Who is Barbara Bush, Really? |
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Who is Barbara Bush, Really?
This weekend the psychics went back to work in the
chats after a month or so of R&R and it seems that
some important new ground has already been covered.
On Saturday, in donebydooney.com's chat, Dooney,
Stevo and Carol went hunting for in-process schemes
to initiate World War Three, since the world odor
often initiates their worst mass murder plots in
August, during the Dog Days.
I think it was Carolien in HOlland who had a clear
urge to examine related actiity in the Madeira
Islands and that paid off because the psychics found
a huge effort to hide an attempt, mostly by the old
cabal that's used BushSr as their nexus with the
world order's mass murder infrastructure. Carol
initially had an urge to immediately look at Bush
and his old protege, Hillary Cllinton, so this tied
in with the Madeira piracy.
There's apparently a massive vortex in those islands
and the psychics had spent a lot of sessions healing
and recovering the equally important vortices in
Iran and Iraq, which the world order had intended to
use to initiate WWIII. You probably remember that
O'Bomber promised to attack Iran ASAP when he gave
what was essentially his Presidential appointment
speech to Chicago's (Aryan) Zionists a few weeks
After combatting each other in the Primaries,
Hillary has apparently chosen the Vice President
spot in order to run the White House, again, on
behalf of her master, BushSr. If you've read enough
good, documented conspiracy journalism you realize
that Hilllary has only ever worked for BushSr and
apparently started doing so pretty soon after she
got out of college. I think it's a good practice to
seek out as much credible conspiracy journalism as
possible because when we're armed with sufficient,
factual information the literal army of incredibly
clever and well-informed CIA lie-spinners are less
likely to distract us.
You might be programmed to disregard conversations
about the CIA but please notice that people who
attack my character never mention the CIA while I do
it in almost every post. BushSr is so essential to
this horrible agency's operations that they named
their vast underground Langley hive after him.
It took about 45 minutes, yesterday, for us to plow
through the layers of veils and deceptoin that the
world odor had woven over that Madeira vortex but
the psychics eventually found a big 'wheel,' much
deeper underground than previous ones they'd
discovred and it took awhile longer for us to get it
spinning again, which indicates to us that it was
essential to the current effort to initate WWIII. It
felt pretty confirming that the world order had to
go to those lengths to hide their plot, this time.
The Mossadomites seem to be the group that's most
eager to initate World War Three and my wife tells
me that these guys are committed to the death and
beyond to murder as many innocents as possible,
which is something that also characterizes the
bloodiest of the CIA's own satanic covens in the
Bible Belt (Southern US) but not many other groups
on the planet.
Today, we focused more on BushSr's cabal and the
psychics immediately noted that HIllary seems to be
isolated from her power source, which perhaps means
that BushSr is no longer in a proactive position.
We're pretty sure that this cabal didn't want
O'Bomber in the White House because the Mossadomites
and the rest of the Aryan Zionists who want war, are
quite racist, as can be seen in Israel itself, where
non-Aryan Jews (including all of the 'Semites,' of
course) are second class ciizens and Mossadomite
I'm on Carol's PC because I'm not in a place where I
can connect with myApple. I had planned to start
putting the registered trademark behind 'Mossadomite'
but I can't figure out the keystrokes on the PC.
It's easier on an Apple and when I get home I'll
start doing that. Stevo gets credit for the catchy
term and laughing at mass murderers probably works
better than shooting them; besides, the Mossadomites
probably long for death because, like perhaps some
Jesuits, they hope to 'rule in hell.'
pretty sure they're uncomfortable about open
discussion of their activities, though, and very mad
when we laugh at them.
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Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Who is Barbara Bush, Really?
Heheh, my internet connection keeps getting
interfered with, so I feel confirmed that these
comments will have a positive effect. I write
mostly to expose tehse freaks rather than o convince
my readers. I doubt that very many other people,
so far, have dug very deep in the big library of
viable conspiracy journalism but I hope I'm
inspiring a few to do so, at least. I don't think
it takes many people to move the entire species
toward more awareness and accountability because
we're all intimately connected on the levels where
it counts.
We worked on the Bush cabal again this morning in
the EW chat and that R&R has really paid off for the
psychics! I think it was Nancy in Portland who
suggested that they look at Barbara Bush and they
quickly found that she has apparently been directing
her husband, right along. The fact that nobody
apparently even considered this, before, might
indicate how resourceful the old gal is. We already
know that the most powerful players in teh world
order never get mentioned in the media. Bushsr was
the first to proclaim (prematurely, it turned out

) 'The New World Order.'
