Update: Abductee Exposes Reptilian Activity
I was recently contacted by Matt R., who is providing a written update to
two previous posts from 2010 -
Exclusive: Former Police Officer Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings and
UPDATE: Former Police Officer Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings The
narrative and views are entirely those of the writer:
My name is Matt R_____. I served on the New Orleans Police Department during
Hurricane Katrina. I stayed with the department for almost 2 years after the
storm. It was only after I was seriously injured in a
car accident that I left the department.
I have almost completely recovered, and now work in finance. Throughout the past
9 years, I have had several abductions involving reptilian aliens.
Probably the most interesting of my abductions is the one that took place in
2005, just a few months before Katrina. I was abducted by reptilians, and then
forced to help them train in anti-riot techniques. This training was coordinated
in concert with a US military group of indeterminate affiliation. They wore Dark
BDU's, no insignias. I detailed this training session in a previous post on your
Exclusive: Former Police Officer Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings
Since I last updated your blog, I've had many experiences.
The most traumatic being when I learned that over 10 other cops and military
members had reptilian training abductions similar to my own! Half of them were
taken to the same mall training as myself. The other half were taken to the UNO
college basketball arena. On the floor of
the arena, they trained the reptilians in hostage rescue training, and dynamic
room entry/breaching. I learned about this fact during a radio appearance on Joe
Montaldo's show. He is the current head of the ICAR research group. Next to
MUFON, they are the largest UFO group - but, focus more on abductions, rather
than UFOS.
As detailed on the radio show, many of those taken to the mall even recalled the
same flower
kiosk. Not surprising, because the
reptilians spent most of their training in the middle of the mall. Probably to
maximize the shielding of the training noise from the outside. This revelation
was made by Mr. Montaldo, on this episode of his radio program:
Joe Montaldo - Paranormal Radio Network
Image provided by Matt R. |
All of these abductees reported this to Joe Montaldo 's organization (ICAR),
independently. Without having ever met each other. The only common thread is
they are all police, or military, and currently active in Louisiana. Many of
them were also residents at the Forest Isle
Apartments complex. It is a massive complex on the west bank of New Orleans.
But, it has a very high density of police and military residents, due to the
discounts they offer.
Since the radio show, I have learned more details from Mr. Montaldo. One of
these other abductees, a detective in the 6th district of the New Orleans
Police, has had some harassment experiences similar to what I've experienced. He
actually had a black SUV, with military plates, follow him while on duty. The
harassment only stopped when he hired a private detective to follow the SUV!
Another of these abductees, a patrolman, cannot shop at Winn Dixie any longer.
An implant located behind his knee crashes the checkout register. And, every
time, it causes the register to bring up the same error code.
A third among these abductees is one of the highest ranking members of the NOPD.
I wish I had known that when I was employed there, it would have given me some
clout :).
The most recent to contact him was a detective from Jefferson Parish, about a
year ago. Jefferson Parish covers much of the suburban area around New Orleans.
This JP detective remembers a detail of the mall abduction, which most of us did
not. Apparently, one of the stores was converted into a medical triage center.
Complete with cots. But, it was unclear if this was to handle injured civilians,
human military/police, or even reptilians. The cots were empty.
I was hoping to update your blog, once I could get a few more of us to go
public. But it looks like that won't happen -so, I'm going to have to go forward
alone. I can understand their hesitancy. Most TV alien documentaries don't pay
anything. They certainly can't replace a steady salary. As I work in
stock trading, I am somewhat immune. Its
one of the few professions on earth that you can't be blackballed from. Unless,
you engage in some direct financial crime.
The good news from learning this has been that several of these other abductees
confirmed details of what I saw in the mall training. Specifically, the fact
that I stood with the reptilians, rather than the humans. In fact, my rank was
higher than any other human there. This would fit with a detail that I was
withholding, but would now like to reveal. I was standing near 2 of the
reptilians, as they spoke after the main training session was over. One of them
referred to me as an "advisor". He complained that there are not enough advisors
like me, to go around. And he also said, to my surprise, that he would trust my
opinion over those of his superiors! The other element I gathered from their
discussion is that, as an "advisor", I am not allowed to give orders - nor am I
actually in the command structure, so I don't really need to obey orders either.
