Web Rings, Sabotage And Setup Tactics
July 2010 Ben Morton
I left the public orgone scene in 2004 over what I'm about to write here
First; Thank you for continuing the work and getting us past a lot of these
following interference tactics that were used on me.
I'm writing this so you can keep aware and if you see these tactics play out
around you- You have another person's
account of it and build your courage to speak out about it- so you may not
think you're losing your marbles.
I post this to empower you so you can watch for the tactics and ways that
have been used against me.
This was made very personal and takes a lot of courage to finally write
about in public.
In May 2004, I emptied my pockets and walked away from a place I needed to
get away from.
I was over 3,000 miles from home at the time.
Earlier that day I had walked into a room and witnessed someone observing
the effects of a web-ring setup to destroy my character and ruin me legally.
This person actually had the ignorance to hand over the keyboard for a
couple moments so I could observe the condition.
With my background with computers and networking, I pulled up a popular
search engine to take a look at the condition of the internet.
I noticed certain websites and content not suitable for any audience when
doing a search for ANYTHING and
I immediately pulled up the 'command' program by clicking the
Start Menu button, clicking 'Run' and then typing in COMMAND and then
pressing Enter.
Doing this opens the command prompt on a PC.
I typed NETSTAT on the black screen that opened.
This simple command will show you the IP addresses that are connected to
your PC.
I had done this in the "not too distant past" and saw a certain forum domain
address and learned the domain address for that forum.
(A domain address is all the numbers of an IP address except the final three
Domain addresses can change only by moving to a completely different
internet service provider Or by moving the server to another location
and by changing internet service providers.
It isn't an over-night operation to change a domain address. The final 3
digits of an IP address can point to 1 of 255 internet adapters, in 1
computer or in multiple computers. A person can run multiple servers and
forums and websites but Each will have the same domain address because the
domain is like the Highway that all of the traffic runs through. Your next
door neighbor can have a different domain address than you but typically,
within the same building, all traffic will run through the same domain
address.. then the final three digits of the IP address will be somewhere
between 1 and 255. The last three digits have been seen to change sometimes
at a rate of once every 3 seconds. The domain will not change without quite
a bit more effort, paper-trail and money trail, timestamps and registration
to the new domain.
That forum I mentioned had been used as the base of operations for the
then-current Orgone movement. I educated myself and learned the domain
address approximately 1 week prior to this event.
So I had the resultant info from the NETSTAT command in front of me and
could see the web-ring was running from the same domain as That forum.
I said "oh that's so-and-so, he set this up."
I never sat down at the computer to find this out. The entire thing played
out in a matter of about 30 seconds.
The shock and disbelief was evident when arms dropped and the setup fell
around the miserable fool sitting at the desk.
I knew way too much already and containment of that 1 piece of info was on
its way to the world wide web.. there were actually more reasons for
attempting to set me up and that's why the web-ring was designed and
deployed around that place to begin with.
but back to the tactics that were used, for another moment-
That domain had been given access to the PC for the purpose of deploying the
The person deploying the web-ring simply made a command that takes any
search or address (name) typed into the browser and gives
highly-illegal, private content (from the server) to the user of the
computer (the person looking around online).
This occurs simply by changing the DNS Server address to one housed on the
same domain as the web-ring is running out of, in this particular case.
This was able to be conducted without the knowledge of Any internet service
provider. It is a hack, when it isn't allowed and it is a setup when IS
allowed by the registered account holder of the internet connection- for the
purpose of framing a user of the internet connection.
So, my Knowing exactly what was going on and me having a personality to
"out" the entire gang who set it up- I was a risk... but I was already a
risk and that's why this was deployed at my location in the first place.
I refused to sit at the computer and "straighten" the mess out upon request.
Instead, I went outside and emptied all contents of my wallet and pockets.
I put my driver license in my wallet and $3 worth of quarters in my pocket
and sat for a little while waiting to see if I indeed had to walk away from
my location with nothing. The closest place I had to go- was over 3000
miles away!
It was soon that another tactic and head tricks were being spewed at me from
the person who had been sitting at the computer (with hopes shattered)
I stood up calmly and walked past that person and went through the house,
out the front door and kept on walking.
My direction was opposite than could be predicted, as I still had the
element of surprise on My side.
I walked about a mile and called a relative in another state and had to wait
for the telephone line to become clear- as the person sitting at the
computer actually called the same relative with despair in his voice,
sounding full of anguish and shock saying that he we was just so concerned
for my safety.
My relative told the person that he was full of shit and demanded to hear
what was really going on.
The relative of mine didn't hear anything truthful and I was able to get
through to my relatively in a short period of time. (on the payphone)
I basically said I would be needing a bus ticket home and that an
explanation would have to wait. I'd call again when I could.
This conversation was with a parent of mine and I must say here that a
parent should never have to think about the possibilities that were being
I walked back in the direction that would be expected for me to go and I
continued walking for many dozens of miles. I was getting water to drink
from convenience stores for free. (thank you clerks)
I was keeping calm and establishing a protection plan that would get me
through to the point in time when I could get on a bus and leave the area.
Box surveillance was established on me within 40 minutes of my departure on
foot from where I had been for the previous 20 months.
This was something I observed and expected to see, though not in the
magnitude I was seeing for the next 2 days before being able to call my
relative again.
