They have ruined the lives of just under 300,000 people
during the last decade - and numbers will increase.
The reason is simple. Two hundred tonnes of radioactive
material were fired by invading US forces into buildings,
homes, streets and gardens all over Baghdad.
The material in question is depleted uranium (DU). Left
over after natural uranium has been enriched, DU is 1.7
times denser than lead - effective in penetrating armoured
objects such as tanks.
After a DU-coated shell strikes, it goes straight through
before exploding into a burning vapour which turns to dust.
"Depleted uranium has a half life of 4.7 billion years
that means thousands upon thousands of Iraqi children will
suffer for tens of thousands of years to come. This is what
I call terrorism," says Dr Ahmad Hardan.
As a special scientific adviser to the World Health
Organisation, the United Nations and the Iraqi Ministry of
Health, Dr Hardan is the man who documented the effects of
depleted uranium in Iraq between 1991 and 2002.
"This has caused a health crisis that has
affected almost a third of a million people."
Dr Ahmad Hardan,
scientific adviser to the World Health Organisation |
But the war and occupation has doubled his workload.
Terrible history repeated
"American forces admit to using over 300 tonnes of
depleted uranium weapons in 1991. The actual figure is
closer to 800.
"This has caused a health crisis that has affected almost
a third of a million people. As if that was not enough,
America went on and used 200 tonnes more in Baghdad
alone (last) April. I don't know about other parts of Iraq,
it will take me years to document that."
Hardan is particularly angry because he says there is no
need for this type of weapon US conventional weapons are
quite capable of destroying tanks and buildings.
"In Basra, it took us two years to obtain conclusive
proof of what DU does, but we now know what to look for and
the results are terrifying."
Leukaemia has already become the most common type of
cancer in Iraq among all age groups, but is most prevalent
in the under-15 category. It has increased way above the
percentage of population growth in every single province of
Iraq without exception.
Women as young as 35 are developing breast cancer.
Sterility among men has increased tenfold.
Barely human
Depleted uranium has caused
severe deformities in babies |
But by far the most devastating effect is on unborn
children. Nothing can prepare anyone for the sight of
hundreds of preserved foetuses barely human in appearance.
There is no doubt that DU is to blame.
"All children with congenital anomalies are subjected to
karyotyping and chromosomal studies with complete genetic
back-grounding and clinical assessment. Family and
obstetrical histories are taken too. These international
studies have produced ample evidence to show that DU has
disastrous consequences."
Not only are there 200 tonnes of uranium lying around in
Baghdad, the containers which carried the ammunition were
discarded. For months afterwards, many used them to carry
water others used them to sell milk publicly.
It is already too late to reverse the effects.
After his experience in Basra, Hardan says within the
next two years he expects to see significant rises in
congenital cataracts, anopthalmia, microphthalmia, corneal
opacities and coloboma of the iris and that is just in
peoples eyes.
Add to this foetal deformities, sterility in both sexes,
an increase in miscarriages and premature births, congenital
malformations, additional abnormal organs, hydrocephaly,
anencephaly and delayed growth.
"A world famous German
cancer specialist agreed to come, only to be told
later that he would not be given permission to enter
Dr Ahmad Hardan,
scientific adviser to the World Health Organisation |
Soaring cancer rates
"I had hoped the lessons of using DU would have been
learnt especially as it is affecting American and British
troops stationed in Iraq as we speak, they are not immune to
its effects either."
If the experience of Basra is played out in the rest of
the country, Iraq is looking at an increase of more than
300% in all types of cancer over the next decade.
The signs are already here in Baghdad - the effects are
starting to be seen. Every form of cancer has jumped up at
least 10% with the exception of bone tumours and skin
cancer, which have only risen 2.6% and 9.3% respectively.
Another tragic outcome is the delayed growth of children.
Skeletal age comparisons between boys from southern Iraq and
boys from Michigan show Iraqi males are 26 months behind in
their development by the time they are 12-years-old and
girls are almost half a year behind.
"The effects of ionising radiation on growth and
development are especially significant in the prenatal
child", adds Dr Hardan. "Embryonic development is especially
Action needed
Those who have seen the effects of DU hope the US and its
allies will never use these weapons again but it seems no
such decision is likely in the foreseeable future.
Many affected foetuses are so
deformed they cannot survive |
"I arranged for a delegation from Japan's Hiroshima
hospital to come and share their expertise in the
radiological related diseases we are likely to face over
time," says Hardan. "The delegation told me the Americans
had objected and they had decided not to come.
"Similarly, a world famous German cancer specialist
agreed to come, only to be told later that he would not be
given permission to enter Iraq."
Moreover, Hardan believes the authorities need to produce
precise information about what was used and where, and there
needs to be a clean-up operation and centres for specialist
cancer treatment and radiation-related illnesses.
Iraq only has two hospitals that specialise in DU-related
illnesses, one in Basra and one in Mosul this needs to
change and soon.
"I'm fed up of delegations coming and weeping as I show
them children dying before their eyes. I want action and not
emotion. The crime has been committed and documented but
we must act now to save our children's future."