Therapies for vaccine damage (eg
See: Chelation therapy Gut flora
Treating Autism
Chelation for autism
Dr Tinus Smits
[2016 Book] Victory over Autism by Mary Romaniec
[vid 2014] Dr. Andreas Kalcker at AutismOne 2014 - Successful Treatment of Autism
[2015] Autism Might Be Added To The Medical Marijuana List
[2015 Homeopathy] Richard Moskowitz, M. D. – The Case Against Immunizations I gave her a single dose of the ultradilute homeopathic DPT vaccine, and I am happy to report that she had no more such episodes, and has remained entirely well since.
[2014 Oct] My Child’s Been Diagnosed with Autism — Now What?
[2014 Sept] AUTISM: A case of vaccine damage There was a clear regression at both 8 & 22 months after he received his childhood vaccines. He went white, floppy and cold after his MMR vaccine at 8 months.
Chiropractic & Autism Case Studies/Articles Vaccine reaction story (chiropractor)
Jenny McCarthy
Amy L. Lansky
Boy Recovers from Autism after Going Gluten Free
[2014 May] Treating Gardasil Injuries By Dr. Mark Flannery
Meet Emily Bills --Autism recovery
[2011 Oct Book] Unlocking Jake: The Story of a Rabies Vaccine, Autism & Recovery
[2012 March] 11 and Constipated by Dr. Schulze I wanted to say to folks who have autistic kids (or just constipated kids), and are looking for help: Dr. Schulze’s Intestinal Formula #1 is MUCH better and MORE EFFECTIVE than Miralax or the other drugs that are recommended by big pharma to treat our kids’ constipation.
[2011 July] How a Physician Cured Her Son's Autism Download Interview Transcript
[2011] Donna Pessin: Healing the Gut in Autism By Donna Pessin[2011 May] Judy Converse on GMO and Vaccine Damage and How to Fix It
[Video] Effectively Treat Autism With Personalized Medicine by Dr. David Davis, MD
[2009 Aug] How Thoughtful House and Drs. Wakefield, Krigsman and Jepson Helped My Son
What’s Going On? – The Question of Continuing High Levels of Toxic Metal Excretion
[2009 April] Letters: Doctors reversing autism
Doctors of Scientism: "No Cure for Autism" by Barbara Loe Fisher
HOMEOPATHIC CURE--Dr.-lng Joachim-F. Grätz
[pdf 1995]
Dr.-Ing. Joachim-F. Grätz, Oberhausen i. Obb., Germany
Autism is Treatable. Hope that is real, treatments that heal By Lisa Reagan
Cod Liver Oil to Heal Autism (Vaccinations) By Mary Megson, MD
Kaisha [DPT--severe allergies, celiac disease]
Can Autism (And Other Vaccination Disorders) Be
Cured? Tedd Koren's July 2001 newsletter.
[Media UK, 1996, B12--autism] Children lose clinic of hope
We Cured Our Son's Autism ----Karyn Seroussi
No Longer Autistic! Recovery is Possible.
[April 2007 Version ] Summary of Biomedical Treatments for Autism By James B. Adams, Ph.D.
McCandless, M.D, Jaquelyn
Megsen, Dr
Stephanie Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.
Dr. Andy
Dr Arthur
Bryan Jepson,
[Homeopath. Aus]
Fran Sheffield
Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA
(contact for homeopathic doctor referrals)
Patty Smith
Dr Tinus Smits
[Book] Rediscovering Real Medicine by Dr Jean
Elmiger Case study
Elizabeth Brandegee, Classical Homeopath.
In a study last year, we found that about 40 percent of the
children that we looked at (out of a total of perhaps 120) showed marked
improvement, particularly in the younger age group. In most of the ones that
resolve, the children go from not having any speech or eye contact to complete
dialogue with good eye contact. It's the two, three, and four year olds that
resolve most quickly. Within about six to eight months time, they get to a point
where you can't tell that they were ever autistic. It's amazing. The parents
come into our office in tears; they'll fly across the country just to show the
children to us. Balancing Biochemistry: An Interview
with Stephanie Cave
We believe what helped Evan recover was starting a
gluten-free, casein-free diet, vitamin supplementation, detox of metals, and
anti-fungals for yeast overgrowth that plagued his intestines. Once Evan's
neurological function was recovered through these medical treatments, speech
therapy and applied behavior analysis helped him quickly learn the skills he
could not learn while he was frozen in autism. After we implemented these
therapies for one year, the state re-evaluated Evan for further services. They
spent five minutes with Evan and said, "What happened? We've never seen a
recovery like this."
