Testimonies: Deaths from vaccination
Victim testimonies

[2015 May] A family destroyed: Six-month-old dies after clinic injects baby with 13 vaccines at once without mother's informed consent

Nancy Babcock's album (vaccine deaths and injuries)

[2014] A Mother’s Anguish

[2009 June] In Memory of Marina McQuaig  Marina passed away at the age of eight on November 26, 2008. Marina suffered from a severe seizure disorder precipitated by vaccination and re-vaccination.... "I was given a flu shot with thimerosal [a mercury-containing preservative] when I was eleven weeks pregnant with Marina.....I avoided using asthma medication because I didn't want to harm my developing baby, but then I had to use it because the flu shot gave me oculo-respiratory syndrome and I couldn't breathe.....Marina was born with cutis applaisia [improper skin development] on her hands and feet, which to me is an obvious result of the vaccine because the last layer of skin forms at around the eleventh week of pregnancy.
    At two months she was diagnosed with epilepsy but she usually would never have more than one or two seizures a day. Because health authorities do not withhold vaccination for something they consider such a minor health problem [ie an evolving neurological condition], Marina was injected with all the usual infant vaccines on schedule at 2, 4, 6 and 12 months. Looking back, she did have reactions to most of the vaccines but we never linked it the way we should have.
     At 18 months, Marina was due for the seven vaccines given then: diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, Haemophilus Infiuenzae B, chickenpox and meningococcus. She had been free of seizures for a year except for one possible seizure we didn't see but suspected two weeks be­fore the 18 month vaccines.
      We told our paediatrician and the health nurse about this but the nurse told me they changed the vaccine and it no longer affected seizures. At the time of the vaccines Marina had a cold. I kept asking the nurse if it was all right to go ahead. She said yes - just give Marina Tylenol for the next twenty four hours."
      The result was: a two week stay at Children's Hospital with one week in the ICU; unremitting seizures followed by seizures almost daily, up to more than fifteen per day; Marina came close to death 60 hrs after the seven doses. Unbelievably, public health carried on as if nothing had happened."
.......because public health denies any connection, what's happened to Marina will not go to 'statistics' to help prevent the same thing happening again. I hope one day. if enough parents continue to tell their stories, our children will be protected."

Ian's Reaction to the Hepatitis B Vaccine  This site is dedicated to giving voice to our son Ian Larsen Gromowski.  Our child died of an adverse reaction to the hepatitis B vaccine.  Our hope is that Ian's story will inspire you to learn the benefits and the risks of vaccines, so that your decisions are informed and best suited for your child.

[2009 Feb] How Important is Hepatitis B Vaccination at Birth? By Deanna Gromowski Ian was given his Hepatitis B vaccination on July 1st, 2007 even though he was fighting off the meconium, even though he had a fever ABOVE 100 degrees on June 30th, and even though he had a fever above 100 degrees the day of July 1st they STILL VACCINATED HIM...... Within 12 hours of his vaccination he had the rash, within 24 hours the severe thrombocytopenia set in, and then he was in a fatal state from then on.  NO DOCTORS, NURSES, STAFF would even consider the vaccination as the source. 

Anthrax vaccine death (2002)

[MMR death] The story of Joseph--A mother's words

Lyla Rose BELKIN [Hepatitis B--death/SIDS]

Sarah CORZINE [6 vaccines--death]  http://www.avn.org.au/sarah.htm

Alexander HORWIN [Vaccine induced brain tumour]

Abigail NELSON [Hepatitis B--death/SIDS]

Stephani [HIB vaccine--death]  http://www.avn.org.au/stephani.htm (hib)

Terry [OPV--polio, death] http://www.909shot.com/terry.htm

Richie [DPT--death]

Nicholas [Hepatitis B--death/SIDS] http://www.909shot.com/nicky.htm

Below testimonies taken from Nancy Babcock's album (231 vaccine deaths and injuries)

“He never treated anyone differently. Everyone was a friend.”

“He taught me that the sky’s the limit, rules are meant to be broken, and to be open minded.”

“Sarcastic and he could insult you without you even knowing you had been insulted but it was all in fun.”

“He enjoyed life and he had fun, he loved being around people but was just as comfortable being by himself.”

From Christopher's mom:

This is what Christopher’s friends said when I asked them to describe him.

I saw him as my little boy, the one who loved to build, draw, read.. playing and listening to music, skiing, golfing and with a huge thirst for knowledge. He could debate any subject: politics, religion, classic rock, environmental issues, or architecture… he loved it all.

He studied environmental law at Westminster College for one year but decided he didn’t want to be a lawyer. He said there were too many rules; he wanted to use his creativity and pursue a degree in his first love, architecture. So he transferred to Utah State University in August 2009. On October 15, 2009 he flew to Oregon with his dad to look at schools. He wanted to start with a civil engineering degree and then pursue a degree in architecture with an emphasis in sustainable architecture. They returned home on October 18th.

Christopher had always been healthy; if he got a bug it was usually gone within a day or two. He was very active in sports. His doctor visits were mainly well check ups and no issues had ever come up. He had his childhood vaccines. They were delayed but he did receive them, but he never had a flu vaccine.

We had discussed the regular flu vaccine and 2009 H1N1 vaccine. He wanted my opinion, I told him to not worry about the regular flu vaccine since he had never had a problem with cold or flu bugs. We were both unsure about the H1N1 vaccine. He was right in the age group that was most susceptible: college student, campus living and around a lot of people. I left it up to him.

On October 19th he called to say he had decided to get the vaccine and went to the local health department. He received the H1N1 Flumist vaccine. On November 4th he sent a message to his girlfriend that he felt like crap but the next day he sent another message that he felt a lot better and just had a little sore throat. He commented one time to me that he felt tired but he thought it was from staying up late and studying (or playing games or his guitar).

On November 19th, Christopher spent the evening with his friends. He talked to his dad around 10 p.m. about their plans to ski over Thanksgiving weekend. He talked to his girlfriend on Skype until about 3 a.m. One friend tried to convince him to stay up and watch a movie but he said he was tired and was going to bed.

November 20th, Christopher was supposed to pick his girlfriend up at the Frontrunner station and when he didn’t show up and she couldn’t reach him she called one of his friends who called me. I called his roommate who found him. He had passed away in his sleep.

That was the day my world stopped.

We spoke with the medical examiner about his medical history several times over the next two months looking for a cause. The only thing that was out of the ordinary was the vaccine. She called us on February 10th to say she thought the cause of death would be “unknown” but they were going to do one more test on his heart. (I remember the date. Christopher’s birthday is February 11th).

We finally received the autopsy results in mid-February 2010. Cause of death: Viral Myocarditis. The medical examiner said it was the “flu” he had in October. I reminded her he had not had the flu; it was the vaccine he had in October. I asked her to check for something in the vaccine. She said it had been too long and they would be unable to isolate it down that far.

The thing that sticks in my mind is when I was told by someone from The United States Health Resources and Services Administration that the vaccine cannot cause the flu but may cause flu-like symptoms while the immune system is reacting to the vaccine. Flu-like symptoms are a common symptom of Myocarditis.

I hear about so many young healthy people passing away from unknown causes and I wonder how many of these “unknowns” are actually Myocarditis. I also hear about young healthy people collapsing from an undetected heart condition. Is this an undetected condition of Myocarditis? So many questions and not enough answers. How many of these reactions are caused by an adverse reaction to a vaccine? So much information is withheld from a parent… they never make the connection.

In Christopher’s case I believe it was the vaccine that triggered the Myocarditis, but I also believe there are many medical issues that can be triggered by an adverse reaction to a vaccine.

I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, he was my little boy.

VaxTruth would like to thank Christopher’s parents for allowing us to share his story. For more information on death associated with the flu vaccine, please see the articles below.

Death by Flu Shot. 7 Year-Old Receives Flu Shot; Dies 4 Days Later




"This is a photo of my son about 3 hours before getting his shots. He passed away 13 hours after his shots. "

"....The parents, now estranged, marked the date of what would have been their child’s 2nd birthday in solemn remembrance of their son; born August 4, 2009, died June 21, 2011. The father duly noted “Each time he was given shots he seemed to have seizures…overdose symptoms were heart block, coma, death.” Max, may you rest in peace...."


"How did Celine die?
As of September 1st, Celine will no longer sleep in her bedroom. She will never sleep in it again. Celine, at four years old, died after receiving a contaminated vaccine, according to her father's posts on Facebook in which he begs his daughter's forgiveness."
They were emigrating to Canada. Celine begged not to have the jabs and he held her down, telling her it was for her own good, for a better life. He keeps asking her forgiveness and the forgiveness of the family for what he did.


From Krista Nicole Gardner "I want to share my story.. I will not let my daughters death be for nothing! My daughter Skyler Rayne was born may 17 2012 at a healthy 8lbs 6oz. She was perfect.. I had not been warned or told of the dangers of vaccines.. We took her in for her four month shots-big one was the dtap..she got shots in both legs and one in her mouth.. Took her home and she never got a fever but she was not herself. She was sleeping a lot more and super cranky.. I assumed she was just growing and teething.. I was wrong. Three days later after I put her down for a morning nap I had no idea it would be the last time I got to see her pretty smile. After two hours I told my husband to go check on her.. I will never forget the scream that came out of my husbands mouth. It haunts me to this day.. We never had blankets or anything in her crib.. We followed every safety guideline.. She was pale and not breathing. I knew when my husband found her she was gone. He proceeded to do CPR until the ambulance got there which by the way seemed like hours.. We rushed her to the er where the doctors went above and beyond to try and save her.. It was too late.. Her perfectly healthy lungs just quit working and thank god she passed peacefully in her sleep.. The coroner pulled us aside off the record and told us he knows it was the vaccines but sadly its very hard to prove that so he had no choice but to call it SIDS...I wish I knew now what I did not know then...I have a perfectly healthy 15 month old rainbow boy who has never had one shot and he is the healthiest smartest kid and he has never been sick or even been to a doctor.." https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154335867170587&set=gm.512493485517682&type=1


Christina Richelle Tarsell – Maryland

November 1986 – June 2008

Born in November 1986, Christina had the world by the tail. Chris was an honors student throughout high school and college. She had just completed her Junior Year in Studio Art, at Bard College in New York, and was looking forward to returning to her summer job at the Center for Curatorial Studies. She was anxious to begin work on her senior project.

Art was her passion. She loved texture, light and color. Chris not only had vision, she had talent. She served as art editor of two literary magazines, one in high school and another in college. Her personal talent was evident by the many awards she won at juried art shows.

Chris did not stop with one passion, she was also an avid and accomplished athlete. She played baseball on the boys’ team in middle school, varsity softball during high school and tennis in college on an award winning team.
As if that were not enough, Chris took her spare time to devote herself to community service. She was active in church, Girl Scouts, the National Honor Society and Amnesty International. Any organization she participated in was proud to count her as one of their team.

All of that ended 18 days after her third injection of Gardasil, when she was found dead in her bed at college. Chris’s abrupt departure from this world has left a multitude of people wondering what happened to this sweet, spirited, generous and caring individual who was a credit to the human race.

Chris’s mother says, “Christina was my only child. I hope no other parent has to experience what it is like for the police to come to your door and tell you your child is dead.
Chris was the light of my life. It made me cry when I later learned she wrote on Facebook that I was her hero. There is no greater love than that between a parent and a child. The lives of those she touched will never again be the same. We miss you, Chris.”

Written by: Norma Ericksonhttp://sanevax.org/gone-after-gardasil-christina-maryland/


December 1993 – December 2008

Written by: Norma Erickson, Vaccines Examiner

From the day Annabelle was born, she was an exceptional child. She had a heart as big as all outdoors. Her family viewed her as a gift. Loving daughter, grand-daughter, friend and confidante to all, it didn’t take long for everyone she touched to feel the same way. Annabelle was indeed a treasure.

Early on, Annabelle showed she was determined to make the world a kinder, gentler place. The first sign was her great love for animals. It was not unusual for her to rescue any stray animal she found. As soon as she was old enough, she helped groom race horses with her grandfather. At only 12 years old, she worked as a volunteer for the SPCA. Benevolence was her nature.

Her kind heart was not reserved for animals. When called upon to be a godmother, this young woman took the job quite seriously. Annabelle had already set out to change the world, one small step at a time.

Annabelle’s life had but one guiding principle, “All that is necessary to achieve, is to believe.” Annabelle believed she would become a veterinary surgeon.

9 December 2008, 15 days after her second shot of Gardasil, that dream ended. Annabelle went to take a bath less than 10 feet from where her family was sitting. 30 minutes later, she was found dead. No cry, no unusual sound, she left the world in silence.

Annabelle lived in Canada, where the parents do not need to be informed when vaccination takes place. Her family had heard the advertisements for Gardasil for two years prior to when she actually received the first shot. They had discussed it and agreed that based on the advertisements, the vaccination would be a good idea.

16 days after Annabelle’s first shot, she suffered from aphasia (the inability to understand spoken or written language), weakness, amnesia, inability to speak and difficulty standing. Not knowing she had received a Gardasil shot, her parents took her to the hospital to find answers.

No one at the hospital asked if she had recently received a vaccination. Even though many of her symptoms were neurological, her brain scan came back normal. All they could say was that it was not normal for such a previously healthy girl to suffer these symptoms. There were no answers.

Almost two years later, Annabelle’s family still has no answer from the coroner as to her cause of death. The coroner could find no reason.

In the name of Annabelle, and all of the girls across Canada, her family fights for a public investigation into the circumstances surrounding Annabelle’s death. They want to see no more reports of fatalities after HPV vaccinations.

For more information, read Annabelle’s mother’s story here.

Freek Hagoort – The Netherlands

8 years old at time of death

Following are excerpts from an article written by Anneke Bleeker. 

Family of criminal decides whether he should be punished? Is this possible in our country, in the time we live in; or, is it a sign of the time in which we live? A criminal who has a lot to answer for, is not judged by independent judges, but by his own family!

The verdict is clear: you don’t hand over your own family to a possible prison term, even when the offense warrants exactly that. Who would believe this scenario could happen?

Unfortunately, it appears that is just what is happening. Freek was an ordinary boy, like thousands of others his age. He played with his friends, went to school, played football and performed all kinds of activities boys his age do. He was a normal boy, part of a family; he had a father, mother and brother. Freek Hagoort did not become ‘special’ until after his death.

Freek Hagoort died just before his ninth birthday, only three days after he received his MMR and DTP vaccines. He died on 9 March 2009. This is reported in various ways, through newspapers, books, radio and television shows, and lectures. Only after his death is his name known. He is now a ‘special child.’ Freek is a special boy who died as the result of vaccination, recognized by everyone except the Government!

It seems government health officials feel the information should not be brought forth, not under any circumstances! If indeed, should information appear in the newspapers that Freek’s demise was a result of the national vaccination program, the wider implications are known. The vaccination program would be staggering even more than it already is.

You see, Freek died at the same time questions were being raised about the HPV vaccination ‘feast.’ He died at a particularly poor moment, just because of the media frenzy over whether vaccines are reliable, or not. Do they have added value; or are they downright dangerous? 

Those issues were in focus at that moment, so, the fact that a boy died because of vaccinations that have already been given for decades could not come to light. His death could not have happened at a more inconvenient moment.
When Freek’s parents contacted the general practitioner because the boy had become so very ill, they admitted that this reaction could be a result of the vaccinations, which were given the Thursday before. They were told this type of reaction had been confirmed a couple of times, and one needed not to worry, he would get well.
Following his death, upon contacting RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment), the pathologist received a clear message that this death had nothing to do with vaccination, so he didn’t have to do an investigation into it. Out of the question!

The parents were treated like capital offenders, who had abused their own child and that was it!

So, at first, according the the GP, Freek’s being so ill could be related to the vaccinations. Death was not considered at the moment. Then, after his death this relationship was out of the question according to RIVM!

The National Vaccine Program for every new-world citizen is launched even before they are born, when the pregnant mother is advised to get the pertussis and flu vaccines. Day one, the HepB vaccine is waiting for the newborn. If parents object, or question–they are told loud and clear that they are being irresponsible.

Who is irresponsible? The Government that wants the population filled up with vaccines, without properly knowing what all it brings about; OR, the parents who want to know all of the facts before vaccination?
(NOTE: The SaneVax team has been informed that the Dutch Institute for Health (RIVM) did the original autopsy and concluded the vaccines had nothing to do with Freek’s death. The parents wanted an independent autopsy conducted, but to this day, the Dutch authorities refuse to provide the necessary tissue samples. Our question is this, “If the vaccines were not related to this young boy’s death, why are the authorities refusing to provide samples for independent appraisal?”


Santana Gabrielle Valdez – New Mexico

October 1988 – August 2007

Written by: Norma Erickson, Vaccines Examiner
Santana was born with a smile on her face, October 28, 1988. Her enthusiasm and zest for life were apparent from the very beginning. She had a certain gift for bringing joy to those around her.

As she grew, you could always find her surrounded by a group of children eager to be entertained by her stories and games. She loved them and they loved her. Her 2 year old niece was just one of her constant companions. But, children were not her only fans. Santana attracted people like a magnet. Evrryone wanted to be a part of the zest for life that permeated every aspect of Santana’s existence.

Santana was one of those rare children who always believed in Angels. She knew they were here to watch over and protect us. She never questioned the spiritual side of life; she just knew.

Santana’s was her mother’s best friend They did everything together and shared each others’ secrets, dreams, hopes, and desires. Santana knew mom always harbored a secret desire to travel. Mom knew Santana was aftaid of death. No parent could ask for more.
Santana had a habit of calling her mom several times throughout the day, just to check in and see wht mom was up to at the time. One day, she didn’t call and mom became concerned. She went home to find her best friend had died in her sleep.

The date: August 31, 2007 — less than four months after her last injection of Gardasil.

Santana left behind a family desperately searching for answers. The coroner could find no cause of death, she was dumfounded. Mom needs to know why her healthy, vibrant, loving best friend is gone. Her niece wants to know when Santana will ‘come back from heaven.’ She is only four years old now, and still thinks the cemetary is heaven. Her brother spends his time trying to fill Santana’s shoes. Her grandfather’s health has been steadily declining since Santana’s demise. This is a family searching to find out why they were left with a huge hole where Santana used to be.

Santana’s mother says, “Her memory will live on forever, through the eyes and hearts of all who knew her. She touched so many in her short life! We needed more time with her!

These girls’ lives are being cut short by other people, but nobody will take the blame. They are allowed to continue doing so!

I loved Santana so much! Half of me died along with her on the morning of August 31st, 2007!

If you are considering an HPV vaccine, please investigate before you vaccinate.”

For more information, read Santana’s mother’s story here


Jessica Ericzon – New York

March 1990 – February 2008

Written by: Norma Erickson, Vaccines Examiner
Jessie was born ready to tackle the world. It didn’t really matter what activity people were involved in, you would find her right in the middle of things. From the very beginning, she excelled at everything she tried to do. She was born believing life was a challenge she was ready for.
Jessie grew up across the road from her grandfather’s dairy farm. She learned to milk cows, drive a tractor and put up hay. Hard work was no stranger to her, in fact, she relished the prospect. She knew it took hard work to get things done, but that did not bother her in the least.

Jessie loved people. It was her personal mission to come to the aid of anyone who was being picked on. In her world, everyone deserved a fair chance. She tried to make sure everyone around her had one.

Jessica loved the outdoors. Whether it be cheerleading, snowboarding with her brother, working on the farm, or practicing her pitching for softball, she tackled it with an enthusiasm that could rarely be matched.,

Jessica loved Spaghetti-O’s, pepperoni, lilies, listening to her iPod and making her friends laugh; not necessarily in that order. Her family and friends always came first and foremost in her heart and mind. She was a girl with all of her priorities in the right place.

Her zest for life extended to academics. Jessica was an honor student, a senior in High School, looking forward to going to college at SUNY. She planned to major in psychology. She was pursuing her greatest ambition, to become a New York State Trooper. Jessica had the world by the tail.

All of that promise came to an abrupt end on February 22, 2008, when Jessica’s parents came home from work to find her dead on the bathroom floor. Their shocking discovery occurred only 2 days after Jessie’s third and final injection of the HPV vaccine, Gardasil.

Once again, Gardasil seems to have lived up to their marketing campaign promise. Gardasil has taken one of the best of the best and made her ‘one less.’

Jessica’s mother, Lisa would like to add, “Losing your daughter at the age of 17 is indescribable. It is something that I will live with for the rest of my life. Knowing that it could have been prevented is a guilt I will carry also. Jessie was the All American teenager – happy, healthy, never did drugs or smoked. She was so full of everything life could offer her and did everything life would allow. She participated in all the sports and cheer leading in her school. Jess was an honor student and #8 in her class. 

I could go on and on because she was someone who I was ALWAYS proud to call my daughter. She was the best of the best and was on the road to becoming a success story in today’s world. Now she is gone and my life is empty without her.

Gardasil killed my daughter Jessie and it is my hope that Gardasil will end soon, so no other family has to suffer with losing their daughter.”

email: oneless@hughes.net


Jenny Tetlock – California 
1994 – 2009

Jenny was a 15 year old girl battling a rapidly degenerative disease that some MD’s think may be linked to the HPV vaccine she received shortly before symptoms appeared. (Although there is no scientific proof one way, or the other, Dr. Diane Harper, lead researcher, who helped design and carry out Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies prior to Gardasil’s approval and acted as a consultant to Merck, believes that the possibility of triggering a genetic disorder within a family has to be seriously considered.)

The following is an exerpt from Jenny’s Journey, a website maintained by Jenny’s family and friends to help locate similar cases:

On a sunny afternoon in May 2007, a tearful Jenny told her mother how her seventh-grade gym class laughed when she tripped on a hurdle that everyone else cleared easily. A few weeks later came the odd limp. Gradually, weakness spread; her muscles atrophied; her world shrank.

Jenny’s parents frantically rushed her to an ever wider range of specialists, to no avail. By spring 2008, Jenny was a quadriplegic who could breathe only with machine support. She clung to life for almost a year but she never made it to see another spring.

No one knows exactly when Jenny’s disease began—or what disease she had. World-class neurologists suspect Lou Gehrig’s disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This relentless killer spares the mind, while methodically destroying the body’s motor neurons until the patient’s body slips into total, irreversible paralysis.

Yet medical opinion is not unanimous. The CDC estimates the odds of ALS among teenage girls at 1 in 3 million, less than those of being struck by lightning. A far more common cause of paralysis among teenage girls is autoimmune disease.

Jenny passed away on 15 March 2009, surrounded by her family.


Moshella Roberts – North Carolina 

20 years old

Moshella died after Gardasil vaccination, 5 April 2008, her first day on the job at Trinity Home Health Care. Shelly appeared to have died in her sleep while on the job that morning.

Shelly was a student at Fayetteville State University in her sophomore year. She was a funny, quiet and easy-going person. Although she had a ‘laid back personality,’ she loved to help other people. In her spare time, she enjoyed doing hair and spending time with family and friends.
In High School, she was a varsity cheerleader, an active volunteer for her commuity (Special Olympics, make-up artist for a major play, and various civic functions). She received her CNA while maintaining honor status at college. She was majoring in psychology at Fayetteville State University.

During her sophomore year, she sought employment through a home health care agency. She died suddenly her first day on the job, coincidentally, only four days after receiving Gardasil.


Brooke Petkevicius – Florida

19 years old

Written by: Cynthia Janak

Brooke was enrolled at the University of California, Berkley where she studied social work, majoring in Social Welfare. She was involved in many extra-curricular activities, including co-ed volleyball and ballroom dancing. She played on an intramural volleyball team and went to kickboxing classes.

Brooke died 14 days after her first injection of Gardasil from a pulmonary embolism, or blood clot, on 26 March 2007. There was no family history of this problem.

Brooke’s Story: “Brook did not smoke,” said her school friend, Megan Sedowski. “She was possibly one of the healthiest people I’ve ever met. She never did drugs, and rarely drank alcohol. She worked out daily, and took a lot of classes at the gym. She never complained about anything, really–certainly not her health. She was an amazing, upbeat, caring, healthy young woman. Her death was a complete shock!”

Brooke had dressed to go running with a friend because they were training for a half-marathon. She walked to the elevator, collapsed against the wall and had a seizure. Brooke was rushed to the hospital and passed away.
Brooke never had any problems with blood clots, nor did her family have any history of clotting problems. 

Subsequent tests of her younger sister and her mother showed nothing genetic. Brooke had no allergies, no tobacco use, and no past substance abuse problems. Drug tests came back negative.

Cynthia Janak, author, spoke to all of her family. They told her what a wonderful, kind-hearted young woman she was. She had dreams and aspirations for her future. They spoke about how her laughter was contagious and how her smile lit up a room. This was a girl who had it hard growing up, as many of us, but became a stronger person for it. As Cynthia likes to say, “She took sour grapes and made fine wine.”

email: gzsrocks@yahoo.com 


Amber Kaufmann – Missouri

16 years old

Written by her mother.

Amber was a perfectly healthy 16 year old girl who collapsed on her way into work, with a seizure. Then her heart stopped. Amber played vollyball, track, bowled and loved hanging out with her boyfriend, family and friends. She was upbeat, fun and loved life. She was the last in the nest; she was my best friend. She looked forward to joining the military like her older brother and sister.
Amber’s Story: 31 March 2008, Amber went to the doctor for a sore throat and at the same time she was administered her second shot of Gardasil. She also had a shot of Rocephin and was put on Erythromycin (Z pack). Being her mom, I asked if she should have the shot since she was sick, and her nurse practitioner said it would be no problem. She was also in the middle of her menstrual cycle when she received the shot.

She stayed home from school a couple of days as she complained of headaches, being tired and slept a lot. I attributed it to her illness.

She went to school on 3 April 2008. Amber was on her way to work after school and I was on my way home. She called to let me know that the road to our house was closed due to water. That was the last time I ever talked to her. About 15 minutes later, I got a call from her work saying she had collapsed on her way into work.

I live only a few blocks from where she works. When I arrived, they were just getting ready to start CPR. Amber was taken to the hospital about 15 minutes away. They did not get a heart beat until they reached the emergency room. She was transferred to St. Louis Children’s Hospital, where she did not come off life support. Her brain had swelled and without a breathing tube, or tube feeding her, she would not be able to live. She was brain dead.

Amber was an organ donor on April 7, 2008. I sat at her head in the surgery room while they removed her breathing tube, she tried breathing for a while. I’m the one that had to tell her to go and to just be at peace. I was the one with her at the end.

No mother should have to do that for her child. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, or ever will do, in my life! I am so glad Amber saved at least five other lives. I get up every day because I know she would want me to let others know not to get this vaccine to prevent this from happening to any other young women, or moms.

Megan Hild – New Mexico

20 years old

Megan loved children, especially her nieces and nephew. Her family was her life and she never missed an opportunity to spend time with them. She especially liked to be at home just hanging out with family and friends.
Megan was a student at CNM working towards her Associates degree in radiology and general studies. Megan’s beautiful smile will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved her.

She was a very healthy and happy young lady, and loved going to college.

Here is an excerpt from an email her mother sent:
“On her death certificate, it will read – cause of death unknown. She’s my daughter and I loved her!!!! I will never see her graduate college. I will never see her wear a wedding dress and hold her babies in her arms.

We have a sixteen year old son who says, ‘Life does not matter; what you do in life does not matter.’ This is how this vaccine has changed our family’s life forever!

Megan was 20, happy and healthy. She was attending college with a promise of marriage after graduation. She held her life in the palm of her hand. Now, all this family has is a certificate with an unexplained cause of death on it.

Something that was to protect her health may have taken her life. There needs to be an investigation right away–before more young women are injured, or worse, die. Please do not allow another family to have to live the life we have been made to live.”

Megan’s symptoms included rash, severe stomach pains, severe headaches/migraines, extreme fatigue and vaginal bleeding.

email: snowflakes18454@yahoo.com

Jasmin Soriat – Germany
April 1988 – October 2007
Less that one month after her last Gardasil injection, Jasmin’s friend discovered her body. She had evidently died in her sleep, succumbing to respiratory paralysis.
Jasmin was fit, happy and fun-loving. She had never experienced any serious illnesses, had no lung disease, and had never smoked. She also had no previous problems after any of her normal vaccinations.
Searching for answers, her parents meticulously reconstructed her final hours of life. According to their investigations, “She was at a concert, a Spanish band. Before midnight, she was at a fast food restaurant. She then drove with her flatmate home, via taxi to Dobling. At approximately two o’clock in the morning, she drank som tea.”
The next morning, her girlfriend came by to check up on her, but Jasmin, according to her friend, “must have died a few hours earlier in her sleep.”
(This is a rough translation from a German Document.)


Jasmine Renata – New Zealand
18 years old

This information is from Jasmine’s mother and the report filed with the CARM database (New Zealand’s version of VAERS)

“My 18 year old Daughter had all three shots and not long completed the third, she complained of weakness in her arm, headaches, dizziness, heart racing ,and pins and needles in her hands . All within the last 6 months ,we reasoned all the tell tale signs. She died in her sleep on the 22nd of September 2009. She had none of these symptoms with any other immunization. We are all still filled with disbelief as she was so healthy, never smoked and hardly drank, a workaholic, Jasmine luvu4eva!!”

Jasmine’s medical records show that she had her first HPV vaccine on the 18th of September 2008 around the 20th of October she developed warts on her hand and very dry skin on both hands and lips – the Doctor noted that it was not eczema and prescribed ‘multivitamins to increase immunity, and burnt the warts off with liquid nitrogen – her temperament changed and she became very agitated over this time – it was put down to having ugly warts and rough skin – “she hated them”
She had her 2nd HPV vaccination on the 18th of November 2008. Her file states “ok after last injection – no problems.” By January the warts had returned and there were some under her nails which were really painful – the dryness on her hands was still there and she felt dizzy at times with pins and needles in her hand – she also suffered quick bursts of memory lapses and pains in the abdomen. On the 28th of January 2009 she had the warts burnt off her fingers with liquid nitrogen. Her 3rd and final HPV vaccine was given on the 17th March 2009 and despite the previous issues the doctor wrote ‘No concerns after 2nd dose, no contraindications.’

During this time, Jasmine was receiving the Depo Provera injection for birth control – at the time I did not know how this would affect the HPV vaccination, if at all, excepting that the toxic load from both vaccines would have been a heavy burden on her system.

This is what happened after her 3rd and final HPV shot – in her mothers words…

“Pretty much immediately straight after the third vaccine, Jasmine’s temperament became even more agitated and she was a lot snappier. She complained every so often about a weak arm and tiredness during the day, but we thought that was her doing more shifts for other people than in the past. She slept in the day, whenever possible.
However, the arm pain continued and she used to get pins and needles and tingling in her hands for no reason. Jasmine started sleeping in longer in the morning, and also going to sleep in the middle of the day before her afternoon shift. She started dropping things.

She also started to eat more than normal, but wasn’t putting on weight.

Jasmine started waking up at night in sweats, and sweating in bed, even when it was a cold pillow, it would be sopping.

From June onwards, Jasmine started to complain of feeling clumsy. She started saying things like, “God, I’m getting clumsy!” and she was knocking things over, and dropping stuff. She complained that she was dropping things at work as well.

About the same time, we started to notice that Jasmine’s thinking wasn’t right. For instance, she asked me if I’d like her to grate some carrots. I said, “Yes, please.” She got out the grater and the carrot, looked at me, and said, “Which way up does the grater go?” Having grated carrots, cheese and stuff hundreds of times before, that was a surprise. Even Jasmine would say something like, “Gee how dumb is that!” This wasn’t a one-off.

In other little things too, where in the past she’d just do it, she didn’t seem to know how. It was like re-teaching a child.

And then she’d ask me, “What should I do with my money this week?” This was a girl who certainly knew what to do with her money in the past.

Looking back, it seems she’d just lose the plot occasionally. She stopped being able to make her own decisions or work out how to do simple things. She was even asking me whether she should do other people’s shifts at work. I got to the point where I thought, “This girl is losing her marbles… where is her decision making gone? Why can’t she do simple things any more?”
In July, Jasmine intermittently complained of chest pain, and a racing heart. We’d ask her if she was stressed but she said she wasn’t.

At the beginning of August, Jasmine got a cold. Normally, her colds might last two days and she had never needed anything for them before this one, but this one just got worse, and worse. She also complained of a sore achy back and abdominal pain. And the warts returned again.
Jasmine’s cold never got better, and on 21st September, the day before she died, she was still complaining of a runny nose, which wouldn’t stop. She also had quite a few headaches during that cold, and leading up to her death. Her skin changed, with a lot more pimples than normal, which really upset her.

Jasmine also talked about going to have more liquid nitrogen on the warts.

In a photo the day before she died, she doesn’t look right. Her hair was lanky and she was very tired. But even so, she was constantly hungry and eating a lot more than normal. Eating more than normal didn’t seem to fit with a constantly tired sick girl, who had had a cold for more than six weeks.

On the 22 September 2009. Jasmine Renata Died in her sleep overnight.

“The Renata’s received from the coroners office (after pushing them for answers), a letter from ESR , which listed samples delivered to them, and the results. Basically, they confirmed what everyone knew – that Jasmine didn’t take opiates, P, acetaminophen, alcohol etc, and there was nothing “self-inflicted” in her system which could have caused her death.”

Visit Gardasil Killed My Daughter, by Rhonda Renata.
Two other girls from New Zealand have also died in their sleep after Gardasil vaccinations, but their families wish to retain their privacy while attempting to cope with their grief.


Meet Alexander (from his parents)
In August of 1998 our son, 2 year old Alexander was diagnosed with medullolastoma, a highly malignant form of brain cancer. Sadly he died from the cancer in January 1999. We decided to have some testing done on the tumor tissue following his death. These test showed that SV40 was in Alexander’s brain tumor and that the virus was active in creating the cancer. TheCDC has admitted that polio vaccines in the past have been contaminated with SV40 but it has since been removed. Alexander had received the oral polio vaccine just 8 months before developing his cancer. The typical gestation time for medulloblastoma is 7 months. The oral polio vaccine was discontinued the following year, sadly too late to have prevented Alexander’s death.

From Israel and Nikki Portillo:

"Three years ago today, I took my son in for his 4 month old check up. He was flown to Phoenix children's hospital on the 5th and left us on the 7th. We miss you, Eli"

Logan, at 2.5 years old got his MMR and within 2 weeks was dead.

Here is the story of 4 month old Vance Vernon Walker.

Two days after little Vance’s 4 month “well baby” visit in September 2007 where he received all the routine innoculations, he was found by his mother Shelley not breathing in his crib.

Blood was crusted under his eyes and a dark bloody foam was coming out of his mouth. There was so much bloody foam coming out of his mouth that his clothes and teddy bear were soaked with it.
An autopsy pronounced his death as SIDS, but his mother knew better.

She knew it was the vaccines. She had worked for several years at a local healthfood store and had been exposed to the vaccine controversy by many customers hoping to convince her of the danger. It had never occurred to her, however, that vaccines could actually kill her child.

In a true SIDS death, a child inexplicably stops breathing with no sort of trauma, but in Vance’s case, there was blood coming out of his eyes and mouth.

Clearly, there was some sort of internal bleeding and damage that occurred prior to baby Vance’s death. This death was much more than just SIDS and such a backhanded autopsy report seems an insult to anyone with a shred of intelligence.

Here’s what Vance received 2 days before his death at the pediatrician’s office:

A shot of Pediarix, a 5-in-1 shot for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B and 3 strains of polio
A shot of Prevnar, consisting of seven pneumococcal viruses plus diphtheria toxoid
Rotateq, the new rotavirus vaccine given orally which contains four viruses associated with infant diarrhea.

In less than 15 minutes, Vance had been injected with or taken orally 19 different pathogens!
Complete and utter insanity.

What’s more striking is that Vance’s family lives in northern Idaho and within just a few weeks of Vance’s death, 2 other baby boys died of SIDS also within days of their 4 month vaccinations.

A cluster of SIDS deaths where the deaths occurred right after the babies’ 4 month shots attracted local media attention, which, to its credit, did an outstanding job covering the story in a unbiased fashion.

- See more at: http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/isnt-your-babys-life-worth-more-than-250000/#sthash.oALGktzF.dpuf



Trent Michael Blackburn 4/29/12 - 12/21/12

Son of Christina Moore and Brent Blackburn. Christina took her happy and healthy son to his well baby visit at Seymour Medical Center in Seymour, TN when Trent was almost 8 months old. He passed away in the night, less than 13 hours after his mother was bullied at the doctors office to give him 5 vaccines, even though she only felt comfortable with one at a time. 

Christina wrote "I argued with the nurse practitioner for 30-45 minutes. They would not split the shots up! They bullied me, told me I was retarded, told me he needed all the shots that day, told me they could not split the shots up, told me it absolutely would not hurt him! He was injected with 4 needles and given the Rotavirus oral vaccine. He died less than 13 hours later. I'm upset that I argued with them and they bullied me into something that I did not want in the first place and the same thing that I told them might happen, did happen!"

She was not even given an apology when she went to pick up his medical records and saw the person who did this. A claim was filed with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program but since the parents couldn't find an expert witness to prove Trent died from the vaccines, they settled their case for $20,000 before it went to trial. They had one of the best lawyers and still almost lost any chance at receiving any compensation. More than 2 out of 3 claims are denied and parents have to prove the vaccines harmed their child. That's what his life was worth to those responsible. Most never see a penny. Trent's younger sister he never got to meet is vaccine free. Trent is greatly loved and missed. They said he died of unknown reasons.


This is my story......by Quavia Ectionn'e Turner
On April 17 I put the deposit on our new place.
She and my son were out growing our tiny 1 bedroom apartment. 
She was just 4 months old but already she was scooting, playing, thinking she could do more than she could. She was trying to keep up with her brother.
So we found a bigger place.
I was supposed to go get my sister the morning of the 18th but I just couldn't do it.
Somethings didn't sit right with me and I already had so much to do. I was thinking I may get pulled over on the road or something. 
So that night I cooked, we all ate, we're messing around and playing.
We were up. 
Like we normally are, we adapted to her sleeping habits, instead of forcing her to sleep normal times.
At about 3 am she was up playing. I was like you finna go to sleep little boy, she just giggled like she Normally did.
She was jumping like my mom taught her to.
So I changed and fed her and put her in bed.
My son wanted them to sleep in the living room with us but we were trying to get them to sleep in their own room and bed. So I told him no to get in bed. He gotta start sleeping in his own room like a big boy.
I tossed and turned all night. 
I called my mom at 5am and told her to tell them I wasn't coming. Around 7 went in there fed and changed her. She snatched her bottle and smiled. That was the last time I saw my love alive....
I got up went and looked in at them around 10 they were knocked out, so I decided I would continue to clean, wash, and pack.
Around 12 my son woke up.
I checked my phone,called my dad, went to the bathroom, and called my mom.
I went in there messing with her. Normally when I pounce on the bed she moves but she didn't this time. I rubbed her head she didn't embrace my touch. I just starring at her, something didn't look or feel right to me. I was looking for the stomach going up and down, nothing. 
I remember just screaming, my baby gone. She gone.
I remember Duke screaming. 
I remember Jarvis coming in grabbing her trying to do cpr.
I remember me trying, trying to clean her mouth, her nose.
I called 911.
It's like they took forever. 
I remember about to go out the door with no pants on.
When they came they laid my baby on the ground I flipped. 
I remember my Dad pulling up.
I remember the look on Duke face, Jarvis face when they told us we could not go with her.
She was alone.
We sat around waiting. 
I remember telling Jarvis, baby I gotta go, tell them take whatever she needs from me, and you give her the blood. I remember him saying please no.
I remember. 
I remember them tellingtelling us that my aunt could go be with her so she won't be alone.
Then telling us that gave us hope.
Only for someone to come tell us, that she didn't make it.
I remember Jarvis punching bricks off the wall, before I fainted.
My daughter received her 4 month shot on Monday and she was gone on Friday morning


Ian Gromowski was born on 6.25.07 healthy (pic 1). He was given his Hep B (as required to leave the hospital as a newborn) while having a fever of 102 and a weird rash occurred with n hours of the Hep B shot (pic 2). Within 48 hours his body was in anaphylactic shock. His entire life was medically documented. I sued the 'government' VICP (vaccine injury compensation program) and they settled at almost the max amount given for a death lawsuit. He never came home from the hospital and died on August 10, 2007.

Via VacTruth: 

Nicholas Lee Copenhaver (March 7, 2013 - July 15, 2013).
He passed away less than 3 days after receiving the 4 month vaccines. Neurologist's report clearly states that, in his opinion, vaccines were the likely cause of death. Ruled SIDS.

His mother, who works in healthcare, shares with us,

On Friday morning July 12, 2013 I took my son in for his 4 month well-baby checkup. The doctor gave him 7 vaccines - DTaP, IPV, Hib, PCV and Rota. He was cranky of course after, but doctors tell you to give Tylenol and teach you that these reactions are normal. 

Saturday, he was still fussy and tired and didn't nurse as much as usual. Saturday night, my sister in law watched him overnight so we could go to work. I picked him up Sunday afternoon, after I woke up. We didn't do much that evening but nap. Looking back it seems that he was extra sleepy but I didn't notice it then. 

Sunday night, I dropped him off at a very close friend’s house around 10pm, so that I could go to work. Not knowing that this was the last time I'd see my son alive.

She said he never went to bed without a fight with her but that night she said he fell asleep on his own. He was used to being fed at the breast to fall asleep when he was with me. She said he woke in the middle of the night so she got up with him. She fell asleep in the recliner holding him. When she woke up he was gone. 

They started CPR, but of course it was no help.

I vividly remember the scream down the hallway in the middle of the night, at work, telling me to leave. I was a CNA at a nursing home, working overnights, when my coworker yelled down the hall that something was wrong with my baby. That was the absolute worst night of my life.

There were no obvious signs that something was wrong with him. Nothing outside of the "normal" that doctors lead you to believe is ok after your baby receives the vaccines. My son received his shots Friday morning and by late Sunday night- early Monday morning, he was gone.

The coroner did rule his death as SIDS.

I had to do my own homework and I was referred to a vaccine injury lawyer who listened to my story and took on my case. 

The neurologist's report we have gotten for our case clearly states that, in his opinion, vaccines were the likely cause of death. We were lucky because often times, vaccines are never mentioned. The neurologist that did our report for the case actually did the autopsy also. Unfortunately, if I hadn't looked into things further on my own, I may have never known his cause of death.

Thank goodness Missouri automatically does a full autopsy on children because when we later went back to file with VAERS, etc., they had exactly everything they needed. We are still waiting for our case to go through with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), which we are told could take a very long time. 

The doctor who did the autopsy even stated that he feels vaccine causation exists in our case wrote this in our neuropathology report. We will have to wait to find out if our case is awarded but no amount of money could replace our son. The maximum they give for vaccine related deaths is $250,000. That’s what our children are worth to them. Most claims are denied and those that do get awarded are often settled for less. 

My son was vaccinated on schedule. He was given Hep B at birth, 8 vaccines at his 2 month well baby visit (DTaP, IPV, Hib, Heb B, PCV and Rota) and 7 vaccines at his 4 month well baby visit (DTaP, IPV, Hib, PCV and Rota). These are the vaccines on the current schedule.

I'd like to tell other parents to heavily do their research, because unfortunately, I didn't. I had no idea. I thought like most that I was doing what I was supposed to by taking my child in to get vaccinated. Especially working in healthcare, they hammer it into us everybody that you HAVE to have your shots. I didn't question it one bit, and now I regret it. 

I have heard from so many other people now after the fact that the same thing happened to them. I want people to know that this does happen and that it's a lot more common than they realize.

I can only hope sharing our story will save someone else the heartache and pain of losing a child. I want to tell the world and save them the heartache that we have been through.

Rest In Peace Our Precious Angel...

Amanda Copenhaver


Health Impact News Editor Comments

The sudden death of a 12-year-old girl in Waukesha, Wisconsin, just hours after receiving the HPV Gardasil vaccine has shocked the girl’s family, and sent local media out asking questions as to how this could happen. Here is a report from WISN 12 News.

Dr. Geoffrey Swain of the local health department was interviewed to give the standard CDC reply, which is similar to almost every other vaccine, stating that severe reactions like this resulting in death are “very rare,” and about “1 out of a million”.

Assuming that there is some data to back up the claim of only “1 out of a million,” how many doses of the HPV vaccine are administered every year? According to the latest statistics (July 2014) published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services here (page 7), over 9 million per year. So the government admits that at least 9 girls per year are killed by the HPV vaccine. How many parents know this prior to taking a doctor’s advice to administer this vaccine that is supposedly a protection against cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted disease?

Apparently, when the news broke that 12-year-old Meredith Prohaska died after receiving the HPV vaccine, at least one other parent contacted a local news station in the area to report she also had a serious adverse reaction to the HPV vaccine with her 17-year-old daughter, who needed urgent care at a local hospital. The local news affiliate asked the question: “So what are the odds another local girl had a similar reaction after getting the shot?”

Here is the report:

- See more at: http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/gardasil-vaccine-one-more-girl-dead/#sthash.1TtocFEr.dpufHealth Impact News Editor Comments

The sudden death of a 12-year-old girl in Waukesha, Wisconsin, just hours after receiving the HPV Gardasil vaccine has shocked the girl’s family, and sent local media out asking questions as to how this could happen. Here is a report from WISN 12 News.

Dr. Geoffrey Swain of the local health department was interviewed to give the standard CDC reply, which is similar to almost every other vaccine, stating that severe reactions like this resulting in death are “very rare,” and about “1 out of a million”.

Assuming that there is some data to back up the claim of only “1 out of a million,” how many doses of the HPV vaccine are administered every year? According to the latest statistics (July 2014) published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services here (page 7), over 9 million per year. So the government admits that at least 9 girls per year are killed by the HPV vaccine. How many parents know this prior to taking a doctor’s advice to administer this vaccine that is supposedly a protection against cervical cancer caused by the human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted disease?

Apparently, when the news broke that 12-year-old Meredith Prohaska died after receiving the HPV vaccine, at least one other parent contacted a local news station in the area to report she also had a serious adverse reaction to the HPV vaccine with her 17-year-old daughter, who needed urgent care at a local hospital. The local news affiliate asked the question: “So what are the odds another local girl had a similar reaction after getting the shot?”

Here is the report:

- See more at: http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/gardasil-vaccine-one-more-girl-dead/#sthash.1TtocFEr.dpuf

NEW YORK (CNN) – A 26-year-old health care worker died just days after getting sick with the flu. Her family says she got a flu shot but it didn’t work. Now, the newly-wed’s family hopes her story may save someone else.

"Her mom said as part of her job she had to get a flu shot. Tragically, it didn’t keep her from getting sick. 
However, Kenosha County’s health officer say the vast majority of people who get a flu shot are helped by it.”


















Adam Michael Westfall (June 2, 2011 – August 7, 2011)
He passed away less than 2 days after receiving the 2 month vaccines. This was the last picture taken of him. Ruled SIDS. 


His mother shares with us,

It’s so hard to re-live the worst day and hardest time of my life. Adam was born in Michigan on June 2, 2011 weighing 8 pounds and 10 ounces. He got his Hep B shot at birth because I was told it was best for him and on Friday, August 5, 2011, I took him in for his 2 month well baby check-up.

During this visit, the doctor gave him 8 vaccines for (DTaP, IPV, Hib, Heb B, PCV and Rota). He got 2 shots in one leg and 1 in the other, plus the oral Rotavirus vaccine, totaling 8 vaccines given to my baby, in one visit. This is what is listed on the CDC’s vaccine schedule in the US. 

I thought the shots were safe, I thought they were to protect my precious baby. I wanted to space them out, but was told there was no need to. I was told that it was fine to give them all at once.

After Adam received the vaccines, all he did was sleep, he didn’t eat much, he had a little fever, his legs were red, swollen and puffy where the shots were given, and he cried more than usual. The doctor assured me all of these symptoms were normal.

On Saturday, the day after Adam had his shots, he slept almost all day. He wasn’t up long each time he woke up and he didn’t finish a whole bottle at once and he didn’t play much.

I went to sleep Saturday night, exhausted from house chores, only to wake up in a panic. Adam wasn’t crying. He always ate at 7 AM. I went in to get him and when I looked at him, he was lifeless and his little face, I’ll never forget. Adam had passed before I woke up to find him.

I performed CPR while on the phone with the police. When they arrived, the officer did percussions for me while I did the breathing. When he stopped, I ended up yelling at him to help me. Then the paramedics arrived and took him down to the ambulance. I was not allowed to follow. When they returned, my worst fear was confirmed, my baby was gone. 

They also asked if Adam was a donor and if I wanted to donate his organs, I refused. They kind of checked me out and the police officer stayed until my family arrived. He was very nice, he asked me a couple questions and did admit that he knew Adam was gone but helped me because I was trying so hard to revive him. 

The police were told he had his shots because they asked if he was sick or was given any medication and I informed them that I didn’t give him anything, but he was just recently vaccinated.

He came back later and asked some "routine" questions and took pictures of our room which had clean clothes all over because I just moved in with my mom. But if my day wasn’t the worst already, CPS showed up and began to question me, made me do a mouth swab and my husband, even though he was working when Adam passed. 

CPS then started accusing me basically, asking if I harmed my child, saying maybe I put too many blankets on him, maybe I rolled over on him, maybe I got frustrated, maybe my daughter got ahold of him, asking if I did drugs, if I had been drinking, did I drop him, etc. 

The paramedics had already said he had no trauma whatsoever. CPS kept accusing me of doing something, even on accident, for 3 days this went on. They wanted to talk to everyone in the house, even though no one was there but my grandma, me and my kids. They called me and kept showing up at my house until Wednesday, when the preliminary autopsy report came back, the ruling was SIDS.

The CPS guy came back after getting the results, to tell me my case would be closed and to tell me it was all protocol. So it’s there procedure to hurt a grieving mother even more? I never got a sorry for my loss or a sorry for the accusations. The police said there was no need for CPS to contact me again and if they did, I was to let them know.

I wanted to die when I found out my baby was gone. I was so upset the way CPS was treating us. I really wanted to die after the accusations and I started blaming myself for not being able to protect my baby boy or to save him. 

When he passed, I thought it was the vaccines because my baby Adam was never sick. He was perfectly happy and healthy before he got those vaccines. When I was told he died of SIDS and that’s its very rare a child would suffer a severe reaction to the shots, I honestly didn’t know, I was so confused. I was always taught vaccines were safe.

I expressed my concerns to all of my friends that had also vaccinated their kids, but my friends had no answers. After losing Adam, some have postponed the shots and some have denied them. I’ve just really felt so alone and that I couldn’t talk to anyone. It seemed no one was able to give me any answers. 

I had started researching vaccines but it was too hard to deal with. In my mind I felt it was the vaccines, but I kept being told by doctors that the shots were safe and I was made to feel like a bad mom if I didn’t continue to vaccinate. 

I was still pressured to vaccinate myself after Adam passed away. I actually cried because they made me feel bad if I didn’t listen to their suggestions and get the pertussis vaccine and they bullied me until I got it. I did refuse the flu shot they also tried to convince me to get.

Then I became pregnant with our third child Natalie. The doctor had me get the pertussis vaccine while I was pregnant with her. I was told she would have some immunity from me getting it and my doctor pushed me to get the flu vaccine too, but I refused it this time as well. 

I’ve been vaccinated twice with the pertussis vaccine since Adam passed away. The truth was withheld from me. They don’t just vaccinate for pertussis, what they really gave me was the Tdap shot for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis, a 3 in 1 combo vaccine. If you are pregnant, regardless of when you last got this vaccine, they coerce you into getting it again. 

It didn’t matter they already gave this to me once after Adam passed. I’ve since learned they don’t test any of these vaccines on pregnant women but then make you feel bad if you say no. I was told the vaccines were safe for me and my baby but the package inserts even state they aren’t tested on pregnant women. I didn’t know this at the time.

When I gave birth to my rainbow baby Natalie, which is a baby born after a baby lost, almost 3 years later after Adam passed, I expressed my concerns about the vaccines again and was told its unlikely they caused any harm to Adam. I was reminded that my oldest 6 year old daughter Lilly was fine with them and that Adam had passed from SIDS, not from the shots. I trusted them again with my child’s life, over my instincts and let them vaccinate Natalie.

Natalie was given the Hep B shot at birth
- 8 vaccines at her 2 month well baby visit (DTaP, IPV, Hib, Heb B, PCV and Rota)
- 7 vaccines at her 4 month well baby visit (DTaP, IPV, Hib, PCV and Rota) and
- 8 vaccines at her 6 month well baby visit (DTaP, IPV, Hib, Heb B, PCV and Rota) 

They tried to push the flu vaccine on Natalie at her 6 month well baby visit and I refused. These are the vaccines on the current CDC schedule in the US.

After Natalie had her 2 and 4 month round of shots, which I agreed to vaccinate her only because I was told that Adam’s passing had nothing to do with the vaccines, Natalie’s heart monitor went off constantly for 3 days. I couldn’t even lay down before it went off again. I had to basically hold her the whole time. It didn’t go off like this after the 6 month shots.

Natalie was put on a sleep apnea heart monitor for my comfort because I lost Adam and I wanted to take any measures to ensure this didn’t happen again. I can’t sleep unless she’s on it. When they mentioned I could get one, I jumped at it and she’s been on it since day one. Her monitor would go off once or twice a night, sometimes two nights in a row. I was told this could possibly be due to her having apnea or it could be because it’s set to sensitive mode.

When I noticed the monitor picked up major changes in her after the shots, this confirmed my suspicions the vaccines had something to do with Adam’s passing. Even though I was weary, I thought OK, they are doctors, maybe they are right, but then after looking into vaccines more, I discovered that it had to be the shots.

After Natalie reacted to her shots, I started researching vaccines again but didn’t fully understand the side effects until just a couple months ago, just after her 6 month appointment. I have already told Natalie’s doctor I will not be getting any further vaccines. Natalie is currently 8 months old and has stopped receiving any more shots. She has been doing great. I do worry if the vaccines harmed her.

Please don’t look down on me for being so naïve about my youngest daughter and having her vaccinated. I honestly believed the doctors when they said that it’s very very rare to suffer a severe reaction to vaccines and that my daughter would be fine because my oldest daughter was fine and that they highly doubt the shots harmed Adam, etc.

