Urgent Request from Carlos in Serbia |
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Urgent Request from Carlos in Serbia
Last week, Simona, who is a fledgling psychic
warrior in Italy, was blocked by hackers from
logging into the Etheric Warriors chatroom. She
could log in on Saturday and Monday but not on
Sunday, when the chat session occured. This sort of
surgical hacking is one of the best ways for
observant etheric warriors to gauge our
effectiveness, so congrats, Simona!
Carlos Silva, a new member of EW who lives in
Holland, has lately travelled to Serbia to do some
gifting and to network with friends, there. He,
too, was blocked from posting the following, which
I'll ask our associates to look at in an upcoming
chat session to see whether we can prevent some
apparentlty planned mayhem in that region.
Hi Don,
I wanted to post this but unfortunately I'm banned
(again) from EW. I'll
send an email to Alejandro about it.
We all know the cauldron pot this region is.
Right now the Serbs are being pushed from without
(the handful of countries
who pushed for Kosovo's independence) and whithin
(the radical extremist
nationalistic politicians) to go for war. We already
know who is pulling
these strings... not to mention the serbians own
"sense of justice" and
readyness to go to war doesn't help.
There is happening right now a demonstration against
the independence of
"serbian kosovo" and they already want to do one
tomorrow in Kosovo
(Pristina?) where there are 90% albanians...
provocation after provocation
there will hardly not be another war unless we do
something about it.
Besides a bit of gifting the best this trip can
achieve is a bit of intel
and meeting with "alternative" people that live here
and belgrade and
already know of most of what is going on and to tell
them about orgonite...
the tricky part is which ones won't be already
sucked into theosophy lies.
Keep your eyes on Serbia / Kosovo these days... it's
more than obvious they
are getting something ready and that depends on
tricking the serbs into war
(my friend says if the serbs won't do it the
albanians/kosovars will make
themselves a provocation impossible to ignore)
Another thing. It's a myth at this moment that there
are no towers in
Serbia. There are, and spraying too.
My friend says Serbia is divided in between Western
and Russian influences
and that in the last 2 years the country "exploded"
in westernization (and
with it the towers and the spraying from unmarked
planes) - they now have a
dozen mega-malls in belgrade; you can now pay your
parking with an SMS and
international meetings are held to capture the
interest of eco-architecture.
It's an incredible crazy place, very traditional and
very much in front.
More will follow.
Greetings from Belgrade,
In terms of political correctness, Serbians were
painted as monsters by the media in recent
decades, much like the German media painted the
Poles as an excuse to invade that country in 1939
(with the world odor's blessing) and the American
Fuhrer, BushSr, slaughtered millions of civilians
in and around Baghdad in 1990 after enticing Saddam,
his ally, to just go get Kuwait.
Please remember that Nicola Tesla was Serbian and
that when the corporate parasites in America dropped
him like a hot potato, after he demonstrated
the generation and broadcasting of essentially free
electricity over a great distance, the King of
Serbia started giving him a pension to live on.
You hopefully won't judge me on the basis of what a
series of dictators, posing as US Presidents, have
done to humanity so why might you feel compelled to
judge the Serbians for what their alleged leaders
have done?
Americans are mostly waking up from the deep slumber
of fake patriotism that induced them to foolishly
finance and support the London bankers' managed
conflicts in Europe and Asia over the past century.
I personally believe that this belated but welcome
awakening is partly or even largely due to the
timely distribution of orgonite throughout this land
and I suspect that the same thing can happen in
Serbia and Kosovo if enough people of
conscience, there, will take responsibility for
healing that region in a timely way.
Kelly and crew perhaps made a good gifting start in
those countries, a year or so ago, so maybe the
conditions for the spread of this movement in
that area have already been met and now we only
need to wait for the fruits to appear. Maybe
Carlos' timely trip to Belgrade is one of the
earliest fruits of that previous, laborious effort.
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Re: Urgent Request From Carlos In Serbia
Thanks Don, I hope I wasn't exagerating but it does
seem they're trying their best to provoke a war.
One of the good things coming out of this Kosovo
independece though is how it's opening cracks in the
aquarium of world odor believability. I heard from
my friend that the CNN reporting on the protests of
Thursday was having quite a discordance with their
guest-reporters (there was no CNN reporter on the
street that night): basically CNN wanted to portray
the protests in the worst way possible while the
european reporters were giving a more objective way
of what was going on - in the end the CNN person was
forced to admit "most protests had been peaceful"
right at the end of the report.
I had to remember Don's mention of Carol's
impressions that the pj people will finally start
opening their eyes to the lies of that old moldy
monument that is the world odor.
There is quite a lot to write once I'm back as well
a lot of photos, mainly of antennas and the sky

I must add most spraying seems to break and dissolve
pretty fast and that should be a good indicator or
the quality of Orgone in Belgrade.
