Porn Generation
a book by Ben Shapiro

21-year-old columnist explains: How mainstream
acceptance of pornography is destroying his generation -- and our nation
Pornography: it's everywhere -- at the video
shop, in your newspaper, in your inbox. And although American society grows
increasingly accepting of this state of affairs, porn is unmistakably dangerous:
it presents a warped image of sex and self-satisfaction that ridicules the
values of faith and family, mangling the most sacred ideals of matrimony. In
Porn Generation, Ben Shapiro explains why. This book is about a generation
of Americans lost in a maelstrom of moral relativism in a culture obsessed with
cheap, degraded, casual sex. It's a powerful wake-up call outlining what we must
do now to eradicate this scourge and reclaim the values that made America great.
Shapiro, a 21-year-old orthodox Jew, syndicated columnist, and Harvard Law
student, knows up close about the hypersexualization of American youth - which
has taken hold to a degree that astonishes even their Baby Boomer parents,
despite the fact that their liberal attitudes toward sex caused it all. In this
book he demonstrates that as societal standards and traditional values have
declined, and the crassest elements of sexual deviancy and pornography have
taken over the public square, it is the Americans of his own generation who have
paid the price. Never in our country's history has a generation been so
empowered, so wealthy, so privileged - and yet so empty. He shows that legalized
and all-pervasive porn is by no means trivial or marginal: it's an integral part
of a sustained program by the forces of relativism, radical feminism, and
nihilism to destroy our nation's moral foundations and replace moral standards
with the idol of personal fulfillment.
Porn Generation reveals:
- Why the "live and let live" societal model is a recipe for societal
disaster - and why the sanctioning and encouraging of immoral behavior by
society hurts all of us
- How revisionist historians sold the cockamamie idea that obscenity is a
right that the Founding Fathers sought to protect
- Ill-considered sex ed programs that teach nine-year-olds about condom
use, push twelve-year-olds to make decisions about their sexual orientation,
and expect fifteen-year-olds to be as sexually experienced as prostitutes
- How today's sex ed establishment is unalterably committed to amoral
ideas of permissiveness and "tolerance" for all sorts of deviant behaviors
- Proof: non-abstinence-only education programs have been a massive
- Indoctrination on campus: how universities use their sex courses as
training seminars in amorality and post-modern radicalism
- How Hollywood actors, MTV artists, and assorted self-important
celebrities act as the new elders of a church of corrupt, shallow, and
materialistic humanism
- Nudity on film: how it has become difficult to tell the difference
between call girls and movie starlets
- The limitless sexual license of the porn generation: how it has led to
pandemic spiritual desensitization, emotional alienation, and lack of
- How liberals have undemocratically imposed their amorality on America
through Hollywood, the education system, the judiciary, and the media
- Kinsey: how this secret pervert and sex maniac successfully convinced
millions of Americans that almost everyone was a secret pervert and sex
- How the high percentage of sexually active young people is wreaking
enormous damage upon the emotional stability of an entire generation
- Why John Kerry felt it necessary to pretend to admire rap music, despite
its total lack of artistic value, overwhelmingly negative social value, and
often frankly pornographic lyrics
- Teen magazines for girls: how they have become morally fetid training
manuals for sex, encouraging young girls to buy liberal social values
wholesale and have contempt for religion
- Lesbian chic: how society actually encourages young girls today to enter
into sexual relationships with other girls
- Sexual advertising: negative effects of twenty years of targeting the
youth market with salacious images and immoral insinuations
- "Whether I'm loving a man or a woman, it makes no difference to me": how
Hollywood stars have made bisexuality the latest craze
- How Hollywood movies have spearheaded the society-wide charge for the
normalization of homosexuality, again and again painting homosexuals as
saints and intolerant moralists as sinners
- The Oscars: Play a gay man, receive an Oscar nomination. Play a lesbian,
receive an Oscar nomination. Make a film celebrating homosexuality, receive
an Oscar nomination
- "What's the big deal? President Clinton did it": how Slick Willie's
widely publicized misbehavior -- and sleazy self-justification - have
contributed to widespread acceptance of oral sex among American youth
- Whore with a microphone: how the slutty pop star Madonna has used her
fame to push a destructive message of societal amorality
- Ted Bundy: shocking proof of how pornography corrupts -- and even
ultimately led one man to mass murder (and how Playboy falsely tried to
portray him as a victim of sexual repression rather than sexual excess)
- Why it is so crucial for parents to stop and pay attention to what's
going on in the lives of their children -- and equip them with the moral
compass that will guide them through the cultural pit of the porn generation
The Porn generation, explains Shapiro, now inhabits a world where "empowerment"
means sex with no strings attached. The old faith and traditional morality are
universally portrayed as bourgeois, archaic, sexist, and close-minded. Our new
god is Tolerance of all behavior, our new credo "live and let live."
But this anything-goes credo is killing us:
corrupting our youth, fragmenting our families, and weakening our society. It is
not right that children are dunked headfirst into the vat of garbage we call
popular culture. If we don't fight back now, our culture will surely continue to
disintegrate. Shapiro includes here a series of solid recommendations for how we
can recover our values -- and why we must. Porn Generation: it's a vivid
and shocking insider's report from one very troubled generation to the rest of