I’m glad that I’m not the only one that feels it’s true, that my intuition about the shots was right, all along, I just didn’t have the right support or information to recognize adverse reactions caused by these vaccines. I think every baby should be sent home with a heart monitor, until a certain age, especially if you vaccinate.

I don’t want my children getting anymore vaccinations. And I don’t believe babies should be made to get them so young, nor should they get that many. We shouldn’t be bullied or forced into getting them. Parents must have a choice when it comes to vaccinations. There are major risks that come with them.

It’s been 3 years and I still never got the copy of the final autopsy report or the police report like I had requested. The death certificate I did receive stated SIDS/possible suffocation. I was told a part of his brain forgot to tell him to breath. My baby wasn’t even covered up when I found him, his blanket was at his feet and his little face was facing me. I will be contacting them again soon.

I didn’t know about reporting these vaccine reactions to VAERS and no doctor brought it up or reported them. No doctor even acknowledged these vaccine injuries. I had to do my own research. 

I only found out recently that there was a National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program but it was too late to file a claim for Adam. The statute to file is only 2 years after a parent loses their baby to vaccines. So I never filed a claim because I didn’t know about it.

Adam passed away in the early morning hours on August 7, 2011, less than 2 days after he was given those 2 month vaccines. He was 2 months and 5 days old. I thought I was protecting him and doing what was right. Instead, I was made a fool of, for thinking that they knew what was best for him. The day that Adam passed was the worst day of my life. 

The picture of Adam in the red shirt is the last picture taken of him. This picture was taken 5 days before I woke up to find him lifeless with his shot marks still on his legs. 

I just want my baby. And I was so stupid to think the CPR was working because I heard what I thought was breathing, but it was just the air coming back out. I live with guilt every day and can’t leave my daughters side. I have separation anxiety and I can’t sleep if she’s not near her monitor, so I can feel assured she is safe. It’s just not fair. 

My only baby boy, my only angel up in the sky with my brother, both gone to soon. My brother, also named Adam, passed from cystic fibrosis when he was 7 years old. He would be 22 years old next month. I feel like I have no one left. 

I feel so stupid for allowing any of my children to be vaccinated. I feel like a bad mom for listening to the doctors and thinking maybe I was just crazy, that maybe I was just being paranoid because of losing Adam, which I am, but now I have tons of info proving I’m not thinking irrationally about this, the doctors are. I just feel that they bully you into getting the vaccines and ignore the reactions they cause. I used to think I’d get in trouble if my kids were not vaccinated. I didn’t know I had a choice.

I feel like no one remembers or ever wants to talk about my son, for fear of hurting me. I wonder who he would be today. And I wish my son Adam, my brother Adam and all the other children and babies were still here. I am so sorry and always heartbroken for anyone that loses a child.

My cousin also lost her baby boy to SIDS two years before Adam died. We were not real close because we live far apart. I didn’t learn she lost her baby until the day my baby passed away.

Adam was and always will be my baby boy, my little lizard, my hunny bear, bubby and my precious little man. Adam was always so happy, and so full of life, not a care in the world. He hardly ever cried or was fussy. He would watch hours of Heartland with his sister and I and always stuck his tongue out like a lizard with a smile so big. 

Adam was the light of our lives and as his sister always said " the best little brother ever" now he’s our precious angel baby. Even though it’s hard to tell our story, if I can help save even one baby from here, then it’s worth it.

Natalie is my 8 month old rainbow, Lilly is my almost 6 year old sunshine, and Adam is my (would be 3 year old) angel. All 3 are my pride and joys, they are my life. It’s so hard to go through all of this and to not have him to hold and watch grow.

Rest in paradise, we love and miss you Adam

Cayla Westfall

Mother Shares Her Story
His mother Amanda Copenhaver, who works in healthcare, shares with us,

On Friday morning July 12, 2013 I took my son in for his 4 month well-baby checkup. The doctor gave him 7 vaccines – DTaP, IPV, Hib, PCV and Rota. He was cranky of course after, but doctors tell you to give Tylenol and teach you that these reactions are normal.

Saturday, he was still fussy and tired and didn’t nurse as much as usual. Saturday night, my sister in law watched him overnight so we could go to work. I picked him up Sunday afternoon, after I woke up. We didn’t do much that evening but nap. Looking back it seems that he was extra sleepy but I didn’t notice it then.

Sunday night, I dropped him off at a very close friend’s house around 10pm, so that I could go to work. Not knowing that this was the last time I’d see my son alive.

I sent pumped milk with him once I started going back to work, since he was 12 weeks old. He was used to being fed at the breast to fall asleep when he was with me. My friend said he never went to bed without a fight with her, but that night she said, he fell asleep on his own.

She said he woke in the middle of the night so she got up with him. She fell asleep in the recliner holding him. When she woke up, he was gone.

They started CPR, but of course it was no help.

I vividly remember the scream down the hallway in the middle of the night, at work, telling me to leave. I was a CNA at a nursing home, working overnights, when my coworker yelled down the hall that something was wrong with my baby. That was the absolute worst night of my life.

There were no obvious signs that something was wrong with him. Nothing outside of the “normal” that doctors lead you to believe is ok after your baby receives the vaccines. My son received his shots Friday morning and by late Sunday night- early Monday morning, he was gone.

His death was ruled as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

The vaccines were not mentioned in Nicholas’s autopsy report because at the time the autopsy was being done, the pathologist was not yet made aware that Nicholas recently received his shots. It all happened so fast and of course, at that moment in my life, things hadn’t clicked yet that it was the vaccines. I was meant to believe they were so safe and this wouldn’t happen.

Nicholas didn’t have his airways blocked and did not suffocate when he passed away. I had to do my own homework and I was referred to a vaccine injury lawyer who listened to my story and took on my case. I had to request a report in order to file a vaccine injury claim.

The neurologist that did our report for the case actually did the autopsy also. Unfortunately, if I hadn’t looked into things further on my own, I may have never known what took my sons life.

The doctor who did the autopsy even stated that he feels vaccine causation exists in our case and wrote this in our neuropathology report. The report we have gotten for our case clearly states that, in his opinion, vaccines were the likely cause of death. We were lucky because often times, vaccines are never mentioned and parents are not given truthful answers.

It seems most babies that die soon after vaccination are ruled as SIDS cases or some other vague cause of death. It doesn’t make sense when all of these children are passing away after getting vaccines why the vaccines are never listed as the cause of death. Surely this needs to be considered more.

Most parents that have suffered the same fate mention that vaccines aren’t even listed on their child’s autopsy report, even when the person doing the autopsy is informed the kid was recently vaccinated. Why?

Thank goodness Missouri automatically does a full autopsy on children because when we later went back to file a vaccine adverse event report with VAERS, etc., they had exactly everything they needed. We are still waiting for our case to go through with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), which we are told could take a very long time.

We will have to wait to find out if our case is awarded but no amount of money could replace our son. The maximum they give for vaccine related deaths is $250,000. That’s what our children are worth to them. Most claims are denied and those that do get awarded are often settled for less. We’ve already been informed things are still slow moving on the case and of course the government isn’t budging.

We were told we can either attempt to settle beforehand or fight this case in court, which might happen in the latter part of summer 2015. We would also have to make arrangements to fly to Washington D.C. because the U.S. Court of Federal Claims is there, across from the White House, to attend the court case which is different than regular court cases. Outsiders cannot attend and there is no jury. An appointed special master decides whether our case will be awarded or denied.

My son was vaccinated on schedule. He was given Hep B at birth, 8 vaccines at his 2 month well baby visit (DTaP, IPV, Hib, Heb B, PCV and Rota) and 7 vaccines at his 4 month well baby visit (DTaP, IPV, Hib, PCV and Rota). I don’t think many parents are aware these are the vaccines on the current US schedule.

I’d like to tell other parents to heavily do their research, because unfortunately, I didn’t. I had no idea. I thought like most that I was doing what I was supposed to by taking my child in to get vaccinated. Especially working in healthcare, they hammer it into us everybody that you have to have your shots. I didn’t question it one bit, and now I regret it.

I have heard from so many other people now after the fact that the same thing happened to them. I want people to know that this does happen and that it’s a lot more common than they realize.

It’s not about just one “accident”, this is becoming more common and it’s not right. Losing a child is something that absolutely nobody should have to go through and these vaccines are putting too many families through this.

I can only hope sharing our story will save someone else the heartache and pain of losing a child. I want to tell the world and save them the heartache that we have been through.

Rest In Peace Our Precious Angel…

Amanda Copenhaver


From Christine:

I am an “anti-vaxer”
I wish my child lived long enough to get measles but sadly she died a few hours after receiving a vaccine. At a routine ‘well baby’ appointment, she had her first shots. I had no idea adverse reactions were even possible. I trusted my doctor, completely. I trusted my doctor blindly.
The doctors believed it was the pertussis vaccine that caused her death, but they did not know for sure because there was a combination of 4 vaccines, given at the same time. How could we possibly know which one caused her death? 
I lost the most precious gift of all, to “The greater good.”

I sacrificed my beautiful child, …for your child.

What did I get in return? I was labelled an “anti vaxer” 
You see, I have a very healthy 11 year old son that is completely unvaccinated. He is alive! 

Did I attend Google University? Or Get my advice from Jenny McCarthy? Absolutely NOT! I spent years pouring through the peer reviewed medical journals, FDA, CDC, WHO and Health Canada files and speaking to doctors and politicians. I had to PAY to access my daughter’s vaccine records through freedom of Information, at health Canada. I did all this to figure out the FACTS, so that my other children did not also die! I did this so that your children do not die, from vaccines! 
In Canada we do not have a vaccine injury compensation program, so legal recourse is not an option. 

The vaccine compensation program has paid 3 billion dollars for injuries and deaths in the US, while Canada has paid NOTHING! They simply deny that vaccine injuries exist. A company that publicly reports yearly profits, in the billions, is not held accountable, for vaccine injuries and deaths. The manufacturers of vaccines conduct their own, very limited, safety studies and many vaccines are licensed and used without any safety studies. Health Canada told me it is more cost effective, to release vaccines, and then watch for reactions later.
There are serious problems with many of the vaccines; starting with the fact, their own studies show the vaccines are often ineffective. After the previous pertussis vaccine caused thousands of deaths and brain injuries, many mothers worked together to demand change. The pertussis vaccine was then replaced with a different one, which was less reactive but also turned out to be less effective. As a result, we began to see many whooping cough outbreaks in North America. At first they blamed the outbreaks on “Anti Vaxers” but then it became undeniable, the vaccine was failing, the vaccine was responsible!

There has not been a measles death in over a decade in North America. There have been deaths from vaccines however. We have measles outbreaks in North America every year. Many years ago they increased the MMR shot recommendation from once to twice, for children and we have a vaccination rate of over 90% yet they still have outbreaks of measles! At first they blamed the ‘anti vaxers” but according to their own studies, the measles vaccine is failing, the measles vaccine is responsible! 

In a 3 year study, in Ontario Canada, (March 2006 – April 2009), it was discovered that several infants died and that 1 in 168 Canadian children end up in the ER after receiving the MMR vaccine. 
Parents need to stop pointing fingers at other parents and work together, for the greater good.

For the good .of our children,
Parents everywhere, need to ask questions! And demand safer and more effective vaccines for our children. Pharmaceutical companies should be given a clear message, that we want them to put more money and research into the existing, basic vaccines, which are presently failing to protect our children, instead of rushing to develop and license dozens of new, untested vaccines, for non-life threatening illness. 

Parents everywhere, need to demand that the manufacturer of vaccines be held liable and accountable, to ensure the quality, of the products they manufacture and sell to our children. Canada needs to create a vaccine injury compensation program for the thousands of children killed and injured by vaccines. Pharmaceutical companies should be monitored by an unbiased committee, or council of watchdogs, to ensure they are putting health and safety of our children before profits. 
Our children deserve to be protected! Our children deserve better! 

Measles has not killed a child in over a decade, in North America but vaccines HAVE killed and injured thousands. That is a painful fact, I live with. 

I am NOT “Anti-vaccine” I am pro health and safety of my children and your children. 
Do your research and demand better vaccines. 
From the heart of one mother to another…..~Christine Colebeck~ 


[2015 May] A family destroyed: Six-month-old dies after clinic injects baby with 13 vaccines at once without mother's informed consent

On July 1st, 2008 Danny received his 12 month shots. MMR, HIb, Varicella, and DTaP. That night he was cranky and slept more than usual. The next day very fatigued, irritable, and loss of appetite and these symptoms only worsened. 72 hours after the shot he developed a fever. 30 minutes later he was dead.




Terry received his vaccines on 6-3-14 and was in heaven the next morning.

Derek and Breanna lost their son, 6 month old Liam Archer Osterhout, suddenly on Thursday evening 3/26/2015. Liam was deeply loved and brought immense joy and love into the lives of his parents and all that knew him. 

It was a typical evening on Thursday when Breanna nursed her son and laid him down to sleep. After a short period of time, she went in to check on him and he was chilly and blue. She rushed him to his Papa, Del, who is a First Responder, and he did all he could to try to revive Liam until the ambulance arrived. Unfortunately, Liam could not be revived. Derek and Breanna have donated Liam's heart values so other families hopefully will not feel the pain and suffering they are feeling. In a split second, their lives have been forever altered. 


Lorrin Kain's seizures began 2 hours after her shot.... The US Vaccine Court said the vaccine was the cause. The vaccine eventually took her life.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZr9JzxurLU&feature=youtu.be —

Sebastian Ryan Morley May 11, 2002 - January 22, 2003
Given DTaP, HepB, HIBV Sebastian began vomiting within hours of the vaccines, he turned yellow 2 days later, he was hospitalized for liver failure and died 37 days after his vaccines were given.

https://www.facebook.com/valerie.murfin/media_set?set=a.10205072460985890.1073741830.1074275319&type=1&l=64df8f51be&__mref=message_bubble — 

From Melissa Sue Frohrib:

"I never will come to terms with my child's death, how can a person? But recently I found some clarity, thanks to an old school mate. I'll tell you my story. 

When Willow Schae Thomas was born she was the best gift I could have ever given her father, all he wanted was a baby and he finally got her. The best gift.. yet we barely had the chance to get all the wrapping off. 

She was born on Halloween last year 2014. And I loved it even more that she was born on such an awesome holiday. Sadly, In utero they saw her enlarged bladder on my last growth ultrasound and I was told I was then high risk pregnancy. When she was born we had scheduled an appointment with a urology specialist. Best, most experienced in the state. After many appointments she was on Oxybutynin for an overactive bladder. 

Willow's urologist had been in the business for years upon years and had no conclusion to why her bladder would not flow properly. 1 out of maybe 4 patients he was not able to help, or should I say limited to help because she was a mystery. Her urine would back up in to her kidneys. Even the medication wasn't helping. 

After infections, I was taught how to give her a straight catheter every 3 hours to relieve her so her kidneys didn't get destroyed, and eventually a catheter overnight made it easier on us but it was a lot of work. Anything for our baby girl though. 

Despite her issues and visits to her pediatrician, her specialist and 3 different hospital stays for 3 different infections, one being ecoli in the blood (thanks to all the cathing it was hard to keep bacteria from infecting her tiny body) she was still a very happy content baby.

She was absolutely amazing, so beautiful. Then all of a sudden, 4 days after Valentines day(such a happy day for us) (she was 3.5 months old) she passed away sometime in the morning of February 18th. It's so hard, so fresh in our minds still. 

My partner, her father found her in her crib with mucus all over her face. The worst 6 hours of my life, harassment from the police, no consoling from my partner because they split us up. He was almost arrested because he didn't want to talk to them, he was so distraught as was I. They treated us like we killed her n waited on a search warrant so they could look through all of our stuff. It was so traumatizing not being able to hold her, just couldn't stop wracking my mind that she was gone... you never think it will happen to you and then when it does it's a nightmare come to life. I just wanted to wake up. eventually they left and finally we talked to the coroner after her autopsy. She had sepsis, was extremely dehydrated. She'd gotten Influenza which turned in to pneumonia. She had NO symptoms other then a stuffy nose, which had gone away a few days prior. How could that happen? I thought about it ever single day, until an old friend got in contact with me and asked me about Willow's vaccinations. I told her she'd had them at the end of January. 

I hadn't gotten her 2 month shots right away, I got them at 3 months. She'd had her 2 month shots. And that's when my friend told me that I needed to look more in to it. I was shocked to realize the truth: that she had likely gotten sick from the vaccinations themself. 

It's not just a coincidence that 2 weeks after her vaccinations she suddenly died with no symptoms. Now that I'm at this point of clarity where I actually realize and understand what happened to my little beauty, I wonder if any other parents out here have suspicion or know their child had passed from a routine vaccinations?

Erin Holmes called the $250,000 she got from the Vaccine Injury Compensation program for her son, Jacob’s, death in 2002 at the hands of a MMR vaccine “blood money.” Holmes was awarded the money in fast order after filing her claim, but it was something that sickened her, as it could never bring her son back and there was a very robotic feeling to the process.

Jacob went through a half a year’s worth of seizures, was in and out of ER’s, before he finally succumb to the injury. “I can’t even describe the feeling. They’re like, ‘Oh, well, we’re sorry we killed your kid. Here’s some money,” she said. But Holmes wasn’t done, in fact, her anger and frustration remained so much so, that even after the payoff from the Vaccine Injury Compensation program, she decided she wanted more. And her attorney told her that was more than possible.

Because the VIC pays out the sum to the deceased child, Holmes was still able to personally sue Merck and Co., who created the MMR that was injected into and eventually led to Jacob’s untimely passing. Her attorney, Marty Keach, said, “there’s nothing in that statute (the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act) that takes away the parent’s claims.”

Of course, things took a twist for the worse…

(via cronkitenews.azpbs.org) But the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Holmes could not sue for negligent design or failure to warn, because the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act pre-empted Holmes’ strict product liability, negligent design and failure to warn claims.

“If we were to conclude that the parents of those suffering a vaccine-related injury could bring design defect and failure to warn claims … we would be acting contrary to the statute’s central purpose of managing vaccine manufacturers’ liability because our construction would do little to protect the vaccine manufacturers from suit,” the court said in its opinion.