Thanks you for the support, the seen and the unseen
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Posts: 862
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Urgent Request from Carlos in Serbia
Very timely post, Carlos, and I'm very glad
that you were finally able to do it, afer several
hacking attempts to stop you, last week.
In a few minutes our international chat session will
start and I'll ask the psychics to go hunting in
Serbia for the world odor schmucks who are stirring
up this trouble. I'll post the results in this
I'll be surprised if the CIA didn't destroy the
American Embassy, by the way. This is typically
what happens to legitimate, peaceful
demonstrations: misreporting and professional
Thanks, again! Now I think I know why The Operators
inspired you to travel to Serbia in such a timely
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Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Urgent Request from Carlos in Serbia
When I logged onto the wildblue.net browser, this
morning, there was an article about 'the riots in
Belgrade' featured. Standard disinfo sewage but the
only photo was of a remarkably peaceful protest
The destruction of the American Embassy, which by
now must seem to most of the world like the
destruction of a neighborhood crack house, was no
doubt done by the CIA, who collectively might be
perceived as 'the devil.'
It seems clear, to some, that the US is pining for
an excuse to bomb the citizens of Belgrade,
again, with depleted uranium.
In the American What To Think Network, the Serbs
are the fallback image of 'terrorists' when the CIA
finds it imprudent to paint swarthy Muslims that
way. I think the media is particularly loathe to
keep bludgeoning the Islam whipping post because
it's finally come out that American soldiers
have been torturing a whole lot of innocent
civilians to death in Iraq, as the US Marines in
Cuba have been doing, more secretly, since the
beginning of this invasion. How ironic is it that
this is being done by fresh-faced American boys in
Cuba, by the way? Those are the ultimate fruits of
unbounded, foolish, inappropriate patriotism. It
could be that these pitiful MKids really believe
that torture is a form of conversation. Yikes.
The psychics, in today's session, looked first in
the 'upper' realm of the world odor's hierarchy and
found a cluster of 'fallen egos' stirring up and
benefitting from the trouble in Serbia and Kosovo,
so we went after them, first. They're apparently
quite vulnerable from dimensions higher than the
sixth. Other parasites of the world odor can't
apaprently get beyond the fourth dimension, which
they've essentially owned for millenia and from
which they create the various cults that control the
minds of the would-be faithful of all of the
clergy-infested religions and other centralized,
contrived ideologies.
We figured out that the short track to undoing mass
murder plots is to attack these freaks, first, but
only when we do it in a group. Carol feels sure that
it's unwise to attempt this as individuals and we're
working from that premise. Individuals can safely
go after the lower orders of predators, though, by
employing effective tactics, such as can be found on
Seven years ago, on our way across the country
with our original orgonite cloudbuster, we stopped
to visit a couple of psychics who had intrigued us
with their reports about going after alien predators
in group sessions, using the internet. I only
agreed to stop because Carol had an impression that
these folks were actually getting something
done. My hesitation was a reaction to their
apparent Theosophy-related approach but I kept my
mind open.
After a couple of days with them it became obvious
that they were more motivated by fear and ego than
by higher motives but the fact that Carol found them
to be at least moderately effective helped me keep
that in perspective. It was also apparent that some
of their associates were CIA infiltrators--big
It wasn't for another year that we participated in
another group 'boosting' effort. This time, a
gifter north of Chicago got wind, during a
meditation exercise, of a fed plot to detonate a
small nuclear device on the Chicago waterfront
during a Fourth of July fireworks display,
there. We notified DB, who confirmed the plot, then
we four worked together to neutralize the bomb and
disable the plotters. That was July 3, 2002.
That was the very informal beginning of what has
become an international, weekly effort to disable
the world order etherically. This week, I heard
from one of those fisrt two people I mentioned at
the beginning of the post and that got me thinking
about how we got here. Those two are still at it,
as are perhaps dozens more throughout the
world, and I never doubt that they're having an
effect on the enemy, as we are. It may be
that ours, the donebydooney.com and the German and
French orgonite forum efforts are the most refined
and public ones. Unlike some, we look for feedback
to gauge our success. The
most immediate feedback is usually in the form
of personal healing when someone needs it. We often
have to heal each other, in fact, because when one
fights tyranny effectively, tyranny fights back in
the only way it knows how: parasitically, which is
to say with physical poison, psionic assault, dirty
magic/radionics, email and forum slander campaigns,
automobile attacks, getting to our loved ones, ad
The publicized risk factor has been a pretty good
filter for ensuring that mostly genuine people will
seek our company. Relative obscurity has turned
out to be a pretty comfortable garment because the
right people continue to find this network and
to feel inspired to do this and the gifting work.
We worked on healing the distorted vortices,
especially in Belgrade, that the world odor and
their fallen ego parasites have been disturbing and
stealing energy from. The psychics found
another wheel under one of those vortices and with
the whales' help, got it spinning clockwise again,
also helped the neutralized guardian of
that wheel/vortex to get back to work.
It seems likely to us that the very extensive,
surgical gifting work that Kelly, Cesco and Rich
did in and around Serbia, last year, perhaps made
it impossible for the world order to immediately
generate a global hatred/isolation campaign toward
Serbia, this time.
Disabling these fallen egos, which seem sort
of like hyperdimensional slugs to me, led the
psychics directly to a similar cluster of them over
the Vatican, which we then 'did,' too.
It may be that these ancient entities are the
unifying principle of the world odor. If parasites
are capable of symbiosis this could be said of the
fallen egos partnership with people like the Pope,
the Black Pope, the Whore of Babylon, BushSr,
Rothschilds, the Triad dark masters in China, the
Russian Green Glove
Society, Vryal, Southern-Baptist/Satanists, the
fascist Mormon upper hierarchy,
masonry, Theosophy, ad nauseum. We're engaged in
an active enquiry whether disabling the highest
(sic) etheric, discorporate parasites will quicken
the demise of this corporate world order. If this
is correct, it's taken us a lot of steps to get
to this point and we seem to be getting better and
better at disabling the Big Parasites in a lawful
Maybe I don't need to remind you that this has to
be considered a subjective report in the absence of
clear, collaborating evidence. The reason I don't
focus, much, on the physical confirmations of
group healing efforts is that this would come
across as sensational. We don't need any
sensationalism in the reporting and promotion of
this experimental effort, of course; we only want
a few more people to try their hands at it.
Dooney was shocked to discover, last week, that the
fallen egos can get to slightly higher dimensions
than the fourth, at least for brief periods, but she
and the other psychics quickly figured out that all
they need to do to disable them is to get to a
slightly higher dimension and work from there. It's
pretty easy for anyone without a Big Ego to get to
higher dimensions comfortably, after all. The more
people try this, the sooner it will become
common practice and I think this will hasten our
arrival at a dimensional state where we can
associate freely with The Operators, or at
least some of them. Any of us can go meet the
dolphins and whales (Operators in 3D, with us),
now, and I hope more will do so.
Carlos, please keep us posted on conditions that you
personally observe in Belgrade during your visit!
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Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Urgent Request from Carlos in Serbia
I have a hunch (it's only a hunch) that the CIA/NSA
is, by now, the world odor's favored legbreakers and
poisonmonger and that all the shots are being called
from Beijing. When that orgonite vendor in Taipei's
daughter was kidnapped, last month, our psychics
saw the NSA as the culprits and they were doing
Beijing's bidding, in that case. Small wonder if
the Chinese hierarchy don't want their populace
(includes Taiwan, now) to empower themselves with
Carol got a clear hit that the Chinese are getting
impatient with the Whore of Babylon's regime, by the
way, becuase the Brits just don't want to give up
their 'unseen guiding hand' role in the world odor
and are struggling to keep some of their
centuries-old hegemony.
Many seers predicted the sudden, unprovoked
destruction of The City (London's financial/parasite
district) with a nuclear device and we're going to
watch for opportunities to get wind of this in order
to prevent it in coming days. Our preferred
scenario is that the world order will decline and
fall without taking any genuine people down
with them, of course. I doubt this would be
possible if there weren't so many self-starting,
independent orgonite-tossers on the planet, by the
way. The deadly orgone radiation that prevailed
throughout the world before five or so years ago
definitely favored the world odor's chances of
success, even though they were many years behind
schedule by then.
Orgonite definitely jerks the DOR rug out from under
all of the world odor hierarchies who had previously
pirated and exploited those gifted areas and there
are many thousands of us, by now, reclaiming our
world from these old parasites. The best feature of
this is that anyone can clearly see the changes in
the atmosphere and the more perceptive gifter can
also see the distinct improvement in people's
countenances, attitudes and behavior in the gifted
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Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Urgent Request from Carlos in Serbia
A couple of weeks ago, Carol drew our attention,
again, to the 'Fallen Egos' becuase she had a hunch
that going after them held the key to another level
of effectiveness in the group sessions. Dooney
followed through in her chatroom, the
following Saturday, and was a little dismayed to
find that these creatures, unlike the more corporeal
predators, were able to get up past the fourth
This evening (says Don the insomniac), Dooney,
STevo, Carol and I had a private chat session to
address the sabotage that has occured to our (Carol
and my) business, websites and email for the past
week, ever since I posted a request to stop
mystifying the experimentation process. This
apparent CIA assault on us was initiated
when they trashed our server in Chile on Monday,
then it escalated to the point where half my
email was bouncing and there were no business
orders from our website. I also got several hate
mails from complete strangers (no surprise, there,
since Monarch-programmed sycophants are endorphin
junkies who see me as Major Buzzkill these days)
Dooney was driven to finally go after these entities
from the 12th dimension while Carol watched, this
evening. Carol doesn't prefer to go there
much, she says, because it's too hard to get back
in the body from that realm but Dooney apparently
came close to some Lemurians, there.
Carol had been trying to tell me something about
the 'fallen egos' for some time but I didn't get it
until this evening's session, then it clicked for
I've read the Qur'an and was always intrigued by
Muhammad's account of Iblis and the Jinn, also by
the story of Khidr, who 'taught Moses some lessons.'
I was never able to determine whether these
accounts were mostly allegory but, now, I think I've
got a better understanding of that, thanks to our
experiences in the chat sessions. When I ran it by
Carol she said I was on track with the
These new views have consolidated my conviction
that there is no devil, by the way, though the Jinn,
which may be what the 'Fallen Egos' are, are perhaps
humorously painted as de facto devils by
Muhammad. The Creative Word is deceptively simple,
which is probably the writings' best protection from
the commentary of theologists and other
parasitic clergynen. Arabic is a very condensed,
economic language, to boot.
According to the Qur'an, the Jinn were
around before man was and they are 'people made of
clear fire.' If you've seen elementals as
localized 'heat signatures' this statement might
resonate with you. When man was introduced, God
told the Jinn to 'bow down to My new
creation.' All of them did except one, named Iblis,
who told God (I'm paraphrasing), 'I can't bow down
right now because we're obviously superior to men
but at an appointed time in the future, I'll do so.
Meanwhile, I'll do everything I can to misguide,
corrupt and manipulate men.' God agreed to that and
appointed the time when Iblis would end his
activity, which Christian writers and theologists
apprently fashioned their devil paradigm from, later
In the late middle ages in Europe, Islam was the
source of civilization and was quite vital. That's
why Arabic-derived words like 'chemistry,'
'philosophy,' 'algebra,' etc., came into popular
usage during the early Renaissance, mostly through
Spain and Portugal, which were Muslim countries,
then. Some historians claim that Pope Alexander
moved the Vatican to Avignon, France, in order to
have closer access to Islamic scientists, scholars
and architects. The masons learned their trades
from Muslims, of course, which is why there were no
cathedrals in Europe until after Islam was
established in Spain and Portugal.
A Persian refugee friend once told me that the
movie, EL CID, was incredibly popular in Iran in the
1950s simply because 'El Cid' is 'Al Siyyid,' which
means 'direct descendent of Muhammad.'
I've said most of this, before, but in the
present climate of
Fatherland Sekurity's Muslim-bashing in the media
I think it's fair to occasionally give a more
balanced impression of Islam's very substantive
historic contributions to human
progress. Benighted, cynical Muslim clergymen have
incited the slaughter and dispossession of millions
of my co-religionists in Iran and other countries
for a century and a half and many Muslims
are being foolishly led by the nose by clergy who
are supported by MI6, CIA and the Mossadomites (as
are Christian fundamentalists and Zionists), so I'm
not plugging Islam as a contemporary organization;
just trying to show Islam's distinct, honored
position in earlier history.
Carol has gotten a strong, consistent impression
that these arch-players never inhabited physical
forms and, tonight, she and the other psychics
apparently recognized that they're more like
elementals than alien or discorporate
predators. According to Muhammad the Jinn
(elementals) are unconcerned about good and evil
because those considerations are just not operative
in their realm. Some of them do enjoy making
mischief, though, according to credible accounts and
my own direct experience.
I had the impression, earlier today, that the
'fallen egos' are the unifying principle for the
world odor, some of whom apparently see them as 'the
devil,' but it may be that they're not evil at all;
only doing what comes naturally. The corporate
predators, though, are entirely culpable and need
to be held to account for their evil actions.
The psychics are now working under the
assumption that it's inappropriate to try to
damage or destroy these entities because trying to
do that would make them culpable. So far, we've
stayed out of that sort of trouble because we've
only gone after known predators, which is a public
It may be that 'the appointed time' that Iblis
referred to is right now; these days when
apparently enough activists have taken steps to
neutralize the old world order with orgonite
distribution and surgical boosting. I don't know
whether 'Iblis' is allegorical for a class of
'bigger' elementals. The psychics see elementals in
sizes ranging from microscopic to planet-size,
apparently according to age or experience of the
elemental. 'Age' is an approximate term, since
they're in a timeless realm.
A factor that led to this apparent realization was
Carol's strong hesitance to go after the 'fallen
egos' on our own as individuals. She felt it was
only appropriate to go after them as a group.
She prefers to call them 'fallen
angels,' though she says that term isn't accurate;
only an approximation. Some skilled psychics get
frustrated when trying to find words to describe
etheric 'scenery.' I was the one who resisted the
use of the term, 'fallen angels' because I didn't
want to encourage lockstep mystification by the
silly but vociferous people.
Fortuantely, sycophants don't like to look at posts
like this one 
I'm now comfortable with the term Carol favors,
also with the psychics preference for the use of
the 'Yahweh breath' when they're detaching these
entities' 'tentacles' from their own etheric
Clever and tireless Theosophists, who promote
semantics and irrationality as substitutes for more
genuine examination of reality, are always
aping higher realities in an attempt to scam the
undiscerning endorphin junkies. They engage in
their monotonic, hypnotic chatter about 'harmful
entities being our teachers,' but they secretly
despise everyone who won't swallow their ideology
and start happily goose stepping with all the other
complacent, vacuous, grinning hippies, potheads and
mushroom eaters 
. They also use the term, 'God,' in an
effort to scam sleephyheads into accepting their
notion that they are God, kind of like 'In God We
Trust' is right above the Great (sic) Seal of The
United States of America on the back of the dollar
bill. That seal is an entire book of satanic
symbolism. The masonic forebears of Theosophy
designed that emblem in the late 1700s. I gather
that the 'god' the Federal Reserve Corporation and
the US Government 'trusts' in is Moloch, the
ancient Babylonian alleged god that demands
frequent blood sacrifices. There's a little Moloch
owl's head caricature on teh front of the dollar
bill, in the upper left hand niche in the plaque
that surrounds the number '1' in the upper right
corner of the bill. People who have taken off their
PJs and put on street clothes love it when I show
them that  especially
since it's hard to see without a magnifying glass
but quite clear, otherwise.
But the psychics got a clear impression, this
evening, that these discorporate entities, whom the
world odor have idolized as the devil, apparently,
are just mischievously goading the less honorable
elements of humanity into potentially learning some
essential discernment lessons in a 'kill or cure'
mode. My experience with 'smaller' elementals in
the wild, especially at sea, taught me that they
don't understand or care about physical suffering;
they only enjoy interacting with us. I think they
get energy from that and it may be that they don't
really care whether we hug them or fear them. Now
that it seems to me that the 'Iblis' class of
elementals are not predators I actually like and
appreciate them, strange to tell.
I absolutely Do NOT condone predators, though, and
will continue to do my best to undo their global
hierarchies so that we can eventually have
that Golden Age that all of the Prophets promised
would come to humanity, one way or the
other. Thanks to orgonite and perhaps to surgical
boosting, we might get to that eventuality in a
relatively peaceful and prosperous way instead of
through the world odor's hoped-for genocide and
nuclear holocaust.
Let's see if this pans out!
By the way, when the session started, STevo
immediately saw some people plotting to ambush the
four of us pretty soon, or maybe just shoot us in
our beds at 3AM. Carol identified the plotters as
FBI thugs under the direction of BushSr and related
this to the event, last month, of a 'Federal Bureau
of Instigation' gal in a huge, white federal SUV,
tailgaiting Carol and gesticulating at her on the
road to our house. I posted about that, then. It's
been a long time since the feds planned to kill
other gifters besides my wife and me. I think we
stopped that plot but we'll see, I guess
I'm reporting this in Carlos' Serbia thread because
it was while going after the cluster of 'fallen
egos' over Belgrade, in this morning's EW
international chat session, that we started to see
the bigger picture. I felt a need to put this in
the public record, right away, and I always try
to follow through with my hunches, as anyone
ought to do now. When Carol was struggling
with which words to use to express what she was
seeing, she hesitantly said that we need to get the
fallen angels' respect; not to try to harm
them. This is certainly in line with how one
might want to relate to elementals.
For the real culprits, though, it seems to be more
urgent to stop them from murdering innocents than
to get them to respect us. I personally think it's
a mistake to assign refined qualities to
demonstrated murderers, since
they're pretty degraded. If you or your
own child have ever encountered one, personally,
you probably don't feel inclined to encourage their
continued liberty, either 
. Irrationalists and endorphin junkies
apparently feel strongly (this passes for genuine
passion with them) that it's inappropriate to
sanction mass murderers, of course, because
'they're our spiritual teachers.' Sheesh. These
predators of the world order, collectively, are the
real devil, as far as I'm concerned, and this devil
needs to be defeated and brought to account as soon
as possible.
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Posts: 8
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Re: Urgent Request From Carlos In Serbia
The impression these days from Belgrade (since the
protests) is that live goes on as lively as usual
and I believe that's very much in line with the
spirit of this vibrant people (at least when I
compare them with my "fellow western europeans"
There has been some tension in the northern part of
Kosovo as I hear it from the news and it's
apparently between Serbs living in Kosovo being
upset at this independence. Still I feel there is a
positive energy about all this and the only way it
could go wrong would be by forceful influence of the
world odor.
I made a few TBs with zinc due to not being able to
find alluminium and today when I checked them they
were giving the same sweet energy we all know. One
was made with clipped copper wire and was specially
(to my subjective experience) quite strong for the
size, even though they were all small TBs - Orgonite
made in Serbia with serbian "ingredients"!
