Re: Tower Identification.
By now, I think we safely assume that all standing
towers are death transmitters and/or weather
weapons. Carol sees black energy emitting from even
ordinary-looking television and radio station
towers, so even those were weaponized.
I think the only other people except us on the web
who discuss the fact that the new towers are weapons
are CIA disinformants. They even give some of the
tower forms acronyms

. Otherwise, this weaponry is a better kept secret
than the Manahattan Project was. I've never known of
any technicians, who service the death towers, who
actually know what the panels, rods, dishes, horns,
drums, etc., are for. Alejandro's buddy who
services death towers did mention that he feels
it's creepy, at least.
Shortwave transmitters stopped broadcasting by 1994
when the last of them switched to satellites but
many of the big arrays that were built for shortwave
transmission got even bigger, after that. The
disinformants who want us to believe that HAARP is
being done from only six transmitting facilities
show us pictures of the big array near Anchorage,
Alaska. That array looks exactly like the old
shortwave transmitter arrays.
When we find one of these to gift it's like finding
a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow in terms of
how much damage we can do to the world order's
weather-weapon infrastructure with a bit of
orgonite, there
Carol and I took out a big HAARP array like this
near the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley in
California in 2004 and it only took three ordinary
HHgs--12 oz each with nothing fancy in them. That
day, the smog disappeared for hundreds of miles ot
the north and the smog is still gone. On the same
day, though (we found out later), Richard in Reno
busted an identical HAARP array at the northern end
of the valley. Thx Operators, for coordinating that
pincer move.
The way we evaluate what death transmitters do is
that Carol looks at the dark energy emanating from
them. Simply stated, the dark stuff is either aimed
at people or at the atmosphere and most of these
transmitters seem to be directional and coordinated
with the rest. Also, the death transmitters that
are ordinarly aimed down at the population are
evidently used to boost weather weaponry, now and
then. I don't know if weather weapons are ever aimed
at the populace but we'll keep her eyes open

. Otherwise, we don't bother to name or categorize
the dozens of types of death transmitters.
Weatherballs are the worst weather weapons but also
the most vulnerable to orgonite for some
reason. Weatherballs can also apparently be used to
generate earthquakes and perhaps volcanic eruptions,
as perhaps also can the HAARPish arrays.
Heating the upper atmosphere prevents water vapor
from condensing. It's the condensation of water
vapor that leads ot rain and snow, of course. This
seems to be the basis of weather weaponry such as
HAARP and perhaps weatherballs. If you toss in some
scalar tech maybe it's possible to see how they can
get more done with fewer transmitters, at least
until we find them and turn them all into life force
generators with a little orgonite
Weather healing requires a lot of travelling, as Je
is demonstrating so graphically for the record, but
as this unorganized movement continues to expand all
of it is going to get accomplished in a timely way,
I think, and soon 'the desert will bloom,' indeed,
as promised thousands of years ago.
Great work, guys, by the way! Also, it's really
helpful to our readers when you display this
weaponry in photos.