
[The medical industry, through its control of the government, has created rapport, a child like state, when it comes to medical matters.  You can see this in the parent vaccine leaflets, which are written for a six year old.  People trust the medical industry, like a child trusts its parents.  Who wants to grow up if someone intends to be your medical parent, forever.]

Clergy are kind of like medical doctors. Many folks who regularly visit MDs say, ‘My doctor is SOOO nice!’ but they’re obviously being murdered by expensive installments, even so. In other words, charisma is more important to these fools than discernment.  Let’s face it, if these characters weren’t charismatic how could they get so much money and devotion from the incredulous Pajama People who will probably always be the majority? Sure, it’s relative; the PJ man of today probably knows more and is more socially advanced and less prejudiced than the savvy man of ancient Rome. In other words, clergy mostly behave as any other kind of parasites do: they will delay the death of the host (in this case, the creative Core of the religion) for as long as possible because the host’s survival ensures the parasite’s vitality. Godhead by Don Croft

Freud called rapport transference. He believed it was a revival of the original parent-child relationship. Psychoanalytically-trained hypnosis researchers believed trance obedience was rooted in an unconscious longing for, or regression to, a childhood behavior (or instinctual early programming) of total dependence on, and uncritical love of, the parent figures. Little children can believe anything. ---Secret, Don't Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery p.208

Rapport as Love.  After even one trance induction, subjects tend to feel an intense emotional tie to the initiator of that induction. They feel bonded, approving, and accepting of that source's point of view and open to his, her, or its spoken or context-implied suggestions. Secret, Don't Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery

Rapport the automatic tendency of trance experience to cause an attitude of respect, affection, and obedience in the subject. The first magnetiz-ers, in France in the 1700s, believed rapport (a French word meaning "harmony" or "connection") was the central phenomenon of hypnosis, rather than suggestibility.  Rapport is far more than just a hypnotic phenomenon. Wherever there is charismatic leadership, love, or even close friendship, there is rapport. The line between rapport and other love relationships is fuzzy. Rapport always contains an element of dependence. It often has a subtle (or obvious) erotic element. Anybody who performs well for the public generates rapport. A teenager with a crush on a performer is in its grip. The rank and file tend to fall into rapport-love with their leaders or heroes—political, religious, cultural. Human beings naturally bond to, and organize themselves around, leaders.
Rapport As Addiction
Rapport can become an intense, emotional relationship. The subject finds his thoughts fixed on the hypnotist between, as well as during, hypnotic sessions. He begins also to pick up and obey general context clues from the hypnotist as to what to believe and how to behave. Kubie and Margolin defined rapport as "a psychological fusion between hypnotist and subject" ("The Process of Hypnotism and the Nature of the Hypnotic State"). An old-time mesmerist observed that ...the subject was hypersensitive to the hypnotist to the extent that he was able to perceive the latter's faintest signs. Through habit and training, a process of mutual understanding by signs developed between them, of which neither was aware. The subject became sensitive to the slightest shades of the hypnotist's thoughts without realizing how, and without the hypnotist's awareness. (Rualt, quoted in Ellenberger,   pp. 153-154)
    Janet said the development of rapport over a series of hypnotic sessions had two distinct phases. In the first, the patient was freed from symptoms and felt much better. In the second, however, which he called somnambulic passion, the symptoms sometimes returned....[the] patient felt an increased need to see the hypnotist and to be hypnotized. This urge often assumed the form of passion...ardent love, jealousy, superstitious fear, or profound respect.
    Somnambulic passion was a potpourri of possible elements: erotic passion, or the kind of love one feels for a parent, or some other kind of love. One element that never varied however, was the patient's need to be directed. (Janet, 1897) Secret, Don't Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery

Transfer of rapport, or shifting the rapport.
Rapport can be transferred from one hypnotist to another by a simple verbal command, called transfer of rapport, or shifting the rapport. An operator tells his subject to now obey a new operator in the same way he has been obeying the speaker. If the suggestion is accepted at the subjects automatic level of mind, rapport will shift. Secret, Don't Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery
Rapport as Bonding
Subjects of the same hypnotist tend to bond. Old-time European researchers first noticed the tendency of patients of the same magnetizer to bond with each other. This principle has many applications. Persons influenced by the same leader(s) tend to trust each other, and to behave worthy of that trust. They relate as brothers and sisters. This psychological trait enables the bonding of family, congregation, and community. Secret, Don't Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery
Rapport Also Impacts the Hypnotist -
Rapport flows both ways. The hypnotic subject influences the hypnotist's behavior, because a hypnotist unconsciously develops suggestibility to cues from his subjects. Thus, rapport tends to become a situation of mutual suggestion. The subject gives his hypnotist what the hypno­tist secretly expects, and the hypnotist tends to create for the subject what the subject secretly expects. This uncon­scious collaboration between the charismatic leader and his followers has, in the historical record, resulted in re­markable elaborations of mutual delusion and absolutistic and costly loyalties." Jim Jones, Waco, the Heaven's Gate comet cult. Secret, Don't Tell: The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery