Charity or Ruse? |
Rixon Stewart – Introduction 2001, Comments June 1, 2005
What follows was written 4 years ago but prefigures recent
events and serves as an introduction.
A favoured Illuminati tactic is to take control of potential opposition movements and then render them impotent. For example: in the early 1970's the Liberal Party appeared to challenge Britain's two main political parties, who had hitherto been the only two serious political contenders. Shortly thereafter David Owen emerged to take the party leadership but within a few years the party disintegrated into squabbling factions. However David Owen's political fortunes were far from over and by the early 90's he was negotiating peace deals in the former Yugoslavia, notably the Vance Owen peace accord. In effect Owen had been used to lead the Liberal Party up a blind alley, seemingly full of good intentions, while the deal he brokered in the Balkans failed and suitably set the scene for NATO's subsequent intervention in Yugoslavia. More recently Owen has assumed the leadership of a movement opposed to Britain's adoption the Euro. But how effective it is remains to be seen for essentially Owen is an Illuminati hatchet man. In short, he assumes control over potential opposition movements or tricky negotiations and then leads them in circles and renders them ineffective whilst the Illuminati press ahead with their plans regardless. In reward David Owen was honoured by the Queen and likewise Bob Gedolf was also awarded with a knighthood. Call it a hunch but something tells this writer that Sir Bob, a rock star turned multi-millionaire businessman, has a similar role to Lord Owen. In effect they’re both working to hidden agenda, one that is completely at odds with their public personas. Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll hear this in the mainstream media but there may be more to Sir Bob than his campaign for debt relief would suggest. ![]() Sir Bob announces the staging of the concerts.
The Live 8 Concerts – June 1, 2005
As the photo above reveals: Sir Bob has a distinctly haughty countenance. Look at those eyes and the slight tilt of his head; despite playing the part of a politically disgruntled "rock star", Gedolf has the air of an Irish aristocrat. But that superior look may derive more from the fact that, despite his protestations to the contrary, Sir Bob is now doing the bidding of the Global Elite. Which may also explain why Sir Bob called for a million people to protest the G8 summit in Edinburgh early July. Indeed the man referred to as “Saint Bob” after he organised the 1985 Live Aid concert to fight starvation in Ethiopia, went onto call for the leading industrialised nations to cancel, or at least reduce, Africa’s debt. Announcing the staging of the Live 8 concerts, prior to the G8 summit, Sir Bob said: "It is intellectually absurd that people die of want in a world of surplus." Which sounds good but completely misses the point. Still, that may be the intention. For while Sir Bob laments over Africa’s debt burden he completely overlooks the fact that the debt burden for the entire planet is built on the exactly same fraudulent principle. In short, money is simply printed by privately owned “national” banks like the Bank of England or the U.S. Federal Reserve, then lent to the government of the day to be repaid plus interest with money collected from taxes. Thus money is not created by governments themselves but by privately owned “national banks”, the governments being no more than the bank's debt collectors. But it doesn’t stop there. Organisations like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund work on exactly the same principle: money is “created” – or more precisely, credit – is conjured out of nothing at all. This credit is then extended to impoverished nations who repay it, not with cash, but with their natural resources be they mineral reserves or the fruits of human labour. Either way the debt, created out of nothing at all, is settled with some sort of real, hard currency. In plain terms it’s fraud, a confidence trick. But don’t expect Sir Bob to tell you that. He’s too busy drawing attention to Africa debt problem, an incidental detail that is only part of the overall problem. However by focusing on this one tragic detail, Gedolf diverts attention from the bigger picture and the obvious solution. So that even if he gets Africa’s debt written off, it won’t stop further debts accumulating or help others with similar burdens. What Sir Bob would achieve however, assuming his campaign is successful, will be to buy the bankers more time by getting people to believe they were doing good, solving the world’s problems by helping others. In effect the “feel good factor” would be used to neutralise any threat to the world’s iniquitous banking system. As Sir Bob, or as the media would have it “Saint Bob”, leads the way on a white charger, with the Live 8 concerts and their attendant stars, up a blind alleyway to nowhere.
'Make Poverty History'
Working closely with Gedolph on the Live 8 concerts was Richard Curtis, scriptwriter of such cinematic hits as “Four Weddings and a Funeral” and “Notting Hill” and one of the leading lights behind the 'Make Poverty History' campaign. Like the Live 8 concerts, 'Make Poverty History' sounds well intentioned enough, but it too may serve as a smokescreen for an altogether different agenda. When an acquaintance who was involved in the campaign recently tried to point out some of the iniquities that underlie the banking system – iniquities that lie at the very root of global poverty – he was summarily silenced and thrown off the campaign. Curtis's latest work “The Girl in the Café” premiered scarcely more than a week before the G8 summit and simultaneously on both sides of the Atlantic. By coincidence or more probably design, it too was set at the G8 summit, described as a “low key charmer”, it told the tale of a diffident middle-aged economist attending the summit who falls for an “intensely observant but quiet young lady.” At least, that was how the mainstream media described it. However what had been billed, as a “romantic comedy” was in effect a subtle public relations exercise. Presenting the G8 summit participants, not as hardheaded bureaucrats or faceless functionaries, but as vulnerable, all-too-human characters we could sympathise with. Which is may explain why the Council on Foreign Relations, a North American think tank that operates along the lines of the Bilderberg, had been signed up as a co-sponsor for the program. A week after its first premier and days after the G8 summit and the Live 8 concerts, corporate news giant CNN had scheduled a special on the Girl in the Café, featuring extensive clips followed by Tony Blair being interviewed about global poverty. In effect the global corporate giants have embarked on a charm offensive. Utilising top scriptwriters, politicians and media-created “saints” like Sir Bob, along with gestures like Blair and Bush writing off 40 billion pounds of African debt; the ultimate objective is to neutralise the growing “anti-globalisation” movement by distracting attention from the real causes of global poverty with entertainments and dazzling diversions. In essence it is the modern day equivalent of the smoke and mirrors tricks used by conjurers and tricksters of yesteryear. After all, confidence tricksters routinely employ displays of charm and good intensions to dupe their victims and in his way Saint Bob is no different. So while there's no harm in enjoying the music, it's as well to remember that behind all the glitz and professed good intentions at Live 8, there may be a more cynical agenda at work. Time was when rock music was about youthful rebellion but not anymore. Now it’s about control in the guise of revolt with the likes of U2's Bono and Gedolf as the ringmasters. |