I had very little resources to work with and I had teams of interference
staying on their mark. (me)
If you ever wondered what the tone of your heart's voice sounded like- its
something you become very aware of in such an instance.
either that- or you're doomed. just doomed. You listen to your heart so you
don't listen to the thoughts that can over-run you in such a case.
You keep your head calm and listen to your heart and Be Aware.
Make everything you do count so you aren't wasting diminishing resources to
get to where you need to go.
I walked into the night and throughout the next day and actually caught a
bus (with money given by a participant in the setup)
I got on that local bus to track down some money I was lured to regain.
(actually money that Was mine And resources I desperately needed) <-- that's
the last time in my life I ignored my heart messages
and listened to head messages, instead. It about got me disappeared. I
should've been dead over that mistake.
I walked the 50 miles the next day to get back to where I made that
near-fatal mistake.
That was all part of the setup. That had been arranged before the game and
players revealed their cards to me.
My mistake was ignoring my heart for 1 moment and getting on a bus for the
purpose of gaining my own needed money.
So I walked all the day and into the night and finally nearing 7:00 am on
the next day, I had been successfully cornered with no place to go except
into custody of them, them or them.. take your pick!

(i wasn't laughing at the time)
I had teams of box surveillance moving in for the pickup.
I walked into a convenience store and calmly filled a paper cup with water
and drank it while waiting in line to speak with the store clerk.
I asked the clerk if he could please call the police. I just wanted to speak
with an officer. I was calm and collected though tired, exhausted actually.
The clerk agreed and I told him I would just wait outside. My intention was
to cause wonder but not alarm with the clerk.
The clerk was even nice enough to point one of his cameras at me through the
window with the camera monitor facing me! COOL
I didn't ask him to do that either and I'm so glad he had it together enough
to do that.
The participants of the gang-harassment/box surveillance were walking right
by me and into the store to give an impression of
needing to be at the convenient store. The parking lot filled with their
vehicles.. even a paper "delivery" pickup parked center stage in the parking
Two people exited that vehicle and opened their tailgate.
One person was the original fool sitting at the computer where I had walked
away from (remember the web-ring and the fool I astonished by dropping his
dreams flat in 30 seconds?) the other fool with him was the dude who gave me
the bus money to get 50 miles south to regain My money the night before.
(where I escaped a group of thugs ready to flat-out murder me)
They sat swinging their legs from the tailgate watching their party play-out
in front of them. with grins and smirks
So the "cop" came and she asked me what I was doing there and demanded my
I noticed the camera was still pointed right on us and I felt better- I
calmly reached into my right pocket and got my wallet and handed it to her.
She was putting latex gloves on her hands then grabbed my wallet from me.
she opened my wallet, ignored my ID and reached into her left upper shirt
pocket and removed something, stuffed it inside a pocket in my wallet-
closed my wallet (clinching it in her hand) and then forcefully extended her
arm and demanded that I take it.
I refused. I told her that she could smile for the camera I was pointing at
and that I was not the last person in possession of it.
I absolutely refused to touch the wallet even after being threatened to be
arrested if I did not take my wallet back.
She finally said she would put my wallet over by the gas pumps and anyone
could walk away with it.
I told her calmly that I would not touch the wallet for any reason. She was
She stormed over to the gas pumps and placed my wallet on one of the posts
at the end of the fuel island.
I watched her, looking at all the cameras she had done this under. She
walked back to me and proceeded to ask me questions.
I politely told her that I would not be able to continue with her services
and to please contact another officer for me to speak with.
She said there were no other officers. I asked again for a different police
officer to continue with.
She finally contacted another police officer, who then arrived very quickly,
10 minutes maybe?
I was standing in the same place as I when I was waiting for her to arrive-
and watched another police car pull into the parking lot.
My box-surveillance teams were beginning to leave the parking lot as if
given orders.
This police officer was a man who asked me what was going on and actually
seemed concerned about my safety. wow
He asked me what I wanted him to do and I told him to use his best judgment.
He told me he was detaining me and that I was Not under arrest. I thanked
him and he didn't even close the handcuffs too tightly on my wrists.
I went into the backseat of his cop car and he told me he'd take me home or
to a hospital. I informed him that I no longer had a home and that
the hospital was as good a place as any.
I was in protective custody for the moment and I was able to get a few sighs
of relief. He could tell something had been going on but that I still had my
head about me. He told me so as he drove to the hospital. He could see I was
dehydrated and enervated. I was very tired, indeed.
He escorted me into the hospital through a back door and into a private
room. Two ladies were waiting for me and got me into a hospital gown.
They sat me at a chair in a tiny room and strapped me to the chair. They
were saying things like "no cause for alarm and that I had nothing to worry
Within 5 minutes of me arriving in the tiny room, the dude who I walked in
on, who was kind enough to hand me the keyboard for 30 seconds (with the
web-ring in place)- yeah that dude- he arrived as a concerned visitor and
demanded to see me. I refused all visitors.
I told these ladies that I was ESPECIALLY refusing this person's visits.
He was refused access and made a lot of commotion trying to get in to see me
and influence the ladies working with me.
