On the way over (the boat ramp is only 8 miles from our house) the sky was marked with a few chemtrail-seeded clouds (quite unusual for here, these days) and the atmosphere was hazy due to a lot of moisture in it and a stalled high pressure system. Usually, by this phase of summer, the felonious feds would have ignited countless forest fires in our region but there haven't been any significant ones, so far, this season.
When I went gifting with STevo in E Montana and N Dakota, last month, Dooney gave me several lengths of pipe, just in case we felt like doing some damage to an underground base and I had brought along a lot of orgonite plugs for earthpipes but we didn'tt use them. I glued thin plywood fins on them and secured the earthpipe plugs in the 'top' ends and we dropped these on the base, yesterday, but teh star of the expedition was the 18 that I'd made (at my wife's suggestion) with ordinary, full sized towerbusters instead of the 2-ounce little muffin orgonite bits I'd been using for the 24" diameter 18s. I had that one in my shop the last time Kelly visited and he really liked it.
The lake is 1300 feet deep in one area, where the big nuke subs apparently arrive through an opening from a deep passage that conects several lakes west of the Rockies with the Pacific Ocean, but most of the 15-mile long, 3-5 mile wide section where the base and Navy sufrace facilities are located is 1200 feet deep and, yesterday, they were blocking my sonar even more aggressively than when Stevo and I first dropped 200 TBs from the Zodiac in November, 2006. They even tried to tweak my GPS, yesterday

Carol dropped the earthpipes along an 8 mile stretch from south to north and long before we reached the turnaround point, which is the second-largest moored Navy barge on the lake, several glorious Sylphs showed up over the lake, just south of where we were. When I circled the unoccupied barge (it has a hydraulic crane and a two-storey building on it) an osprey took off from there to the southeast, occasionally skimming the water with its talons. We followed for awhile.
Carol said the Sylphs wanted the 18 in the middle of the lake, so we scooted over there. When we dropped it, the Sylphs had gathered directly over us in s swirling pattern and there was a very determined but futile HAARP assault, aimed at them from the west. Those big, multidirectional 'ripple' fields stopped well short of where the Sylphs were and only lasted a few minutes. I saw a little smidgin of chemspew-seeded cloud in among the HAARP cloudwaves

I had a hunch that 5 earthpipes weren't enough and Carol agreed--said we need another 13 to really finish off that underground base. I drove us out to the part of the lake from which the photo of the launch of a Polaris missile from a nuclear sub was taken. The background to the east of where the missile came up out of the water is an easily-recognized cliff face with some high tension powerlines running uphill from it.
Both STevo and Carol mentioned to me that the US Navy's little coven of middle-aged, civilian sulky sonar engineers had only located a few of the 200 TBs wiith their trick sonar trawlers, then apparently some of their MKid divers (some of whom were suited up and glared at Stevo and I at the boat ramp on that chilly, late autumn day

We toured most of the lake-surface facilities, yesterday. Carol hadn't seen them, yet. They still looked abandoned, though this is ostensibly what the Navy is 'on' and under the lake for.
There was an enormous Navy boot camp between our house and the lake during WWII and though the Navy always denied that there were German U-Boat crews there (allegedly prisoners of war) an Idaho Park Ranger (the base was razed, then the land was turned into a state park) fell through the floor of a demolished building, a few years ago, and found records of the German activity. As far as I know, the airfield where we live was the Navy's airstrip during that managed conflict in the 1940s.
Al Bielek, who was in the crowd the day the US Navy cut the ribbon on their token surface base in nearby Bayview, ten years or so ago, told Carol and I when we visited him in Atlanta in February, 2001, that German U-Boats routinely surfaced offshore at Montauk, New York throughout that war and the townsfolk waved at them in a familiar way.
Phil Schneider's dad was an associate of Al's during the Philadelphia experiment. Capt Ernst Schneidler went from being a commander of a cargo submarine to being the medical officer (US Navy Captain) of Project Rainbow. The cargo subs were used to ferry equipment, etc., to the Vryal base in Antarctica throughout the managed conflict. They got some of their fuel from the Rockefellers' Standard Oil facilities in Argentina. Montauk is the eastern tip of Long Island; an access point to New York City and the big sub base in Connecticut. It's also the site of a very old underground base, apparently Vryal real estate. According to Al Bielek, MK Ultra started there soon after the CIA was spawned in 1947 and it's a site, like Area 51, that is run by draconians and reptilians and where a lot of alien DOR-based tech is 'downloaded' to the world order.
I hope you've watched Phil Schneider's essential lectures about the ever-expanding underground base network and their activities because he sacrificed his life in 1997 to educate us about this stuff. You can find it with a simple search.
It's kind of cool that we can live near such a historic horror, I think, and to take our time dismantling it with orgonite. I flew over the south end of the lake a couple of times at around 6,000 feet and pretty soon I'll probably do it some more with my 'next' aircraft, pretty soon

We've only started to explore the uses of 18s, one of which may be to help us all connect more intimately with the Sylphs, and my hope is to put a big 108 in the heart of the huge Nevada depression (the regional rivers empty into it and dry up) from where Carol said the desert was generated in the 1500s, right after the Spanish/masonic 'missionaries' showed up. Fingers are crossed for us doing it in September, since we're going to Sedona, then, to have a booth at the Raw Spirit Festival at David Wolfe's suggestion.
From where we live, we can see the mountains that surround the lake and the sky over it. Before we got home, all of the Sylphs had gone so that was a nice, final confirmation of the afternoon's success.