Re: Scheduled HAARPicane for Southeast England
Dr Reich developed his cloudbuster in order to
affect alien craft above the atmosphere during a
time when they were sending deadly orgone radiation
at his home and laboratory in Rangely, Maine, in the
late 1940s. He later discovered that he could also
affect unhealthy weather patterns with the
cloudbuster and that's what it became better known
Orgonite cloudbusters are essentially balancers
rather than intentional instruments. The only way
to turn an orgonite cloudbuster into a sort of
weapon against HAARP is to point it at an oncoming
storm or at a dark cloud formation that's within
sight. You might be astonished how easy it is to
'disappear' even an anvil-head (70,000ft altitude)
storm by pointing even a half-scale cloudbuster at
it, though the only time I've done that was when I
used a half-scale cloudbuster with succorpunch
installed about a foot above the base. In that
case, it's never failed to clear a way through
thunderstorms in our path when we were gifting
around Florida in our Zodiac. You might know that a
thunderhead will empty itself in a fairly short (an
hour, typically) time but a cloudbuster 'helps it
along' in as little as five minutes, also generally
prevents lightning by apparently ionizing the storm
itself, eliminating the need for the storm's
positive-static charge to 'ground.' this is
something you'll need to experiment with to
believe, perhaps.
HAARPies are able to temporarily overcome the
balancing effects of orgonite cloudbusters in a
region, even in some cases when most or even all of
the HAARP facilities for hundreds of miles around
have been disabled. It may be that they're doing
it from space in this case, or that their alien
cohorts are doing so from very, very large ships.
I'm sure you've seen images of these city-sized,
sometimes even moon-sized ships; hopefully you've
also seen the uncharacteristic 'stars' that are
brighter than planets and often move slowly and even
fade out when you aim your orgonite cloudbuster at
it. These are the same things Dr Reich noticed in
the late 1940s above Rangely. This is just one of
several reasons that it's better not to bury your
orgonite cloudbuster's base, by the way. You
wouldn't glue your pistol in the holster, would you?
When Carol and I were in Namibia in late 2001 we
saw a very large, bright 'star' in the sky, which
Carol said was one of the 'unfriedlies' ships. We
caused that one to fade out after it turned red and
we only used a Succor Punch to send energy at it
right before we went to sleep. It turned from white
to yellow to red, then we saw a couple of 'sparks'
sort of fly out from it, right before it
disappeared. Carol said those were the lifeboats

and the entire process took about
ten minutes. When we first started blasting it
the thing moved slightly, perhaps trying to avoid
our 'tractor beam.'
We watched the process out our hotel window at
bedtime in Windhoek and had grabbed the Succor Punch
from the bedside table on a 'What If?' whim. This
might indicate how far we've come in orgone
technology since Dr Reich employed a large, steel
instrument that he mounted on a flatbed truck and
connected to ground water.
This is an experiment you can do, by the way. You
don't need to be psychic. Lots of people are doing
it, these days, and there are more these univited
fake stars in the night sky than ever, which is
probably a last ditch effort by alien parasites to
preserve this parasitic global fascist regime. It's
likely that one can accomplish this without any
tools. We no longer use tools to throw energy in
our international informal chat sessions. If you're
not familiar with these techniques, check out
donebydooney.com , okay? Carol and I will try it
without using tools and I'll give a report one of
these days when winter's gone and we can lie outside
in our hammock again.
Dr Reich's cloudbuster is a lot more powerful than
our version, as you may know, but those are
potentially harmful to the environment. DeMeo had
been to Namibia ten years before us and had arranged
with 'Baron' Rostow of Windhoek to build and deploy
several Reich-style cloudbusters in the Namib
Desert. We found out from Herr Rostow's daughter
that the people who got them didn't know what to do
with them. One of them, who had a cattle ranch, set
up a cloudbuster by the watering hole and just left
it running. The deadly orgone radiation from the
atmosphere continually drained into the watering
hole and the cattle wouldn't drink the water, so
were dying of thirst. I think it was the fellow's
wife who finally dismantled the cloudbuster, then
the cattle would drink the water again. Orgonite
cloudbusters, while not as potent in the short term,
are harmless.
Carol and I have the impression that as the world
order continues to lose power they're relying more
and more on 'out of towners' to do their weather
warfare work. The alien parasites are less and
less enthusiastic about helping because, after all,
it must be apparent even to them that it's a bad
investment in light of humanity's increasing
awareness and the subsequent loss of parasitic
control by a few old families. This might explain
the very intermittent nature of violent storms in
the vicinity of orgonite cloudbusters.
It wasn't until the very end of our gifting campaign
around South Florida that the aliens made a
large-scale stink in the atmosphere and that was
during and right after Jeff and I gifted the final
stretch of Gulf Coast along the Everglades National
Park, which apparently hosts a very ancient
underground base for draconians, apparently like the
one they abandoned under Death Valley. The day
started our mostly clear, except for some small
thunderheads over the center of the Everglades. As
the day progressed and we tossed out more orgonite
the thunderheads expanded and consolidated, getting
very dark. There's only a little orgonite in that
park and only along the paved road from the
northeast corner to the southern tip. To drive the
parasites out from underground one would need to
drop a lot of earthpipes, as we did in Death
Csonfirmation that the storm was not natural came as
we were driving home that evening and then watched
the TV coverage. The entire southern half of the
state was uniformly blanketed by dense, dark
thunderheads and torrential rainfall. Local news
channels covered it and remarked on how phenomenal
and short lived it was but the Weather Channel's
radar imagery for the period showed no storm at all,
nor was it reported on that national TV channel,
which we had dubbed, 'The HAARP Channel'
Another confirming feature of the storm is that it
stopped abruptly, at the coastline, east south and
west. This was the only time in 8 months of
frequent sea gifting that we got rained on, by the
way, and that only happened at the end of the run
and within a couple miles of shore. We felt the
storm 'pushing' at us for several hours before that,
though, and we experienced a singular presence of
Sylphs in the enduring, explicit form of a mother
and juvenile dolphin in the clouds, right at the
sea edge of that induced storm.
The largest HAARP facility we've gifted is
south of Miami. There are a dozen or so assorted
weatherballs and perhaps twenty HAARP towers there.
It's apparently the 'Hurricane Tracking Facility'
but we dubbed it, 'Hurricane Direction
Facility.' Jeff had thoroughly gifted it but Carol
sensed that much of htat orgonite had been found
and removed, so we gifted it again, including
earthpipes this time. Military bases are kind of
like icebergs these days, after all: what's on the
surface is usually just 10 percent of the whole
I'm writing this so that you'll take some care to
observe the features of dark storms when you have a
cloudbuster. YOu'll likely see dark lenticular clouds
at several altitudes and these likely hide alien
aggressors' ships. I hope you'll point your
cloudbuster at them because the more (appropriate)
aggression we apply to these murderers, the less
inclined they'll feel to molest and exploit our
species. It may be that this will speed the demise
of the old world order.
I hope this has been helpful! I want you to be
amazed and awed by how easily you can affect 'bad