weaponsRain In The North Of
Aug 2010
Since the last three years of rescue operation to recover the harmony in the
climate, against any forecast, the rainfall in the area have had a gradual,
constant and considerable increase that has come to 159% of surplus
currently, likewise the area that we have worked comes up rain over the
normal average.
The atmosphere is getting over its naturalness and every time it is less
frequent to see episodes of climatic war made by geophysical arms in the
“Vicuña, Chile, winter 2007, (annual rain 20,82 mm).”
During 2010, rains were registered in the full summer and autumn (which did
not affect the agriculture in a negative way) it is an unusual phenomenon in
a frontier zone from the Atacama’s Desert.
The levels which are measured by a pluviometer are reaching those of the
first half of the last century, previous to the climatic maneuver made by
people who think to be God.
This is the report made with a pluviometer in Vicuña Station 1930-2000
With the eyes moistened in gratitude, I notice how the land is returning to
be fertile; the animals have enough vegetation to eat and to suckle their
babies, the snow is gained in The Andes (mountains), the bonuses are
recovered and the farmers of dry are waiting joyful for the crop.
“Countryside of the Coquimbo’s Region – 2010”
Coincidental the rain comes as our efforts are extended up to reaching the
south of Atacama's desert. I do not think that we are the only determinant
factor, even when we are affected by Corriente de la Niña which hinders the
formation of rain fronts.
This situation would be improbable for every reader who has access to these
pieces of papers, if there would not exist the record of some activities
realized to defeat the drought in this forum and in the forum of España de
Jesús Torres , Undoubtedly it would not be possible without the help
disinterested of many people around the world. I would like to thank those
people and I ask from God for bless them.
After the unsuccessful attempt of coming to the Argentina this summer, the
labor activities prevented me to go on with the donations promised to the
reservoirs of irrigation.
On June, because of matters of the work, I visited the South of the
Atacama’s Region: Alto del Carmen, Chanchoquín, El Tránsito and Conay in the
province of Huasco, where you can find friendly people, who have a strong
ancient link with the mother land, and celestial landscapes. There the rain
come back this year giving shy hopes to the small farmers and people who
work with animals.
“El Tránsito river, III Atacama Region, Chile, 2010”
“ Income to Chanchoquín Grande, Atacama Region, Chile, 2010”
In the mountain of this paradise valley you can find the haunt of the mining
project “Pascua Lama” that belongs to the sinister and dark business group
Barrick Gold, interdegree for Peter Munk, the ex-president of Canada Brian
Mulroney, George Bush father, Gustavo Cisneros, the princes Bernardo of
Holland, Philip of Edinburgh and Adnan Kashoggi, between other beasts
including in his network of friendship the missing Chilean dictator Augusto
Pinochet. This group gets a lot of extraordinary usefulness, paying only the
5% of tax, which the actual government wants to give continuity until 2025,
having as pretext all the misfortune that left the earthquake on February
this year. This situation remember me a group who sings something like “God
brought up, but the Devil gets together them”.
In this travel I took 100 towerbusters (I think that nothing is
accidentally) which I gave, with the help of some friends, to the Reservoir
of irrigation Santa Juana and to some microwave antennas which I had access
in this valley.
“Reservoir Santa Juana, Atacama Region”
In those moments aerosols were spreading on heaps which were in the
countryside and predicted a rain or a snow on the mountain.
“aerosols in Alto del Carmen, Atacama Region”
The community of this valley is very difficult with the landand water. They
have been organized to neutralize the power of those monsters’ corporate,
which is an uneven fight. They have been fighting since 10 years ago
against one of the biggest parasitic miner that is destroying the glaciers
and contaminating the water with cyanide, with the protection and complicity
of authorities and mass media massive.
“Alto del Carmen, Pascua Lama: pan para hoy, hambre para mañana (bread
today, hunger tomorrow).
Then I travelled few miles more in the northern part of the Atacama Region,
to a city agro miner called Copiapó. There we left a cloudbuster into a
reservoir of irrigation, one month ago. This sector is particularly
saturated of microwave antennas and military radars and I could feel
strongly the presence of the D.O.R but I did not have more towerbusters.
There I met a farmer who told me that an older person who is 90 years old
had an argument with them, in front of the jeers of all, because of he said
that the aerosols freed by the planes were destroying foreheads of rain and
causing the drought. Now that situation is reminding me a lot of memories

