by Henry Makow Ph.D.
"When the time comes finally to destroy the papal
court...we shall come forward in the guise of its
defenders...By this diversion we shall penetrate to its very
bowels and be sure we shall never come out again until we
have gnawed through the entire strength of this place."
(Protocols of the Elders of Zion-17)
At the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington
Thursday, Tony Blair confessed he didn't talk about God
while in office so he wouldn't be considered a "nutter."
But now the convert to Roman Catholicism
can declare that religious
faith is at the heart of global affairs. In a "sermon"
Thursday, he mentioned God 31 times and proclaimed: "In
surrendering to God we become instruments of his love."
President Obama endorsed the charade: "My good friend Tony
Blair - who did it first and perhaps did it better."
Obviously Blair's role is to usurp Christian leadership and
expose religious belief to ridicule. Along with another
phony, George W. Bush, Blair caused the death and maiming of
an estimated one million Iraqi civilians. They're
sociopaths, not Christians.
The public is not deceived. One reader commented: "Since he
has so much blood on his hands, he thinks by turning to
religion all will be forgiven. Sad fool."
But the ruse does work. Another reader commented: "When I
hear that this man is a Christian, it makes me proud to be
an atheist."
Blair is a UN Middle East Peace Envoy. This is what the
"instrument of God's love"
had to say about Israel's massacre of women and children
in Gaza: "What has happened has been very shocking and very
sad - the scenes of carnage - but that is war, I'm afraid,
and war is horrible."
(And, Satan must have his due.)
During his tenure in office, Blair,
a closet Catholic, legalized gay marriage and adoption
and, with false flag terrorism, turned the UK into a police
state disdained by the whole world.

Illuminati decided that it was better to take over the
Catholic Church than attempt to destroy it. Pope Benedict's
recent suspension of the excommunication of Holocaust denier
Bishop Richard Williamson may have been designed to heap
scorn upon the authority of the Pope and the RC Church. This
is exactly what has happened.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has spoken out against Pope
Benedict XVI's decision, saying: "The Pope and the Vatican
need to make clear that such a denial in unacceptable."
Others have called for the
Pope's resignation.
The Holocaust is not the issue here. My point is that
Benedict's rehabilitation of Williamson makes no sense
unless it was intended to bring opprobrium upon the RC
Church. My hunch is that the Pope, like Tony Blair and
Barack Obama, is an I
Christian impersonator.
The zealous Blair seems to have forgotten Christ's
injunction to the rich man to give away his possessions.
Instead, Blair is accumulating wealth. Since leaving office
he has made over $18 million from giving
$250,000 speeches to globalist outfits like JP Morgan
Chase and arms dealers Carlyle Group. (The latter
feels an especial debt of gratitude to this Christian
zealot for privatizing the UK's spy technology at
below market price.) When you serve the devil, you don't
need to wait for Heaven to receive your reward.
The Illuminati apparently intend to use religion to
facilitate their one world tyranny. Partnering with the Yale
University Schools of Management and Divinity,
"The Tony Blair Faith Foundation" aims to use
"education" to bring about the New World Order:
"These are times of tumultuous change. The twentieth century
order is history; and the forces of globalization are
pushing all of the economies of the world - and all of the
citizens of the world, with their great diversity of
religious faiths - more closely together."
The Illuminati are Satanists. They engage in Satanic ritual
(human) sacrifice and every form of sexual perversion. Blair
and Obama belong to the Illuminati. Their aim is to
destroy religion by throwing them all into a blender. A
phony world "religion" will emerge led by the Antichrist and
dedicated to Lucifer.
Blair's talk of being an "instrument of God's love" is
classic Orwellian doublespeak: the words are the same but
the intent is exactly the opposite. Similarly,
Satan's agents, Illuminati Christian impersonators, have
replaced real Christians at the head of "Christian"
societies. Their role is to discredit God, Jesus,
Christianity and true religion.
We have lost our grip on reality because mankind is
possessed by a Satanic cult. Bad things are happening
because despicable miscreants rule.
Blair's Britain:
All NHS Employees Face Dismissal if They Discuss Religion