The court did say the other six claims are “unaffected” by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, “and each of these provide a possible remedy to the injuries that they suffered as a result of Jacob’s illness and death.”

But Keach said the remaining claims would require proof that a specific batch of vaccines was manufactured incorrectly or that the vaccines were produced in a certain way that was not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, which were not viable in Holmes’ case.

In a statement, Merck said “nothing is more important … than the safety and effectiveness of our vaccines and medicines and the people who use them.”

“We remain confident that MMR II helps protect against measles, mumps and rubella as described in the labeling for the vaccine,” its statement said.

It went on to say that while “no vaccine or medicine or completely without risk … MMR II also continues to be recommended for routing administration to children by public health authorities around the world, including the CDC and the FDA.”

The Edgy Truth 

"...Matt went on to tell me that Zara had a doctor’s appointment the day before, just her normal well baby visit and had received her scheduled 15 month immunizations. The next morning she was found dead in her crib. It was unimaginable, unthinkable and heart-wrenching. I couldn’t even fathom it. Of course I sent everything that I had to them right away. ..."

"...My usual workflow includes documenting all sessions on my blog and I really wanted to do whatever honored and helped this family in any way. I wanted Zara’s memory to live on, I wanted everyone to know what a beautiful, vibrant, loved, and full of life little girl Zara was. I knew I needed to talk to Carla, and I finally had a one on one conversation with her over the phone. She told the story of holding Zara on her lap after her doctor’s appointment as she experienced symptoms so many parents see after immunizations. Sweet little Zara had a fever and was a bit fussy. Carla checked her injection sites and noticed nothing odd or off, and so held her as she looked through the images that I had sent her, we texted back and forth about her images. She put her to bed as she normally does and the family settled in for the night. Little did they know that life would never be the same for them. When they awoke in the morning, they awoke to every parent’s worst nightmare, Zara had passed away during the night. 

I have served as our hospital’s bereavement coordinator for the past 9 years, but at the time we spoke, I felt I needed to just listen, to just let her tell her story and there would be time to share that later. It was later that I shared my role in the bereavement community, and we once again both felt it was much more than coincidence that brought us together.

As Carla talked I could hear the agony in her voice, the questions she so desperately needed answered. She clung to the hope that Zara’s autopsy would shed light on the cause of her death. She expressed her greatest fear being that they would rule it SUDC (Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood). We decided to wait until autopsy results were obtained before sharing her story on my blog, so that we could link my post to whatever organization they wanted to donate to. She wondered how a healthy, happy baby girl could pass away less than 24 hours of receiving vaccinations without there being some sort of link or underlying health condition...."
For the whole story, click here:



Anne L. Clear shares with us her son Jordan Jay Brunner.

Sweet Jordan was born on 04/13/2009. He passed away on 06/21/2009 (Father's Day), less than 3 days after given the 2 month shots while he had a higher than normal temperature. 

The 2 month shots in 2009 are the same as today, they give vaccines for 8 diseases DTaP, Hib, Hep B, Polio, Pneumococcal and the oral Rotavirus vaccine. 

The vaccines he was given less than 3 days before he died were not even listed on his autopsy report.

There was no vaccine injury claim filed with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Nothing was ever reported to VAERS either by Jordan's pediatrician and nothing was reported by the mother because Jordan's cause of death was ruled SIDS. 

The doctor nor medical examiner or anyone who could've spoken up, ever informed Anne that her sons most plausible cause of death was the vaccines. She had to do her own research.

Look up all of the vaccine package inserts, learn what was injected into this baby during that well baby checkup that left him lifeless. 

It's hard to believe any of these babies survive these shots. 

We know of NO adult that has been given the vaccines tiny infants are being given these days. Not one.

We honor his life and many others up there with him. RIP Jordan, you will be remembered. Thank you for working hard to raise awareness down here. 






Trent Micheal . . . shared by his mother on September 6, 2014 

My name is Christa. I am 24 yrs old. I had a son on March 29, 2012. He was perfect! He looked just like me and hardly ever cried or fussed. Wonderfully healthy but preemie(he was born at 35weeks 3days gestation because I had severe preeclampsia) He spent about 2 weeks in the NICU.On December 22 (His father and I are together and it was his fathers birthday) I took him to the doctor for a wellchild visit. They wanted to give him 7(I think) different vaccines in 4 needles. I had missed an appointment so I believe that his doctor office was trying to catch him up, but that's just my personal opinion. I tried to refuse and suggested we break the shots up. His nurse practitioner said she could not do that and proceeded to insinuate that I was a bad mother so I allowed the shots. I feel so much guilt because I broke down and allowed the shots. I should have picked my son up, said "have a nice day" and walked out. Hindsight is 20/20 though. They did say Trent was perfectly healthy. I went to stay with a friend at the hospital that night, she had gotten in a car accident and had broken her back and several ribs. She had no family living in the area, so my mom kept Trent for me. I received a call from my mom that Trent had been taken to the hospital because he had stopped breathing and my grandparents were coming to get me. I arrived before the ambulance because the other hospital was so close. When the ambulance did arrive, they had my precious 8month old baby hooked up to so many machines all I could do was cry! They told me they were unsuccessful at getting a pulse but they needed my permission to stop trying to revive him. That was absolutely the toughest heart-wrenching thing to say EVER! I had to say "yes you can stop trying to save my little 8 month old baby boy" He passed away that night 12hours after shots. Coincidence? I think not. I went to his doctors office and all they said was "oh I'm so sorry" that didn't really help any. I still cry just about every night when putting his younger sister to bed. My father suffers from PTSD because his grandson passed away in his home and I am in therapy. This has had a huge impact on all families involved. Thank you for taking time to read this. ~ Christa

Gracie Briana Lynne . . . shared by her mother on September 26, 2014
It's been 3,652 days. 522 weeks. 10 years. 1 decade since I held you in my arms as you took your last breath. In some ways, it seemed to fly by. In other ways, the time crawled. Every moment of the last ten years my heart has ached with the loss of you. Here I am, all these years later, and I still feel like I have a gaping wound in my soul. It will never heal. That hole will never be closed. I love and miss you with all that I am, Gracie Briana Lynne. I'm in no hurry to leave this earth, but I'm joyous knowing that when I do, we'll be reunited and enjoy eternity together in His kingdom. ♡

Credit to VacTruth

We are heartbroken to learn of another baby lost to vaccines recently, from Lafayette, Louisiana.


In Memory Of Aysia Hope Clark heart emoticon
May 11, 2015 – July 4, 2015

Aysia died early in the morning, only four days after she received the 2 month vaccines. Her mother speaks out to warn others this is happening a lot but this information is being kept from us. She learned the truth after her daughter stopped breathing and died, less than 4 days after receiving the routine 8 vaccine doses for DTaP, Hib, Polio, Hep B, Pneumococcal and the oral Rotavirus vaccine, given to 2 month olds at these so-called well baby check-ups. 

Little Aysia was happy and healthy prior to that doctor's appointment.

Aysia’s mother Hope stated the coroner doesn’t believe in SIDS. He has preliminarily ruled Aysia’s cause of death as positional asphyxiation although there is no proof of this and nothing was blocking Aysia's airways when she passed. Many parents coming forward after losing their baby after vaccination report the same ruling.

The autopsy report will take a little while to receive, to get the final ruling. It is extremely unlikely the vaccines will be listed on her final autopsy report, they usually aren't. Hope asked, if these shots are so safe, why are they killing our babies?

After Aysia was found, her mother performed CPR on her. This has engrained a memory in her head she cannot forget. She speaks out so other parents learn they must research the vaccines and not just trust their doctor. 

When Hope went to the pediatrician’s office to get a copy of her daughter Aysia’s medical records, to get info on the vaccines, she expected to get a list of the vaccines, the lot numbers, site of injection information, etc., which is required information doctors have to keep on file, she was denied some of this information from the doctor, that should have been in Aysia’s medical records. 

The doctor only gave Hope the names of the vaccines given. When Hope asked about the lot numbers, she was told they don’t have anything to do with it and she was told to call the Health and Hospitals Department. So she called them and they said that’s a lie and that the doctor has to have them, because the doctor is the one that ordered the vaccines, that this Department does not have that information. 

So now, Hope has the names of the vaccines given and has to battle getting the rest of this information denied from her daughter’s doctor. 

Hope shares with us,

“As I sit here and look at pictures of my baby Aysia, my heart melts. I just want to hold her. I would give my last breath to have her here with me. RIP my sweet baby Aysia. We love you and don’t understand it now, but someday we will and I will see you again. 

I know she is serving a bigger purpose now then I will ever understand. It has been a month since she passed away but it feels like she has been gone forever. Fly high my baby girl. Oh my god, I’m so broken.”

Love Your Mother, 
Hope Doucet

"Life after losing a loved one to vaccines is very painful. With a heavy heart, we share Sebastian Ryan Morley’s story. He was a healthy boy whose life ended after routine vaccinations. Sebastian’s mother and grandmother have worked many years in both the veterinary and human healthcare fields. What they were taught in school led them to believe vaccines were safe, but now they will never vaccinate again. We thank his family for coming forward and sharing very important information the public isn’t usually made aware of..."


"Life after losing a loved one to vaccines is very painful. With a heavy heart, we share Sebastian Ryan Morley’s story. He was a healthy boy whose life ended after routine vaccinations. Sebastian’s mother and grandmother have worked many years in both the veterinary and human healthcare fields. What they were taught in school led them to believe vaccines were safe, but now they will never vaccinate again. We thank his family for coming forward and sharing very important information the public isn’t usually made aware of..."


From VacTruth:

"Robin Stavola is a mother who tragically lost her young daughter, Holly, to the second MMR vaccine dose, which was a requirement for Holly to attend kindergarten in New Jersey.

After Holly suffered a severe reaction to the vaccine, leaving her convulsing, brain damaged and on life support, her family was told by the doctors that Holly would remain in a vegetative state and would not recover. Holly’s parents felt helpless and they reluctantly agreed to have their daughter removed from life support.

Robin was awarded compensation for Holly’s death after it was determined the MMR vaccine caused Holly to suffer acute encephalopathy.

After a long battle and without success, Robin fought to change the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. She learned most parents that file a vaccine injury claim get denied compensation.

With support from the governor of New Jersey, Holly’s Law was created. This law can save your child from receiving a potentially lethal second dose of the MMR vaccine, required for some children to attend school, if no vaccine exemption was filed on their behalf.

The second MMR vaccine dose, listed on the CDC recommended vaccine schedule, is not actually a booster vaccine; it is recommended or mandated because Merck states two to five percent of children don’t obtain levels of protection from the first MMR dose and that all children should get a second dose, to cover those who didn’t gain protection from the first one.

When Holly lay suffering for 65 hours in the two hospitals she was transferred to, her pediatrician did not even show up to visit her. Pediatricians push the vaccines but often don’t show up to the hospital to help care for your child when they become vaccine-injured.

Even the hospital chaplain wasn’t sincere when Holly was fighting to survive. Grieving family members are led to believe hospital chaplains are there to help them grieve, but some of them are actually paid to help increase the number of organ donations..."

In honor of Holly, her mother Robin shares,

“Holly Marie Stavola was born January 18, 1995. She was born on time and was born a healthy baby, with no complications. We trusted the doctors giving her vaccines and followed the schedule as recommended.

I wasn’t given any vaccine information sheets or information on how to recognize a severe vaccine reaction. When it was time for Holly to receive her first MMR vaccination at sixteen-months old, she was given the MMR and Hib vaccines during that visit.

After she received the vaccines, she was back in the office with a fever, lethargy, no appetite, crying more, ear pain, and a cough that lasted for seven consecutive weeks.

She skipped three weeks where we didn’t go into the pediatrician’s office. We returned one-and-a-half weeks later, when Holly had another fever and no appetite.

We returned once again one-and-a-half weeks after that, due to a continued fever.

Unbelievably, eleven days later after this stretch of pediatric SICK visits, Holly’s doctor gave her an oral polio vaccine (OPV) and her fourth DTaP shot.

I was told Holly reacted normally to the previous shots and to continue vaccinating. The doctor didn’t seem the least bit concerned and no doctor warned me Holly shouldn’t get any more vaccines because she could suffer a more severe reaction.

Up to this point, I trusted my pediatrician and had never heard of vaccine reactions back in 1996. When this all occurred, we didn’t have the ability to learn from other parents how much these reactions were really happening.

On January 18, 2000, Holly celebrated her fifth birthday.

On Tuesday, January 25, 2000, a week later, I took Holly in for her five-year well checkup. At this pediatric visit, Holly received another oral polio vaccine (OPV), which was no longer recommended as of January 2000, but she received it anyway, along with the MMR, DTaP, and Mantoux TB test.

The Mantoux TB skin test is a screening tool for tuberculosis. It’s similar to an allergy test. It seems like an allergy test, put an allergen underneath your skin to see how you react but it’s done using an intradermal injection. I like to mention this test because it shows how much they did to her, in the office that day. My nine-year old son Tom received the Varicella (chicken pox) [vaccine] that day as well.”

Holly Ended Up On Life Support
“We went home from the five-year well checkup and Holly started complaining of arm pain, but all seemed fine to me, as I was unaware of the Vaccine Information Statements and told not to worry. I didn’t know that vaccine adverse reactions even existed in children. I was only led to believe they were safe.

On Sunday, January 30, 2000, five days after the vaccines were given to her, she was outside sledding in the snow, shortly before the adverse reaction manifested itself.

Holly complained of arm pain for the whole week following that visit, I was told that this was normal. This led up to the horrible nightmare we all lived through, which occurred seven days after her checkup.

On Tuesday, February 1, 2000, seven days after she was vaccinated with the second MMR, Holly had a 104 degree fever, ear pain and a sore throat.

We went into the pediatrician’s office only to be given an antibiotic, with no mention of her MMR, OPV, fifth DTaP and the Mantoux TB test that she received seven days prior. The doctor also didn’t consider Holly’s reaction to the first MMR.

Holly and I went to pick up the Suprax® (cefixime) antibiotic at the local ACME store and I gave her the first dose.

By noontime, Holly was taking a two hour nap. Holly didn’t take naps anymore, but I assumed it was because she wasn’t feeling well. The pediatrician didn’t think anything unusual, other than an infection, so therefore, I didn’t think anything was serious. Well, that all changed.

As I was sitting on the bed with Holly as she was sleeping, she had fallen back asleep at 6:00 pm, and awoke at 8:00 pm. She woke up having a grand mal seizure and a temperature of 107 degrees. Her eyes rolled back and she foamed from the mouth.

From this point onward, it was a calamity of errors, starting with the 911 operator who was unpleasant; the volunteer EMS worker initially wasn’t able to find our house and then Holly was taken to a hospital incapable of properly caring for her.

We were screaming for help; they did a spinal tap to check for meningitis, and with increasing brain inflammation this should not have been done. She was shivering because hypothermia set in due to them trying to cool down her 107/108 fever.

Then Holly was rushed to another hospital that was also incapable of caring for her. My daughter was naked, vomiting, could barely speak (ataxia), and had tears in her eyes. Holly’s last words in the ambulance were, “Mommy, help.”

She was at two local Monmouth County hospitals that were clueless and incapable of caring for a child with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, which is what Holly had, until I, the mother, had to alert them to the fact that she had vaccinations the week prior.

At the second hospital, I asked the neurologist 18 hours in if Holly was on pain medicine and then I overheard him ask the nurse why Holly was not given pain medicine and to start her on Fentanyl. Fentanyl is an opioid medication, sometimes called a narcotic.

After hours of grand mal seizures, fever as high as 107/108 degrees, lots of blood work, plasmapheresis, and drilling through her forehead in an attempt to release intracranial pressure and physically put through hell, we were told she would never return to her normal self and would never wake up, she would be a vegetable and not breathe for herself, ever.

I was saying the rosary nonstop for 65 hours and didn’t sleep or eat. Unbearably, we removed her from life support at the suggestion of the doctors.

On February 4, 2000, Holly Stavola, a daughter and sibling, died tragically and unnecessarily from acute encephalopathy, due to her second MMR vaccination. The hospital and her pediatrician finally concluded this diagnosis.”

Holly’s Vaccine Reaction and Death Was Reported To VAERS
“We had no idea Holly’s vaccine reaction was so severe and life threatening until five hours after the initial seizure. When Holly suffered this adverse reaction to the second MMR, that is when we realized it was the vaccinations being the culprit.

Even in the hospital, it was me who brought up the fact that Holly was recently vaccinated and she was not sick when she received the vaccines, she only became sick afterwards.

We felt deceived and completely let down by Holly’s pediatric group in New Jersey. They failed us in so many ways. Holly suffered 65 hours before becoming brain dead and having to be removed from life support.

Holly’s pediatrician, who saw her for her five-year well checkup the week prior and that morning before she was admitted to the hospital, did not show up at all during Holly’s 65-hour painful and horrible ordeal at the two hospitals, nor did any other pediatrician that worked in the same group.

Holly’s pediatrician and their office also failed us immensely by not informing us of the risks associated with vaccines and not attributing her symptoms to a possible reaction the day it began.

I had found out from a very prominent pediatrician that Holly could have been saved if things were handled differently by the medical personnel, from the pediatrician to the hospital staff.

After Holly’s death, we had the bottle of Suprax® (cefixime) tested at a laboratory and it was found the Cefixime was of approved quality and approximate in quantity.

Holly’s pediatrician did report her reaction to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).” [1]

"I Didn’t Know Vaccines Could Cause So Much Harm"
“When our daughter became severely sick, we, the EMS and the hospital medical people were unable to figure out what was happening, until I finally brought up the vaccinations at the hospital.

It did not occur to me that a vaccination could cause such a reaction as I was not informed of the risks. Before every vaccination, the doctor or nurse should provide you with a VIS for each vaccination your child will be receiving. Federal law states that you are to receive these related sheets to help make an informed decision.

Download and review the Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) which are available from the Center for Disease Control’s website. [2]

These papers will give you a summary of details about each disease and vaccination on the CDC recommended schedule. These VIS sheets are also at your disposal in the doctor’s office.