I think that our grandparents, who were born before of 40’s last century,
are more connected to the land and they have full conscience of the abuse
premeditated that our valley is subjugating our beautiful and fragile
planet, because of the mean people that take an interest in the power, but
they are not worry about the people’ problems.
I promised myself to return and finish the sowing. Now, you are going to see
the horrific landscape of the Copiapó River as it looks nowadays.
“Copiapó River, Atacama Region, 2010”
I really hope this report can be an inspiration to that entire people who is
reading this forum around the world and who really want to help with this
peaceful and unorganized cause.
Submitted by: J. Antonio Cortés.
Translation: Nicky.
Photographer: BOO.
Joined: September 2009
Posts: 54
Location: Idaho, Usa

Re: Rain In The North Of Chile.

is some great work! Thank you for such empowering confirmations.
I understand there hasn't been too much water there for some 500
Look at the water- the reservoirs, the animals and the
vegetation. That will grow in leaps and bounds over the coming
Great Work!
Joined: November 2009
Posts: 10

Re: Rain In The North Of Chile.
Thank you
I think that deserts were created long time ago. New technologies
are speeding up the process, causing displacement and hungry the
peoples. For complete control of the mining the agricultura the
water and much more.
Our dreams among many others, is to help the Atacama desert.

Sorry my bad English.
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Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Rain In The North Of Chile.
Astonishing progress in the N Chile desert and we're fortunate to
have your photo records and reports, thanks Juan Antonio and
The prevailing winds are from the sea there and also in the Atacama,
so of course these are not natural deserts.
Similarly, 'Las Vegas' means, 'the meadows' in Spanish because when
the first Europeans arrived there, in the 1500s, the American
Southwest was not a desert. If you go to Mt Charles, outside of Las
Vegas, and drive up the mountain a few thousand feet you'll find
big, green meadows and ancient pine trees. The greening of nearby
Death Valley, which is below sea level, happened after Carol and I
had hidden two orgonite cloudbusters there, tossed orgonite in the
major vortices and planted earthpipes along the length of the valley
floor. Before we started there in 2002 the place looked like the
Atacama and felt like a dead zone.
Dr Reich began dramatically reversing the Arizona/California desert
with just two of his cloudbusters in 1953 and I think that if he'd
known about orgonite he could have finished the job. Maybe the
thousands of weather warfare facilities and tens of thousands of
death towers in each of the world's big deserts are needed to
finally green them because after orgonite is tossed at them, they
become life force generators. I bet the bad guys at the top,
including the aristocratic rogues gallery that Juan Antonio
mentioned, know this better, by now, than most of us do.
I personally think that the 'fragile environment' notion is one of
their myths, though--probably wishful thinking. As far as I can
tell, our planet is unspeakably abundant and resilient. What the
Africans are doing with simple orgonite shows how easily the climate
can be restored, I think. A year ago, they were facing famine due
to weather warfare and they haven't even busted any towers, yet, but
they're getting bumper crops, now, with orgonite distributed to
farms in a half dozen adjacent countries. Andrea in Brazil is
getting them interested in doing the death towers, now.
You guys in Chile will prevail. Maybe more and more orgonite in
the sea will also produce more rain. I think it doesn't matter where
you toss it because it's likely that the dolphins will take it all
to where it's needed.
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Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Rain In The North Of Chile.
Before I posted that I'd spent a half hour, hunting for reliable
maps showing the prevailing winds. One of the maps indicated that
the North Chile region gets wind mainly from the Atlantic but the
rest of the country gets wind from the Pacific. If the northern
desert relies on wind from the Atlantic, over the Andes, then the
greening of that desert is miraculous and provides strong evidence
of your orgonite's effectiveness. 'Flipping' the death towers and
weather weaponry upwind in Argentina, all the way to the Atlantic
coast, would probably turn the N Chile desert into non-irrigated
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Posts: 10

Re: Rain In The North Of Chile.
Now it is very difficult to spraying chemtrails. We observe that the
clouds get contaminated in the Pacific Ocean.
It shows how important are the gifts in the oceans.
The Fray Jorge Forest.
"The Fray Jorge Forest has become a natural relic, a water-loving
forest left behind from the Quarternary Period. One might say that
it is a demonstration of what once existed of today's Atacama
Desert, the driest in the world, during the last glaciation that
occurred almost 30,000 years ago, when humid forests were
distributed among even the lowest latitudes".
The Fray Jorge Forest
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Posts: 10