When we focused our energy on the old gal, the
psychics heard/saw her screaming in rage and agony
so a nice confirmation and a promising target for
future efforts. The effective warrior, after all,
is the one who expends the least effort to get the
biggest result and we might have found the mother
lode, so to speak, for preventing WWIII.
It seems axiomatic that the world order has always
depended on a nexus in order to exert their
parasitic will on humanity. Aside from BushSr, who
cut his teeth in the cabal that murdered JFK, a good
example were the Caesars, who did the will of people
like wealthy but 'shy' Crassus. I think that if the
real rulers tried to give orders to the world odor's
ruinous corporate minions they'd fail because
they're so obviously heinous and un-charismatic. 'm
just guessing about that--maybe the truth isn't that
simple in this case. Hive queens like Barbara are
often more than Illuminati brood mares, though--look
at Lucretia Borgia, for instance, who ran the
Carol had an epiphany that our job has never been to
disable mass murderers, including BushSr, the old
freak, because he's performing a useful
function: inducing the PJ folks to finally
recognize how heinous his 'New World Order' actually
is. When enough PJ folks know this simple truth,
that will apparently be the end of parasitic global
rule. Meanwhile, we're going to do what we can to
stop these freaks from actually nuking anyone. If
O'Bomber gets into the Oval Office we'll also do
what we can to keep these freaks from murdering him
and blaming Persia, which is apparenty their short
term plan, like their failed plan to murder BushSr's
stupid Number One Son, years ago, and blame
'Muslims' in general.
BushJr staying alive and obviously too stupid to run
a government, in spite of the CIA's (his daddy's)
past efforts to assassinate him, has degraded the US
Presidency in the eyes of the PJ folks wonderfully
well, so these masses are in a better position, now,
to shrug off the entire fascist global order.
You probably realize that just killing mass
murderers (tyrants) only paves the way for other,
perhaps worse ones, to take their place, just like
what happened in France, Russia and China. The
only kind of revolution that works, historically, is
a revolution in awareness.
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Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Who is Barbara Bush, Really?
I think it's pretty obvious to anyone, now, that the
Zionists have been the engine behind the 'War on
Terror,' also that the CIA and the Mossadomites are
the only real terrorists on the planet. MI6 is more
of a directing agency, also not as clever as the
other two in terms of spinning convincing tales and
I think that the way to heal Israel is to convince
more Jews and Palestinians to intermarry. I saw
more racial intermarriage in the American South than
anywhere else I've been and the level of prejudice
in the South has declined more dramatically than in
the 'tolerant' US North.
Another benefit of reading history is that one
realizes that before World War Two, which is when
the Mossadomites came into their own as a terrorist
organization, there was relatively little religioius
prejudice in what's now called Israel. Under Turkish
rule there was actually a lot of religious tolerance
and even though massive numbers of Jews moved to
Palestine after 1844 they were treated much better
than the Jews, pumped up into a zealous frenzy by
the British/masonic secret orders and the concurrent
sponsored slaughter of Jews in WWII Europe by the
world order, later treated the native Palestinians,
after they took over the region. A large
percentage of Palestinians are Christians, so it can
be said that the Zionist position toward
Palestinians is more racist than religious in
nature. Tecnically, Mossadomites/Zionists aren't
exclusively 'Anti-Semites' and generally haters of
people of color because quite a few Palestinians are
Aryans--descended from Armenian immigrants and the
Mossadomites and the more zealous among the Zionists
want to kill all of the Palestinians, obviously.
It may be that you're already aware of how rotten
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith is. They're
kind of like Jewish Jesuits, mandated to create
mayhem and an unfathomable depth of racist slander
in the media. They managed to railroad LaRouche in
prison for being an 'Anti-Semite' for instance and
they managed to persuade the US Government to murder
those families at Waco. They've often been caught,
red handed, harming innocents in teh US and it's
documented that Meyer Lansky, the Jewish Mafia boss
who owned and operated Cuba and Central America
after WWII, was their primary moneybag. His
daughter runs B'Nai Brith these days.
