I can't touch the clarity that Dooney brings to
posts about the psychics' efforts
A reader (thanks, Robert!) sent me this link about
There's a photo in the article of Freud's bronze
statue at the facility. It was one of LaRouche's
published researchers who first made the claim that
Freud directed Tavistock after 1936 or so and that
his daughter still runs it. That writer also
claimed that Karl Jung became Hitler's official
Psychiatry 'minister' when Freud left Vienna

and later promoted the 'collective guilt' scam,
right after WWII, to get the imprisoned SS
butchers off the hook (clear of the noose to find
other employment in the corporate world
order). Those 'missing years' (1936-45) in all of
Jung's biographies are accounted for this way,
There's no end to how creepy most of the idols of
the corporate world order and academia
are. Bertrand Russell publicly advocated killing
all 'colored people' on the planet with nuclear
bombs in the decade before he was promoted as an
icon for the hippies, for instance.
Here's the article if you don't want to go to the
link--interesting stuff but I can't vouch for the
source because I don't know who he is, so caveat
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By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. – NewsWithViews.com Feb
11, 2008
[Note: Regarding my recent article mentioning
Benazir Bhutto's December 27, 2007 assassination, in
a November 2, 2007 interview with David Frost she
mentioned that an earlier assassination attempt by a
former military officer connected with Omar Sheikh,
"the man who murdered Osama bin Laden." Have you
heard the power elite-controlled American press or
media mention this? Bhutto was the woman the U.S.
State Department wanted to become Prime Minister of
Pakistan. Now why would the U.S. want someone to
head Pakistan who has and publicly uses very bad
information (Osama's murder) if she was wrong? Or,
if she was correct, why would the press and media
censor such important news from the American people?
Could it be that the power elite doesn't want the
public to know Osama's dead because that would
decrease interest in the "war on terror"? And could
Bhutto's "spilling the beans" have played a role in
her own assassination? Concerning another of my
recent articles, "The Power Elite's Use of Wars and
Crises" (January 28), someone may have gotten the
impression that the First World War was planned
beginning around 1910. Actually wars are planned by
the power elite far in advance, and the First World
War, followed by a world government, was planned
long before 1910. For example, in 1908 THE JOURNAL
OF AMERICAN HISTORY (Vol. 2, No. 4) begins with
these words: "'The most fearful war of the century
is coming soon. After the war, will come world-peace
– the highest development of the race in this
cycle.' This is the prediction made a few days ago
by a distinguished political economist."]
I was listening to a discussion regarding the Middle
East and thought to myself "Don't they understand
that what's happening has been planned?" This is not
only true in geopolitics (FDR said nothing happened
in politics by accident) but in all facets of life.
In music in the 1950s and 1960s, rock music didn't
just happen by accident. Theodor Adorno and others
theorized years earlier how it could change people.
Similarly in art, Bertolt Brecht said, "Art is not a
mirror held up to reality, but a hammer with which
to shape it."
Many people are familiar with the impact of the
Leipzig and Frankfurt Schools upon society, but
relatively few understand the impact of Tavistock.
Therefore, this article will look at that
organization and how it has shaped/planned our lives
and the course of the world.
Freud's statue in front of the Tavistock, London
The name Tavistock is associated with human
relations and psychiatry (see statue of Freud in
front of Tavistock Institute, right). Charles
Dickens (who had written of "pencils of light,"
which is similar to the term "points of light")
moved to Tavistock House in October 1951. Tavistock
is an area in southwest Devon in England, but the
story begins elsewhere.
The term "psychiatry" was first used in 1808 by
Johann Christian Reil, and it means "doctoring of
the soul." The primary schools of psychiatry were
established in the early 1800s in Leipzig and
At Leipzig University in 1879, Wilhelm Wundt
established the first psychological laboratory, and
among his students were Ivan Pavlov, William James
(the "Father of American Psychology"), and G.
Stanley Hall (who would become the mentor of John
Dewey, the "Father of Progressive Education").
Pavlov is well-known for his stimulus-response
experiments with dogs. In Clarence Karier's
SCIENTISTS OF THE MIND (1986), one reads concerning
James that "we pass from a culture with God at its
center to a culture with man at its center." James
was also noted for his famous description of reality
as "one great blooming, buzzing confusion." Of
possible interest in this regard is that a symbol of
Rosicrucianism is "buzzing" bees seeking the nectar
(wisdom) of a (blooming) rose. And Hall founded
"genetic psychology" while also using Wundt's
experimental psychology in the area of child
development. Hall and James meshed in John Dewey, an
educational psychologist, who co-authored the first
"man-centered" HUMANIST MANIFESTO in 1933. Dewey,
John B. Watson and other leading psychologists in
the early 20th century were interested in the
behavior of people. They didn't believe that man had
a soul in the Biblical sense of the word. Thus it
was not surprising that at the 6th International
Congress of Philosophy, which took place at Harvard
University in 1926, it was stated that the "soul or
consciousness... now is of very little
importance.... Behaviorism sang their funeral dirge
while materialism—the smiling heir— arranges a
suitable funeral for them."
What does all this have to do with Tavistock? In
1920, the Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology
(TIMP) was founded. It was involved in
psychotherapy, and psychiatrists at the Tavistock
Clinic wanted to apply their findings to the general
public in the form of certain social service
John Rawlings Rees (who would be a co-founder of the
World Federation for Mental Health in 1948) was
Deputy Director of Tavistock at this time (he would
become Director in 1932). Rees developed the
"Tavistock Method," which induces and controls
stress via what Rees called "psychologically
controlled environments" in order to make people
give up firmly held beliefs under "peer pressure."
Rees' Tavistock Method was based on work done by
British psychoanalyst Wilfrid Bion regarding the
roles of individuals within groups. This design was
later shifted in a series of conferences (1957-1965)
led by A. Kenneth Rice, chairman of Tavistock's
Centre for the Applied Social Research. The shift
was to the dynamics of leadership and authority
relations in groups. According to the A.K. Rice
Institute, "In 1965 Rice led a conference in the
United States, as the Tavistock Method began to be
developed in the U.S. by Margaret Rioch and others.
The A.K. Rice Institute is now the U.S. equivalent
of the Tavistock Institute."
In 1930, TIMP had been involved with the second
biennial Conference on Mental Health, where
psychiatrist J.R. Lord advocated challenging old
values, saying "the aim should be to control not
only nature, but human nature." And he spoke of the
"necessity to disarm the mind."
Rees went even further than this on June 18, 1940 at
the annual meeting of the National Council for
Mental Hygiene of the United Kingdom. In his speech
on "Strategic Planning for Mental Health," he
proclaimed: "We can therefore justifiably stress our
particular point of view with regard to the proper
development of the human psyche, even though our
knowledge be incomplete. We must aim to make it
permeate every educational activity in our national
life.... We have made a useful attack upon a number
of professions. The two easiest of them naturally
are the teaching profession and the Church: the two
most difficult are law and medicine.... Public life,
politics and industry should all of them be within
our sphere of influence.... If we are to infiltrate
the professional and social activities of other
people, I think we must imitate the Totalitarians
and organize some kind of fifth column activity! If
better ideas on mental health are to progress and
spread we, as the salesmen, must lose our
identity.... Let us all, therefore, very secretly be
'fifth columnists.'" (See MENTAL HEALTH, Vol. 1, No.
4, October 1940)
In 1935, Harvard psychologist (1930-1967) Gordon
Allport co-authored THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RADIO with
Hadley Cantril. Allport would be a leading agent in
the U.S. for the Tavistock Institute, and Cantril in
1937 would be a member of the Rockefeller
Foundation-funded Office of Radio Research at
Princeton University established to study the
influence of radio on different groups of listeners.
In 1940, Cantril would author THE INVASION FROM
the radio broadcast of H.G. Wells' THE WAR OF THE
WORLDS. Tavistock senior staffer, Fred Emery, would
later (HUMAN RELATIONS, Vol. 12, No. 3, August 1959)
begin his article on "Working Hypotheses on the
Psychology of Television" with the words: "The
psychological after-effects of television are of
considerable interest to the would-be social
During the Second World War, Tavistock was part of
Great Britain's Psychological Warfare Department. On
May 7, 1944, Dr. Rees of Tavistock and the British
War Ministry injected Nazi prisoner Rudolf Hess with
the narcotic Evipan. According to Lt. Col. Eugene
Bird in PRISONER NO. 7: RUDOLF HESS (in the chapter
titled "A Secret Drug"), Rees examined Hess 35
times. Rees and his associates via chemicals caused
Hess's memory to fail and then "explained that they
could bring back the memory with an injection of
Evipan." Hess was told that "while under its
influence he would remember the past he had
In 1945, Rockefeller Foundation medical director
Alan Gregg was touring various institutions that had
been involved in war medicine to see if any group
would commit to undertake the kind of social
psychiatry that had been developed by the Army
during wartime (e.g., cultural psychiatry for the
analysis of the enemy mentality), and see if it
could be relevant for the civilian society (on April
11, 1933, Rockefeller Foundation president Max Mason
assured trustees that in their program, "the Social
Sciences will concern themselves with the
rationalization of social control,... the control of
human behavior"). This led to a Rockefeller grant
that resulted in the birth of the Tavistock
Institute of Human Relations in London in 1947.
Tavistock would join with Kurt Lewin's Research
Center for Group Dynamics (RCGD) at the University
of Michigan the next year to begin publication of
the international journal, HUMAN RELATIONS, relating
theory to pracice. The first volume contained
articles such as "Overcoming Resistance to Change,"
and "A Comparison of the Aims of the Hitler Youth
and the Boy Scouts of America." The Tavistock
Institute would use Lewin's techniques to arrange
"therapeutic communities."
Lewin had received his Ph.D. from Berlin University
in 1914, and in 1932 came to the U.S. in the area of
child psychology. During the Second World War, he
worked for the U.S. Office of Strategic Services
(which would become the CIA) in psychological
warfare. He founded the RCGD in 1946. The next year
his research center along with a division of the
National Education Association (NEA) began the
National Training Laboratories (NTL) which furthered
Lewin's social engineering via "T-groups" (training
groups), where group consensus is facilitated by
trained individuals.
Over the next two decades, the NTL would spread its
operations to various countries around the world.
(1962), its sensitivity training is referred to as
"brainwashing." Recently, NTL has conducted programs
relevant to Tavistock such as "NTL and Tavistock:
Two Traditions of Group Work," "Tavistock Program:
Re-Thinking and Planning for Organizational Change,"
and "The Tavistock--Task Working Conference which is
a program structured around various group
configurations.... Periodically each group will
review its actions and results to learn from
processes, roles, values, and methods as they
evolve." Other recent NTL programs have featured
people such as New Ager Jean Houston and the witch
The year after Tavistock and the RCGD began
publishing HUMAN RELATIONS, the journal (Vol. II,
No. 3, 1949), published "Some Principles of Mass
Persuasion" by Dorwin Cartwright who helped
establish the Institute for Social Research at the
University of Michigan. In this article, Cartwright
reveals: "It is conceivable that one persuasive
person could, through the use of mass media, bend
the world's population to his will." The article
goes on to describe "the modification of cognitive
structure in individuals by means of mass media" and
how "a person can be induced to do voluntarily
something that he would otherwise not do." The
article also provides "a list of essential
requirements for the success of any campaign of mass
Seven years after Cartwright's article appeared,
prominent psychiatrist R.D. Laing was appointed
senior registrar at the Tavistock Clinic in 1956,
three years after he left the British Army
Psychiatric Unit. He began experimenting with LSD in
1960, and then in 1962 when he became a family
therapist at the Tavistock Institute of Human
Relations, he also met Gregory Bateson while
visiting the U.S. Bateson had been with the Office
of Strategic Services (forerunner of the CIA), and
then led the MK-Ultra hallucinogen (LSD) project.