I can basically only offer suggestions. Strange that the reptilians even have
such a position in their military. As far as I know, the only human equivalent
would be a business
consultant in the private sector. I don't
know of any entities that follow our military around, and actively audit their
performance. I was very hesitant to reveal this detail, because it could make me
a target for capture, and interrogation by the human military. Although this
reptilian group clearly has military cooperation, I have no idea how many
competing factions are out there. There are many instances of "allied"
governments spying on, and even
kidnapping, each other's people.
There has been a recent escalation in my own harassment level. While doing
pre-production for 2 separate cable TV
documentaries, I have had voice mails and
calls appear 10 hours late with backdated timestamps. I have even had producers
here audible clicks and static, a few seconds after I would start speaking.
Interestingly, these issues do not appear when I am conducting non-alien related
conversations at all. Recently, while calling me from his cellphone, Joe
Montaldo was routed to the Pentagon's public switchboard. Clearly, whichever
faction is doing this is getting a bit sarcastic with their stunts. I have had,
literally, too many bizarre phone incidents to list. But, they are far beyond
normal technical glitches.
Recently, I was phoned by the
owner of that property in Punta Gorda, FL. Specifically, the house where
there were numerous sightings of large winged reptilians. I detailed those
experiences here:
Exclusive: Former Police Officer Recalls Reptilian Encounters, Sightings
Forty minutes into the phone call, a helicopter appeared just over his roof. He
held up the phone so I could hear it, and it literally sounded like it was just
outside the window. His phone was knocked
out for a few minutes. The chopper only left after neighbors started to come out
to stare. This witness had had zero incidents for many months. But, upon calling
me, he had a black helicopter dispatched to his house in under 40 minutes?
Neither of us have any kind of history of paranoia. But, a 40 minute response
time for a phone call? You can't get pizza in 40 mins, in that part of Punta
Gorda. This happened less than a week ago. This particular experiencer has had
very vivid close range sightings of large reptilians, but, does not recall any
Frankly, the incident was incredibly intimidating. I am not a paranoid person. I
certainly don't have schizophrenia. Aside from my few abductions, I don't have
voices, visions, or ever think anyone in public is following or looking at me.
But, the speed of that response was frightening. Not only do these guys have
some kind of rapid response team in Central Florida, but they are also able to
reroute them extremely fast. I wanted to laugh this incident off, but, I'm
amazed there is still that amount of heat attached to me. You'd think they'd be
busy worried about the entire Bideast being in chaos.
I am in pre-production stages with a few cable TV documentaries on my
experiences. So, that may have bumped me back up the list of priorities. I'm
fairly well known in the financial blogging circuit. I tweet regularly on
Stocktwits. I have almost 500 followers for my views on trading the market.
Several of my twitter followers are well known traders and prominent fund
managers. Not to brag, but, I am extremely accurate at gaging bonds, equities,
forex, etc. I'm not comfortable giving out my twitter handle here. Although, I
may create a 2nd one for the subject of my abductions. Unfortunately, it has my
real last name attached. I am somewhat renowned for having a common sense, and
clear headed, ability to evaluate financial news and charts. This also speaks to
my strategic ability, which may have been a factor in the reptilians choosing me
as an advisor. But, there is another oddity to the ranking system that was used
in that training.
That oddity is, among the military and police abductees present at the mall
training, I was by far the LOWEST ranking person in human terms. I was only
halfway through the academy. Why would the reptilians give me a higher position
like that, unless there was some kind of issue with my "bloodline" ranking? This
is why it is important to understand the differences between reptilian, nordic,
and grey alien abductees. There seem to be clear lines of delineation in why
different groups become interested in specific humans. In terms of reptilians,
there seems to be a strong genetic bloodline interest. This also ties into why
many rep abductees display a bit of "Stockholm Syndrome", in relation to their
abductors. The reptilians go out of their way to convince such abductees that
they are related to them.
