Just Repelled A Radionics Attack [Download
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Joined: June 2010
Posts: 23

Just Repelled A Radionics Attack
I had been feeling well all morning long until about 20 minutes
ago. Then I get the sweats and feel dizzy and tired. All of a
sudden, I notice powerful waves of high frequency energy raging
through my house. I look out my window and not even 20 feet from my
house, my across the street neighbors have set up a large tripod
with a laser survey device mounted on top pointed perpendicularly to
my house.
These are my neighbors, old guy with white hair and young guy with
long hair tied up in a bun. They both like to ride motorcycles and
own bikes only this time they have a large white SUV parked out
I grab my own powered device and carry it to the front door and
concentrate on them with light and love and ever expanding
influence. The second (and I mean THE VERY SECOND) I envelope them
and begin to penetrate their heads to see what's what, they bug out,
dismantle the device, throw it into their vehicle and drive
off. The waves cease and my own device's energy fills my home. All
is well now.
I have never experienced an attack this brazen. They are desperate
to over-ride the energy coming from my house. It would seem that I
have become enough of a threat after joining this forum to warrant
physical attention instead of the mind-war they had been waging
against me. Why would my neighbors do this though? They live right
near me. I can target them back to see if I can flip them to the
light. Either they are subconsciously crying out for release or
this is a probe to see what I can do. Any advice?
Take note that field survey teams should be boosted whenever they
are observed on the off chance that they are not engineers, but
spooks attempting to employ a radionic device to torture
someone. If they are harmless then they will enjoy the boost. If
not, watch them run like the spineless rat cowards they've allowed
themselves to become. Then pity them.
I guess they can't get an accurate target from the air or orbit so
they have continued to employ boots on the ground to target a
specific area of high density housing zones.
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 88
Location: Finland

Re: Just Repelled A Radionics Attack
Very interesting confirmation. This is kind of an obvious suggestion
considering the nature of this forum but:
you do have gifted their property carefully?
If you have not yet done it, would be interesting to read what
happened after that.
Everyone's right and duty.
Live to serve and proud of it.
God bless,
~All Life is Sacred~
Scandinavian network
Joined: June 2010
Posts: 23

Re: Just Repelled A Radionics Attack
Next paycheck I plan on ordering 5gals of resin. Given this
happenstance, I might go get a quart at my local store even though
it is way too expensive.
Joined: May 2010
Posts: 12
Location: Pickering

Re: Just Repelled A Radionics Attack
I can sympathise with this one. When I first got involved with
orgonite I kept getting messages on my phone frome a company called
"Recycling Matters." Then one day I'm sitting on my couch and start
to get a weird feeling and a heavy sensation of pressure on my head.
I look out the front door window and there is a white cube van with
the name "Recycling Matters" stenciled on the side. I immediately
grabbed a little device made of a lemurian cyrstal embedded in about
an ounce of orgonite, and boosted the van. The driver, who was
reclining in the front seat and reading a newspaper, immediately
reacted as though I had shot him (haha), the paper went flying along
with his coffee, and he peeled off down the street looking as though
he was running for his life.
If anybody was in the back of that van they must have been bounced
around like ping pong balls as he tore around the corner
Joined: January 2010
Posts: 28
Location: NJ

Re: Just Repelled A Radionics Attack
Its always white panel vans (usually without windows) or white
SUV's, isn't it? Just "notice" them and if you see a face, smile at
them and wave. Watch how fast they turn and run.
Their being noticed by anyone is usually enough to make them run and
hide quickly. Can't be a spook if people see you out in the open,
especially your target, now can you?
I recall Don saying that just tossing a TB in the street under the
vehicle when they're not looking makes them leave rather quickly
That survey device sounds way too small to be powerful enough to do
what you describe. Either it was a targeting device or else a decoy
where the radionics equipment was in the SUV.
The fact that your neighbors high-tailed it out of there when
surrounded in POR is revealing to say the least and I agree that
gifting their property, if you haven't yet (now that you have good
reason to) is warranted.
But yeah, I know that feeling you describe quite well.