Wingmakers [Download
Topic] Author Message
Sept 2010

In the chats over the past couple of years we've worked with some of
the operators we've been calling 'the wingmakers.'
There's been much discussion about who they are, and as I regularly
participate in the chat people have emailed me and suggested I write
a post about them. I am glad to supply what I know so far about
them, though there is still much to be learned, and what I write
below may be corrected in the future.
First it can be said that they are NOT whatever is described in the
disinfo site which probably has more to do with Paul
McCartney's band “Wings” than it does with the actual wingmakers.
I often think of the wingmakers as “warrior angels” and, from what I
can tell so far, they are here to assist the population on this
planet take charge of itself and realign itself with the divine
plan. I think most people participating in the EW community, while
realistic about the brutality of the current, unlawful but crumbling
'governments' in place around the globe, are tremendously optimistic
about the longterm future of this planet.
So many of us are here because we are seeking paradise.
The wingmakers seem to include angels, sylphs, and many large birds
of prey, particularly eagles and hawks. Once I saw an osprey,
flying over a local pond, and it flickered into an angel for a few
moments. In one chat I remember seeing a large hawk, while Carol
said she was seeing the same being as a sylph.
There is another group of them that appear to look like Hopi Eagle
Kachinas, that have the air of being wise elders. To me, they seem
very tall and wear long white robes. They seem to be all business
and quite stern. Yet they dearly love to hang out with the
Andromedans, who are always laughing and making jokes. The A's are
much shorter and sometimes catch a ride on the elders' feet.
The wingmakers are interested in self discipline, and seem to be
involved in time management on this planet, though there is a lot of
mystery around them. But they do know about time, and certainly it
requires self discipline to take on the responsibility of true
knowledge about time.
Al Bielek quotes from a song on his website, , “time is just a rubber
band, time is at our command.”
There is a lot of wingmaker energy in EW. When I first discovered
orgonite, the energy of the EW community roared through my house as
huge wave of winged surf. It was very, very powerful. I've also
see wingmaker energy as a huge current that is filled with ordinary
people, dressed in ordinary clothes, but with wings on their backs,
all flying with the current, seeking and doing the assigned work
they came here to do.
These are people who are waking up and taking their assignments from
the operators, taking risks, learning self discipline and
participating in the beauty around us.
The wingmaker disinfo sites make much of the 'wingmaker music' which
I couldn't understand for a long time. But this past spring I
became really sick for about a week and was very off balance. All
during the week I heard lovely music in my house. I heard flutes,
violins, and profound etheric tunes. This etheric music is well
documented in many traditions of meditation through past
ages. People have emailed me that they've heard it too. It is
there for everyone, and once heard, it seems so familiar as if it's
always been playing just out of earshot.
Visually, this music can appear as golden energy that pours down
from above, and is filled with phrases of written music and
rotating, healed dna strands.
In summary, I'd say the wingmakers are a group of the operators that
appear as angels, sylphs, large birds, wise elders, and ordinary
people. They are interested in self discipline, divine beauty,
harmony and music. They heal artificial time manipulation and
repair dna. They understand time and have learned responsibility
with that knowledge. They take action while practicing self
restraint. As isolated beings they are not 'gods', but they have
knowledge of and are committed to the divine, ordered universe and
it's beautiful loving structure, and so are clearly among the
- Hawthorn
“Thou dost preserve the stars from wrong;
And the most ancient heavens, through Thee, are fresh and strong.”
William Wordsworth; “Ode to Duty”
Joined: July 2007
Posts: 1705
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Wingmakers
Thanks a lot, Hawthorne--that was well worth the wait! Keep it
coming, please.
I stopped pestering her to write about what she sees and when Axel
was here, earlier this month, right after spending a few days with
Hawthorne and her family in Connecticut, he told me that the
Wingmakers were putting some pressure on her to post about them
Carol and I have hesitated to use the term, 'Wingmakers,' on account
of that odious disinfo site but I get a sense that Hawthorne is
breaking through that barrier for us all, now. Thanks again! I
hope it gets easier for you after this. I think my wife will
now feel encouraged to post, too. It's the more substantive folks
(especially women) who usually have to be encouraged to tell what
they know--have you noticed? Carol's access to EW is still getting
hacked but I think we're about to sort that out with Alejandro's
In the spring of 2003 I determined to gift the area of Chaco Canyon
that is reputed to be the archaeological site that relates to the
Wingmakers. A rancher evidently uncovered it a century or so ago
and it's really hard to get to. A friendly Dine man (Carol Two
Eagle suggests that 'Navajo' is an insulting term introduced by the
europoids to humiliate these wonderful. well respected people) gave
me directions when I got within ten miles or so. Carol had made an X
on the map for me to mark the Wingmaker digs, which were not near
the road but were close enough. All the roads on maps of Indian
reservations are completely innacurate, probably on purpose, which
is why I needed to ask directions from that fellow. Flying, using a
GPS, is so much easier and more efficient in cases like this. The
canyon is so wide , there, that you don't really get a sense that
you're in a canyon.
When you're going in and out of that little part of the canyon the
roads are so rough that an ordinary car probably can't get there. I
was driving a big pickup (the Zapporium). When you arrive, though,
the road through there is well graded, there are high tension
powerlines on the surface and a fedmobile falls in behind you

Of course I got out and confronted the federal (NSA, no doubt)
freaks in the car and they then dropped back far enough that they
couldn't see me shooting the TBs out the window as I drove
along. I used my spudgun so that the orgonite wouldn't be found and
There's a national park facility (underground base entrance?) at the
western end of the good road. Only fedmobiles were in the parking
lot, of course, and I got some dirty looks from the few alleged
people who were out walking around. Leaving the park facility, the
road out of there to the west turns very rough, again so I doubt
many people go to that park.
I'm retelling this story to bolster Hawthorne's mention that is an NSA website. I think I needed that
physical confirmation in 2003. By now, is passe,
sort of like the way 'Maitreya' and the entire Theosophy/masonry
effort to create a phony world religion is passe

and that's a very good sign.
We didn't know about earthpipes, yet. Those were invented in 2004
by Gail Stark in Texas, who mistook them for a new kind of
cloudbuster because when you EP an underground source of death
energy it usually pokes a little hole in the clouds right above.
Kelly, Carol and I worked out the parameters of the basic earthpipe
after that.
That was a fun day. I had a sense the Wingmakers appreciated my
effort. What might it take to get that site away from the NSA
Carol and I bought all the music CDs from the NSA website before we
met Al in February, 2001. By then we figured out that it was a
disinformation site but we still liked to listen to the music. A
year or so later, DB told me he had met some of the professional
musicians who made the music and they laughed about how people were
being fooled by the website.
Carol and I did hear Lemurians singing all night when we camped near
Panther Meadow on Mt Shasta, though (June, 2001) and Joe, who did
some gifting in Iraq before returning home recently, told me that
when he and his wife were just at the falls at the top end of the
Castle Crags trail, across the valley from Shasta, she heard singing
coming from the big rocks, there. A hyperdimensional portal to a
Lemurian city is reputed to be very close to those falls. Maybe
we're all (the entire species) getting closer to seeing something
wonderful and new in our world.
One reason I like Hawthorne's approach is that it's very inclusive
and empowering, like Carol's is. In fact all the psychics who
are involved in the international chats are this way.
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Posts: 1705
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Wingmakers
By the way, Hawthorne's place in Connecticut is directly across the
Sound from Montauk--kudos to the Wingmakers for setting that up

and for enabling Axel to visit them, there, in such a timely
way. I'm hoping they'll also enable Carol and I to get over there,
this fall.
Joined: February 2010
Posts: 19

Re: Wingmakers
I left them a small gift of two orgonite balls from Ben Morton at
the falls.
