Hello Alejandro, I took some time to observe the sky after our last gifting mission. Really I can't believe my eyes because there's been a clear change in the sky with healthy clouds and beautiful Sylphs.
I think it's better to sum up what we've been doing here since September, when we gifted Monte Stella, a great set of arrays, weather ball and UG base. During my holidays in the Cilento ( a wild and beautiful part of my province) I had the chance to study the area and take information from the locals about this very nasty place. They told me that entire rows of trucks used to enter the base secretly at night and that many inhabitants of the village called S. Mauro, very close to it, were suffering from thyroid problems. The personnel working in the base weren't allowed to have any contact with the local, for example. A very important target to cut it short. Also Monte Stella is a powerful radar between the Mediterrean and Rome. We put a few pyramids and I prepared and pounded six EPs. Well, we saw a change, but as I told you, the change I expected in the sky wasn't that much meaningful. During my holidays I had also gifted all the towers for 60 kms.
This is Monte Stella, other arrays are on the other side of the mountain:

Then, we decided to gift Montevergine, another NATO base with 4 great arrays, one being a very tall tower in cement. It was there were we met the agents who were patroling the area with a white Cherokee jeep. What ugly people. We didn't expect that, they were not Italian but they seemed to be American. In some way we deceived them, we fooled them pretending to be fixing the car or looking for mushrooms while burying the pyramids. Very Happy
You know, my first reaction to them was that of feeling incredibly strong, a sensation I had never experienced before, it's difficult to explain.
We managed to gift the place!
I took some nice photos in the following days, I believe they didn't take our pyramids. Here is a photo of the past, just one to say how nasty the place was. Montevergine must be one of the most important HAARP arrays in Southern Italy, that's what I've been told:

Here is what happened the following days in the same direction:

Here during a day of chemtrails, never seen before those beautiful cumuli:

Not bad, we are very happy! There's been good rain and, believe me, I could feel the change on my skin, the change of energy.
It seemed to me that Montevergine was covering Monte Stella too after our first mission ( I believe they try to cover with other antennas the gifted ones), because the sky area around Monte Stella has started to be brighter and clean. But still with a brownish haze possibly coming from the UG base: do you think 6 EPs were enough? I could only place them on one only side of the mountain.
Anyway, we are going to complete the gifting of the mountain top arrays in our province, we have two places left. I'm sure there will be other meaningful changes in the sky. At the beginning of November I also gifted onother place 100kms from home while I was there with my parents but there's still much to do. For this reason, I'm starting to sell pyramids and Tbs to finance the future missions; it's getting difficult to go on with my personal incomings. I've always given my orgonite, but this time I feel it's just fine to sell it to get some money.
You know Alejandro, it would be nice to know if Montestella is completely gifted and I wanted to ask this favour of you when you are in the chat, if you could ask someone there. Thanks.
Ciao for now,