Within another 5 minutes, I was given an injection in my left arm that
turned my inner body fluids so cold that I shivered uncontrollably until I
lost consciousness. I was thinking thoughts like "I kicked all your a$$es
with a stupid block of polyester resin and a piece of quartz crystal" and
"well this may well be the end" I did not speak these thoughts. I was hoping
for the best but things were looking rather bleak for me.
Some amount of time is missing from my life over the next several days. I
cannot fill all the gaps in time but I was transferred to a secret facility
2 or 3 days later where I stayed for at least 1 night and day. Then I was
given a ride to the bus stop by the dude who turned over his keyboard to me
in the days prior (the dude who was instrumental in setting this up)
That guy was cornered in such a way that he had to give me a ride to the bus
He even brought me some pasta salad "the kind you like so much" he said with
a grin. I had my wallet back too- and my watch!
I called my relative from the outside payphone and confirmed such a thing as
this set of events, before accepting the money to use for getting my bus
The money checked out and I gave every cent back that my relative had Not
sent for the bus ticket. The change was minuscule but the bondage, I knew
was not. So I insisted on every last penny not spent on the bus ticket being
taken back by this man. That little move made him so extremely angry that he
gained the full and undivided attention of everyone present at the bus
He stormed away and left, screaming and yelling.
I emptied into the trash, many phone numbers and contact names from my
wallet that had been planted there.
I removed my watch and tossed it into the trash.
I didn't even touch the plastic container containing "my favorite pasta
salad"- it went direct in the trash.
I removed everything from my possession except my wallet, my driver license,
bus ticket and the 50 cents I had left in my pocket.
..waited on and got onto the bus full of miscreants and began my journey
In Kansas, I had a really bad feeling about the bus I was on and I did not
like the people on the bus at all.
I stepped off the bus and awaited another bus's arrival 12 hours later.
Some lady was kind and actually seemed "clean" so I accepted the pair of
blue jeans she offered me.
It was going to get cold later in the evening and she was nice enough and
looked out for me a bit.
I called my relative from that town and told my parent that I stepped off
the bus and was waiting for the next bus to continue on my way home.
My parent was quite perturbed to hear that I did that. Well he was worried,
of course.
There is another dimension of strangeness that I observed through Kansas
that is used to smuggle weaponry and to disappear semi-trucks and busses- it
is called a Russel. It began in, you guessed it- Russel Kansas and continued
west-bound until my buss was the vehicle disappeared from satellite
One of my uncles was a very trained driver in a previous profession and had
explained it to me in the past.
He since has lost all memory of having explained it to me. He told me I'd
know it when I see it, and I did.
There is a satellite phenomena exploited by "transporters" with vehicles
equipped with sat-comm and other type of satellite tracking equipment.
Laws have been passed requiring interstate "transport" vehicles to use this
type of equipment. I gained more experience with it later when I drove
This phenomena was used to Protect my journey home on the second bus.
I got home to Idaho in rather fine shape. Tired and aware all at the same

things like this will do that to a person.
Dad had an especially difficult time understanding all I told him over the
coming months.
You are reading this because I've been urged to speak about it for years.
The Crofts have heard some of it and Don has persuaded me to post about this
so to Empower the readers of this forum with knowledge of some of
the tactics that have been used on us.
If you see something like this playing out in front of you. I have a piece
of advice:
calmly take the steps necessary to get done what you need to get done. Do
NOT break any laws. Recognize help by listening to your heart.
Keep your thoughts calm and listen to your heart. Don't freak out- you'll be
toast. I guarantee it
There is much more that happened that I am not ready to put on any public
We do not have the level of subterfuge today that I encountered before. We
don't. They cannot get away with it.
I realize being in the public eye is one of our most important safety
mechanisms to take advantage of.
If you are under "attack"- do not drink alcohol. do not smoke pot. do not
take drugs- you need every bit of your subtle bodies working to protect you.
Listen to your heart
Web Rings, Sabotage And Setup Tactics
I left the public orgone scene in 2004 over what I'm about to write
here about.
First; Thank you for continuing the work and getting us past a lot
of these following interference tactics that were used on me.
I'm writing this so you can keep aware and if you see these tactics
play out around you- You have another person's
account of it and build your courage to speak out about it- so you
may not think you're losing your marbles.
I post this to empower you so you can watch for the tactics and ways
that have been used against me.
This was made very personal and takes a lot of courage to finally
write about in public.
In May 2004, I emptied my pockets and walked away from a place I
needed to get away from.
I was over 3,000 miles from home at the time.
Earlier that day I had walked into a room and witnessed someone
observing the effects of a web-ring setup to destroy my character
and ruin me legally.
This person actually had the ignorance to hand over the keyboard for
a couple moments so I could observe the condition.
With my background with computers and networking, I pulled up a
popular search engine to take a look at the condition of the
I noticed certain websites and content not suitable for any audience
when doing a search for ANYTHING and
I immediately pulled up the 'command' program by clicking the
Start Menu button, clicking 'Run' and then typing in COMMAND and
then pressing Enter.
Doing this opens the command prompt on a PC.
I typed NETSTAT on the black screen that opened.
This simple command will show you the IP addresses that are
connected to your PC.
I had done this in the "not too distant past" and saw a certain
forum domain address and learned the domain address for that forum.
(A domain address is all the numbers of an IP address except the
final three digits.)
Domain addresses can change only by moving to a completely different
internet service provider Or by moving the server to another
location Completely,
and by changing internet service providers.