Obama visited the military base today, or at least he landed here to
do something in Seattle. That motivated me to take what little
orgonite I have at the moment and gift the large hospital here which
is rumored to have underground activity as well as an "inaccessable"
top level. There is a manmade river that flows through the middle of
the hospital with ducks geese and foliage into a large pond which
has at least three cheap looking fountains. So I tossed a bit there
and then took a tour of the hospital depositing the rest of my
orgonite balls there.
Joined: January 2009
Posts: 34

Re: Wingmakers
The Wingmaker Golden Sphere – Etheric Tool
In the chat last spring we first observed an etheric tool we've
called the Golden Sphere. It appeared in one of those chats where
many things were observed, described and confirmed independently by
different chat members. It is quite amazing to receive a beautiful
image, stay momentarily silent about it, and then read someone
else's identical description of what you are seeing.
The sphere's surface is a golden, hexagonal matrix.
The first time we saw it, we watched in amazement as the dolphins
came up underneath the sphere, swam in a circle, and drew Creator
Vortex energy directly up into the golden sphere.
The creator vortex is a huge energy vortex of powerful, uncorrupted,
Earth energy in Persia.
Then we watched golden wingmaker energy come flooding down from
above to fill the sphere. As always, that golden wingmaker energy
contained phrases of music and rotating, healed dna strands.
We understand this Golden Sphere reestablishes and protects a
timeline of “divine choice.”
For example, entities have manipulated and fabricated false
timelines in such instances as Montauk, and the Philadelphia
Experiment ( This Golden Sphere
puts things back in the hands of the operators as they guide the
flow of the time and experience.
Perhaps the sphere is based on the same core structure
as Buckminster Fuller's Bucky Balls, though the Golden Sphere I am
describing has many more faceted sides.
It seems this golden sphere is applicable to almost any situation.
And it seems most etheric helpers, not just the dolphins, can spin
the cv energy up into the golden sphere.
This golden sphere also works as a wonderful tool for self
protection. Ask for help as you try putting one around
yourself. The help will come whether or not you see it. Success
with the sphere is related to faith more than skill.
The sphere also makes a wonderful cage. Try putting an etheric pest
first in a dodecahedron, just to hold the target in place. And then
ask for the golden sphere to be built around the pest. In one case,
we watched a Jesuit grow younger and younger until he was an
innocent baby in the sphere. This phenomenon was even described by
a 3rd party not even reading the chatlog that day, but who was
simply visiting someone in the chat.
In my opinion, this Golden Sphere also seems to have something to do
with an event's, or a place's, or a person's “sphere of
experiences.” As I see it, the 'sphere of experiences' includes all
the possibilities of our lives; will I rock this way or that way in
my chair? The 'sphere of experiences' includes both options and all
the minute possibilities for each moment of a life journey. Yet
there are obviously possibilities outside that sphere of
experiences; I'll probably never join the Marines, or run for
Activating a Wingmaker Golden Sphere over a 'sphere of experiences'
allows the operators to restore their natural order to those
Further, each sphere of experiences also seems to have a center
point, where all those experiences converge, and where it is
possible for a person to know all one's experiences at once. We
found it was important to find Montauk's centerpoint of
experiences. We didn't want to just correct one timeline of
possibilities at that horrible place, and we used the golden sphere
technique to make sure it was in the hands of the operators.
Later, we looked at the centerpoint of the Philadelphia Experiment,
and it seems we helped move that event into the hands of the
Perhaps we need to be working from our own centerpoints as we do
this etheric work, for maximum effectiveness.
I'm not a physicist, but I looked with interest at Frank Meno's
information on gyrons which seemed to relate to this Golden
Lastly I want to remind everyone that this information might get
updated and corrected in the future, that anyone can use it, and
also, none of this information is new. I also know it could be
taken out of context and sound raving mad. But isn't it getting
really tiresome to apologize for looking for the truth?
I recently stumbled across this poem by Kabir, the 15th century
Indian poet, who 400 years wrote much of the etheric music he heard,
and its relation to time and love. Even the title resonated with
me, as Montauk is on the body of water currently called Long Island
“The Sound” by Kabir.