I'll post the picture of them once I get home on
Friday and settle down a little bit.
On another note I met some people yesterday who are
having a kind of "healing clinic" using Reiki
massage etc...
I must say I was quite impressed with the meeting
and with how these people reacted to orgonite. One
of them was specially sensitive and she could feel
the zapper working and even the scalar waves from
the SP when it was plugged in.
She was also specially fond of my harmonic protector
and will probably order one for herself - I left her
with links to worldwihtoutparasites and some other
sites including EW.
Also for the first time I had face-to-face
confirmation of what my boosting does!

I couldn't stop stressing to them how easy it is to
make orgonite and to boost... somehow the simplicity
of it might be something that takes time to get used
to but it's already great to have all this feedback.
As I was packing it felt right to leave them with
the copper hhg I had taken.
Also more people - including two architects! - could
feel the little secret device working and these are
not your average "sensitives"

I'm very happy about all this overall very positive
feedback! I don't know what will be the outcome of
these encounters but I would love it if orgonite
making / gifting would take off in Serbia.
Their openness reminded me of the way how the
relationship between Africans and orgonite / the
etheric world seems so easy and natural and truly
this is territory were orgonite could spread out
very easily improving not just their lives but
influencing the whole planet.
Right now I feel like an ambassador, we'll see how
it works out!
P.S. On my first day gifting I was "detained" for 10
minutes: I was hiding a tb on a street vase right
next to 3 buses full of riot police being totally
oblivious of it - somehow I was blinded to the fact
they were police (the just seemed like normal people
on normal buses). Quickly I'm grabbed and surrounded
by 6 or 8 of these riot policemen with their padded
uniforms and have to explain what I was doing...
instead of laughing to my face or take me to the
station we did a bit of talking and after waiting
for their "boss" I was released without even a
This was probably an experience to show me not to be
But gifting in Belgrade remains challenging in these
days not to mention the absence of green and canals
makes one quite attentive to all the nooks and holes
to be found (oh, how gifting in Amsterdam is a walk
in the park :))
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 862
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Urgent Request from Carlos in Serbia
Congrats on getting through your trial by fire,
Carlos, and for the very fine networking you're
Also, there's nothing quite as valuable as firsthand
accounts, so thanks for that, too.
It was so easy for Hitler and the What To
ThinkNetwork to paint the Poles as monsters, prior
to that gratuitous invasion in 1939; somewhat more
difficult for the CIA and Mossadomites-in-Media to
paint the Iraqis as swarthy Muslim baby eaters prior
to the year-long, constant bombing capaign (Brit and
US Air Forces) and subsequent invasion of that
country a few years ago. It seems encouraging to
me, now, that the world odor is now shooting itself
in its own clubfoot by trying to paint the Serbs,
yet again, as bloodthirsty xenophobes 
to justify more bombing by the US Air Force of
its civilian population. Fortunately for the
Balkans, perhaps, our little army is entirely
occupied with efforts to keep breathing in Iraq and
Afghanistan, now that the populations of those
countries are finally getting tired of American and
British jingoism and mass murder.
Here's what I got from Igor in
Belgrade, today. I'll attempt to give you his
email address in a private message, now:
Hi Don,
I just saw the topic about Serbia on EW. Thank you
for your genuine concern
in what's happening here. I must tell you though,
that nothing is really
happening. The western media only needed isolated
scenes of violence, to
reinforce the nasty (and completely false) image
they created of the Serbian
people, in order to justify the stealing of yet
another piece of their
homeland. You are probably right about the CIA
burning the embassies, as the
police apparently found maps of Belgrade with marked
targets with the
persons they arrested. Yet the police could have
easily stopped that small
violent group and for me there is something fishy in
that they didn't. Also
the scenes of looting are pathetic. These are
obviously staged. There
probably isn't a place on Earth where there wouldn't
be any crime during the
events like these, but the point here was that the
media needed the footage.
On the other hand, hardly anyone mentioned the one
million strong peaceful
protest just a couple of blocks away. Don, rivers of
people were flowing
through the streets in utter silence, it was
surreal. No one here wants war.
We just wish the West would stop raping our country.
Back to my point, if
the CIA wanted to provoke serious incidents, they'd
do it at the main rally.
