France. The vaccine production facility in St Amand-Les-Eaux, which is located close to Valenciennes, in the North of France,.....expected to be operational in 2011 ( vaccine for the prevention cervical cancer; and an “improved” flu vaccine to protect against seasonal influenza. GSK’s new meningitis vaccines will also be manufactured at this site together with a paediatric vaccine designed to protect against protection against Streptococcus pneumonia and non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae.) The new site will house a freeze drying plant which will transform vaccines from a liquid into a solid powder. This very complex operation is used to enhance the shelf-life and stability of a number of GSK’s innovative vaccines. The site will also be equipped with a liquid plant for filling syringes and vials, a packing plant and warehouse, a power plant and quality control laboratories.
In Europe, in July 2005, GSK invested € 94.3 million to double the production capacity for its InflusplitTM/FluarixTM flu vaccine in Dresden, Germany. In September 2005, GSK opened its Euros 150 million state-of-the-art-facility in Gödöllö, Hungary, which is dedicated to the primary production of diphtheria and tetanus bacterial substances and whooping cough (pertussis) antigens used in several paediatric combination vaccines.
In North America, in 2005, GSK made three important acquisitions. It acquired a secondary manufacturing site, based in Marietta, Pennsylvania, for cell-culture-based flu vaccines. Seattle-based Corixa Corporation, a developer of innovative products (adjuvants) that stimulate immunity. In December, GSK acquired ID Biomedical which provides GSK with a significant increase in flu vaccine manufacturing capacity to address both seasonal and pandemic influenza threats.
In Asia, in June 2006, GSK announced its first primary vaccine manufacturing plant in Singapore. The new vaccine plant is GSK’s biggest vaccine investment in Asia. The company will spend more than S$300 million over the next four years on the first phase of development of the plant dedicated to the primary production of paediatric vaccines.
GSK Biologicals is headquartered in Rixensart, Belgium, where the majority of GlaxoSmithKline’s activities in the field of vaccine research, development and production are conducted. http://www.gsk.com/media/pressrelea...9_29_GSK906.htm
Merck: MERCK & CO. HELD ITS OFFICIAL groundbreaking ceremony in October 2008 for its new vaccine-manufacturing facility in Durham that will create about 200 jobs and up to $300 million in investment. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0UFV/is_6_18/ai_n6364593
AVANT Opens State-of-the-Art Vaccine Manufacturing Facility in Fall River, MA http://findarticles.com/p/articles/...v_5/ai_n6331575
In 2005, Sanofi Pasteur initiated a $150m investment in the US at Swiftwater in Pennsylvania for a new influenza vaccine manufacturing facility http://www.pharmaceutical-technolog...pasteurvaccine/
BEGRIVAC vaccine is manufactured at Chiron's facility in Marburg, Germany. Chiron's facility in Siena/Rosia, Italy, produces AGRIPPAL(R) http://www.mindfully.org/Health/200...cine15jul05.htm