They do seem to have some kind of ability to activate this recessive reptilian
DNA. This causes numerous side effects. But, the most common seem to be
amplified senses and aggression, and spontaneous appearance of new food
allergies. I have experienced all 3. And they are very severe. Not surprisingly,
this aggressive orientation makes reptilian abductees FAR more likely to go into
police or military lines of work.
Its NO ACCIDENT that so many military and police employed people just happen to
be reptilian abductees. When you talk to many of them, you find that these
abductions were sometimes the primary reason why they went into that line of
work!. Once you have been subject to a few violent initiations by any reptilian
group, military and police training seems alot less intimidating. Perhaps you
could say they are even seeking out, and replaying past trauma, by going into
such careers.
This is almost like an inversion of what Greys do with their abductees. Greys
are mostly concerned with harvesting genetics FROM abductees. While reptilians
seem to be far more interested in activating the genetics that are within the
abductee. The reptilians have explained that they need a certain percentage of
their DNA in an abductee to begin with. Or this gene therapy process has nothing
to build upon. They are able to complete these broken sequences, which are
mostly hidden within "junk DNA". Another strange side effect of activating this
DNA is the awakening of genetic memory. Joe Montaldo describes this side effect
in this interview. He has spoken with hundreds of reptilian abductees over the
Click for video
Researchers need to understand, reptilian abductees will be the most difficult
type of abductee you deal with. They can be very stubborn and defensive, even
when dealing with other reptilian abductees. Personality wise, these can be
positive traits. They are definitely not the passive follower type. And if
there is one good
aspect of many reptilian lessons, they seem to emphasize individuality. This is
a stark contrast to some of the new age obedience doctrines pushed by many greys
and nordics. In fact, reptilians almost seem to demand that many of their
abductees fight back, or stand up them on a regular basis. The problem is, many
of those feudalistic values and behaviors do NOT correspond to modern society.
Many of these reptilians even still carry knives, swords, spears, armor, etc.
They are, in some cultural ways, complete throwbacks to some kind of feudalistic
society. And it certainly is not for show only. Many have visible scars. Due to
these personality aspects, many rep abductees seem to have trouble participating
in traditional abductee groups. They seem to be easily repelled by new age
doctrines, in relation to "love and light" type of groups. It doesn't help that
many in the new age crowd, especially the channeled doctrines, are staunchly
I have had 2 other abductions aside from the ones Iv'e detailed on your blog.
One in late 2003, and one just this past June 2011. Both complimented the same
themes I encountered in the training abduction. I went into detail on these in a
recent radio interview:
Darkness Radio
The 2003 Abduction involved my being compelled to fight a reptilian, in an
initiation type of procedure. I've since learned that this brutal surprise
initiation procedure is a common element in many reptilian abductions, according
to several notable abduction researchers. Even though this was in late 2003, the
setting was that of a boarded up abandoned grocery story, after dark. This
implies that the reptilians were taking interest in urban warfare scenarios long
before Katrina. A second interesting aspect to this abduction was the strange
symbol that appeared on the hood of my car shortly after. It was 9 dots in a
semi-circle. At the time, I was certain It was some kind of occult graffiti,
painted by some neighborhood kids. The coincident timing with my abduction
worried me, but, I was certain it was just an unpleasant coincidence.
