agate to form. It’s known that aliens have been here in large numbers for at least a half million years, probably much longer. Some machined artifacts have been found in 220 million-year-old fossilized material, for instance, though this apparently isn‘t always a slow process.
Mentions that some of the plant life at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was instantly petrified/crystallized during the blast and identical plant fossils have been found elsewhere, including at Area 51. There is also evidence of laser cuts in samples of fossilized wood.
US Gov’t treaties with aliens: 1944, 1954, 1962, 1979
1979 treaty took place at Dulce, New Mexico, and was preceded by a debacle in which 66 Secret Service and Delta Force people were killed, including 22 from Israel, Germany, Norway and South Africa. Phil went along with this party as a geological engineer and they apparently weren’t told that the aliens were still hostile. This is when he was wounded , then later rescued.
Prewar Nazis trained the American OSS [which became CIA in 1947]. This partly explains why so many foreign troops are trained in America now.
Types of aliens Phil encountered: large grays (he killed two of these), The cave they broke into stunk and had a lot of metal (like stainless steel), oval vats full of blood and human and alien body parts. The blood wasn’t coagulated.. One vat tipped over during the battle. He mentions that there’s no blood at all in the mutilated cattle, which is done as part of the treaties.
Black projects are in layers of secrecy. The outer layer are the stealth aircraft, for instance, and the human/alien treaties are deeper. He only guesses at the nature of the deeper levels because he only had direct experience with the first two.
He mentions that he’s breaking his security oaths (and a lot of federal laws) by sharing this information. He shows a photo copy of both sides of his his 1985 US Air Force security clearance (tag) that has his photo on it., some reference numbers, a UPC bar code and a microchip. He says that in those days there was a large machine you put the card on then put your thumb on a part of the card; next stage you put the card in a slot then a unit came out for the forehead to rest in while the retinas were read. After that a green light came on and he could remove his card and leave the guard shack onto the facility.
Phil said that he broke his oaths because the public needs to have some of this information, at least the stuff about the alien agenda. Some of the important information was sixty years old at that time. He initially believed that the underground bases were for legitimate national security and he wanted to ‘come clean’ and tell about their true purposes. An average base costs $17 billion. Black Ops budget is half a trillion dollars per year: a quarter of the US gross national product. Black Budget is not monitored by Congress--it’s an independent taxing body but is mainly financed by drug operations by the CIA, NSA and the Drug Enforcement Administration, also the FBI, more recently. An FBI man tried to tell the public about this and was murdered in January, ‘95.
Right before a talk in Las Vegas, the feds tried to run Phil off the road in the desert near 29 Palms Marine Base in California. His racecar hobby had taught him to be a defensive driver, though, and the two large Air Force vans full of shooters crashed and burned, instead

He had recently been shot , point blank, in the middle of his chest three times by an FBI agent right before another talk. The reason the bullets didn’t penetrate and kill him was that dense plastic/nylon plate was installed in his chest after that part of his ribcage was largely destroyed by the alien weapon in 1979.
He says he loves his country more than his own life, otherwise he wouldn’t be taking this risk. He began publicly sharing the information after a US Air Force Intelligence officer (a major) asked him whether he’s willing to directly betray the American people [I’m guessing that he was being iscreened for a higher security clearance in that meeting].
Phil said that the Waco massacre was the wakeup call for us to recognize that the federal government is out of control and has to be stopped, as the American forefathers had clearly warned. Additional clear evidence [by 1995]:
American armed forces had become an agency of the United Nations
Russian troops and military equipment were in the northern US states in large numbers.
Russian nerve gas (long shelf life) had been purchased by the US in quantity after US nerve gas (short shelf life) was destroyed.
Russian biological weaponry, also stockpiled here [used in chemtrails? There have been NO chemtrails in Russia] is superior because it’s based on glandular secretions of captured aliens [Credo Muttwa’s account of eating the flesh of a dead gray alien as an initiation rite in Zimbabwe comes to mind]
Some of the material about the sudden (early 1990s) large scale Russian military presence in America is cross referenced by several other authors, including Ted Gunderson and James Grodin (former astronaut) but Phil is the only holder of an American Level Three security clearance who is sharing this information [at the time].