Richard Sauder
See: Underground bases
[Feb 2008] Connecting The Many Undersea Cut Cable Dots by Richard Sauder
Too 'Conspiratorial' For Strieber! Shunned by Dreamland By Richard Sauder, Ph.D.
[2007] Secret American Military Space Program? by Linda Moulton Howe
[2007] KUNDALINI TALES An interview with Richard SAUDER
Sauder's list of undergound US bases.
This guy documents! ; --Don Croft
Who Wants To Be CEO of a Red, White and Blue Kakistocracy*? [whale]
Underwater and Underground Bases by Richard
Sauder and Richard Sauder Ph.D.
[1998] Kundalini Tales By Richard Sauder, PhD
[1996] "Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide?" By Richard Sauder, PhD
I have arrived at the point where it is clear to me that we
are positively awash in a sea of misinformation, disinformation, lies,
propaganda, deceit and cover-ups of every conceivable and inconceivable variety.
Who in their right mind believes anymore that they can read the daily newspaper
or watch the television news broadcasts and find out what “really” is happening
on planet Earth?
interview with Richard SAUDER
"This planet is controlled and locked down and has been for centuries if not
millennia, and the question is, why, why must planet earth be locked down,
dumbed down, so thoroughly controlled and for so long, why? Who and what is
behind this?"---Dr. Richard Sauder
I provide hard, documented evidence of the direct involvement of ex-Nazis at the very highest levels of NASA. 2) I provide documented evidence of the direct ties between military intelligence personnel, the Army Intelligence agency, and the Monroe Institute, a New Age sacred cow for many people. 3) I provide documented evidence of the sort of electronic mind control technologies that are now available -- like a patent that permits the direct, electronic transmission of voices into the human auditory cortex via pulsed microwaves. 4) I talk about the kundalini -- the natural, cosmic, supremely powerful spiritual power that is in all human beings. 5) And, I talk about the out-of-body phenomenon. Too 'Conspiratorial' For Strieber! Shunned by Dreamland By Richard Sauder, Ph.D.