And our media (all in the western hands) would stir
people up instead of
calming them down. The Serbian puppet government
(since 2000.) has worked
hard to dumb down the people, to kill the last
traces of our dignity and
self-respect, so they can proceed with plundering
our economy and tearing
our territory to pieces without any opposition. We
are already turned into a
colony. Almost all of our economy is now privatized
(for pennies), and at
the same time the country is sinking into debt at an
unprecedented rate -
many are already mentioning the coming "Argentinian
scenario". The NATO
wants to quickly and smoothly finish the Kosovo job,
they don't need a new
crisis for that. Kosovo is their precious base of
operations for human
trafficking, drug trafficking and war. Once they
fortify themselves in
Kosovo, they'll finish us up in no time. Our
nationalist politicians (the
Serbian Radical Party - not really radical enough
for my taste) are anti-NWO
but they can't win elections. If you'd like to learn
more about our
situation in the context of the NWO, this 48 minute
video (
speaks a
It isn't easy to set the story on Serbian people
straight, but sooner or
later it will have to be done. Saying that the
western media speaks only
lies (it does) won't undo the brainwashing. Even on
the EW forum I could
find negative references. Believe me, we Serbs don't
like the feeling of
playing "the bad guys" any more you do, or any other
people does. We want to
live in peace but they won't let us. Serbs are now
almost completely
exterminated in Croatia (before the war, they
constituted one quarter of the
population there), partially in Bosnia (my case -
born in Sarajevo, now
living in Belgrade) and almost completely in Kosovo.
Even you Don mention
what "Serbian leaders have done", while in fact they
(the pre-2000
government) did what any true government ought to do
- they refused to sign
the NATO occupation of our country, they fought to
defend it. Milosevic was
about to prove in court the CIA involvement in the
90's wars and that's why
they had to kill him. Nothing is like it "seems."
As for orgonite, Belgrade is mostly gifted (TBs). I
have a cloudbuster since
August 2006 and it's still working, although a lot
less efficiently than in
the first few months. We're being sprayed regularly
but there are NO death
towers. There are maybe 2 or 3 dozen cell-phone
towers in the whole of
Belgrade (2 million people) and a lot of solitary
rods attached to
buildings. I was eager to see if the new owner of
one of the two Serbia's
cell-phone companies would begin erecting these
antennas more densely, but
they didn't.
When Cesco, Laozu and Rich were visiting here, I
wasn't in my best
(spiritual) mood, so I naturally missed out on it.
If any of the "seers"
would again come to the Balkans, we'd be able to do
a whole lot of work (I
am since recently in a lot better financial
situation too). In case you know
of suitable targets for positive orgone here, I'd be
happy to gift them. You
can give Carlos my e-mail if he is still in
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 862
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Urgent Request from Carlos in Serbia
Igor, my heart goes out to you and at least you
can know that you're in good company, now
that China owns the United States Goverment and the
Federal Reserve Corporation.
My culture is a baby compared to yours; it's also
more homogenous so losing our parasitic federal
government and economy to foreigners doesn't seem as
dire to us, perhaps, as it does to you.
What this treasonous federal government learned, the
hard way, though, is that the most aggressive, long
term genocide strategy won't erase an old
culture. They sure tried to do that to the American
Indians but those tribes are still around and one
of the larger ones is even opting to secede from
the United States, which pleases many of us, no
The obvious, simplest workable solution, to me, is
for all of the excessively centralized governments
in the world, including the two parasitic
institutions who pretend to represent you and I,
need to be discarded and political and economic
autonomy needs to return to properly representative
governments, which is to say local and perhaps
district ones.
For nations that have mainly one ethnic
identity, like Serbia, Japan, China, Saudi Arabia,
and most of the African countries, there's probably
enough cultural momentum to deterine whether or not
a national government is even needed, any more, now
that the reality of global market and information
exchanges is a functional reality. Doc Batiibwe and
I travelled on a nice, paved highway to Northern
Uganda (to gift the war-torn area) which was built
by the Serbs in exchange for some shiploads of
Ugandan foodstuffs. I'm quite sure that this
wasn't the result of legislative posturings or
complex diplomatic maneuvering between Belgrade and
Kampala; it was a simple trade that immediately
benefitted both parties. This is how smoothly the
world ought to operate, of course. When the
parasitic corporations and their proxy governments
have been discarded like empty seashells humanity
will all benefit from such spontaneous exchanges
and poverty will abruptly end. Near the Doc's
hospital the Irish had built a lovely, functional
district office building in exchange for something
Taking the corporate, bloodthirsty terrorists out of
the equation pretty much guarantees that humanity
will choose peace and prosperity over war and
exploitation. Right now, the terrorist
organizations are the CIA, MI6, Mossad, the
Russians' current fashionable secret police or
gangster organization, the Chinese unseen
parasites, etc.. All of these rely on excessive
centralization and massive scale mind control in
order to survive in the face of this rapidly
awakening species. I honestly believe that these
ruinous organizations won't survive, much longer,
especially if enough people will toss enough
orgonite, soon enough, to awaken the PJ folks
enough to disregard, then discard these parasites
in a relatively bloodless way.
Real unity in the world is possible only through
honoring and appreciating the refinements and
positive qualities of each others' native
cultures. History shows that cultures assimilate
each other in either an organic or a forced
way. The balanced person gravitates to the former
and tyrants prefer the latter but, one way or
another, all of the old cultures will continue to
blend together at a stately pace, so there's no
sense in struggling against this apparently natural
process. Nobody on the planet is more xenophobic
than the average American Pajama Person, doubly so
because this nation hasn't ever been invaded, if you
don't count the violent invasion by Europeans of the
Indian territories, of course.