Evan is now 5 years old and what might surprise a lot of you
is that we've never been contacted by a single member of the CDC, the American
Academy of Pediatrics, or any other health authority to evaluate and understand
how Evan recovered from autism. When Evan meets doctors and neurologists, to
this day they tell us he was misdiagnosed -- that he never had autism to begin
with. It's as if they are wired to believe that children can't recover from
So where's the cavalry? Where are all the doctors beating
down our door to take a closer look at Evan? We think we know why they haven't
arrived. Most of the parents we've met who have recovered their child from
autism as we did (and we have met many) blame vaccines for their child's autism.
Jenny McCarthy: My son's recovery from autism
Presently my colleague and I are treating over 1500 children with this
problem (autism). In the past five years we have seen
an incredible number of children recover from this devastating illness and take
their places beside their schoolmates and siblings. .....We
test all developmentally delayed children for the presence of heavy metals. Hair
is screened followed by a determination in urine after a challenge of an oral
chelator, DMSA (2,3 Dimercaptosuccinic). It is rare that we find any child with
a developmental problem who does not have increased levels of mercury in the
urine after a chelator challenge. An interesting phenomenon is that we are
finding many more lead intoxicated children than blood screen would indicate.
Lead amplifies the toxicity of ethyl mercury in the brain.
.....The abnormal findings that we see in autism involving the immune
system, GI tract, and central nervous system are also seen in mercury poisoning.
These include, but are not limited to changes in T lymphocytes, low levels of
glutathione, low sulfate levels, IgA deficiency, and the presence of myelin
basic protein antibodies in brain. The children are responding well to the use
of oral chelators and supplements, which take out heavy metals. We are measuring
levels in urine as we treat. The changes in the children are remarkable with
each dose of a chelator. This treatment may take months to complete, but the
chance for recovery is evident on a daily basis. Because mercury has such
far-reaching effects in the destruction of function in many systems of the body,
our treatment also involves nutritional repletion of cellular chemistry,
normalization of gastrointestinal bacterial balance, dietary programs, and
restoration of liver detoxification systems.
Our medical training did not
adequately prepare us for this challenge. We learned little about testing for
heavy metals and even less about treating. The word chelation is not in the
vocabulary of most physicians. The few physicians who are treating these
children are inundated with them in their practices. The good news is that they
are responding well to the chelation treatment. The changes in neurological
functioning are remarkable with each day of treatment.
IMMUNIZATIONS by Stephanie F. Cave, M.S., M.D.,
"So we are going back to look at prenatal sources, dietary sources, through fish, and amalgam fillings in the mother's mouth," said Cave. "Mercury poisoning and autism have nearly identical symptoms: self-injurious behavior, social withdrawal, lack of eye contact, lack of facial expression, hypersensitivity to noise and touch, and repetitive behaviors." Cave's treatment program for autistic children includes a rigorous history and physical evaluation of the family and the child; routine blood and thyroid work; quantitative immunoglogulin and cellular studies; hair analysis to screen for toxic metals; digestive stool analysis; food allergy studies; amino acid, vitamin, mineral, and unsaturated fatty acids assessments at the cellular level; urine morphine peptides and urine organic acids tests; and autoimmune antibody studies.[2001] Vaccine Conference Exclusive Report By Lisa Reagan
DMSA binds to the mercury and removes it from the body. It is approved by the FDA for lead detoxification. As it circulates through the body, metals attach to it and are then excreted in the urine. It pulls out mercury, aluminum, antimony, and arsenic. My colleague Amy Holmes did a study that showed that autistic babies had very little mercury in their hair, ten times less than normal children. This was at a time when we knew that the exposure was very high because of the vaccines that were given. A lot of people who were looking for high mercury in the hair of the autistic children didn't find it and thought that the theory was wrong--they assumed that mercury in the hair meant that there was mercury in the body. But in fact the mercury was being retained. We know it is there when we treat because we can measure the amounts excreted in the urine. Balancing Biochemistry: An Interview with Stephanie Cave
Treatment: What's Biomedical Treatment?
Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy
Guide to treatment for epilepsy, infantile spasms
Infantile Spasms spasms
Ketogenic resource
Neural Organization Technique
J.B. Handley Interview Autism & Mercury Poisoning