Sabotage? |
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Re: Sabotage?
If we didn't post about this stuff, we'd be in worse
shape, Andy.
None of us really like being assaulted this way and
we don't particularly enjoy having to fight back
when they come after us, either, Andy's bravado
Right now, we're in the middle of helping Georg's
business, . This has been the
most concerted assault on his biz to date. Several
years ago a German customs official was in league
with the South AFrican postal service to destroy
Georg's packages to Europe in Africa and in Germany
and it was easier to reverse that situation than it
has been to reverse the current sabotage campaign.
I think that, before, the $#!+bird agencies weren't
using grand-scale radionics in their assaults and in
this case it's essential to find and neutralize the
radionics equipment, according to the successses
we've had against the radionics assaults on Andy,
Dooney/Stevo and Carol and I over the past couple of
This is some really insidious stuff, designed to
apparently erase us from public awareness. In
Reich's day it was a lot easier for the CIA and
other $hitbird agencies to destroy this hideous
world order's opponents' reputations because the PJ
folks were a lot more malleable, then. They even
still succeeded with public book burnings in those
days, which were the decade following the demise of
Hitler's regime.
One of my zapper customers just emailed to ask me
about, which I mentioned
above. It's finally been taken down, apparently. I
wish I knew if it was suddenly taken down after
yesterday's post

but I know that at least until a few months ago
people were going there to try to buy zappers. I
know because those people usually find me,
eventually, and ask about the .org site. I only
raised the zapper price nine bucks since then, by
the way, but have improved the product several times
with Carol's help and guidance. Cesco helped, too,
during an earlier visit.
So, a fake, misleading site stays online for many
years while viable, active sites like,, and are taken down
gratuituously, allegedly the day after
domain-hosting payments are due
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Posts: 1280
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Sabotage?
This thread has been quite productive: the $#!+bird
agencies have turned loose a lot of the packages
that were mentioned by vendors, here, since Carolien
started the thread.
Here's a few more I'd like to post a public notice
about, then Carol and I are going hunting tonight:
1) A package of valuable stones to us from
Axel--sent from Austria a couple of months ago
2) A package from us to Axel, sent a month and a
half ago (he let me know, last week, that he hasn't
gotten it yet but he got a second package that we
sent a week or two later)
3) A package to Yassel Barrios in Texas, who has
committed to gifting in Mexico and kindly translated
my Terminator instructions into Spanish.
4) Various small packages to our customers in the US
and abroad that have been molested in recent weeks.
We've had one HELL of a rash of felonious federal
mail thefts since Carol broke her arm, almost three
months ago, and the hacking of her email got so bad
that she had to get a gmail address. Sure, gmail is
probably yet another CIA asset (chock full of
'Bill-gates' and other spyware) but the CIA freaks
have apparently found it prudent to have some of
their services appear to be hacker-free
Our customers mosly know that when these freaks
steal their packages, enroute, we send them a second
package for no charge. This cost us quite a bit
when the feds destroyed 18 zappers in a box of 35 to
one of our distributors in June. That assault kicked
off their current terror campaign against
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Posts: 1280
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Sabotage?
Here's a fun update about the packages to Axel and
Today I got an email from Axel saying that he
received that package and I got the package sent to
Yassel back today as well. Interesting timing,
don't you agree? I don't doubt that they turned
those packages loose because I posted about their
interference. We didn't even take the time to hunt
for federal freaks, yet. Dooney and Stevo are
coming over tomorrow afternoon and we sort of wanted
to wait until then.
The $#!+birds are still hitting our and Andy's
business, though, so a reprisal chat effort is in
order, outside the weekend chat sessions. We few
get hit so hard and so often that if we asked the
international group to help us, each time, we'd have
a lot less time and attention for the bigger
threats, like BushSr's apparentl attempt to blow up
the Olympic Stadium during the fireworks display at
the opening. Andy's been visiting this week to do
some filming, so they're no doubt hitting his
business on account of that.
We got some terrific footage of Slyphs over Lake
Pend Oreille as we motored along the length of the
lake, dropping in 13 earthpipes to finish off the
Navy's underwater/underground base and Carol and I
were interviewed, too. Now that there's a brand
new slander website against me that is being
circulated widely by the feds in email campaigns the
timing of the free video is probably pretty good
When we heard that the fireworks failed to go off,
in spite of it being supervised by China's premier
pyrotechnic engineers, I asked Carol whether the
eight bombs under teh stadium were somehow tied in
to the fireworks. She looked at it and told me,
'Yes.' Nice battlefield intel, I think. Pappy Bush
is apparently under a lot of pressure to achieve a
successful mass murder display for his chances to
succeed with martial law in America in coming
months. If he fails, I think he's going to be in a
world of hurt with his Chinese masters
The two towerbusters from Axel might not have been
sent by his friend, yet, and Carol got the gemstones
that his friend sent on his behalf, so those are
accounted for, now. She got those stones a couple of
weeks ago and showed me but she didn't have my full
attention at the moment, so it didn't register.
I think many males have that handicap, which sort of
relates to the male refrigerator blindness
syndrome. The latter can be diagnosed by watching a
man open a refrigerator door to find something and
may stand transfixed for several moments, unable to
see the thing he's looking for, even if it's in
plain sight.
It's a miracle that some of us get much done