However, better than these sheets are the actual vaccine package inserts for each vaccine; take a look at the adverse reactions. You need to become knowledgeable and informed, before making your decision to vaccinate.” [3]

Robin Was Asked To Donate Holly’s Organs
When Holly was on life support, hooked up to a ventilator and clinically declared brain dead, her mother Robin was approached by the chaplain, who asked her to donate Holly’s organs.

The chaplain at the hospital seemed so very caring and nice to Robin until she said no to donating Holly’s organs. Robin found that very strange and was left to feel the hospital lost out on a business deal.

Most parents are unaware that some chaplains are involved in the organ trade business. To increase consent for organ donations, some chaplains are being hired by hospitals to help get parents and next of kin to donate their loved ones’ organs.

Using a professionally trained chaplain in a hospital setting to approach the issue of organ donation has proven successful in getting more people to say yes to donating organs. [4]

Robin stated,

“In our situation, it was very disappointing, one more person, the chaplain, was not sincere during our nightmare. The chaplain is the last person one would expect to not be sincere.

Our family admires any grieving person who donates their loved ones’ organs, and we do not want to be judged for this immediate and difficult decision we had to make at that time.”

Parents are speaking up and advising others that when their vaccine-injured child ended up on life support, a doctor declared their child “brain dead,” so they had grounds to ask them to donate their child’s organs, only later to find out on the autopsy report that the child was not really brain dead and likely could’ve survived.

However, in Holly’s case, the grand mal seizures and severe case of acute encephalopathy did leave Holly “brain dead.” Although to this day, Robin wishes that she was given 48 hours to think about the decision to remove Holly from life support and wonders, to this day, if she should have kept her daughter on life support, in the hopes of a miracle.

Holly’s Blood Samples Were Discarded Without Permission
Robin wrote,

“I knew after Holly’s death, we needed to get an autopsy, which we did. We asked the hospital to ‘preserve blood samples’ and wrote this on the signed autopsy form by us.

We also asked and put it in writing that they not shave her head, how horrible to have to put this in writing and put our dead daughter’s body through an autopsy, but we wanted to make sure every stone was unturned.

Unbelievably, the pathologist ‘forgot to save any blood samples’ and there was nothing we could do about it.”

Holly’s Symptoms Were Caused by Vaccination
“The doctors eliminated all possible infectious, bacterial and viral diseases; all her symptoms were due to the MMR vaccination.

Before the last round of vaccines Holly received, she was a completely healthy, bright, kind and beautiful five year-old child. The day she received her vaccinations at her five-year well checkup, HOLLY WAS NOT SICK!!

Pediatricians will attempt to downplay Holly’s reaction by asserting that this tragedy happened because she was sick. This could not be further from the truth; she was an extremely healthy child, and not immunocompromised in any way.

Encephalopathy is a vaccine table injury on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services HRSA division. It can occur between 5-15 days after the vaccine is given, as stated on the table of injuries.” [5]

Holly’s Family Won Their Vaccine Injury Case When Most Are Denied
“Roughly only one-quarter of vaccine injury claim petitioners get awarded compensation, while about three-quarters get denied. Eighty percent or more of the compensated awarded claims are based on negotiated settlements where the court will not conclude, based upon review of the evidence, that the alleged vaccine(s) caused the alleged injury. [6]

The government states that compensation awarded for the majority of those injured/deceased does not necessarily mean they are agreeing their injury was caused by a vaccine.

Because of this unfair reality, we did not want to file a vaccine injury claim, because we did not want to accept the compensation without placing fault on someone. We wanted accountability.

After one-and-a-half-years, we decided to file a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). [7]

The deadline to file was two years after Holly passed and we decided if we won, we would use the money to do something in her honor and to help save others from going through this. We had an attorney who handled the whole process with the NVICP.

We did not want to accept any money without responsibility that the vaccine caused this; once we filed, we took the whole two-year time period before accepting the blood money. The federal government conceded that Holly’s death was compensable due to the MMR vaccine.

We were compensated by the United States Court of Federal Claims, after filing a vaccine injury claim. They conceded that Holly’s death was a result of the MMR.”

“I Needed Something Good To Come Out Of Holly’s Suffering”
“When I learned about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and was told I must file a claim, to receive any compensation, I was shocked and felt deceived how the vaccine program was set up to fail parents.

According to the Health Resources Services Administration, approximately 74 percent of vaccine injury claims/deaths are denied. I desperately wanted the opportunity to make a difference, to help parents, and to make it known that Holly’s death was vaccine related and that the system has many flaws.

In September of 2004, I was nominated by the Department of Justice/Vaccine Litigation Unit to serve as a General Public Member: Parent of a Vaccine-Injured Child representative on the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines.

I needed to then apply with my resume to receive this position, which I did, and was ultimately accepted onto the Commission.

The Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) is made up of nine voting members, most of whom are pro-vaccine and working for what is in the best interest of the government. [8]

At the ACCV meetings, members get together to discuss the vaccine injury program, to offer advice and give recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, to make changes to the existing rules.

I was excited to make a difference. I served for two years following Holly’s death, attending meetings and giving suggestions, as a parent of a vaccine-injured child.

The meetings were held in Rockland, Maryland, at the United States Department of Health offices. It was hard because I had to leave my family to attend the meetings and it became futile, frustrating and apparent, that I could not make an impact, to change the current and unjust vaccine program.”

Holly’s Family Formed “The Hope from Holly Foundation” To Help Other New Jersey Children In Need
“We wanted to help others in Holly's memory, so right after Holly's death, we formed the non-profit NJ organization, The Hope from Holly Foundation.

The purpose was to help NJ families who were financially struggling and whose children were seriously ill and/or had overwhelming medical needs.

We raised a significant amount of money, over $550,000, in three years. However, we decided to dissolve the organization because Holly’s Law was a huge commitment of time for our family.”

Holly’s Mother Continued To Fight And Helped Pass Holly’s Law
“The legislative process did work in our favor on January 14, 2004, and we passed HOLLY’S LAW in New Jersey, IN MEMORY OF OUR BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER, HOLLY STAVOLA. However, the process was both arduous and stressful, given Merck, the AAP, the NJ Academy of Family Physicians, and various other doctors fought against our proposed bill.

New Jersey’s Holly's Law promotes the antibody blood titer test most parents don’t know exists. Through God’s grace, and the support of many friends and family, Holly’s Law passed unanimously in both houses in New Jersey. [9]

If you or anyone you know is getting ready for school with vaccinations, take advantage of Holly’s Law, which gives parents a choice before allowing their child to receive the second scheduled MMR vaccine.

Unfortunately, pediatricians fail to inform parents this option exists, due to the fact they are unaware of the dangers of vaccines, not liable if anything happens adversely to your child, financially incentivized to give more shots and are unwilling to agree that there are adverse reactions. So, for these reasons, they do not provide you with an objective opinion and may intentionally not want you to know about Holly’s Law.

Different states may have a similar law in place; do your research and check with your local Health Department before having your child receive the second MMR vaccine.”

About the Antibody Titer Law (Holly’s Law)
The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services explains this about the MMR vaccine and the titer test available for parents to decide if they want to consent to their child receiving a second MMR vaccine: [10]

“The Antibody Titer Law (Holly’s Law) (NJSA 26:2N-8-11), passed on January 14, 2004, concerns vaccination of children with the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine. The law allows parents to seek testing to determine a child’s immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella, before receiving the second dose of the vaccine.”

“Written laboratory proof of immunity exempts a child from the 2nd dose of MMR vaccine.”

“According to the national Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), children should receive two doses of the vaccine because about 2%-5% of people do not develop immunity after the first dose of vaccine.”

The first dose is usually given at 12-15 months of age and the second dose is usually given at 4-6 years of age. The second dose is not a “booster”; it is intended to produce immunity in the people who did not respond to the first dose.”

Holly’s Law Can Save Your Child
Holly’s older brother, Thomas Stavola, Jr., was nine years old when his younger sister Holly passed away from the MMR vaccine. Tom began researching vaccines and now is an outspoken advocate for vaccine choice. The loss of his close sister is still very painful to deal with. He reminds people to learn about Holly’s Law and utilize this option if available.

In memory of his sister, Thomas shared,

“Although we know that vaccine-induced antibodies do not provide true immunity (one can only achieve long-term immunity from the natural acquisition of a disease, thereby stimulating the innate, cell-mediated immune function), Holly's Law allows parents to substitute a harmless antibody test for an ineffective, dangerous, potentially deadly MMR vaccine.

Sufficient antibody levels are the standard by which the medical community tests vaccines for efficacy, and thus showing sufficient antibody levels with Holly's Law will demonstrate that the person has immunity (even though the latest science states that antibodies are only part of the equation).

Holly's Law has and will continue to save countless lives, in addition to protecting people from possible adverse events.

Vaccine-induced herd immunity is an unproven hypothesis that is thoroughly debunked in the medical literature through observation of disease outbreaks in 95-100% of vaccinated populations.

Clearly, if outbreaks are occurring in completely vaccinated areas, the vaccine(s) are not effective in providing protection. Thus, it follows that vaccinated individuals do pose a risk to the immunocompromised; in fact, more so than unvaccinated people, due in part to the possibility of viral shedding (for several weeks to months) post-live vaccination.

The assertion that unvaccinated people are magnets for illness couldn’t be further from the truth. We all carry germs; vaccination does not make people “sterile” or disease-free. On the contrary, it severely burdens the primary defense mechanism (immune system), thereby increasing the probability for illness in those individuals.

All of the aforementioned statements are confirmed in the peer-reviewed medical literature; one only needs to search if one wishes to uncover the truth.”

MMR Vaccine Associated With Neurological Adverse Reactions
Holly’s mother shared,

“Vaccine advocates like to say Holly’s reaction was ‘one in a million.’ The truth is, 1 out of 168 children end up in the ER after vaccination.

Holly’s reaction was not an allergic reaction. The MMR vaccine information statement states, "serious allergic reaction occurs in (less than 1 out of a million doses)," however, it does state, "seizure (jerking or staring) caused by fever occurs in (about 1 out of 3,000 doses).” 

Vaccine advocates also like to say that even though we were compensated, it doesn’t mean anything. The federal government conceded that Holly’s death was compensable due to a vaccine. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has paid out more than $3.18 billion to date. [11]

The doctors eliminated all possible infectious, bacterial and viral infections that could have been causing Holly’s symptoms. How many coincidences can occur before there are no longer coincidences? There are three requirements of causality and Holly passed all three.

If you don’t think your child will end up like Holly, I never did, either. She was perfect and our choice to have her vaccinated, based on what we knew, took her away from us.

It’s also worth mentioning, New Jersey has one of the highest rates of autism compared to other states in the U.S. Many parents know the MMR vaccine contributed to their child becoming autistic; this is another reason parents may want to utilize Holly’s Law. [12]

Take a look at the MMR package insert from Merck. Scroll to the adverse reactions section, starting on page 6. Page 7 highlights encephalopathy, which is one of the potential reactions of the MMR.” [13]

Losing a Sibling To Vaccines Is Unimaginable, Too
More than ever, siblings are speaking up against vaccines. Parents aren’t the only ones who feel a part of themselves was lost; siblings feel a tremendous loss, too. When you vaccinate your children, other existing or future children may not get to watch their brother or sister grow. It is really difficult for them to go on and many are speaking up about the harm vaccines cause.

Tom Stavola, Holly’s older brother, was only nine years old when Holly died. He advocates for vaccine choice and reminds people to learn about Holly’s Law.

Holly’s younger sister, whom she never got to meet, made this video for her. Just two days before Holly lay in a hospital bed while suffering acute encephalopathy, brought on by the MMR vaccine, she is seen riding a sled in the snow, while spending time with her family.

This video holds some precious memories of Holly’s short life.

Hope From Holly
“Currently in our country, the unvaccinated are being labeled, marginalized, demonized, and ‘fired’ from pediatrician’s offices. We left the pediatric group in New Jersey who failed to show up for Holly and went with a doctor who spoke to me on the phone for hours, expressing his sorrow, and desire to conduct a séance for Holly. 

Considering we were grieving, vulnerable and desperate parents at the time, we accepted his offer. We went through the awkward séance where he ripped his shirt open and claimed to have heard from Holly.

We then had a few office visits with my then nine year-old son; he prescribed a very expensive asthma treatment. I questioned a very high charge on the asthma treatment, to which this ‘wonderfully caring’ doctor responded, by telling us to leave his office.

Following this disaster, I found a caring woman pediatrician whom we have remained with for the past 15 years.

To give Holly and others a voice, by raising needed awareness, we created this page to help provide NJ Physicians and parents with more knowledge about childhood vaccines, immunity and the MMR vaccine.” [14]

We leave you with words from Robin:

“My family and I hope that Holly’s story will make a difference and help you realize that you must be aware of the risks of vaccinations, just as you make yourself aware of the risks of any medical procedure.

We hope to make change, and one very important improvement must be that the pediatricians acknowledge that there are vaccine reactions, that moderate to serious and even fatal vaccine reactions do exist and occur at least 100 times more than is reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). 

We are still very disappointed and disgusted with the actions (or lack thereof) of all involved concerning our daughter Holly’s death. We are also both very upset and angry with the continued injustice and fallacies promulgated regarding vaccinations.

We lost faith in the medical and legal system from this experience.

Holly’s suffering was painful to watch, but at least now we know there have been lessons learned from Holly’s story. Her death was not in vain; sometimes it takes a tragedy to shed light on an important issue.

If you or anyone you know is getting ready for school with vaccinations, take advantage of New Jersey’s Holly's Law, the antibody blood titer test passed in 2004, and named for our daughter Holly, who died from the MMR vaccine in the year 2000.

I would love to hear from the parents that utilize the antibody blood titer test. I would be interested to know if the child’s physician provided the information.

Thank you to the VacTruth team and everyone involved in writing our story. Thank you for caring about the vaccine-injured, what happened to them and how their stories can help others. We appreciate the time all of you have devoted to this extremely important and worthy cause.

We have our faith that comforts us with the knowledge of Heaven and eternal life, but we will always be saddened that she never got to grow up and fulfill her dreams and wishes. We are also comforted by many people that have helped us get through this tragedy.

May God bless you and your families; thank you for taking the time to read about our dear Holly who suffered needlessly and did not have a peaceful death. Thank God we are strong believers regarding the beautification and that Holly is in the presence of God, where we will be united again someday.

Finally, our Christian faith compels us to forgive all those who failed Holly from the perspective that Jesus would want us to forgive others if we are to receive His forgiveness.

Please help fight against unnecessary vaccine mandates in New Jersey and elsewhere, considering the parent is the one who will carry the burden if something goes wrong, like we do.”

God Bless,
Robin Stavola

In Loving Memory of Holly Marie Stavola
January 18, 1995 – February 4, 2000
She died from acute encephalitis caused by the MMR vaccine.

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Serious vaccine injuries happen to children every day and are often ignored by medical professionals.

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"My daughter Lyla Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998 at the age of five weeks, shortly after receiving a Hepatitis B vaccine booster shot. The following comments are intended to be a heads up to parents and potential parents about the risks of the Hepatitis B vaccine (HBV), and a firsthand report questioning the scientific legitimacy of the vaccine industry, which provides $800 million of annual revenue to Merck – the company which makes the Hepatitis B vaccine distributed in the US.

Lyla Rose Belkin was a lively, alert five-week-old baby when I last held her in my arms. Little did I imagine as she gazed intently into my eyes with all the innocence and wonder of a newborn child that she would die that night. She was never ill before receiving the Hepatitis B shot that afternoon. At her final feeding that night, she was agitated and feisty -- and then fell asleep and didn’t wake up.

The autopsy ruled out choking. A swollen brain was the only abnormal finding. Most doctors I spoke to at the time said it must have been Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), a catch-all diagnosis for unexplainable childhood mortality.

The first instinctive reaction in such a situation is for parents to blame themselves. For many weeks, my wife and I agonized over what we might have missed or could have done differently. Meanwhile, the logical part of my brain kept returning to the obvious medical event that preceded Lyla’s death -- and that internal voice kept asking the question could the Hepatitis B Vaccine that Lyla received that afternoon have killed her?

Most doctors I asked scoffed at that notion and said the vaccine was perfectly safe. But I began to search around on the Internet and Medline and discovered disturbing evidence of adverse reactions to this vaccine.

In the US, the Hepatitis B disease mainly infects intravenous drug users, homosexuals, prostitutes and promiscuous heterosexuals. The disease is transmitted by blood, through sex or dirty needles. How could a newborn baby possibly get Hepatitis B if the mother was screened and tested negative, as my wife was? It is almost impossible. Unless a newborn child is having unprotected sex or sharing needles with an infected junkie, it is extremely unlikely to get the Hepatitis B disease.

So then why are most US babies inoculated at birth by their Hospital or Pediatrician with the Hepatitis B vaccine? That is a question every parent should ask before getting this vaccination. I’ve discovered the answer is -- an unrestrained health bureaucracy decided it couldn’t get junkies, gays, prostitutes and promiscuous heterosexuals to take the Hepatitis B vaccine -- so they mandated that all babies must be vaccinated at birth. Drug companies such as Merck (reaching for new markets) were instrumental in pushing government scientists to adopt an at-birth Hepatitis B vaccination policy, although the vaccine was never tested in newborns and no vaccines had ever been mandated at birth before. It is widely recognized that newborns have under-developed immune systems, which can be overwhelmed or shocked.

My search for answers about a link between the Hepatitis B vaccine and my daughter’s death led me to a Hepatitis B vaccine workshop on October 26th at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Institute of Medicine entitled Vaccine Safety Forum -- Neonatal Deaths. The NAS was concerned enough about reports of Hepatitis B vaccine-related infant deaths and adverse reactions to hold a special workshop on the subject. Doctors and scientists flew in from all over the US and Europe to attend. I sat in the back and soaked it all up. It was a real eye-opener. There were basically four constituencies represented: 1) Serious scientists observing or presenting research studies. 2) Center for Disease Control (CDC) pseudo-statisticians and FDA officials. 3) Merck and other corporate drug officials and 4) Parents of vaccine-related dead or severely injured children.