They moved LaRouche into jail so fast that nobody
got a word in for him regarding his close
association with so manyh trusted, trustworthy
Jewish research journalists
The reason it's important to read a variety of
credible conspiracy journalists is that individuals
are usually moved by one or anothe ideology, so
they're likely to present only the factual
information that supports or doesn't attack the root
of their own individual ideology. The best authors
I've found, overall, have been Jews, by the
way: Chaim Chaitkin, Margery White and a couple of
others. In the early 1980s, when I first started
collecting available conspiracy info, the only easy
source were fundamentalist Christians and the John
Birch Society. I had to plow through an awful lot of
disinfo to find useful info in those days and
because these groups were popularly seen as
irrational and paranoid I found literally nobody
else to discuss conspiracy information with in a
sane way.
An example of a useful conspiracy book written by an
ideologue is that one written by a former Mormon
bishop about the actual history of Mormonism, JOseph
Smith and Brigham Young. The fact that he became a
fundamentalist Christian and used the book to preach
his new religion probably discredited him to most
rational folks but he documented his history
presentation, so I found the book very useful.
I think that teh one-two punch that finally broke
down censorship in America was the brief, grassroot
shortwave radio campaign that started after the
feds murdered those people in Waco and later blew
up the federal building in Oklahoma, then the
creation and spread of the internet, which was
equally grassroot in nature. I personally doubt the
internet would have spread if not for the
immediately earlier media effort, though the two
things are not apparently related. It may be that
an earlier stage was the introduction of offset
printing in the 1950s, which made self-publishing
more feasible. Before that, fourteen publishing
houses printed essentially all books and periodicals
in America and those were owned by Illuminati
families. Letterpresses are capital-intensive but
almost anyone could afford an offset press.
The John Birchers published GaryAllen's books and I
bet he's got more readers, now, than before he was
murdered twenty years ago. He's the author of NONE
DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY and several other titles,
including one about the Rockefellers and how they
gained firm control, through bribery and
extortion, of all of the state legislatures in teh
US after WWII. Did you think it was accidental that
all state governments are as corrupt as the federal
one is?
Eustace Mullins has been like an aggressive mole
(the digging rodent, not the CIA version

) for several decades, uncovering more levels of
conspiracy than most other authors. He started out
as an 'anti-communist' journalist in the 1950s but
abruptly altered course when he found out that
communism and fascism are the same top-down system
I hope you'll start doing your own reading! The
censorship in America that I could only get past by
leaving the country in the mid-1980s is all gone,
now, thanks to the internet. A lot of foundational
material that's out of print, like THE HITLER BOOK,
are even available as free PDF downloads!
If you have a sincere interest, the titles will find
you in a timely way. Truth seekers are always
closely aided and guided by The Operators. PLEASE
don't content yourself with the regurgitated
conspiracy info that the CIA's liars cobble together
in order to confuse and discourage you! Especially
avoid fools who shout about it from megaphones,
okay? Also, learn to look at 'channelers' with a
more critical eye. If you're in the habit of
subscribing to channelers and will also do some of
your own reading, you're going to find that they
make significant mistakes, which shows that the
authors of this material are most often just clever
but fallible humans; CIA, usually, and they've got a
lot of metaphysical tricks to snag the incredulous
seeker. If you've taken bait like that, don't feel
bad but please get past this scam!
Until the mid-90s, the world order 'allowed'
unpopular groups (including Hitler's bunch in the
20s) to talk openly about global conspiracies. I
think that was because these arrogant old freaks
felt confident that the information would be
discredited by association, the way some creepy
people and forums who hold forth about orgonite are
probably promoted in order to discredit the rest of
us. That ancient ploy began breaking down not very
long after BushSr trumpeted the existence of the
'New World Order,' and Clinton proclaimed that his
mentor was his professor at Yale who not only taught
about global conspiracy but yearned for the
conspirators to openly seize the reigns of political
and economic power instead of just being parasites
If your only exposure to conspiracy information has
been Ramtha and/or the glitzy floorshow of CIA
BigMouth Chicken Littles, please at least read NONE
DARE CALL IT CONSPIRACY, which is also a free PDF
download. This book can help you straighten your
head out and get you more in touch with your own
heart than with triggered endorphin squirts.
