Excellent empirical observations, Louis, thanks! I
hope others will contribute to the thread and that
readers will send us their observations to post
When Carol and I stumbled into the realization that
the then-new, omnipresent death towers could be
disabled with orgonite, around February, 2002, we
saw evidence, based on the same thing you're
observing, that disabling a primary death tower also
disabled some towers that were apparently connected
to it.
Fortunately the town we were gifting, Paso,
Washington, had many more towers per capita than the
norm (norm is around 2,000 people per death tower in
most countries in the world where we've personally
gifted) and they were pretty close together.
Example, we put a holyhandgrenade by the biggest
tower and the light stopped flashing within twenty
minutes or so, then three or four nearby towers'
lights also went out shortly afterward and Carol
saw the death energy transmissions from all these
towers cease.
We felt dismayed, a few weeks later, when this
cascading effect no longer happened in the areas we
were gifting and our impression was that the sewer
rats had managed to re-configure the networking
aspect of their death towers on account of our
success. We'd been seeing countless thousands of
new towers in our travels in the previous month,
especially in the Los Angeles Basin, and we
recognized that they were apparently intended to be
used for enforcing martial law. Any sensitive or
psychic knows that the energy from these towers is
horrific, after all, unlike the ubiquitous,
low-current cell repeaters and communication
satellites that had been handling all cellphone
traffic had been, before. The thought of someone
having to disable all these millions of transmitters
in order ot avert global enslavement and genocide
was kind of depressing, in fact, so we focused on
doing our immediate area thoroughly: North Idaho,
Eastern Washington and part of Montana.
I went, alone, to Southern Idaho a few months later
to field test the then-new towerbuster concept for
several weeks in a score of cities. I went
alone because I wanted to be sure that a
non-psychic could get it done and achieve the
requisite visual confirmations and when I was
convinced it worked consistently, I started
promoting it on the web. Fortunately, it
took hold.
Curiously, there were many thousands of orgonite
cloudbusters, by then, but only a small number of
people who had built or bought the CBs were inclined
to stir themselves to also go out and disable the
death towers and weather warfare weaponry. The
present 'generation' of gifters is more
self-motivated, far more numerous, less
ideology-driven and more focused on results and
systematic work.
Similarly, until around Feb of 2003 one could
determine whether a particular death tower was
broadcasting or not by simply aiming a ZapChecker at
it. This was awfully handy, as you can imagine, and
a few of us were carrying zapcheckers as standard
gifting equipment, then

. I was interested to notice that I could point a
ZapChecker at an unbusted death tower and get a
strong reading but if I held the zapchecker behind
and object I got no reading at all. This 'line of
sight' aspect is apparently one of the failings of
the death-energy transmission tech, which is probaly
why there are so damn many towers in teh first
place, especially in population centers.
That's not to say that some of their energy isn't
undetectable by teh zapcheckers, of course. I don't
think orgone (good or bad) is measured with that
instrument, for instance, but perhaps a carrier
frequency wave is. Who knows? All that tech is deep
military secret, after all; typical CIA/NSA/MI6
nastiness. Doc von Peters, who teaches in Russia
several times a year--cities throughout the country,
told us categorically that there are NO death towers
in Russia, by the way. I think it's the only
country on the planet htat doesn't have them. He
said everyone there has a cellphone and that
reception is flawless, which indicates satellites.
The range of neighborhood death towers is quite
short, according to my old zapchecker readings. The
range of the drum and horn transmitter arrays, which
are often found in teh countryside, seems to be
much longer, on the other hand.
They suddenly stopped working for that by the time
we visited Hugh Lovel in Georgia and took him on a
short gifting demonstration to the local death
towers. From that day onward, whenever I turned a
zapchecker on in the vicinity of any towers the
needle pegged out at the red end of the scale and
stayed there, no matter what the orgonite was
doing. This was enough for Hugh to look askance at
my claim about the death towers

but he loved the little cloudbuster we gave him and
is selling his version of orgonite cloudbuster in
Australia these days.
My impression was that teh NSA or some other
criminal syndicate had managed to blanket the areas
around all the death towers and HAARP facilities
with ambient, perhaps low frequency, energy-neutral
carrier waves that are able to generate a static
field around the towers. It might be kind of how the
chemtrails are often just composed of inert
skywriting chemicals in order to stay in the sky
awhile--that's enough to discourage the less
discerning would-be gifters in this global scale
psychological (disinfo) war that the old world order
has been waging.
My feeling is that we ought to compile accounts
about the lights dimming on gifted death towers. If
the sewer rats find a way to circumvent that effect
we'll at least have plenty of empirical evidence
that the phenomenon is happening right now
Good job, Louis! Maybe the 'What Does This Mean'
aspect will remain an open question until the old
world order has been weakened enough to be forced
to disclose the technical details of their more
hidden agendae, which probably includes these death
towers, etc.