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Posts: 1280
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Sabotage?
More good news: A zapper we'd mailed to a customer
in Los Angeles two weeks before also showed up
around the time that Yasel's and Axel's packages
The $#!+birds didn't interfere with the package we
sent to Carolien last week, either.
I hope everyone here who gets hit by the sewer rat
agencies this way or similar ways will post about
it. Let's see if we can get the world order's
legbreakers to behave better just by posting their
specific crimes against us! We don't really wish to
attack them etherically.
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Posts: 1280
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Sabotage?
Yassel emailed me a little while ago to tell me that
his sister also sent a package to him at that
address and it was also returned for the same
reason, 'No such street number.' Being a thorough
fellow, he double checked the mailing address that
was on my package to him and it was the correct one.
He gets all his mail at that address.
I simply want our readers to understand that this is
one of the many sabotage tricks that $#!++y,
criminal agencies like the FBI employ against people
of conscience.
By 'people of conscience,' I mean people (including
everyone mentioned in this thread) who take an
active, positive stand against the corporate world
order, of course.
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Posts: 1280
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Sabotage?
I confess that even though Dooney and STevo visited
for the long weekend and we had planned to do a lot
of chatblasting outside of the scheduled periods we
didn't do a bit of that, so we prevailed on the
international group to help us with our savaged
businesses on Sunday. Fortunately, we were getting
hit from a high (sic) enough level, then, that we
apparently also disrupted some of the US federal
government's current terror campaign. Maybe we
knocked their disjointed martial law agenda off
track--who knows?
This time, even the Chinese had apparently given up
trying to put Andy, Carol and I and STevo out of
business with radionics and other filthy magic
tactics because the psychics saw a bunch of
$#!+birds in a satanic ritual under a Mormon Temple,
sucking energy from the faithful right over their
heads. They didn't take the time to locate the
temple but that wasn't important, after all. When I
asked whether it was a church or a temple, though,
Carol said, 'Well, I see a statue on top of a
steeple--what does that mean?'
probably know that the temples all have a gilded
statue of the alleged 'angel Moroni' on top of their
steeples. I wonder if that name was a joke by the
masonic architects of that cult on Joseph Smith's
mouth-breathing followers, though I must say that
there are many Mormons who are fine, productive,
generous and intelligent people these days. I'm
risking a bit by making a comment like that, I
suppose, but the Mormons who gift are already aware
of how corrupt the history of their church is, after
Andy spent a week with us and when he came, his biz
( got hit very hard--the orders
stopped coming in and this is usually a busy season
for him, so of course it was the result of direct
sabotage. It got better for him after the chat on
Sunday but I think we need to do more work for
him. Our biz, which had also dried up to almost
nothing when Andy arrived, came back with a
vengeance right ater the chat--it was like a
floodgate was opened. I suppose that's a function of
'conserved momentum' in the market. Lots of people
are waking up to the poisonous nature of Western
Medicine these days, after all. I haven't heard
from Stevo but they were also hit--their business
phone was turned off, yet again, at the phone
company by federal agents (the CIA and affiliated
Mormon corporations own all of the communication
services in America and Canada) but Dooney,
somehow, deftly transferred the business line to
her house phone, early on, so damage was minimal.
The fact that the $#!+birds had to attack them in
such a mundane, obtuse way is a sign of progress.
Before, the Chinese-directed CIA freaks and psychics
had some pretty elaborate and costly radionics
assaults from several nearby but hidden locations
and, before that, some stinky ETs were apparently
running the show from orbit. Looks like the
Pekingese have finally given up or are at least
taking a rest from it for now. We nailed their more
talented & ancient, wrinkly a$$ets pretty hard over
the past couple of months, after all
Andy was here to film us but he wasn't able to get
enough footage of Carol, so we'll get together ASAP
so Carol can get more face time. We have to
demonstrate that this is not just the Don Show. On
Sept 21 we'll do another radio interview, this
time with a fellow in Chicago whose show is called,
'Feet to the Fire.' There's nothing new or
uncomfortable about having our feet in the flames,
of course

and accountability is what real activism is all
about, anyway. See how the disinformants, by
comparison, avoid accountability like genital warts?