Interest in this stuff has grown big enough that
the CIA hackers won't even dare destroy a lot of
these inportant links any more. That's because
enough of us know that hacker-destruction of
important websites is an endorsement for those
sites and this is one of many evidences that the
world order is merely parasitic and not to be
feared, after all
I've assumed that the shortcut to world peace and
prosperity is the destruction (mainly through
exposure) of the vast, murderous US Government but
I've lately suspected that Israel's equally fascist
and murdeous government also needs to be exposed and
discarded by people of conscience in Israel. Sure,
the clergy-controlled governments in the Middle East
are all nasty and dangerous but Muslim clergy will
never unite with each other; they're like jackals
and British money and Vryal secret police forces are
all that keeps these puppet regimes in place
(please, please, please read THE HITLER BOOK,
okay? Don't take the media's paranoia bait!)
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Posts: 1142
Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Who is Barbara Bush, Really?
CArol and I are taking care of her dad this weekend
becuase his care-giver is taking a break, so we had
to do the chats in a local Starbucks. This morning,
I was gratified to hear an eloquent customer holding
forth about 'O'Bomber.' I was hoping that I'd be
the first to use that term but I bet that thousands
of people spontaneously started using it as soon as
he gave that Presidential-Appointment acceptance
speech to his sponsors, the Big Money Racist
Zionists, in Chicago

Delicious irony that these haters of color are
constrained to at least temporarily support a puppet
whose daddy came from Kenya!
For me, this confirms the notion that more and more
people are waking up to how irredemable the US
Government actually is. It's like we're being
governed by people like Charles Manson and I'm not
kidding at all. It's going to be fun to see how
the tide continues to turn against the poisonous old
cabals in coming months. I wonder how much general
and timely public disgust the fake elections will
finally cause in November, or maybe I'm being a
Some of us have been saying for a couple of years
that the bad guys are finally losing, after
thousands of years. None of us could have predicted
how exquisitely this is playing out,
though! Thanks, Operators!
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Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Who is Barbara Bush, Really?
David in Hawaii kindly sent me a PDF of the Freeman
Perspective, in which Freeman claimed that Barbara
Bush is an illegitimate offspring of Aleister
Crowley, through her (Illuminati?) mom, who
allegedly lived with Crowley in England when she got
pregnant in 1924. Apparently, Crowley created a
brigade of little bastards in those days, usually
with rich, dim-witted married women.
I don't know, yet, who Freeman is and some of his
guests (associates?) are the typical roster of CIA
and 'British Israel' fakers but it's a good read, in
spite of the complete lack of documentation. Having
no documentation is only an issue if someone
presents him/herself as a research journalist, of
course, which I'm certainly not and I don't know if
Freeman presents himself as one.
I've read enough credible conspiracy authors,
though, that I've been able to put together a lot of
jigsaw puzzle pieces, which is what you also ought
to be doing, if you're not. Reading one author
can't give you certitude, unfortunately.
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Re: Who is Barbara Bush, Really?
Jack, a very busy and successful gifter in Eastern
Kansas, sent me the following and I'll comment
Hey Don, my friend sent me this link, check out the
photo of the vortexes:
Um, just reading a bit on EW, haven't been keeping
up with the site the last 3-4 weeks, working a
flipping ton.
And it prompted more questions as always. But one
thing I can share, I don't know if it is "legitimate
conspiracy"research in your opinion, but in some of
the older posts you were quoting long complete nazi
names of their various police state apparatus. I was
reading a book, by Joseph Farrell, "The SS
Brotherhood of the Bell, NASA's Nazis, JFK, and
Majic-12" and on page 102 while discussing Lyne's
disinfo he states,
But oddly, and most chillingly, Lyne points out that
the two largest and most notorious agencies
established by the National Security Act, the CIA
and the NSA, are but direct English translations or
metaphrases of Reichsicherheithauptamt, the infamous
R.S.H.A, which may be literally translated as
"National Security Agency" and loosly also
connotates a central, or main, clearing office, or
"central intelligence" or "security" agency.
(Farrell 102).
Hey one quick question re: the Babs Bush thread. Who
are the usual suspects of the CIA people that have
appeared on Freeman? I had seen only very little of
his show, what has been lent out to me by friends.
And this would help me to investigate these folks
and add them to my disinfo list. I was going to ask
your opinion of one certain well know figure, but
now I know, because you said to beware of those who
scream their conspiracy info out of megaphones.