The flute of interior time is played whether we hear it or not,
What we mean by “love” is its sound coming in.
When love hits the farthest edge of excess, it reaches a wisdom.
And the fragrance of that knowledge!
It penetrates our thick bodies,
it goes through walls-
Its network of notes has a structure as if a million suns were
arranged inside.
This tune has truth in it.
Where else have you heard a sound like this?
I believe we are hearing the same music.
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Posts: 1804
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Wingmakers
I think anyone who reads this has resonated with your words,
Hawthorne. Thanks again for your insights, observations and
In today's chat we attempted to help Al Bielek. I was going to put
these comments in the 'Al Bielek' thread I started a few days ago
but I want to draw more attention to Hawthorne's words.
Last week, some un-named but very generous person gifted around the
facility where Al is a virtual prisoner and I attempted to send him
another zapper and one of Carol's pendants but Al was evidently not
able to sign for it or was not told about the delivery, so it will
remain in the post office for the next fifteen days if he doesn't
retrieve it. When we met him, almost ten years ago, it was just
before we initiated our very first gifting campaign--largely
inspired by him but he probably wasn't aware of it. With hindsight,
it occurs to me that he may also have triggered us to make our first
orgonite cloudbuster, too, because we did that a couple of weeks
We want very much for Hawthorne to meet him and will do what we can
to facilitate that but, today, none of the psychics were able to
connect with him telepathically, even though he's a skilled psychic
so we presumed he's being heavily drugged right now. Hawthorne was
hit so hard by the psi corps that she was flying blind much of the
time, today, but that simply demonstrated for the rest of us that
they're afraid of her.
Remember when the Russians specialized in this sort of large scale
incarceration of substantive people? Send Al a nice boost, okay?
Gifting one of the terrorists' own facilities is productive but not
always in the short term. Alejandro and I heavily gifted around
the federal prison in Oregon where Fritz Springmeier had been held,
for instance, and he was just released into a halfway house in
Portland, almost two years later. The feds really wanted to erase
this guy and had shifted him around their Gulag Archipelago like a
pea in a shell game.
We're going to keep revisiting Al's situation until Hawthorne is
finally able to meet him in 3D. She was ejected from the facility
not long ago. That place is quite close to the beach where, last
year, a dolphin swam around Hawthorne and her daughters (one of
whom was still in the womb). Good omen.
Fortunately, the corporate freaks are afraid to murder Al because of
his key role (in his previous body) in the Philadelphia Debacle in
Many other psychics prefer a mere mystical approach to helping folks
in that situaton but we've found it productive to also work on the
and to value feedback and followups to hone our tactics and
I call her 'Wingmaker' sometimes
If you're anything like me, you won't feel strongly inclined to
encompass this big subject (especially in regard to timelines) but
may rather just bask in the radiance of it and trust that we'll
figure it out as we move along. It sure feels right, I think you'll
agree, to be on the Good Guys' winning side. Most of us had gotten
sick and tired of seeing the sewer rats win all the time.
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Posts: 1804
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Wingmakers
I sent the signature-required package (noted in another thread) via
first class mail to Al at the 'assisted living facility' in Florida,
six days ago. Tracking the package, I learned that the package
arrived at the facility two days later but was not signed
for. Further, tyhe USPS website indicated that the package would
be held for 15 days at that post office.
I got the package back, today, and someone at the facility
(evidently) wrote 'Not Here!' on the package.
I'd sent an identical package (a Terminator zapper and a Harmonic
Protector pendant) a week earlier, first class mail, but it was
evidently also not delivered, or it was lost. I haven tracked it,
During yesterday's chat session none of the psychics were able to
connect with Al telepathically. I mentioned that to Carol when she
got home, last night, and she said, 'Don't you remember ? They
[CIA] were preventing me from connecting with him telepathically
when we were talking to him.' She told me he was able to check her
out, psychically. His energy was clean, too--not an agent. This
blockage is probably something they put in place in him a long time
I think it will be productive on a grand scale to keep pushing on
this CIA/NSA/Vryal barrier around Al. The psychics said they saw
the Wingmakers and other Operators all around him and that they were
encouraging us to keep at it. The parasitic world order evidently
has an awful lot vested in keeping him isolated, so I expect our
efforts to pay off in ways we probably can't imagine, yet.
