Thimerosal video

Autism: Made in the U.S.A

[vid] How Mercury Triggered The Age Of Autism

[2015] Trace Amounts (film)

Silent Epidemic; The Untold Story of Vaccines Movie

[2014 vid] How to Lie to a Generation of Families - Malfeasance in the CDCs Vaccine Safety Program - Dr. Brian Hooker

[Video] Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda   David Ayoub, M.D.

[vid] How Mercury Destroys the Brain - University of Calgary

Dr. Boyd Haley is a professor and chair of the chemistry department at the University of Kentucky. In this interview, Dr. Haley discusses mercury toxicity ... F.A.I.R. Autism Media - 6 min - 27-Feb-2006



Dr Andrew Wakefield on HPV and H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines Dr Andrew Wakefield talks about New Vaccines, HPV and the H1 N1 Vaccines.
he mentions correspondence with Dr David Salisbury, director of immunization and now Chairman of WHOs SAGE committee and who also heads the WHO H1N1 Advisory Group

Dr Andrew Wakefield talks about New Vaccines, HPV and the H1 N1 Vaccines. He mentions correspondence with Dr David Salisbury, director of immunization and now Chairman of WHOs SAGE committee and who also heads the WHO H1N1 Advisory Group
[Transcript] Since 1992 I was in correspondence, albeit intermittently, with David Salisbury and the Department of Health trying to prevail upon them then that we did not have any answers, that we had a series of questions generated by our own observations, and by parental reports that gave us cause for concern about the safety of the measles containing vaccines, and it was a very unsatisfactory relationship in as much that despite my repeated entreaties to Dr Salisbury there was very little response in return of any substance, in fact it took him 2 years to be forced into a position to respond and meet with me after my first letter to him.
    Now I come to the second part of your question which was about the introduction of two new vaccines in the recent past and that is the cervical cancer vaccine against Human Papilloma virus and the Swine Flu vaccine, and I have grave misgivings about these as does the very doctor who was part of the senior team to oversee the development of the cervical cancer vaccine in the United States.  I have just been in a meeting with her where she has expressed major reservations about the commercial way in which the campaign to force this vaccine into American children has been conducted, and there are increasing reports of safety concerns with this vaccine.  Now, I ahve no experience with this vaccine, I have no detailed knowledge of it at all but if it is rushed to commercialisation, rushed to licensing with anything like we have heard then we have every reason to be concerned.
    My concern about the swine flu vaccine in this country is that it intends to reintroduce a substance that was eliminated some years ago and that is Thimerosal, the mercury preservative.  there is no safe level of Thimerosal, and there is most certainly no safe level to be given in an untested fashion to pregnant women or to infants, so why in heavens name is this now being reintroduced?
And the other concern with the vaccines to be used in this country is the presence of Squalene, a substance, an oily substance that is used to boost the immune response, what is called an adjuvant, and again there have been major concerns about the safety of this adjuvant, as it was used in the Anthrax vaccine in the Gulf War, and despite continuous denial that Gulf War Syndrome was an entity in soldiers, it has now becoming increasingly accepted, broadly accepted, that GWS is real and that it is related to the vaccines and other toxins that the soldiers were given.