It isn't an over-night operation to change a domain address. The
final 3 digits of an IP address can point to 1 of 255 internet
adapters, in 1 computer or in multiple computers. A person can run
multiple servers and forums and websites but Each will have the same
domain address because the domain is like the Highway that all of
the traffic runs through. Your next door neighbor can have a
different domain address than you but typically, within the same
building, all traffic will run through the same domain address..
then the final three digits of the IP address will be somewhere
between 1 and 255. The last three digits have been seen to change
sometimes at a rate of once every 3 seconds. The domain will not
change without quite a bit more effort, paper-trail and money trail,
timestamps and registration to the new domain.
That forum I mentioned had been used as the base of operations for
the then-current Orgone movement. I educated myself and learned the
domain address approximately 1 week prior to this event.
So I had the resultant info from the NETSTAT command in front of me
and could see the web-ring was running from the same domain as That
I said "oh that's so-and-so, he set this up."
I never sat down at the computer to find this out. The entire thing
played out in a matter of about 30 seconds.
The shock and disbelief was evident when arms dropped and the setup
fell around the miserable fool sitting at the desk.
I knew way too much already and containment of that 1 piece of info
was on its way to the world wide web.. there were actually more
reasons for attempting to set me up and that's why the web-ring was
designed and deployed around that place to begin with.
but back to the tactics that were used, for another moment-
That domain had been given access to the PC for the purpose of
deploying the setup.
The person deploying the web-ring simply made a command that takes
any search or address (name) typed into the browser and gives
highly-illegal, private content (from the server) to the user of the
computer (the person looking around online).
This occurs simply by changing the DNS Server address to one housed
on the same domain as the web-ring is running out of, in this
particular case.
This was able to be conducted without the knowledge of Any internet
service provider. It is a hack, when it isn't allowed and it is a
setup when IS allowed by the registered account holder of the
internet connection- for the purpose of framing a user of the
internet connection.
So, my Knowing exactly what was going on and me having a personality
to "out" the entire gang who set it up- I was a risk... but I was
already a risk and that's why this was deployed at my location in
the first place.
I refused to sit at the computer and "straighten" the mess out upon
request. Instead, I went outside and emptied all contents of my
wallet and pockets.
I put my driver license in my wallet and $3 worth of quarters in my
pocket and sat for a little while waiting to see if I indeed had to
walk away from my location with nothing. The closest place I had to
go- was over 3000 miles away!
It was soon that another tactic and head tricks were being spewed at
me from the person who had been sitting at the computer (with hopes
I stood up calmly and walked past that person and went through the
house, out the front door and kept on walking.
My direction was opposite than could be predicted, as I still had
the element of surprise on My side.
I walked about a mile and called a relative in another state and had
to wait for the telephone line to become clear- as the person
sitting at the computer actually called the same relative with
despair in his voice, sounding full of anguish and shock saying that
he we was just so concerned for my safety.
My relative told the person that he was full of shit and demanded to
hear what was really going on.
The relative of mine didn't hear anything truthful and I was able to
get through to my relatively in a short period of time. (on the
I basically said I would be needing a bus ticket home and that an
explanation would have to wait. I'd call again when I could.
This conversation was with a parent of mine and I must say here that
a parent should never have to think about the possibilities that
were being considered.
I walked back in the direction that would be expected for me to go
and I continued walking for many dozens of miles. I was getting
water to drink from convenience stores for free. (thank you clerks)
I was keeping calm and establishing a protection plan that would get
me through to the point in time when I could get on a bus and leave
the area.
Box surveillance was established on me within 40 minutes of my
departure on foot from where I had been for the previous 20 months.
This was something I observed and expected to see, though not in the
magnitude I was seeing for the next 2 days before being able to call
my relative again.
I had very little resources to work with and I had teams of
interference staying on their mark. (me)
If you ever wondered what the tone of your heart's voice sounded
like- its something you become very aware of in such an instance.
either that- or you're doomed. just doomed. You listen to your heart
so you don't listen to the thoughts that can over-run you in such a
You keep your head calm and listen to your heart and Be Aware.
Make everything you do count so you aren't wasting diminishing
resources to get to where you need to go.
I walked into the night and throughout the next day and actually
caught a bus (with money given by a participant in the setup)
I got on that local bus to track down some money I was lured to
(actually money that Was mine And resources I desperately needed)
<-- that's the last time in my life I ignored my heart messages
and listened to head messages, instead. It about got me disappeared.
I should've been dead over that mistake.
I walked the 50 miles the next day to get back to where I made that
near-fatal mistake.
That was all part of the setup. That had been arranged before the
game and players revealed their cards to me.
My mistake was ignoring my heart for 1 moment and getting on a bus
for the purpose of gaining my own needed money.
So I walked all the day and into the night and finally nearing 7:00
am on the next day, I had been successfully cornered with no place
to go except into custody of them, them or them.. take your pick!

(i wasn't laughing at the time)
I had teams of box surveillance moving in for the pickup.
I walked into a convenience store and calmly filled a paper cup with
water and drank it while waiting in line to speak with the store
I asked the clerk if he could please call the police. I just wanted
to speak with an officer. I was calm and collected though tired,
exhausted actually.
The clerk agreed and I told him I would just wait outside. My
intention was to cause wonder but not alarm with the clerk.