Re: Rain In The North Of Chile.
Hello friends.
The rain came north again(Atacama desert). Wo days before the rain a
friend took 200Tb for Vallenar.
He "scientists" don't want to publish the rain.
Joined: July 2007
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Location: Finland

Re: Rain In The North Of Chile.
When did it rain last time over there?
It's great to know that deserts can be turned into green paradises.
~All Life is Sacred~
Scandinavian network
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Posts: 149
Location: Santiago, Chile

Heavy Rains in the heart of the Atacama!
Article sourced from Chañarcillo newspaper.
11/08/2010 11:25:00
"La leve llovizna que se registraba esta mañana, a eso de las 11:00
horas se ha convertido en una fuerte lluvia en toda la Región de
Atacama y especialmente en Copiapó. Lo anterior ha dificultado las
labores de rescate en la mina San José, aunque los trabajos
continúan con mayor sacrificio y preocupación."
"The slight drizzle that was registered this morning, around 11:00
AM has become a strong downpour in all the the Atacama Region and
Especially in Copiapó. This has complicated rescue operations in the
San José mine, even though the work continues with more sacfrice and
Heavy rains in all the Atacama region!! This is a place that rarely
recieves rain at all, the driest desert in the world. Congrats Toño
for your excellent work!!
He told me that he would travel north to record the greening desert
P.S. all 33 of the trapped miners are alive and well, a probe has
contacted them today. yei!
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Location: Santiago, Chile

Re: Heavy Rains in the heart of the Atacama!
BTW the water that filtered down to the mine allowed the miners to
stay alive for 18 days
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 149
Location: Santiago, Chile

Re: Rain In The North Of Chile.
This year there will be an amazing flowering desert, 4th year in a
row now, coincidence? my ass! This phenomenon used to happen only on
"El Niño" years, or about once every 5 years. That is it only rained
a little bit every 5 years, no rain in between at all. Once we
gift Argentina, all of the Atacama will look like the Fray Jorge

Just the amount of interference (sabotage, subterfurge, betrayals,
burocrats, etc) that has prevented us in 3 ocasions to complete the
trip to Argentina is evidence enough of the importance of gifting
all the HAARP crap upwind from the Atacama in Argentina, its all
good, even if it takes another year it will be done. I think that
reversing the driest desert in the world will be one of orgonite´s
greatest and most undeniable achievements, hence the interference.
Even without any upwind gifting, this desert reversal process is
well underway. Will post about the failed attempts sometime, its a
bit discouraging, even embarasing, and so haven´t done it yet. I
should also mention that the results that now have been seen in the
Atacama are a result of 4 years of hard work, it did not happen
overnight, but results started to occur from 2007, when gifting
started in Chile. Toño will post more about that...
Joined: November 2009
Posts: 10

Re: Rain In The North Of Chile.
Hello everyone, this is the rainfall statistics that I was able to
find for the northern region (Atacama) . The data is not
complete since August is missing. Cheers,
2004= 0,0 mm
2005= 0,0 mm
2006= 0,0 mm
2007= 1,6 mm
2008= 53,1 mm
2009= -
2010= -
2004= 0,0 mm
2005= 0,0 mm
2006= 0,0 mm
2007= 21,0 mm
2008= 34,8 mm
2009= 1,8 mm
2010= 23,7 mm
2004= 0,0 mm
2005= 0,0 mm
2006= 0,0 mm
2007= 2,3 mm
2008= 79,4 mm
2009= 11,7 mm
2010= 32 mm
2004= 0,0 mm
2005= 0,0 mm
2006= 0,0 mm
2007= 8,5 mm
2008= 121,5 mm
2009= 29,6 mm
2010= 52,2 mm
2004= 0,0 mm
2005= 0,0 mm
2006= 0,0 mm
2007= 4,5 mm
2008= 64,8 mm
2009= 18,9 mm
2010= 46,3 mm
2004= 0,0 mm
2005= 0,0 mm
2006= 0,0 mm
2007= 5,4 mm
2008= 10,7 mm
2009= 20,4 mm
2010= 55,2 mm