Gardasil deaths
See: Ceravix deaths MMR deaths Smallpox vaccine Diphtheria vaccine 1919-1948 VAERS deaths Swine flu vaccine deaths Flu vaccine deaths DPT deaths
[HPV deaths stand at 255 VAERS (1% of reactions are reported) in the USA (2016), 352 Europe (2015). Just another in the long list of Merck crimes.]
[2016 May] Teenage girl dies five days after receiving HPV vaccine jab
[2015 Dec] Is the Gardasil Vaccine Killing 1 out of every 733 Healthy Adolescents? 40 deaths out of 29,323 study participants is 1 death for every 733 subjects. Merck wants you to believe this is normal and “consistent” with what is “expected in healthy adolescent and adult populations.” In what universe does 1 out of every 733 healthy adolescents and young adults suddenly drop dead? (So much for that “1 in a Million” has a serious adverse reaction crap.)
(Photo is the gravestone of Miss Jessica Erickson who died following Gardasil
vaccination. Her story "Guinea Pig" is one of the media articles mentioned
below. We've been in contact with her family in the past, her Mom is a warrior
in the name of her child. And we show her gravestone not be macabre, but as a
stark reminder that HPV vaccination is not without risk.)
Michele Bachmann, Meet Dr. Diane Harper, Lead Researcher for Gardasil Vaccine
[2015 Jan] Judges demand answers after children die in controversial cancer vaccine trial in India
[2011] Jasmine from
NZ Gardasil deaths
Gardasil Vaccine: One More Girl Dead
[2012 Oct] Death after quadrivalent human papillomavirus (qHPV) vaccination: Causal or coincidental? a 15-year-old female without a relevant medical history, who developed severe headaches, speech problems, dizziness, weakness, inability to walk, depressed consciousness, confusion, amnesia and vomiting, 14 days after receiving her first qHPV vaccine injection. After the second vaccine booster, her symptoms worsened and she expired 15 days later. Autopsy revealed cerebral oedema and cerebellar herniation indicative of a focally disrupted blood-brain barrier.
[2011 Oct] 'My headache's about to explode': U.S. girls just dropping dead "The adverse-reaction reports detail 26 new deaths reported between Sept. 1, 2010, and Sept. 15, 2011, as well as incidents of seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short-term memory loss and Guillain-Barré Syndrome," Judicial Watch said.
[2011 Aug] Indians sitting ducks as drug trials turn fatal For the first time since 2010 when six tribal girls from Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh involved in the clinical trials of anti-cervical cancer HPV vaccine died, the government has admitted that 1,725 persons have lost their lives to drug trials in the last four years.
[2010 Dec] HPV Vaccine
(Gardasil and Cervarix) VAERS Reports - Injury and Death Continue to Climb
20,575 adverse reactions
352 reports of abnormal pap smears post vaccination
89 reported deaths (plus 5 reports submitted to the FDA obtained by Judicial
Watch under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) are now missing from VAERS)
[2010 Oct] Infant Mortalities Tied to Gardasil Vaccination
[2010 Sept] Judicial Watch Uncovers FDA Records Detailing 16 New Deaths Tied to Gardasil
[2010 May] A License to Kill? By Mark Blaxill
[2010 May] Trial and Error: Ethical Violations of HPV Vaccination Trials in India The state government has claimed that the deaths of the four girls post-vaccination were unrelated to the ‘project’. However, parents of Kudumula Sarita, who died in January 2010, believe that their daughter died due to the vaccination, and not by consuming pesticide, as has been officially declared by the authorities.
[2010 April] HPV Vaccine Kills 16-Year-Old Girl Lawsuit Alleges
[2010 April] Cancer vaccine programme suspended after 4 girls die
[2009 Oct] 2 ALS Cases May Be Linked to Gardasil
Vaccine Jenny was a 15-year-old girl who
lost her battle to a rapidly degenerative neurological disease on March
15, 2009. To save other Jennies, please sign the VAERS petition at
[2008] One Less A mother wonders whether the sudden death of her nineteen-year-old daughter (Brooke Petkevicius) could be related to the highly marketed Gardasil vaccine
[2008] Victims of the Gardasil Vaccination By Cynthia A. Janak
of Autism]
Jenny Tetlock passed away on Sunday. Her neurologists
cited an unusual form of childhood ALS. Others point to Gardasil. Our sincere
condolences to her family whose blog is
[July 2008] Is HPV
Vaccine to Blame for a Teen's Paralysis? About a
month after being vaccinated against the cervical cancer-causing HPV virus,
13-year-old Jenny Tetlock missed the lowest hurdle in gym class, the
first hint of the degenerative muscle disease that, 15 months later, has left
the previously healthy teenager nearly completely paralyzed.
[2008] Gardasil tragedies -- Where are the reports? By Cynthia A. Janak
[July 2008] MY GIRL
[May 2007] Judicial Watch Uncovers Three Deaths Relating to HPV Vaccine
“Examining the FDA’s HPV Vaccine Records: Detailing the Approval Process, Side-Effects, Safety Concerns & Marketing Practices of a Large Scale Health Experiment,” In total, 8,864 reports have been filed. The VAERS reports document that there have been 38 reports of Guillain-Barre Syndrome among girls who received the Gardasil vaccine. The VAERS reports also reveal as many as 18 young girls and women have died after receiving the vaccine. Of the eighteen deaths, eleven of them occurred less than a week after receiving the vaccine, and seven in less than two days. The most common diagnosed cause was blood clotting.