The clerk was even nice enough to point one of his cameras at me
through the window with the camera monitor facing me! COOL
I didn't ask him to do that either and I'm so glad he had it
together enough to do that.
The participants of the gang-harassment/box surveillance were
walking right by me and into the store to give an impression of
needing to be at the convenient store. The parking lot filled with
their vehicles.. even a paper "delivery" pickup parked center stage
in the parking lot.
Two people exited that vehicle and opened their tailgate.
One person was the original fool sitting at the computer where I had
walked away from (remember the web-ring and the fool I astonished by
dropping his dreams flat in 30 seconds?) the other fool with him was
the dude who gave me the bus money to get 50 miles south to regain
My money the night before. (where I escaped a group of thugs ready
to flat-out murder me)
They sat swinging their legs from the tailgate watching their party
play-out in front of them. with grins and smirks
So the "cop" came and she asked me what I was doing there and
demanded my wallet.
I noticed the camera was still pointed right on us and I felt
better- I calmly reached into my right pocket and got my wallet and
handed it to her.
She was putting latex gloves on her hands then grabbed my wallet
from me.
she opened my wallet, ignored my ID and reached into her left upper
shirt pocket and removed something, stuffed it inside a pocket in my
wallet- closed my wallet (clinching it in her hand) and then
forcefully extended her arm and demanded that I take it.
I refused. I told her that she could smile for the camera I was
pointing at and that I was not the last person in possession of it.
I absolutely refused to touch the wallet even after being threatened
to be arrested if I did not take my wallet back.
She finally said she would put my wallet over by the gas pumps and
anyone could walk away with it.
I told her calmly that I would not touch the wallet for any reason.
She was irate.
She stormed over to the gas pumps and placed my wallet on one of the
posts at the end of the fuel island.
I watched her, looking at all the cameras she had done this under.
She walked back to me and proceeded to ask me questions.
I politely told her that I would not be able to continue with her
services and to please contact another officer for me to speak with.
She said there were no other officers. I asked again for a different
police officer to continue with.
She finally contacted another police officer, who then arrived very
quickly, 10 minutes maybe?
I was standing in the same place as I when I was waiting for her to
arrive- and watched another police car pull into the parking lot.
My box-surveillance teams were beginning to leave the parking lot as
if given orders.
This police officer was a man who asked me what was going on and
actually seemed concerned about my safety. wow
He asked me what I wanted him to do and I told him to use his best
He told me he was detaining me and that I was Not under arrest. I
thanked him and he didn't even close the handcuffs too tightly on my
wrists. (thanks)
I went into the backseat of his cop car and he told me he'd take me
home or to a hospital. I informed him that I no longer had a home
and that
the hospital was as good a place as any.
I was in protective custody for the moment and I was able to get a
few sighs of relief. He could tell something had been going on but
that I still had my head about me. He told me so as he drove to the
hospital. He could see I was dehydrated and enervated. I was very
tired, indeed.
He escorted me into the hospital through a back door and into a
private room. Two ladies were waiting for me and got me into a
hospital gown.
They sat me at a chair in a tiny room and strapped me to the chair.
They were saying things like "no cause for alarm and that I had
nothing to worry about"
Within 5 minutes of me arriving in the tiny room, the dude who I
walked in on, who was kind enough to hand me the keyboard for 30
seconds (with the web-ring in place)- yeah that dude- he arrived as
a concerned visitor and demanded to see me. I refused all visitors.
I told these ladies that I was ESPECIALLY refusing this person's
He was refused access and made a lot of commotion trying to get in
to see me and influence the ladies working with me.
Within another 5 minutes, I was given an injection in my left arm
that turned my inner body fluids so cold that I shivered
uncontrollably until I lost consciousness. I was thinking thoughts
like "I kicked all your a$$es with a stupid block of polyester resin
and a piece of quartz crystal" and "well this may well be the end" I
did not speak these thoughts. I was hoping for the best but things
were looking rather bleak for me.
Some amount of time is missing from my life over the next several
days. I cannot fill all the gaps in time but I was transferred to a
secret facility 2 or 3 days later where I stayed for at least 1
night and day. Then I was given a ride to the bus stop by the dude
who turned over his keyboard to me in the days prior (the dude who
was instrumental in setting this up)
That guy was cornered in such a way that he had to give me a ride to
the bus station.
He even brought me some pasta salad "the kind you like so much" he
said with a grin. I had my wallet back too- and my watch!
I called my relative from the outside payphone and confirmed such a
thing as this set of events, before accepting the money to use for
getting my bus ticket.
The money checked out and I gave every cent back that my relative
had Not sent for the bus ticket. The change was minuscule but the
bondage, I knew was not. So I insisted on every last penny not spent
on the bus ticket being taken back by this man. That little move
made him so extremely angry that he gained the full and undivided
attention of everyone present at the bus station.
He stormed away and left, screaming and yelling.
I emptied into the trash, many phone numbers and contact names from
my wallet that had been planted there.
I removed my watch and tossed it into the trash.
I didn't even touch the plastic container containing "my favorite
pasta salad"- it went direct in the trash.
I removed everything from my possession except my wallet, my driver
license, bus ticket and the 50 cents I had left in my pocket.
..waited on and got onto the bus full of miscreants and began my
journey home.