By 1939 all of America's vestigal national
sovereignty had been treatied away to the
then-nascent United Nations by the US Senate and
also signed away to the Federal Reserve Corporation
(a London-based company, just like the British East
India Company was) by President Roosevelt,
though. Only a few wide-awake people even
noticed it happening, by the way, and the What To
Think Network and all of the institutionalized
academicians studiously ignored them all 
The Bantu culture, in incalculably ancient
times, spread uinformly from West Africa, all
across the continent to the very southern tip,
gradually displacing/absorbing the original
cultures, such as the Koi people and the
pygmies. When Carol and I were in Namibia we saw
Koi physical features and heard the distinctive Koi
(several kinds of 'clicks') language patterns among
some of the Bantu presently-indigenous tribes. The
Koi San (Bushmen) seem to be particularly revered by
the Bantu peoples, there. Maybe that's a useful
historic precedent for what might happen in the
Balkans after the various cultures in that
region are no longer willing to be set against
each other by this parasitic world order.
Maybe the peaceful demonstrations in
Belgrade, last week, are a clear indication that
the Serbians are categorically refusing to be
manipulated into waging war on the Albanians, the
way that benighted American adolescents are
slaughtering innocents in the Mideast and Cuba at
the moment.. If so, I think you guys are leagues
ahead of us, right now, even though there are
literally scores of tons of orgonite distributed
throughout North America and next to none, for now,
in the Balkans, aside from what our Western gifting
friends have managed to distribute, there.
I'm naturally proud of my culture and am certain
that people in other lands don't judge me according
to what this treasonous, parasitic regime in
Washington,DC (read: Langley, Virginia

) does on our behalf. Igor, I don't think you need
to be concerned that the global sewer rats' proxy
government in Belgrade will be assumed to represent
the Serbian people, either.
Thanks again for your timely, insightful
comments and observations!
Joined: February 2008
Posts: 8
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Re: Urgent Request From Carlos In Serbia
Wow! If these are not DOR giving antennas then what
have I been gifting in Amsterdam all this time lol -
the ones in the Netherlands are looking pretty much
the same but with an off-white to cream colour.
These ones here seem more white - perhaps newer?
I leave it up to the more experienced in this forum
to elucidate me on this matter but I do believe they
are death towers.
It's great to know Belgrade is gifted... I consider
that a massive effort given the size of this city
and probably responsable for the innefectiveness of
the spraying campaign. Still, until I hear a second
opinion I will gift the few tbs I'm making to what I
believe are DOR antennas.
All this said, though, I'm quite eager to meet Igor
and exchange impressions
Joined: February 2008
Posts: 8
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Re: Urgent Request From Carlos In Serbia
Hi everyone,
Here are the photos from the trip (effectively
Belgrade for the most)
(I'd be very happy to hear of any Sylphs on the

that is one thing I didn't learn to recognize yet)
Igor tells me there's about 200 TBs all over
Belgrade besides his own CB and judging from the sky
I'd say the city is well "orgonized".
The general feeling when walking around town is also
quite good, despite what mainstream media tries to
sell people - even the riot police is friendly to
If any of you psychics feels like checking
Belgrade's map and giving Igor a heads up, here's
Personally I felt quite energized in Belgrade. I
don't know if it's the city, the people or that
whole Balkan area but there's a special energy to be
found there that I have yet to encounter in the
Secondary effects of this energizing included
greater sensitivity when judging whether a tower
needs gifting or not and more easily feeling
As a bonus everybody seems in general more "aware"
and I got confirmation of this when people with none
or little idea of the etheric world could sense the
effects of a Little Secret device (thank you Cesco!)
Now, zooming out and trying to get the bigger
picture it feels as if any major negative event in
the area can only be instigated outside of it
(anyone can confirm this on even the most
brainwashing tv channels). The West has pushed one
way, now Russia pushes a little bit from the other
side... we already know who's actually pulling the
strings (London / Beijing) and their objectives are
probably ranging from destabilization and fear
mongering to all out war and martial law.
Money (from the heroin and oil circuit),
geostrategical positioning in the new cold war, etc,
these are the reasons one finds when digging only a
little under the surface... the reasons why the
middle-man agrees to get his hands dirty. The
"average" person will settle for getting incited
based on feelings of nationalism or religious
righteousness. And possibly go to war for it? It's
propaganda that sells very well to even intelligent
people (I wonder if it helps any or actually makes
it worse) though I suspect nobody would be actually
ready for war other than the armchair generals and
their rodent friends.
Meanwhile we'll keep gifting and boosting the #$@%
out of the bottom of that inverted pyramid