The presentations included a study of Animal Models of Newborn Response to Antigen Presentation, which showed that newborn immune systems were undeveloped and strikingly different than those of adults. The message I received was that immune response in a newborn to shocks such as being injected with a vaccine was potentially unknown, since newborn T-Cells have a radically different behavior then those of adults. Another presentation was Strategies for Evaluating the Biologic Mechanisms of Hepatitis B Vaccine Reactions, in which vaccine researcher Dr. Bonnie Dunbar of Baylor College related numerous Hepatitis B vaccine related cases of nervous system damage in adults, such as Multiple Sclerosis, seizures and blindness. On the more positive side, the FDA presented a seemingly reassuring study from its Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS), which showed only 19 neonatal deaths reported since 1991 related to Hepatitis B vaccination.

I found the VAERS study data to be completely deceptive. Since I was sitting in that room and my daughter had died during their sample period and wasn’t counted -- I wondered why. In fact, the New York City Coroner called VAERS to report my daughter’s Hepatitis B vaccine related infant death and no one ever returned their call! What kind of reporting system doesn’t return the calls of the NY City Medical Examiner -- and how many other reports were ignored? This is supposed to be the emergency 911 number for disasters such as bad lots of vaccine that could poison thousands of other babies. With the personal knowledge that the VAERS data was completely flawed, I sat in that room and listened in amazement as CDC officials and Merck’s head of vaccine safety made disparaging comments about any possible risk from Hepatitis B vaccination, despite the evidence just presented by impartial scientists.

I studied statistics and econometrics at UC Berkeley and have developed innovative methods of applying probability to financial and economic data in my consulting business with some of the largest financial institutions in the world. That training and experience qualifies me to criticize the statistical legitimacy of the VAERS study, on which Merck and the CDC pseudo-scientists based their pro-vaccination stance. Their comments were scathingly dismissive of any possible risk from the vaccine.

But that VAERS study is not a legitimate sample of a data set from which any conclusions about the larger population can be made. VAERS doesn’t return coroner’s calls, leading to the suspicion that deaths and adverse effects from vaccination are woefully under-reported. To conclude that the Hepatitis B vaccine is safe because VAERS only reports 19 deaths is scientific fraud.

In fact, I obtained the raw data from the VAERS system and found 54 reported SIDS cases after Hepatitis B vaccination in just the 18 months from January 1996 -- May 1997. That’s almost 15 times as many deaths per year as their own flawed study reported. There are 17,000 reports of adverse reactions to Hepatitis B vaccine in the 1996-97 raw data. Clearly something is fishy about VAERS.

VAERS was set up by the FDA and CDC. If there are 17,000 reports and VAERS doesn’t even return the NY Medical Examiner’s call, how many other deaths and injuries go unreported?

I came away from that NAS workshop with the distinct impression that Merck and the CDC didn’t know and didn’t really want to know how many babies are being killed or injured by Hepatitis B vaccination. This is a bureaucratic vaccination program that is on auto-pilot flying into a mountain.

The CDC bureaucrats have a vested interest in the status quo. If there were 17,000 reports of a dangerous disease in an 18-month period, the CDC would be all over the case. But when there are 17,000 reports of adverse reactions to a vaccine the CDC advocates for "public health" -- the CDC dismisses it as a coincidence. Merck makes $50 a shot from the three-shot series and has sales of upwards of $800 million a year from vaccines.

Vaccination can be a lifesaver if an epidemic is raging, but in this case the risk of vaccination outweighs the risk of infants getting the disease. Surely, the hepatitis B vaccine doesn’t injure every child that gets it, but in some unknown number of cases, it appears to be a death sentence and/or a nervous system toxin to innocent children who are at no risk of getting the disease the vaccine is supposed to protect against.

My observations of Merck and CDC scientists at the Vaccine Safety Forum left me with the distinct impression that they had absolutely no idea which babies might be killed or injured by this vaccine. Furthermore, they used obviously flawed scientific data to arrogantly steamroller any opposition to their power.

Parents should be aware that the Hepatitis B vaccine is not administered for the well being of their child. Rather, it is delivered by the long arm of some incompetent and mindless bureaucracy in the name of stamping out a disease most babies can’t possibly get.

The Drug Company/CDC/FDA alliance has really pulled the wool over the medical profession’s eyes with the Hepatitis B vaccine. The American Academy of Pediatrics bought the alliance’s sales pitch and now recommends that all infants get this vaccine at birth. So now the first thing most babies get in life is a shock to their immune system from a vaccine against a non-existent risk of contracting Hepatitis B.

Clearly, the interests of newborn babies were not represented on the CDC panel that created this vaccination policy in 1991. This vaccine has no benefit whatsoever for healthy newborns born to healthy mothers, in fact it wears off and they will need booster shots later in life when they actually could get exposed to the disease. This is simply a case of ravenous corporate greed and mindless bureaucracy teaming up to overwhelm common sense

Nothing will ever bring my lovely daughter Lyla back, but other needless deaths and injuries can be prevented if this senseless Hepatitis B newborn vaccination program is halted. Please contact Belkin Limited in New York City if you are aware of other infant deaths that may be related to the Hepatitis B vaccine."

From VacTruth:

"Robin Stavola is a mother who tragically lost her young daughter, Holly, to the second MMR vaccine dose, which was a requirement for Holly to attend kindergarten in New Jersey.

After Holly suffered a severe reaction to the vaccine, leaving her convulsing, brain damaged and on life support, her family was told by the doctors that Holly would remain in a vegetative state and would not recover. Holly’s parents felt helpless and they reluctantly agreed to have their daughter removed from life support.

Robin was awarded compensation for Holly’s death after it was determined the MMR vaccine caused Holly to suffer acute encephalopathy.

After a long battle and without success, Robin fought to change the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. She learned most parents that file a vaccine injury claim get denied compensation.

With support from the governor of New Jersey, Holly’s Law was created. This law can save your child from receiving a potentially lethal second dose of the MMR vaccine, required for some children to attend school, if no vaccine exemption was filed on their behalf.

The second MMR vaccine dose, listed on the CDC recommended vaccine schedule, is not actually a booster vaccine; it is recommended or mandated because Merck states two to five percent of children don’t obtain levels of protection from the first MMR dose and that all children should get a second dose, to cover those who didn’t gain protection from the first one.

When Holly lay suffering for 65 hours in the two hospitals she was transferred to, her pediatrician did not even show up to visit her. Pediatricians push the vaccines but often don’t show up to the hospital to help care for your child when they become vaccine-injured.

Even the hospital chaplain wasn’t sincere when Holly was fighting to survive. Grieving family members are led to believe hospital chaplains are there to help them grieve, but some of them are actually paid to help increase the number of organ donations..."

In honor of Holly, her mother Robin shares,

“Holly Marie Stavola was born January 18, 1995. She was born on time and was born a healthy baby, with no complications. We trusted the doctors giving her vaccines and followed the schedule as recommended.

I wasn’t given any vaccine information sheets or information on how to recognize a severe vaccine reaction. When it was time for Holly to receive her first MMR vaccination at sixteen-months old, she was given the MMR and Hib vaccines during that visit.

After she received the vaccines, she was back in the office with a fever, lethargy, no appetite, crying more, ear pain, and a cough that lasted for seven consecutive weeks.

She skipped three weeks where we didn’t go into the pediatrician’s office. We returned one-and-a-half weeks later, when Holly had another fever and no appetite.

We returned once again one-and-a-half weeks after that, due to a continued fever.

Unbelievably, eleven days later after this stretch of pediatric SICK visits, Holly’s doctor gave her an oral polio vaccine (OPV) and her fourth DTaP shot.

I was told Holly reacted normally to the previous shots and to continue vaccinating. The doctor didn’t seem the least bit concerned and no doctor warned me Holly shouldn’t get any more vaccines because she could suffer a more severe reaction.

Up to this point, I trusted my pediatrician and had never heard of vaccine reactions back in 1996. When this all occurred, we didn’t have the ability to learn from other parents how much these reactions were really happening.

On January 18, 2000, Holly celebrated her fifth birthday.

On Tuesday, January 25, 2000, a week later, I took Holly in for her five-year well checkup. At this pediatric visit, Holly received another oral polio vaccine (OPV), which was no longer recommended as of January 2000, but she received it anyway, along with the MMR, DTaP, and Mantoux TB test.

The Mantoux TB skin test is a screening tool for tuberculosis. It’s similar to an allergy test. It seems like an allergy test, put an allergen underneath your skin to see how you react but it’s done using an intradermal injection. I like to mention this test because it shows how much they did to her, in the office that day. My nine-year old son Tom received the Varicella (chicken pox) [vaccine] that day as well.”

Holly Ended Up On Life Support
“We went home from the five-year well checkup and Holly started complaining of arm pain, but all seemed fine to me, as I was unaware of the Vaccine Information Statements and told not to worry. I didn’t know that vaccine adverse reactions even existed in children. I was only led to believe they were safe.

On Sunday, January 30, 2000, five days after the vaccines were given to her, she was outside sledding in the snow, shortly before the adverse reaction manifested itself.

Holly complained of arm pain for the whole week following that visit, I was told that this was normal. This led up to the horrible nightmare we all lived through, which occurred seven days after her checkup.

On Tuesday, February 1, 2000, seven days after she was vaccinated with the second MMR, Holly had a 104 degree fever, ear pain and a sore throat.

We went into the pediatrician’s office only to be given an antibiotic, with no mention of her MMR, OPV, fifth DTaP and the Mantoux TB test that she received seven days prior. The doctor also didn’t consider Holly’s reaction to the first MMR.

Holly and I went to pick up the Suprax® (cefixime) antibiotic at the local ACME store and I gave her the first dose.

By noontime, Holly was taking a two hour nap. Holly didn’t take naps anymore, but I assumed it was because she wasn’t feeling well. The pediatrician didn’t think anything unusual, other than an infection, so therefore, I didn’t think anything was serious. Well, that all changed.

As I was sitting on the bed with Holly as she was sleeping, she had fallen back asleep at 6:00 pm, and awoke at 8:00 pm. She woke up having a grand mal seizure and a temperature of 107 degrees. Her eyes rolled back and she foamed from the mouth.

From this point onward, it was a calamity of errors, starting with the 911 operator who was unpleasant; the volunteer EMS worker initially wasn’t able to find our house and then Holly was taken to a hospital incapable of properly caring for her.

We were screaming for help; they did a spinal tap to check for meningitis, and with increasing brain inflammation this should not have been done. She was shivering because hypothermia set in due to them trying to cool down her 107/108 fever.

Then Holly was rushed to another hospital that was also incapable of caring for her. My daughter was naked, vomiting, could barely speak (ataxia), and had tears in her eyes. Holly’s last words in the ambulance were, “Mommy, help.”

She was at two local Monmouth County hospitals that were clueless and incapable of caring for a child with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, which is what Holly had, until I, the mother, had to alert them to the fact that she had vaccinations the week prior.

At the second hospital, I asked the neurologist 18 hours in if Holly was on pain medicine and then I overheard him ask the nurse why Holly was not given pain medicine and to start her on Fentanyl. Fentanyl is an opioid medication, sometimes called a narcotic.

After hours of grand mal seizures, fever as high as 107/108 degrees, lots of blood work, plasmapheresis, and drilling through her forehead in an attempt to release intracranial pressure and physically put through hell, we were told she would never return to her normal self and would never wake up, she would be a vegetable and not breathe for herself, ever.

I was saying the rosary nonstop for 65 hours and didn’t sleep or eat. Unbearably, we removed her from life support at the suggestion of the doctors.

On February 4, 2000, Holly Stavola, a daughter and sibling, died tragically and unnecessarily from acute encephalopathy, due to her second MMR vaccination. The hospital and her pediatrician finally concluded this diagnosis.”

Holly’s Vaccine Reaction and Death Was Reported To VAERS
“We had no idea Holly’s vaccine reaction was so severe and life threatening until five hours after the initial seizure. When Holly suffered this adverse reaction to the second MMR, that is when we realized it was the vaccinations being the culprit.

Even in the hospital, it was me who brought up the fact that Holly was recently vaccinated and she was not sick when she received the vaccines, she only became sick afterwards.

We felt deceived and completely let down by Holly’s pediatric group in New Jersey. They failed us in so many ways. Holly suffered 65 hours before becoming brain dead and having to be removed from life support.

Holly’s pediatrician, who saw her for her five-year well checkup the week prior and that morning before she was admitted to the hospital, did not show up at all during Holly’s 65-hour painful and horrible ordeal at the two hospitals, nor did any other pediatrician that worked in the same group.

Holly’s pediatrician and their office also failed us immensely by not informing us of the risks associated with vaccines and not attributing her symptoms to a possible reaction the day it began.

I had found out from a very prominent pediatrician that Holly could have been saved if things were handled differently by the medical personnel, from the pediatrician to the hospital staff.

After Holly’s death, we had the bottle of Suprax® (cefixime) tested at a laboratory and it was found the Cefixime was of approved quality and approximate in quantity.

Holly’s pediatrician did report her reaction to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).” [1]

"I Didn’t Know Vaccines Could Cause So Much Harm"
“When our daughter became severely sick, we, the EMS and the hospital medical people were unable to figure out what was happening, until I finally brought up the vaccinations at the hospital.

It did not occur to me that a vaccination could cause such a reaction as I was not informed of the risks. Before every vaccination, the doctor or nurse should provide you with a VIS for each vaccination your child will be receiving. Federal law states that you are to receive these related sheets to help make an informed decision.

Download and review the Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) which are available from the Center for Disease Control’s website. [2]

These papers will give you a summary of details about each disease and vaccination on the CDC recommended schedule. These VIS sheets are also at your disposal in the doctor’s office.

However, better than these sheets are the actual vaccine package inserts for each vaccine; take a look at the adverse reactions. You need to become knowledgeable and informed, before making your decision to vaccinate.” [3]

Robin Was Asked To Donate Holly’s Organs
When Holly was on life support, hooked up to a ventilator and clinically declared brain dead, her mother Robin was approached by the chaplain, who asked her to donate Holly’s organs.

The chaplain at the hospital seemed so very caring and nice to Robin until she said no to donating Holly’s organs. Robin found that very strange and was left to feel the hospital lost out on a business deal.

Most parents are unaware that some chaplains are involved in the organ trade business. To increase consent for organ donations, some chaplains are being hired by hospitals to help get parents and next of kin to donate their loved ones’ organs.

Using a professionally trained chaplain in a hospital setting to approach the issue of organ donation has proven successful in getting more people to say yes to donating organs. [4]

Robin stated,

“In our situation, it was very disappointing, one more person, the chaplain, was not sincere during our nightmare. The chaplain is the last person one would expect to not be sincere.

Our family admires any grieving person who donates their loved ones’ organs, and we do not want to be judged for this immediate and difficult decision we had to make at that time.”

Parents are speaking up and advising others that when their vaccine-injured child ended up on life support, a doctor declared their child “brain dead,” so they had grounds to ask them to donate their child’s organs, only later to find out on the autopsy report that the child was not really brain dead and likely could’ve survived.

However, in Holly’s case, the grand mal seizures and severe case of acute encephalopathy did leave Holly “brain dead.” Although to this day, Robin wishes that she was given 48 hours to think about the decision to remove Holly from life support and wonders, to this day, if she should have kept her daughter on life support, in the hopes of a miracle.

Holly’s Blood Samples Were Discarded Without Permission
Robin wrote,

“I knew after Holly’s death, we needed to get an autopsy, which we did. We asked the hospital to ‘preserve blood samples’ and wrote this on the signed autopsy form by us.

We also asked and put it in writing that they not shave her head, how horrible to have to put this in writing and put our dead daughter’s body through an autopsy, but we wanted to make sure every stone was unturned.

Unbelievably, the pathologist ‘forgot to save any blood samples’ and there was nothing we could do about it.”

Holly’s Symptoms Were Caused by Vaccination
“The doctors eliminated all possible infectious, bacterial and viral diseases; all her symptoms were due to the MMR vaccination.

Before the last round of vaccines Holly received, she was a completely healthy, bright, kind and beautiful five year-old child. The day she received her vaccinations at her five-year well checkup, HOLLY WAS NOT SICK!!

Pediatricians will attempt to downplay Holly’s reaction by asserting that this tragedy happened because she was sick. This could not be further from the truth; she was an extremely healthy child, and not immunocompromised in any way.

Encephalopathy is a vaccine table injury on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services HRSA division. It can occur between 5-15 days after the vaccine is given, as stated on the table of injuries.” [5]

Holly’s Family Won Their Vaccine Injury Case When Most Are Denied
“Roughly only one-quarter of vaccine injury claim petitioners get awarded compensation, while about three-quarters get denied. Eighty percent or more of the compensated awarded claims are based on negotiated settlements where the court will not conclude, based upon review of the evidence, that the alleged vaccine(s) caused the alleged injury. [6]

The government states that compensation awarded for the majority of those injured/deceased does not necessarily mean they are agreeing their injury was caused by a vaccine.

Because of this unfair reality, we did not want to file a vaccine injury claim, because we did not want to accept the compensation without placing fault on someone. We wanted accountability.

After one-and-a-half-years, we decided to file a claim with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP). [7]

The deadline to file was two years after Holly passed and we decided if we won, we would use the money to do something in her honor and to help save others from going through this. We had an attorney who handled the whole process with the NVICP.

We did not want to accept any money without responsibility that the vaccine caused this; once we filed, we took the whole two-year time period before accepting the blood money. The federal government conceded that Holly’s death was compensable due to the MMR vaccine.

We were compensated by the United States Court of Federal Claims, after filing a vaccine injury claim. They conceded that Holly’s death was a result of the MMR.”

“I Needed Something Good To Come Out Of Holly’s Suffering”
“When I learned about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and was told I must file a claim, to receive any compensation, I was shocked and felt deceived how the vaccine program was set up to fail parents.

According to the Health Resources Services Administration, approximately 74 percent of vaccine injury claims/deaths are denied. I desperately wanted the opportunity to make a difference, to help parents, and to make it known that Holly’s death was vaccine related and that the system has many flaws.

In September of 2004, I was nominated by the Department of Justice/Vaccine Litigation Unit to serve as a General Public Member: Parent of a Vaccine-Injured Child representative on the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines.

I needed to then apply with my resume to receive this position, which I did, and was ultimately accepted onto the Commission.

The Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) is made up of nine voting members, most of whom are pro-vaccine and working for what is in the best interest of the government. [8]

At the ACCV meetings, members get together to discuss the vaccine injury program, to offer advice and give recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services, to make changes to the existing rules.