When Hawthorne showed up a couple of years ago, with her special
connection to the Wingmakers, I figured that something like this
was afoot
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Posts: 1804
Location: Athol Republic, Idaho

Re: Wingmakers
it occurred that you might have the impression that I hijacked
Hawthorne's Wingmaker thread, so it might be helpful if I add the
reminder that when Carol and I visited with Al in Feb. of '01 we
asked him a lot about the Wingmakers, since he had indicated in his
writing and a few interviews that he had spent a year with them in
the distant future, right after he 'jumped ship' and ended up in
2063, where he was treated for something like radiation sickness for
a month. The Wingmakers evidently pulled him farther into the
future when he was well enough. He doesn't remember a lot of the
experience except to say that they expressed their concern that, in
that timeline, humanity had sort of devolved, by then and had lost
their ambition due to being taken care of by the technology
developed by the Wingmakers. When the movie, 'Idiocracy' came out a
few years ago Carol and I got the imrpession that the guy who wrote
the script is well acquainted with Al's story

--what a hoot!
I think that orgonite has moved us solidly away from that timeline
and onto one where self-accountability and personal integrity will
take a front seat in humanity's development, after this. The best
example I've seen, so far, is the work that our African cohorts are
doing. I've always envisioned that AFricans will lead the way
toward a more rewarding and productive future for humanity. As
with any progressive movement, too, its mainly the ordinary people
in this one who are creating the new paradigm. Nobody's more
ordinary than Carol and I and our cohorts are.
In the 2063 experience, Al pieced together that WWIII had not come
to pass but a limited nuclear assault had devastatred key cities, I
think including London, Washington, DC., New York and a few others
so the world's economy ground to a halt and was slowly being rebuilt
under a benevolent, minimal form of martial law. I gather that the
internet didn't develop in that timeline and that perhaps China
didn't wrest control of the world's economy and politics through a
'fire sale' purchase of the corporate world order's assets (we
believe this happened in October, 2004).
It's funny that Al told us this after Carol and I got a clear
glimpse of orgonite's potential to transform the world and thus
thoroughly undermine this parasitic corporate world order. It was
a month before we started experimenting on a large scale with that,
traveling with our first cloudbuster and 'treating' the major
vortices up the American East Coast from Florida to New England.
We didn't get a sense that Al knew or cared much about what we were
doing, though he immediately latched onto the Terminator zapper and
the Saint Buster's Button (predecessor of Carol's Crystal
Harmonizer) which he immediately put on top of his head and then
smiled broadly for the first time. What was driving Al, in those
days, to tell about all of this secret stuff was his deep remorse
over what he had done for the horrific US Alleged Gov't at Montauk.
Hawthorne has an innate passion and evidently a very specialized
psychic skill and interest in timeline 'healing' and it's easy to
see why she feels driven to meet and question Al about his
experiences and insights. I don't personally believe there's anyone
else on the planet except him who is capable or willing to discuss
this subject candidly but I do think thst the NSA/CIA/Vryal
immediately surrounded him with clever fakers as soon as he started
remembering his experiences in 1988 and sharing them publicly. I
don't personally trust any of them and some are obviously dirty;
High psychism is always subjective, which is why we rely on a group
of psychics, working in concert. None of our presentations are
'authoritative' but I think all of them are instructive for people
who rely on their own discernment and are watching for personal
accounts on the internet of experiences and insights that they can
resonate with. The vast, vast bulk of such material on the web is
so polluted and dogma-saturated that it's misleading, at best, so
most of us probably don't realize how valuable our comments are,