A few months later, I visited a local expert on the occult, who has himself
claimed to have many alien experiences (Stewart Swerdlow). He informed me that
the symbol was commonly seen in many reptilian abductions including his own. The
9 dots in a semi-circle are apparently the backbone of the “Draco
constellation”. Around the same period of time, a “serpent eye” crop circle
formation appeared parallel to the “Ohio serpent mound”. This mound is a Native
American burial mound that was fashioned in the shape of the Draco
Crop Circles - ICCRA
My most recent abduction was in June 2011.I was receiving 3:33 am voice mail
alerts nearly every night, for months. There is NO phone number or message
attached - no actual voice mail. They aren't automated, because they are often 1
min late, or early - 3:34 am , 3:32 am , etc. I dismissed them as some kind of
military harassment, because of the featuring of 3:33 am in that "Fourth Kind"
movie. But, I later learned that that movie plagiarized that detail from some
actual abduction
In early June, I awoke to a large object looming over my bed. This object was so
large, that my first thought was " a refrigerator is falling on me". Within
seconds of jumping out of the way, I became fully awake. It took me about 3
seconds to orient myself to what room I was in. I was able to see it very
clearly then, and realize it was a massive reptilian, in a cloaked garment. In
terms of body build, it was literally the width and density of a refrigerator.
Although the cloak was dark, it had ornate silver decorations sewn into it.
After some exhaustive image surfing, I found another abductee who drew a very
similar image. This face isn't quite right, but the cloak/cape design is very
provided by Matt R. |
As I sat up in bed, it simply turned around and walked off. I was not able to
sleep the rest of the night. I don't think this could have been "sleep
paralysis", because I had FULL muscle control. I literally leap about a foot off
the bed when I saw him leaning over me. I can only presume he had just placed
me back in the bed, because I was on top of my blanket. I have no history of
sleep walking. And, the night this reptilian appeared, my voice mail read almost
ALL 3's , even down to the second - 3:33:32 am. So, I learned the hard way that
there was an actual alien component to these messages, and it wasn't just
military psy-ops imitating my previous encounters. 33 is a very sacred number in
masonic and Illuminati circles. So, if the reps were to throw a number around,
that would be the one to use.
I definitely feel he did something in regards to my DNA. All of my present
symptoms got far worse - overnight. Aggression issues, hypersensitivity, etc.
How reptilians do this, I have no clue. I was in denial about their gene therapy
projects for years. But, it does turn up in so many reptilian abductions. But,
it is NOT like what is seen in a movie. They can't just slam new DNA into you.
They can only work with what is already there. This is why people like David
Icke are right about the reptilian obsession with bloodlines.
With recent developments in global news, the purpose behind these crowd control
training abductions is becoming clearer. Until the recent Mideast uprisings
occurred, no one could have surmised that powerful regimes could fall to the
will of angry crowds. When I first started speaking out about my abductions, I
received a great deal of criticism. The premise of reptilian aliens being used
to control crowds seemed absurd to many. But, it is becoming clear that these
mass citizen uprisings are a credible threat to every major government on earth.
They have been augmented by social media, to the point that the most powerful
regimes on earth are on the defensive. From what I have experienced, I have come
to realize that the last point of desperation for our government would be to use
alien assistance. Its possible that the government has been preparing for years,
for the very moment we are seeing in Europe. The day they tell much of their
population that they will not receive the retirements they were promised.
Someone is spending a tremendous amount of time and money, to provide these
training spaces to the reptilians. The question is, what is our military
receiving in return? New weaponry we can't imagine? I never meant to report any
of this. But, almost 3 years of phone harassment, coupled with my health issues,
have left me little recourse. I was as patient as I could be. But, the
reptilians did appoint me as an independent "advisor". So, it is time for me to
assert some independence.
If there are any established researchers, or documentaries, who wish to contact
me -- please use
I've created that email just to field such inquiries. Lon does have my
main email and phone number. I'd love to post them here, but, they would likely
be flooded with spam. This is quite a popular blog. If the email I've provided
ever fails to work, or bounces messages back, please contact Lon. I have given
him permission to hand out my contact info to serious established researchers,
and production companies.
Matt R.
A New Order Of The Ages: Volume One: A Metaphysical Blueprint Of Reality And An
Exposé On Powerful Reptilian/Aryan Bloodlines
Children of the Matrix: How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World
for Thousands of Years-and Still Does
Reality of the Serpent Race and the Subterranean Origin of UFOs