I was excited to make a difference. I served for two years following Holly’s death, attending meetings and giving suggestions, as a parent of a vaccine-injured child.

The meetings were held in Rockland, Maryland, at the United States Department of Health offices. It was hard because I had to leave my family to attend the meetings and it became futile, frustrating and apparent, that I could not make an impact, to change the current and unjust vaccine program.”

Holly’s Family Formed “The Hope from Holly Foundation” To Help Other New Jersey Children In Need
“We wanted to help others in Holly's memory, so right after Holly's death, we formed the non-profit NJ organization, The Hope from Holly Foundation.

The purpose was to help NJ families who were financially struggling and whose children were seriously ill and/or had overwhelming medical needs.

We raised a significant amount of money, over $550,000, in three years. However, we decided to dissolve the organization because Holly’s Law was a huge commitment of time for our family.”

Holly’s Mother Continued To Fight And Helped Pass Holly’s Law
“The legislative process did work in our favor on January 14, 2004, and we passed HOLLY’S LAW in New Jersey, IN MEMORY OF OUR BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER, HOLLY STAVOLA. However, the process was both arduous and stressful, given Merck, the AAP, the NJ Academy of Family Physicians, and various other doctors fought against our proposed bill.

New Jersey’s Holly's Law promotes the antibody blood titer test most parents don’t know exists. Through God’s grace, and the support of many friends and family, Holly’s Law passed unanimously in both houses in New Jersey. [9]

If you or anyone you know is getting ready for school with vaccinations, take advantage of Holly’s Law, which gives parents a choice before allowing their child to receive the second scheduled MMR vaccine.

Unfortunately, pediatricians fail to inform parents this option exists, due to the fact they are unaware of the dangers of vaccines, not liable if anything happens adversely to your child, financially incentivized to give more shots and are unwilling to agree that there are adverse reactions. So, for these reasons, they do not provide you with an objective opinion and may intentionally not want you to know about Holly’s Law.

Different states may have a similar law in place; do your research and check with your local Health Department before having your child receive the second MMR vaccine.”

About the Antibody Titer Law (Holly’s Law)
The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services explains this about the MMR vaccine and the titer test available for parents to decide if they want to consent to their child receiving a second MMR vaccine: [10]

“The Antibody Titer Law (Holly’s Law) (NJSA 26:2N-8-11), passed on January 14, 2004, concerns vaccination of children with the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine. The law allows parents to seek testing to determine a child’s immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella, before receiving the second dose of the vaccine.”

“Written laboratory proof of immunity exempts a child from the 2nd dose of MMR vaccine.”

“According to the national Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), children should receive two doses of the vaccine because about 2%-5% of people do not develop immunity after the first dose of vaccine.”

The first dose is usually given at 12-15 months of age and the second dose is usually given at 4-6 years of age. The second dose is not a “booster”; it is intended to produce immunity in the people who did not respond to the first dose.”

Holly’s Law Can Save Your Child
Holly’s older brother, Thomas Stavola, Jr., was nine years old when his younger sister Holly passed away from the MMR vaccine. Tom began researching vaccines and now is an outspoken advocate for vaccine choice. The loss of his close sister is still very painful to deal with. He reminds people to learn about Holly’s Law and utilize this option if available.

In memory of his sister, Thomas shared,

“Although we know that vaccine-induced antibodies do not provide true immunity (one can only achieve long-term immunity from the natural acquisition of a disease, thereby stimulating the innate, cell-mediated immune function), Holly's Law allows parents to substitute a harmless antibody test for an ineffective, dangerous, potentially deadly MMR vaccine.

Sufficient antibody levels are the standard by which the medical community tests vaccines for efficacy, and thus showing sufficient antibody levels with Holly's Law will demonstrate that the person has immunity (even though the latest science states that antibodies are only part of the equation).

Holly's Law has and will continue to save countless lives, in addition to protecting people from possible adverse events.

Vaccine-induced herd immunity is an unproven hypothesis that is thoroughly debunked in the medical literature through observation of disease outbreaks in 95-100% of vaccinated populations.

Clearly, if outbreaks are occurring in completely vaccinated areas, the vaccine(s) are not effective in providing protection. Thus, it follows that vaccinated individuals do pose a risk to the immunocompromised; in fact, more so than unvaccinated people, due in part to the possibility of viral shedding (for several weeks to months) post-live vaccination.

The assertion that unvaccinated people are magnets for illness couldn’t be further from the truth. We all carry germs; vaccination does not make people “sterile” or disease-free. On the contrary, it severely burdens the primary defense mechanism (immune system), thereby increasing the probability for illness in those individuals.

All of the aforementioned statements are confirmed in the peer-reviewed medical literature; one only needs to search if one wishes to uncover the truth.”

MMR Vaccine Associated With Neurological Adverse Reactions
Holly’s mother shared,

“Vaccine advocates like to say Holly’s reaction was ‘one in a million.’ The truth is, 1 out of 168 children end up in the ER after vaccination.

Holly’s reaction was not an allergic reaction. The MMR vaccine information statement states, "serious allergic reaction occurs in (less than 1 out of a million doses)," however, it does state, "seizure (jerking or staring) caused by fever occurs in (about 1 out of 3,000 doses).” 

Vaccine advocates also like to say that even though we were compensated, it doesn’t mean anything. The federal government conceded that Holly’s death was compensable due to a vaccine. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) has paid out more than $3.18 billion to date. [11]

The doctors eliminated all possible infectious, bacterial and viral infections that could have been causing Holly’s symptoms. How many coincidences can occur before there are no longer coincidences? There are three requirements of causality and Holly passed all three.

If you don’t think your child will end up like Holly, I never did, either. She was perfect and our choice to have her vaccinated, based on what we knew, took her away from us.

It’s also worth mentioning, New Jersey has one of the highest rates of autism compared to other states in the U.S. Many parents know the MMR vaccine contributed to their child becoming autistic; this is another reason parents may want to utilize Holly’s Law. [12]

Take a look at the MMR package insert from Merck. Scroll to the adverse reactions section, starting on page 6. Page 7 highlights encephalopathy, which is one of the potential reactions of the MMR.” [13]

Losing a Sibling To Vaccines Is Unimaginable, Too
More than ever, siblings are speaking up against vaccines. Parents aren’t the only ones who feel a part of themselves was lost; siblings feel a tremendous loss, too. When you vaccinate your children, other existing or future children may not get to watch their brother or sister grow. It is really difficult for them to go on and many are speaking up about the harm vaccines cause.

Tom Stavola, Holly’s older brother, was only nine years old when Holly died. He advocates for vaccine choice and reminds people to learn about Holly’s Law.

Holly’s younger sister, whom she never got to meet, made this video for her. Just two days before Holly lay in a hospital bed while suffering acute encephalopathy, brought on by the MMR vaccine, she is seen riding a sled in the snow, while spending time with her family.

This video holds some precious memories of Holly’s short life.

Hope From Holly
“Currently in our country, the unvaccinated are being labeled, marginalized, demonized, and ‘fired’ from pediatrician’s offices. We left the pediatric group in New Jersey who failed to show up for Holly and went with a doctor who spoke to me on the phone for hours, expressing his sorrow, and desire to conduct a séance for Holly. 

Considering we were grieving, vulnerable and desperate parents at the time, we accepted his offer. We went through the awkward séance where he ripped his shirt open and claimed to have heard from Holly.

We then had a few office visits with my then nine year-old son; he prescribed a very expensive asthma treatment. I questioned a very high charge on the asthma treatment, to which this ‘wonderfully caring’ doctor responded, by telling us to leave his office.

Following this disaster, I found a caring woman pediatrician whom we have remained with for the past 15 years.

To give Holly and others a voice, by raising needed awareness, we created this page to help provide NJ Physicians and parents with more knowledge about childhood vaccines, immunity and the MMR vaccine.” [14]

We leave you with words from Robin:

“My family and I hope that Holly’s story will make a difference and help you realize that you must be aware of the risks of vaccinations, just as you make yourself aware of the risks of any medical procedure.

We hope to make change, and one very important improvement must be that the pediatricians acknowledge that there are vaccine reactions, that moderate to serious and even fatal vaccine reactions do exist and occur at least 100 times more than is reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). 

We are still very disappointed and disgusted with the actions (or lack thereof) of all involved concerning our daughter Holly’s death. We are also both very upset and angry with the continued injustice and fallacies promulgated regarding vaccinations.

We lost faith in the medical and legal system from this experience.

Holly’s suffering was painful to watch, but at least now we know there have been lessons learned from Holly’s story. Her death was not in vain; sometimes it takes a tragedy to shed light on an important issue.

If you or anyone you know is getting ready for school with vaccinations, take advantage of New Jersey’s Holly's Law, the antibody blood titer test passed in 2004, and named for our daughter Holly, who died from the MMR vaccine in the year 2000.

I would love to hear from the parents that utilize the antibody blood titer test. I would be interested to know if the child’s physician provided the information.

Thank you to the VacTruth team and everyone involved in writing our story. Thank you for caring about the vaccine-injured, what happened to them and how their stories can help others. We appreciate the time all of you have devoted to this extremely important and worthy cause.

We have our faith that comforts us with the knowledge of Heaven and eternal life, but we will always be saddened that she never got to grow up and fulfill her dreams and wishes. We are also comforted by many people that have helped us get through this tragedy.

May God bless you and your families; thank you for taking the time to read about our dear Holly who suffered needlessly and did not have a peaceful death. Thank God we are strong believers regarding the beautification and that Holly is in the presence of God, where we will be united again someday.

Finally, our Christian faith compels us to forgive all those who failed Holly from the perspective that Jesus would want us to forgive others if we are to receive His forgiveness.

Please help fight against unnecessary vaccine mandates in New Jersey and elsewhere, considering the parent is the one who will carry the burden if something goes wrong, like we do.”

God Bless,
Robin Stavola

In Loving Memory of Holly Marie Stavola
January 18, 1995 – February 4, 2000
She died from acute encephalitis caused by the MMR vaccine.

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"My daughter Lyla Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998 at the age of five weeks, shortly after receiving a Hepatitis B vaccine booster shot. The following comments are intended to be a heads up to parents and potential parents about the risks of the Hepatitis B vaccine (HBV), and a firsthand report questioning the scientific legitimacy of the vaccine industry, which provides $800 million of annual revenue to Merck – the company which makes the Hepatitis B vaccine distributed in the US.

Lyla Rose Belkin was a lively, alert five-week-old baby when I last held her in my arms. Little did I imagine as she gazed intently into my eyes with all the innocence and wonder of a newborn child that she would die that night. She was never ill before receiving the Hepatitis B shot that afternoon. At her final feeding that night, she was agitated and feisty -- and then fell asleep and didn’t wake up.

The autopsy ruled out choking. A swollen brain was the only abnormal finding. Most doctors I spoke to at the time said it must have been Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), a catch-all diagnosis for unexplainable childhood mortality.

The first instinctive reaction in such a situation is for parents to blame themselves. For many weeks, my wife and I agonized over what we might have missed or could have done differently. Meanwhile, the logical part of my brain kept returning to the obvious medical event that preceded Lyla’s death -- and that internal voice kept asking the question could the Hepatitis B Vaccine that Lyla received that afternoon have killed her?

Most doctors I asked scoffed at that notion and said the vaccine was perfectly safe. But I began to search around on the Internet and Medline and discovered disturbing evidence of adverse reactions to this vaccine.

In the US, the Hepatitis B disease mainly infects intravenous drug users, homosexuals, prostitutes and promiscuous heterosexuals. The disease is transmitted by blood, through sex or dirty needles. How could a newborn baby possibly get Hepatitis B if the mother was screened and tested negative, as my wife was? It is almost impossible. Unless a newborn child is having unprotected sex or sharing needles with an infected junkie, it is extremely unlikely to get the Hepatitis B disease.

So then why are most US babies inoculated at birth by their Hospital or Pediatrician with the Hepatitis B vaccine? That is a question every parent should ask before getting this vaccination. I’ve discovered the answer is -- an unrestrained health bureaucracy decided it couldn’t get junkies, gays, prostitutes and promiscuous heterosexuals to take the Hepatitis B vaccine -- so they mandated that all babies must be vaccinated at birth. Drug companies such as Merck (reaching for new markets) were instrumental in pushing government scientists to adopt an at-birth Hepatitis B vaccination policy, although the vaccine was never tested in newborns and no vaccines had ever been mandated at birth before. It is widely recognized that newborns have under-developed immune systems, which can be overwhelmed or shocked.

My search for answers about a link between the Hepatitis B vaccine and my daughter’s death led me to a Hepatitis B vaccine workshop on October 26th at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Institute of Medicine entitled Vaccine Safety Forum -- Neonatal Deaths. The NAS was concerned enough about reports of Hepatitis B vaccine-related infant deaths and adverse reactions to hold a special workshop on the subject. Doctors and scientists flew in from all over the US and Europe to attend. I sat in the back and soaked it all up. It was a real eye-opener. There were basically four constituencies represented: 1) Serious scientists observing or presenting research studies. 2) Center for Disease Control (CDC) pseudo-statisticians and FDA officials. 3) Merck and other corporate drug officials and 4) Parents of vaccine-related dead or severely injured children.

The presentations included a study of Animal Models of Newborn Response to Antigen Presentation, which showed that newborn immune systems were undeveloped and strikingly different than those of adults. The message I received was that immune response in a newborn to shocks such as being injected with a vaccine was potentially unknown, since newborn T-Cells have a radically different behavior then those of adults. Another presentation was Strategies for Evaluating the Biologic Mechanisms of Hepatitis B Vaccine Reactions, in which vaccine researcher Dr. Bonnie Dunbar of Baylor College related numerous Hepatitis B vaccine related cases of nervous system damage in adults, such as Multiple Sclerosis, seizures and blindness. On the more positive side, the FDA presented a seemingly reassuring study from its Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS), which showed only 19 neonatal deaths reported since 1991 related to Hepatitis B vaccination.

I found the VAERS study data to be completely deceptive. Since I was sitting in that room and my daughter had died during their sample period and wasn’t counted -- I wondered why. In fact, the New York City Coroner called VAERS to report my daughter’s Hepatitis B vaccine related infant death and no one ever returned their call! What kind of reporting system doesn’t return the calls of the NY City Medical Examiner -- and how many other reports were ignored? This is supposed to be the emergency 911 number for disasters such as bad lots of vaccine that could poison thousands of other babies. With the personal knowledge that the VAERS data was completely flawed, I sat in that room and listened in amazement as CDC officials and Merck’s head of vaccine safety made disparaging comments about any possible risk from Hepatitis B vaccination, despite the evidence just presented by impartial scientists.

I studied statistics and econometrics at UC Berkeley and have developed innovative methods of applying probability to financial and economic data in my consulting business with some of the largest financial institutions in the world. That training and experience qualifies me to criticize the statistical legitimacy of the VAERS study, on which Merck and the CDC pseudo-scientists based their pro-vaccination stance. Their comments were scathingly dismissive of any possible risk from the vaccine.

But that VAERS study is not a legitimate sample of a data set from which any conclusions about the larger population can be made. VAERS doesn’t return coroner’s calls, leading to the suspicion that deaths and adverse effects from vaccination are woefully under-reported. To conclude that the Hepatitis B vaccine is safe because VAERS only reports 19 deaths is scientific fraud.

In fact, I obtained the raw data from the VAERS system and found 54 reported SIDS cases after Hepatitis B vaccination in just the 18 months from January 1996 -- May 1997. That’s almost 15 times as many deaths per year as their own flawed study reported. There are 17,000 reports of adverse reactions to Hepatitis B vaccine in the 1996-97 raw data. Clearly something is fishy about VAERS.

VAERS was set up by the FDA and CDC. If there are 17,000 reports and VAERS doesn’t even return the NY Medical Examiner’s call, how many other deaths and injuries go unreported?

I came away from that NAS workshop with the distinct impression that Merck and the CDC didn’t know and didn’t really want to know how many babies are being killed or injured by Hepatitis B vaccination. This is a bureaucratic vaccination program that is on auto-pilot flying into a mountain.

The CDC bureaucrats have a vested interest in the status quo. If there were 17,000 reports of a dangerous disease in an 18-month period, the CDC would be all over the case. But when there are 17,000 reports of adverse reactions to a vaccine the CDC advocates for "public health" -- the CDC dismisses it as a coincidence. Merck makes $50 a shot from the three-shot series and has sales of upwards of $800 million a year from vaccines.

Vaccination can be a lifesaver if an epidemic is raging, but in this case the risk of vaccination outweighs the risk of infants getting the disease. Surely, the hepatitis B vaccine doesn’t injure every child that gets it, but in some unknown number of cases, it appears to be a death sentence and/or a nervous system toxin to innocent children who are at no risk of getting the disease the vaccine is supposed to protect against.

My observations of Merck and CDC scientists at the Vaccine Safety Forum left me with the distinct impression that they had absolutely no idea which babies might be killed or injured by this vaccine. Furthermore, they used obviously flawed scientific data to arrogantly steamroller any opposition to their power.

Parents should be aware that the Hepatitis B vaccine is not administered for the well being of their child. Rather, it is delivered by the long arm of some incompetent and mindless bureaucracy in the name of stamping out a disease most babies can’t possibly get.

The Drug Company/CDC/FDA alliance has really pulled the wool over the medical profession’s eyes with the Hepatitis B vaccine. The American Academy of Pediatrics bought the alliance’s sales pitch and now recommends that all infants get this vaccine at birth. So now the first thing most babies get in life is a shock to their immune system from a vaccine against a non-existent risk of contracting Hepatitis B.

Clearly, the interests of newborn babies were not represented on the CDC panel that created this vaccination policy in 1991. This vaccine has no benefit whatsoever for healthy newborns born to healthy mothers, in fact it wears off and they will need booster shots later in life when they actually could get exposed to the disease. This is simply a case of ravenous corporate greed and mindless bureaucracy teaming up to overwhelm common sense

Nothing will ever bring my lovely daughter Lyla back, but other needless deaths and injuries can be prevented if this senseless Hepatitis B newborn vaccination program is halted. Please contact Belkin Limited in New York City if you are aware of other infant deaths that may be related to the Hepatitis B vaccine."