In Kansas, I had a really bad feeling about the bus I was on and I
did not like the people on the bus at all.
I stepped off the bus and awaited another bus's arrival 12 hours
Some lady was kind and actually seemed "clean" so I accepted the
pair of blue jeans she offered me.
It was going to get cold later in the evening and she was nice
enough and looked out for me a bit.
I called my relative from that town and told my parent that I
stepped off the bus and was waiting for the next bus to continue on
my way home.
My parent was quite perturbed to hear that I did that. Well he was
worried, of course.
There is another dimension of strangeness that I observed through
Kansas that is used to smuggle weaponry and to disappear semi-trucks
and busses- it is called a Russel. It began in, you guessed it-
Russel Kansas and continued west-bound until my buss was the vehicle
disappeared from satellite tracking.
One of my uncles was a very trained driver in a previous profession
and had explained it to me in the past.
He since has lost all memory of having explained it to me. He told
me I'd know it when I see it, and I did.
There is a satellite phenomena exploited by "transporters" with
vehicles equipped with sat-comm and other type of satellite tracking
Laws have been passed requiring interstate "transport" vehicles to
use this type of equipment. I gained more experience with it later
when I drove truck.
This phenomena was used to Protect my journey home on the second
bus. Interestingly
I got home to Idaho in rather fine shape. Tired and aware all at the
same time

things like this will do that to a person.
Dad had an especially difficult time understanding all I told him
over the coming months.
You are reading this because I've been urged to speak about it
for years.
The Crofts have heard some of it and Don has persuaded me to post
about this so to Empower the readers of this forum with knowledge of
some of
the tactics that have been used on us.
If you see something like this playing out in front of you. I have a
piece of advice:
calmly take the steps necessary to get done what you need to get
done. Do NOT break any laws. Recognize help by listening to your
Keep your thoughts calm and listen to your heart. Don't freak out-
you'll be toast. I guarantee it
There is much more that happened that I am not ready to put on any
public forum.
We do not have the level of subterfuge today that I encountered
before. We don't. They cannot get away with it.
I realize being in the public eye is one of our most important
safety mechanisms to take advantage of.
If you are under "attack"- do not drink alcohol. do not smoke pot.
do not take drugs- you need every bit of your subtle bodies working
to protect you.
Listen to your heart
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 1619
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Web Rings, Sabotage And Setup Tactics
Thanks a lot, Ben--very good history and an excellent first-hand
account of some of the tactics and strategies that the CIA and other
vermin agencies use to destroy progressive movements, all of which
has failed, so far, to stop the expansion of the unorganized, global
orgonite-tossing network
If/when DB ever decides to tell his similar experiences I bet it
would knock one of the legs out from under this corporate/military
Someday we can name names for the record but, for now, all of those
payrolled, would-be destructors (and more) are still in play, of
course, and we don't want them to achieve victim status.
Carol and I are enjoying Ben's visit and it's been fun catching
up. He's making a 108 after I suggested that the CIA/NSA likely
have already set up a very costly, high-powered radionics effort to
prevent him from prospering, as they did to many of us before we
finally set up some 108s, last year (Thank you, Mr Soggiu!)
Joined: September 2009
Posts: 46
Location: Idaho, Usa

Re: Web Rings, Sabotage And Setup Tactics
"..waited on and got onto the bus full of miscreants and began my
journey home.
In Kansas, I had a really bad feeling about the bus I was on and I
did not like the people on the bus at all.
I stepped off the bus and awaited another bus's arrival 12 hours
Some lady was kind and actually seemed "clean" so I accepted the
pair of blue jeans she offered me.
It was going to get cold later in the evening and she was nice
enough and looked out for me a bit.
I called my relative from that town and told my parent that I
stepped off the bus and was waiting for the next bus to continue on
my way home.
My parent was quite perturbed to hear that I did that. Well he was
worried, of course."
I wanted to add the following as a footnote. I'll be adding to
this topic as I feel comfortable. It is likely to cause days of
discomfort- as I've experienced after posting what you can read
above in this topic. There are folks who are angry with me for
posting this info. I do it to help the movement and to help you- if
you ever need it.
Listen to your heart- it sounds so easy.
Several days after returning to Boise Idaho on the second bus, We
received a telephone call at my father's house.
It was the bus company and they wanted to speak with me.
They called and informed me that the first bus that I walked away
from in Kansas- it was hit by a semi-truck 80 miles east of my
14 people who were riding that bus were hospitalized. This event
never got on the local evening news in Idaho
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 1619
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Web Rings, Sabotage And Setup Tactics
Ben, one of our readers emailed to say that his credulity was kind
of challenged by your comment that your family was notified by the
bus company.
I assured him that you're providing your own subjective account of
what happened, as any of us do here, but after sleeping on it I
decided to add an additional caveat to your thread. I hope you don't
mind. When anyone posts someting on EW it reflects directly on my
own credibility, since I'm the host. I often answer back to people
in email when they feel challenged by something I say and the
discussions are always productive. I usually post their objections
and my answers. Most people flee from personal accountability but I
rather choose to run toward it for safety

and I expect everyone on EW to do the same. I'm giving that guy
your email address.