I enjoyed the volcano pictures. Scroll down that
page to find the waterspouts, which are like dust
devils only take water up into the sky rather than
dust. If Carol was looking at those she'd probably
tell us how many happy elementals are playing around
in there
I really do hate to put names of the CIA's liars out
there because they perform the lapwing role to
perfection, of course, but I will mention Swerdlow,
since he's been in the process of helping the CIA
stop losing so many of their Monarch assets, so he's
actually hurting people instead of just misleading
the incredulous.
Here's a cute aside: the webmaster of our business
website knows him becuase his nephew spends a lot of
time at the Swerdlow residence with their little boy
(was little when this story was told, some years
ago, that is). The 7-yr-old nephew innocently told
our webmaster that one time, when he was sleeping
over at the Swerdlows, he spied on Stewart in the
basement, talking with teh animated head of a big
I asked my webmaster to drop some orgonite around
Swerdlow's neighborhood because in those days
Swerdlow was badmouthing Carol and I. He said that
he was on his way to do that when his car broke down
for no apparent reason, then when he got home he was
stricken, as with a stroke but more painfully, and
had to be hospitalized for a day or so. That
completely baffled the serial killers (MDs) since
this fellow didn't have any apparent health
problems. I think he got around to tossing the
orgonite in the woods behind the Swerdlow residence.
Carol told me that Mrs Swerdlow actually calls the
shots in that family.
I think I know when he gifted the property--right
before Swerdlow adopted a more private website
The more one will read about how Hitler and Himmler
ran Germany in the 30s, the more one will recognize
that the US Government is now a carbon copy of that
regime. The ONLY reason that you, American reader,
and I are not dead or in a slave labor camp right
now is because enough of us are armed. The Germans
gave all their guns to Hitler in 1933 or so--I think
it was after Hitler had the World Trade Center, er,
I mean The Reichstag destroyed

and successfully blamed commies for it.
I"ve heard good stuff about Lyne but haven't read
any of his stuff, yet. I don't want to mention the
other CIA freaks who are apparently guests on
Freeman's show. Having those guests doesn't mean
that Freeman is a traitor to humanity, of course.
You figure it out
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Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Who is Barbara Bush, Really?
My gal was in the office just now, so I asked her to
peek at that photo of the watersprites. She pointed
to two dark entities above several bright water
sprites (the spouts) and said they were contending
with each other.
When we were with teh dolphins last April, some
distance west around that coastline, she said that
they took one of the 18s to that spot near Kilauea,
so I assume the sprites were using that energy to
clear the dark entities away. Small world, eh?
It sure is fun living with a grounded psychic.
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Location: Athol, Republic of Idaho

Re: Who is Barbara Bush, Really?
Speaking of psychics, I just got an email from a
gifting psychic who read this thread and has
personal experience with the '$werdlows' (she didn't
want to spell out the name in her email becuase she
has a real concern about CIA reprisals).
She said that someone she knows who had been a
'friend' of the Swerdlows had to visit an emergency
room shortly after he disengaged from them. She sent
him a Succor Punch and a Holy Handgrenade and he
quickly recovered & succeeded at getting clear of
the couple. This woman told me that Carol is right
about Mrs S calling the shots; further told me that
her dad is higher up, literally, and they apparently
built a third story onto their house for him,
Having said all that, please note that I rarely have
these public discussions because it's so easy to
paint me as a curmudgeon. Only a few disinformants
are sleazy enough that our readers already figured
out that they're dirty. The woman who emailed me
said that someone we apparently used to be
affiliated with but who now posts excessively on a
discredited orgonite forum has been promoting
Swerdlow there. This person tried very hard to
cause Carol and I to separate, three years ago
during a time when many other avenues were being
used to split us up. All of htat trouble stopped
when we moved to Florida, thankfully.
I guess it's safe to mention 'Sally Water' now.
Five and six years ago, an extended campaign was
waged to discredit orgonite in favor of a brand of
energized water. A whole lot of people bought into
that and spent a lot of money buying and
distributing these other devices, only to find out
that it wasn't disabling the death towers and HAARP
weaponry as promised. Carol and I went ten thousand
dollars into debt on a trip to thoroughly gift the
City of Atlanta in those days in order to help renew
people's confidence in simple orgonite. We
succeeded, fortunately, adn our detractors failed in
that case but Swerdlow was promoting Sally Water
devices during those dark days.
Every day I'm grateful that the CIA, KGB, MI6, and
perhaps even the Mossadomites® have apparently
given up on derailing this growing, vital gifting
movement that way.
Now, if we can only get them to stop invading our
home and destroying our personal property out of