If Sylphs are angels and are giving us observable signs of their presence on a regular basis that would qualify as evidence that humanity has reached a new stage of development. Anyone can see them, I think, even perhaps the people who were unable to see chemtrails until very recently.
I asked Francie to post about her 'initiation' experience but she'll decide whether it's appropriate, but it involved an angel and elementals.
One of the alpha-female Theosophists in our area, whom Carol has known for a lot of years, claims to be an expert on the subject of angels. She had hosted Danion Brikley, seven years ago, which is why I wasn't keen to go to Danion's lecture but Danion makes fun of newagers, so I'm glad I went and met him

Carol, who has always been a lot more tolerant of Theosophy proselytizers than I am, went to one of her weekend newage angel workshops, long ago, and was disappointed that she didn't see any angels or evidence of angels during the course of the weekend, even during the guided meditations. After she got home, she asked for a sign of angels' existence and she was apparently visited by one and experienced exquisite, powerful love from the entity.
She's always said that this is exactly what she feels from the Sylphs.
Both Carol and Francie mentioned seeing wings. The rational mind suggests that birds have gargantuan pectoral muscles that make it possible for them to use their wings to fly. A humanoid with wings would have pectoral muscles the size of barrels, even if the wing appendages were adapted arms and hands, as birds' and bats' are. Etheric entities don't depend on 3D propulsion technology, of course, so I've assumed that the wings are more symbolic, just like Al Bielek's assigning of the name, 'Wingmakers,' to The Operators who apparently travel through time to help us prevent humanity from turning into a species of witless slobs in coming centuries. The significance of 'wings' is certainly not lost on me, especially since I've always craved to fly up from my confinement to the earth.
I've only ever experienced etheric entities who are formless, in my perception, but I've always suspected that people who clearly see fairies and angels as 'traditional' images are given or are assigning these image impressions mainly because it's easier for most people to accept the images than to see them as balls or other shapes of energy fields in various colors. I've only ever seen elementals as shimmery fields, like heat distortion of distant objects on a hot day. Of course, the shimmers affect objects nearby and it's happened for me on cold as well as on hot days. It's happened rarely, by the way

Also, the power of suggestion, even to ourselves, can be pretty daunting. When the grandmother of Carol's former husband had died, for instance, she showed up as a young woman right after that. Carol said that period of the woman's life was her happiest, so she chose that countenance for her afterlife. I think I'm going to show up as an old man after I die because I get happier every year.
When Carol went to Hawaii the first time, she saw dark little entities with tall yellow hats, which she later identified as identical to the tall, yellow ceremonial hats that Hawaiian kings used to wear. I mention this because it seems to me that Carol was not conditioned to see them that way simply because she'd never learned about these.
When she showed the entities to her travelling companion, Linda, who also sees this stuff, she said, 'Oh, those are the Menehune--local elementals.'
She and I heard the elementals crashing through the bush on South Andros Island in the Bahamas, when we were giifting the blue holes there. They sounded to me like running horses but the bush on S Andros is so thick and tangled that you can't even walk through it. She said they looked just like the locals depict them. I forgot what they're called but Carol said the orgonite made them very happy and pleasant. They were very unhappy, before, because the locals dislike and fear them.
She told me that on her first visit to Hawaii she also saw Pele, whom she said is an extremely large elemental guardian of the volcanoes on Hawaii. Enough of the locals still love Pele, apparently, that the entity was happy. On her next visit, she took some special orgonite (she put in some very specific stones but I don't recall what they were) to Pele at Kilauea's crater, which is where she told me Pele likes to hang out. I think that people who translate ethnic names for important earth entities as 'gods' often miss the point on account of their lack of understanding education or because they're arrogant clergy jerks.
I learned, when we first started working together, that some of what my wife tells me rather challenges my worldview at times. One of the reasons I've always trusted her impressions, though, is that she couldn't care less if anyone believes her and she's more inclined to keep her mouth shut than to say something that others might disagree with. She deplores confrontation and when someone disrespects her I usually feel obliged to stick up for her because she'll usually just clam up. The only time she doesn't shrink from confrontation is when she's head to head with the $#!+birds of the corporate world order, both etherically and in 3D. She's formidable, then

A year ago, when we were visiting Stevo and Dooney to discuss our apparent discovery of a new (certainly to us) and powerful etheric entity who was trying to teach us something essential to our development by tormenting us from time to time

Carol always told me that the Sylphs are not elementals. Elementals, after all, are certainly capable of feeling and expressing love and gratitude but they're not concerned about right and wrong, which is probably why the corporate world order makes a habit of exploiting and even weaponizing them. The Sylphs, on the other hand, seem to reach out to our hearts and to encourage us to demonstrate more and more positive activity on behalf of our planet's and our own healing. Carol and I have even experienced their presence on the ground, so they're certainly not confined to the upper atmosphere, as sky elementals might be.
She told me that some of the smaller Sylph-like formations are made by happy sky elementals, though.
It's funny that the subject of Findhorn came up in Dooney's latest chat session because that place was or still is a showcase of how human and elemental cooperation will turn a wasteland into a productive garden. I think we'll be hearing more about Findhorn in coming months and maybe we can tie Ogilvie's (?) accomplishments at Findhorn in with our own observations of orgonite's easy ability to make the land more productive.