I encouraged Ben to post about his experiences because it's not only
very good history but if one is paying attention to subterfuge it
shows some of the CIA/NSA's usual tactics and strategies. Also,
some of our readers have been treated this way by the vermin who
hide behind the government, so when they see that someone else has
gone through this wringer, they feel vindicated instead of worrying
if they're losing their minds. The vermin mainly operate through
psycholocial weaknesses, after all, and they're all demented by
anyone's standard--clinical sociopaths with multiple degrees in some
cases, some military training and a fat paycheck. Most of their
psychics live double lives: predators for the CIA/NSA and
Theosophy-saturated 'body workers' the rest of the time, though a
lot of their psi corps are also overt, ritual satanists (some of the
latter, especially throughout the American South, are also militant
bornagain chumps--typically schizoid 'Christians,' not to be
confused with genuinely compassionate Christians), of course.
These agencies disappear millions of kids each year, lest we
Ben's been careful not to name names and we both figure that these
folks are so well marginalized, by now, that these accounts won't
cause any significant backlash from that end. Only a handful of
people who toss orgonite would even recognize their names, in fact.
Since simple orgonite changes bad energy into good energy,
perpetually (apparently), and especially since some of us have
figured out how to use simple orgonite to change the then-new death
towers and weather weaponry into life force generators, the CIA and
other corporate vermin determined to undermine and destroy this
effort. That's when the fakers, including those two in
Florida, all came to the fore in 2002. Their disinformation began
spreading on the internet and they used to gang up on DB, Carol and
I in the public forums we participated in. It was just fun for DB
and I but Carol quit participating. Not everyone is cut out for
tangling with poisonmongers, of course. After I finally figured out
that it's impossible to secure this online effort when the CIA and
MI6 were sponsoring the forum efforts, we initiated
ethericwarriors.com in August, 2004, and things have run pretty
smoothly, since then, despite a series of destructions of this forum
by hackers in the years since then.
The three murders in Africa, last year, the near-imprisonment of
Georg, Greaser Tino, Carlos and Prophet in Mazambique and the near
imprisonment of Judy Lubulwa in Nairoi are clear enough signs that
the CIA/NSA/Jesuits/MI6/Mossadomites/KGB-bitches that are arrayed
against us all are playing for keeps. For some reason it's harder
for them to kill us in the West, which is probably why they have to
resort to psychological manipulations and poisons in our case.
Back in 2002, when young Ben was first starting to promote his
creations it became obvious to anyone that he has a gift for this.
It was obvious enough to the vermin that they decided to try to use
him against us. He was cajoled into moving in with a couple of
people in Florida who were able to ride on his talent and
productivity coat tails for almost two years before he figured out
that he was in a deteriorating circumstance leading toward his
death. I think the vermin at Langley had determined to destroy him
before these folks in Florida managed to enslave him for them.
Carol and I gifted Atlanta, which was then the most polluted city in
the Eastern US, to re-demonstrate the effectiveness of simple
towerbusters after the vermin had nearly destroyed people's
confidence in orgonite through subterfuge in early 2003.
Thankfully, that turned the tide and within a few months the fakers'
ruinous and hypnotic promotional efforts fell apart. Kelly
McKinnon, a new acquaintance at the time, was instrumental in
providing the final coup to their strategy through some comparative
experimentation. He started out trying to prove that their
substitute for orgonite was superior but ended up proving that it
was useless, except for the tiny orgonite component in that Rube
Goldberg creation. Around thast time, too, several of these devices
were found by police in three or four states and blown up. They
were made to look just like pipe bombs, after all, and some of the
goofs who were 'distributing' them seemed to deliberately put them
where they'd be seen. Remember that this was not long after the
feds blew up the World Trade Center, so a lot of Pajama People,
including most cops, actually still believed that there were such
things as terrorists (other than the CIA and the other criminal
agencies, of course). Each event got reported in the local
newspapers, and the readers were directed to the weasel's website
'for information.' These freaks really cover the bases, don't
On our trip to Florida at the time we met with Ben at his
hosts/captors' home in Florida. At the time these two had not yet
betrayed the growing, unorganized orgonite-flinging movement. I'd
met Ben in the previous August, during our joint effort to flip all
the towers, etc. (thousands) across the southern part of Idaho. I
think that part of the reason Ben went to Florida was that his
living circumstances in Idaho, where he was working as a cook at a
rural highway restaurant, north of Boise, were deteriorating. For
some reason, every predator in the little town was looking for a way
to get at him. He has a sweet nature, by the way. His dad was
living east of Boise at the time.
We stopped, there, on our way to disable some HAARP equipment on the
'hill' over decommissioned (sure

) Homestead Air Force Base, south of Miami. The skies were clear,
that day, but a half hour after we left it was just like a hurricane
in that little area, including a hard rain that stopped traffic on
the interstate highway, then a hundred mile-per-hour wind that
lasted about ten minutes. We got stuck right by the HAARPicane
Direction Center in S Miami and saw green sheet lightning around
that enormous HAARP array during the rain and just before the
wind. It was a fun day. We disabled that place in 2005 with
earthpipes. We didn't yet know about earthpipes in 2003. Our cohort
in South Miami later told us that the un-natural little storm made
the local news. It didn't get reported on the natural Weather
Channel, evidently
When I saw him in Florida I didn't recognize him, though that sweet
nature was still there. The hosts had their hooks in him pretty
deep but I think he felt safe there, so didn't notice. He'd been
there several months, by then. Carol and I couldn't get away from
that place fast enough. The funny thing about meeting the fakers is
that in person they're never like they seem in correspondence. That
happened several more times for us before this movement finally got
clear of the profesional saboteurs.
