Some folks seem to think ALAN WATT and his website Cutting Through the is a cut above the dis-info sites because of the depth of his revealing of the mind control apparatus, but
I'm here to tell you he is a schill/agent provecteur.
I've listened to his radio show and have had e-mail exchanges with him where he totally trashes Orgonite and the Don Croft style cloud buster. He is also pretty much telling people that we're all doomed to the nwo agenda and that the illuminati plans are on schedule and moving forward. I'd like to meet him face to face and have him explain away all the crap they have thrown my way over the years.
I'd like to refresh some memories a bit about me and what happened to me when I made my 2nd Don Croft style cloud buster. I had made it a mom's place in Duxbury MA in the spring of 2002 and within ONE HOUR of me standing it up staight I had an unmarked, green military helicopter with at least 4 uniformed army jamokes in it
circling my moms house at a maximum 500 feet off the ground. They circled the house, which sits in the center of the small town 3 times and each time they got to be above the house I heard the pilot screaming over the top of the rotor blades,
LOOK DOWN THERE, IT IS DOWN THERE ! I only wish I had taken a photo of it.
It was very alarming to me, so instead of standing next to it and pointing back at them I went over to the neighbors yard to watch it all happen. They looked like they were about to descend on ropes right into the backyard that's how close to the ground they were. If it happened today I would have stayed put next to the cloud buster and have taken photos and even videotaped it. Explain all that away Mr.Watts .