Bateson's and Margaret Mead's daughter, Mary
Catherine Bateson, along with New Ager Jean Houston,
would later help Hilary Clinton write IT TAKES A
VILLAGE. IN 1964 Laing met LSD proponent Timothy
Leary in New York and also authored "Transcendental
Experience in Relation and Psychosis" (THE
PSYCHEDELIC REVIEW, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1964). Three
years later Laing participated in the July 15-30
1967 Dialectics of Liberation Congress.
In 1964, Fred Emery, who would be a senior member of
Tavistock, wrote "Theories of Social Turbulence"
which he explained more fully in FUTURES WE ARE IN
(1975). According to this theory, individuals or
societies faced with a series of crises will attempt
to reduce the tension by adaptation and eventually
psychological retreat as if anesthetized (similar to
Pavlov's "protective inhibition response"). This can
lead to social disintegration, which Emery called
In 1970, the Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development (ASCD) of the NEA published
which Sidney Jourard (Fellow at the Tavistock Clinic
and former president of the Association for Humanist
Psychology), wrote: "We are in a time of revolt....
The new society will be a fascist state or it will
be pluralistic and humanistic." The primary
characteristic of the fascist state is increasing
control over people's lives by government in league
with corporations. Sound like today?
Relevant to this, in October 1997 the Tavistock
Institute (and Manchester University) completed a
final report (under Contract ERB-SOE2-CT-96-2011)
for the European Commission, and described in a
report summary was that there will be "partnerships
between government, industry, and representatives of
worker organizations." The report summary also
described "the relevancy of Goals 2000, SCANS (U.S.
profound implications for the curriculum and
training changes that this will require," valid
skills standards and portable credentials
"benchmarked to international standards such as
those promulgated by the International Standards
Organization (ISO)." The report summary went on to
say that "there is increasing attention being
focused on developing global skill standards and
accreditation agreements."
In the 1990s, the Tavistock Institute not only began
a new journal titled EVALUATION in 1995, but the
Institute and the European Commission also worked on
a feasibility study to research the effect of using
"Smart Cards" in competence accreditation. The study
was carried out in the U.S. and parts of Europe. The
project involved assessing and validating students'
skills, with information placed on personal skills
Smart Cards which "become real passports to
employment." The implication, of course, is that
without this "real passport," one will not be
Welcome to the Tavistock psychologically conditioned
feudal fascist state of the future, under the power
elite's planned World Socialist Government! This
will lead to what Daniel 8:23-25 foretold: "And in
the latter time... a king of fierce countenance, and
understanding dark sentences, shall stand up... and
shall destroy the mighty and holy people... and by
peace shall destroy many...."
How is it possible that the "holy people" will be
destroyed? It's because today many so-called
Christians are sitting on their posteriors while the
"religion" of secular humanism has been taught in
public schools for over four decades. Values are
being taught in public schools based upon situation
ethics without reference to God as moral authority.
This is a primary tenet of secular humanism (see the
first and second HUMANIST MANIFESTO), which was
declared a "religion" by the U.S. Supreme Court in
Torcaso v. Watkins (1961). Public school students
are taught (without reference to God's moral
authority) to decide for themselves what's right or
wrong based on the situation. And so-called
Christians are letting this "religion" be taught in
public schools while the Supreme Court has banned
the God of THE HOLY BIBLE as moral authority in the
same schools. Over four decades of this has produced
more secular humanists than God's "holy people,"
whose dwindling ranks will be vastly outnumbered by
secular humanists who will "destroy" them as a
result of their "situation." God, please help us!
Dennis Laurence Cuddy, historian and political
analyst, received a Ph.D. from the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill (major in American
History, minor in political science). Dr. Cuddy has
taught at the university level, has been a political
and economic risk analyst for an international
consulting firm, and has been a Senior Associate
with the U.S. Department of Education.
Cuddy has also testified before members of Congress
on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Dr.
Cuddy has authored or edited twenty books and
booklets, and has written hundreds of articles
appearing in newspapers around the nation, including
The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and USA
Today. He has been a guest on numerous radio talk
shows in various parts of the country, such as ABC
Radio in New York City, and he has also been a guest
on the national television programs USA Today and
CBS's Nightwatch.
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Last updated 05/03/2008
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