The funniest meeting was when Carol and I met with a fellow who had
been promoting our orgonite cloudbusters. He had a quite a bit of
disinformation on his website, so we never felt entirely confident
in his integrity but were definitely happy that thousands of
orgonite cloudbusters had been built in the affected countries, thx
to his promotion. We met in a restaurant and I noticed that Carol
kept looking away from him, then looking at him again. It happened
several times and after the meet and greet I asked her about
it. She said that every time she looked at him she saw a weasel's
head above his collar. Then I was sure this fellow would eventually
betray the effort, which he did a few years later. Fortunately, EW
was standing on its own feet by then and this movement continued to
expand and consolidate.
The reason I encouraged Ben to start a creative forum is because I
don't believe he's ever sold out and there's definitely a need for
this creative outlet. The professional fakers, over the years,
have stressed their alleged creative and proprietary approaches in
order to discredit simple orgonite. This is done to distract people
and discourage them from getting out and disabling the death
transmitters, which is always the first priority when gifting an
area, of course. I think the death transmitters were a key element
in the corporate world order's desperate push to regain their
momentum after having failed to achieve their depopulation
(genocide) goal of half a billion people before 2000, their
announced target date. See, tyranny is impossible when the human
population is big. That's also why they tried for generations
(unsuccessfully) to persuade us to have no children

--the Gaia myth was even generated to persuade people that 'humanity
are a despicable virus on the poor planet.' We can assume that the
Rockefeller-funded people who promote the myth are exceptions
That said, when DB and Carol were tracking his exit from Florida
they saw a slightly differtent picture than the one he has in his
memory. It's the same in that his hosts were involved in an effort
to murder him, so that's why I encouraged him to post his
We were discussing his bus exit in Kansas after I told him about
the big holes in my leg after my most recent poisoning. The
psychics in teh chatroom saw poison-molecules being distributed by
nanobots in that case. When I mentioned that to Ben he told me a
story that jived with the psychics' observations--some apparent
nanobots on the ground at that bus stop that responded to his
emotional states. During that time he was still in the process of
getting clear of the CIA/NSA, of course. Those vermin don't just
give up when they lose a battle and their resources are unspeakably
The reason I decided to post these comments in Ben's thread is that,
yesterday, the local MKid paid me a visit. He lives with his
alleged dad on this airfield, part of each year. His 'dad' was a
Navy fighter pilot who still works for the CIA. I met him a couple
of times and both of these guys are not unpleasant, nor do they
evidently have any ill will toward us but Carol gets kind of
agitated when teh kid comes around and warns me that he's being
aimed at me. I'm not a psychic, so being around someone like that
doesn't throw me off the rails. All I feel is some discomfort. I
tried a few times to interest the kid (he's 22) in getting clear of
these vermin but he expresses hopelessness. He's very intelligent
but says they won't let him hold a job. I tried to interest him in
using my shower in the hangar because they evidently don't want him
to bathe, either. He's looking awfully skinny, too. This is how the
CIA often treats their unpaid assets. I think that most of the
homeless people are in one or another Monarch program and that the
explosion in the number of crazy people in the US in the 70s, not
long after the CIA's major coup, the Woodstock Festival, is a sign
of the CIA/NSA's version of 'progress.'
I don't think this kid was the one who sabotaged my plane's landing
gear, unfastened some of the structural fasteners and p!$$ed in my
fuel sampling jar last year because he showed up after all that.
Ben was a sap when those folks in Florida enslaved him. I'm still
a sap for refusing to tell that local MKid to get lost, even after
my wife warned me that the CIA intends to use him to harm me at some

but I'm trusting in The Operators to give me a heads up, as they've
done so often in my life. When the kid shows up he starts rambling.
He has no interest in anything I might have to say, so I just keep
my mouth shut and let him rattle on. He always starts out talking
gibberish about gods and demons, then after awhile he starts
spouting some math and chemistry, which is when I really start to
listen. While he's talking, I'm working at my assembly table. I
usually watch movies while I'm doing assembly work. Yesterday,
after he became lucid he started telling me how the CIA erases and
alters memories in people with lasers. This started to jive with
Al Bielek's account of how the CIA/NSA now effiiciently and
quickly program little toddlers into the Monarch fold without using
sexual trauma, any more, like they did when I was little.
Then the kid suddenly got up and left

. I got what I needed from him, which was more subjective
confirmation of how these vermin operate. I bet it's going to be
awhile before I see him, again. He was away, earlier this year,
while his 'dad' was working in Africa for the CIA--Djibouti. Then,
he told me he stayed with his 'mom' at 29 Palms Air Base. He had
already told me that neither are his real parents. This was a
little confirmation of what DB told us, years ago, about the kids at
his kids' school in a LA suburb, which is essentially a CIA Monarch
hive: none of the kids looked like either of their parents
I believe DB was the key element in saving Ben's life in
2004. Ben's dad relayed his story to me after his successful
escape. I didn't hear from Ben for a couple more years, by which
time he'd gotten his life in better order.